Warning, /office/calligraplan/doc/taskexecutionview.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <sect2><title/>
0002 <sect3 id="description25"><title>Description</title>
0003   <para>
0004     The Task Execution View is used to inspect task performance information.
0005   </para>
0006   <para>
0007     <screenshot>
0008       <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0009       <mediaobject>
0010         <imageobject>
0011           <imagedata fileref="plan_taskexecutionview.png" format="PNG"/>
0012         </imageobject>
0013         <textobject>
0014           <phrase></phrase>
0015         </textobject>
0016       </mediaobject>
0017     </screenshot>
0018   </para>
0019 </sect3>
0020 <sect3 id="data"><title>Data</title>
0021   <para>
0022     <informaltable>
0023       <tgroup cols="2">
0024         <tbody>
0025           <row>
0026             <entry>
0027               <para>Progress information can be edited in-line as described <link linkend="using-the-views">here</link> or by using the task progress dialog.</para>
0028             </entry>
0029             <entry>
0030               <para>
0031                 <screenshot>
0032                   <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0033                   <mediaobject>
0034                     <imageobject>
0035                       <imagedata fileref="plan_taskprogressdialog.png" format="PNG"/>
0036                     </imageobject>
0037                     <textobject>
0038                       <phrase></phrase>
0039                     </textobject>
0040                   </mediaobject>
0041                   </screenshot></para></entry>
0042           </row>
0043         </tbody>
0044       </tgroup>
0045     </informaltable>
0046   </para>
0047   <para>The following columns are displayed as default:
0048   </para>
0049   <para>
0050     <informaltable>
0051       <tgroup cols="2">
0052         <thead>
0053           <row>
0054             <entry><guilabel>Column</guilabel></entry>
0055             <entry><guilabel>Description</guilabel></entry>
0056           </row>
0057         </thead>
0058         <tbody>
0059           <row>
0060             <entry>
0061               <para>Name</para>
0062             </entry>
0063             <entry>
0064               <para>The name of the task.</para>
0065             </entry>
0066           </row>
0067           <row>
0068             <entry>
0069               <para>Status</para>
0070             </entry>
0071             <entry>
0072               <para>Task status</para>
0073             </entry>
0074           </row>
0075           <row>
0076             <entry>
0077               <para>% Completed</para>
0078             </entry>
0079             <entry>
0080               <para>Task completion</para>
0081             </entry>
0082           </row>
0083           <row>
0084             <entry>
0085               <para>Responsible</para>
0086             </entry>
0087             <entry>
0088               <para>The person responsible for this task.</para>
0089             </entry>
0090           </row>
0091           <row>
0092             <entry>
0093               <para>Assignment</para>
0094             </entry>
0095             <entry>
0096               <para>The resources assigned to this task.</para>
0097             </entry>
0098           </row>
0099           <row>
0100             <entry>
0101               <para>SPI</para>
0102             </entry>
0103             <entry>
0104               <para>Schedule Performance Index. (BCWP / BCWS)</para>
0105             </entry>
0106           </row>
0107           <row>
0108             <entry>
0109               <para>BCWS</para>
0110             </entry>
0111             <entry>
0112               <para>Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled.</para>
0113             </entry>
0114           </row>
0115           <row>
0116             <entry>
0117               <para>BCWP</para>
0118             </entry>
0119             <entry>
0120               <para>Budgeted Cost of Work Performed.</para>
0121             </entry>
0122           </row>
0123           <row>
0124             <entry>
0125               <para>ACWP</para>
0126             </entry>
0127             <entry>
0128               <para>Actual Cost of Work Performed.</para>
0129             </entry>
0130           </row>
0131           <row>
0132             <entry>
0133               <para>Description</para>
0134             </entry>
0135             <entry>
0136               <para>Task description</para></entry>
0137           </row>
0138         </tbody>
0139       </tgroup>
0140     </informaltable>
0141   </para>
0142 </sect3>
0143 <sect3 id="configuration26"><title>Configuration</title>
0144   <para>Using the context menu, the view can be configured to show / hide the Project, split / unsplit the tree view or it can be configured using the configure dialog.
0145   </para>
0146   <para>
0147     <informaltable>
0148       <tgroup cols="2">
0149         <tbody>
0150           <row>
0151             <entry>
0152               <para>The configure dialog enables you to tailor the amount of information the view displays to fit your needs.</para>
0153             </entry>
0154             <entry>
0155               <para>
0156                 <screenshot>
0157                   <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0158                   <mediaobject>
0159                     <imageobject>
0160                       <imagedata fileref="plan_taskexecutionview_config.png" format="PNG"/>
0161                     </imageobject>
0162                     <textobject>
0163                       <phrase></phrase>
0164                     </textobject>
0165                   </mediaobject>
0166                   </screenshot></para></entry>
0167           </row>
0168         </tbody>
0169       </tgroup>
0170     </informaltable>
0171   </para>
0172 </sect3>
0173 </sect2>