Warning, /office/calligraplan/doc/taskperformanceview.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <sect2><title/>
0002 <para>On the task performance chart, we can analyze deeply each subtask or task with the same indexes as for the project performance view.
0003 </para>
0004 <para>This is really useful in a long and complicated project.
0005 </para>
0006 <para>On the left window, you can choose every single sub-task as well as an entire task, then on the right window will appear in the corresponding chart.
0007 </para>
0008 <para>
0009   <screenshot>
0010     <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0011     <mediaobject>
0012       <imageobject>
0013         <imagedata fileref="plan_tasks_perf_chart.png" format="PNG"/>
0014       </imageobject>
0015       <textobject>
0016         <phrase></phrase>
0017       </textobject>
0018     </mediaobject>
0019   </screenshot>
0020 </para>
0021 <para>where:
0022 </para>
0023 <itemizedlist>
0024   <listitem><para>BCWS means Budgeted Cost Work Scheduled,</para></listitem>
0025   <listitem><para>BCWP means Budgeted Cost Work Performed,</para></listitem>
0026   <listitem><para>ACWP means Actual Cost Work Performed.</para></listitem>
0027 </itemizedlist>
0028 <para>All these are considered as effort in hours and costs.
0029 </para>
0030 <para>PI are the Performance Indexes, where:
0031 </para>
0032 <itemizedlist>
0033   <listitem><para>CPI is the Cost Performance Index,</para></listitem>
0034   <listitem><para>SPI is the Schedule Performance Index.</para></listitem>
0035 </itemizedlist>
0036 </sect2>