Warning, /office/calligra/plugins/formulashape/Mainpage.dox is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /**
0002  * \mainpage KoFormulaShape
0003  *
0004  * KoFormulaShape is a flake shape ( derived from KoShape ) that implements the
0005  * functionality to edit and show a mathematical formula. Its structure is highly
0006  * related to the MathML markup language which is the ODF standard format for
0007  * formula markup. At the moment the KoFormulaShape implements only parts of the
0008  * MathML presentation markup, content markup is not supported.
0009  *
0010  * Every formula is stored as a tree of element objects that more or less are
0011  * equivalent to the XML structure of the MathML they were loaded from.
0012  * The element objects are classes that derive all from the BasicElement class.
0013  * They all implement a special interface which is used to alter and navigate
0014  * through them.
0015  *
0016  * The element tree's highest element is an object of the class FormulaElement.
0017  * This object is a private member of the FormulaShape class which implements the
0018  * public interface of a flake shape.
0019  * The according flake tool is implemented in FormulaTool and contains an instance
0020  * of FormulaEditor which is used for navigating and modifying the formula.
0021  * A FormulaEditor holds a FormulaCursor that represents a position or selection in
0022  * the formula, it consists of a start position, simply called position and (if selecting)
0023  * an end position of the selection, called mark. It can be modified in various ways.
0024  * The FormulaEditor provides methods for modifying the formula according to current 
0025  * cursor. These methods return a QUndoCommand, that is wrapped in a FormulaUpdateCommand
0026  * (this has to be done to allow the notification of the shape/tool of data changes while
0027  * keeping a sepearation between the kformulalib part and the flake part) and than pushed
0028  * on the documents undo stack.
0029  *
0030  * The complex system of attributes which can be hold by the single elements is
0031  * completely implemented in the AttributeManager class. The attributes are
0032  * generically loaded and stored inside the elements and obtain and parse their
0033  * values the elements use AttributeManager which also deals with heritage and
0034  * default values.
0035  *
0036  * MathML specifies a scaling mechanism that uses the scriptlevel attribute. This
0037  * mechanism is implemented in BasicElement using the m_scalingFactor. This is the
0038  * factor the element is scaled in relation to its parent element. The value is
0039  * determined in during layouting in FormulaRenderer class.
0040  *
0041  * There are a number of elements that do not inherit BasicElement directly but
0042  * instead through RowElement. These classes are referred to as the inferred
0043  * row elements - see MathML spec 
0044  *
0045  * Most other elements, especially those with a fixed number of childs, but also
0046  * multiscript elements, inherit from FixedElement, which provides some convinience
0047  * methods and default implementations to them.
0048  *
0049  * The MathML specification lists default values for operator's layouting. These
0050  * values are different for every element class so each of them implements a
0051  * defaultAttributeValue() method that returns the hardcoded default value of the
0052  * passed attribute.
0053  *
0054  * The FormulaCursor class contains a current element, where the cursor is in.
0055  * Each element provides a certain number of cursor positions, for example
0056  * a token element has a cursor position before each letter and one at the end.
0057  * The position and mark (as mentioned above) are in respect to the cursor positions
0058  * of the current element. Each element implements a moveCursor method that is called
0059  * with the cursor position before the move (oldCursor) and the (maybe already modified)
0060  * new cursor position that the element changes according to it's direction. Additionally
0061  * each element implements a acceptCursor method, where it can specify if it accepts
0062  * this cursor (also according to it's position and selection state) or if the cursor
0063  * should be moved further.
0064  *
0065  */