Warning, /office/calligraplan/doc/reportsgeneratorview.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <sect2><title/>
0002 <sect3 id="description41"><title>Description</title>
0003   <para>
0004     The Reports Generator View is used to add and generate reports in Open Document Text (odt) format.</para><para>The reports can be based on the supplied report templates, or you can <link linkend="creating-odt-report-templates">write your own templates</link>.
0005   </para>
0006   <para>
0007     <screenshot>
0008       <screeninfo></screeninfo>
0009       <mediaobject>
0010         <imageobject>
0011           <imagedata fileref="plan_reportsgeneratorview.png" format="PNG"/>
0012         </imageobject>
0013         <textobject>
0014           <phrase></phrase>
0015         </textobject>
0016       </mediaobject>
0017       </screenshot>
0018   </para>
0019   <para>
0020     <informaltable>
0021       <tgroup cols="2">
0022         <thead>
0023           <row>
0024             <entry><guilabel>Column</guilabel></entry>
0025             <entry><guilabel>Description</guilabel></entry>
0026           </row>
0027         </thead>
0028         <tbody>
0029           <row>
0030             <entry>
0031               <para>Name</para>
0032             </entry>
0033             <entry>
0034               <para>A name of your choice</para>
0035             </entry>
0036           </row>
0037           <row>
0038             <entry>
0039               <para>Report Template</para>
0040             </entry>
0041             <entry>
0042               <para>Path to the report template file. You can select one of the supplied standard templates or you can enter the filename of a template you provide yourself.</para>
0043             </entry>
0044           </row>
0045           <row>
0046             <entry>
0047               <para>Report File</para>
0048             </entry>
0049             <entry>
0050               <para>The name of the file that will be generated.</para>
0051             </entry>
0052           </row>
0053           <row>
0054             <entry>
0055               <para>Add</para>
0056             </entry>
0057             <entry>
0058               <para>Information that can be added to the report file name to distinguish it from previously generated versions. This can be:</para>
0059               <itemizedlist>
0060                 <listitem><para><emphasis>Nothing</emphasis>; use the filename as is</para></listitem>
0061                 <listitem><para><emphasis>Number</emphasis>; add a sequence number to the file name</para></listitem>
0062                 <listitem><para><emphasis>Date</emphasis>; add the current date to the file name</para></listitem>
0063               </itemizedlist>
0064             </entry>
0065           </row>
0066         </tbody>
0067       </tgroup>
0068     </informaltable>
0069   </para>
0070 </sect3>
0071 <sect3 id="toolbar42"><title>Toolbar</title>
0072   <para>The toolbar provides the means to add, remove and generate reports.
0073   </para>
0074   <para>
0075     <informaltable>
0076       <tgroup cols="3">
0077         <thead>
0078           <row>
0079             <entry><guilabel>Button</guilabel></entry>
0080             <entry><guilabel>Shortcut</guilabel></entry>
0081             <entry><guilabel>Description</guilabel></entry>
0082           </row>
0083         </thead>
0084         <tbody>
0085           <row>
0086             <entry>
0087               <para>Add Report</para>
0088             </entry>
0089             <entry>
0090               <para><keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo></para>
0091             </entry>
0092             <entry>
0093               <para>Add a new report</para>
0094             </entry>
0095           </row>
0096           <row>
0097             <entry>
0098               <para>Remove Report</para>
0099             </entry>
0100             <entry>
0101               <para><keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo></para>
0102             </entry>
0103             <entry>
0104               <para>Remove the selected report</para>
0105             </entry>
0106           </row>
0107           <row>
0108             <entry>
0109               <para>Generate Report</para>
0110             </entry>
0111             <entry>
0112               <para><keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>G</keycap></keycombo></para>
0113             </entry>
0114             <entry>
0115               <para>Generate the selected report</para></entry>
0116           </row>
0117         </tbody>
0118       </tgroup>
0119     </informaltable>
0120   </para>
0121 </sect3>
0122 </sect2>