File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 13:06:10

0001 #! /bin/sh
0002 # files must have one instance of the line with:
0003 # 'potfilename=<potfile>.pot'
0004 # potfilename= must be at the start of the line and without spaces.
0005 # It must refer to one pot file only.
0006 # Release scripts rely on this.
0007 potfilename=calligrasheets.pot
0009 source ../
0011 $EXTRACTRC --tag-group=koffice functions/*.xml >> rc.cpp
0012 $EXTRACTRC part/chart/*.ui part/dialogs/*.ui ui/dialogs/*.ui part/*.kcfg part/*.rc >> rc.cpp
0013 $EXTRACTATTR --attr=optionWidget,name ui/CellToolOptionWidgets.xml >> rc.cpp
0014 kundo2_aware_xgettext $potfilename *.cpp engine/*.cpp core/*.cpp core/ksp/*.cpp part/chart/*.cpp part/commands/*.cpp part/dialogs/*.cpp functions/*.cpp part/AboutData.h part/*.cpp part/commands/*.cpp part/dialogs/*.cpp ui/*.cpp ui/commands/*.cpp ui/dialogs/*.cpp ui/strategy/*.cpp
0015 rm -f rc.cpp