File indexing completed on 2024-05-26 16:15:53

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0002  * Copyright (C) 2008 Girish Ramakrishnan <>
0003  * Copyright (C) 2009 Elvis Stansvik <>
0004  *
0005  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0006  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0007  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0008  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0009  *
0010  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0011  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0013  * Library General Public License for more details.
0014  *
0015  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0016  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0017  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0018  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0019  */
0021 #ifndef KOTEXTDEBUG_H
0022 #define KOTEXTDEBUG_H
0024 #include "kotext_export.h"
0026 class QTextDocument;
0027 class QTextFrame;
0028 class QTextBlock;
0029 class QTextTable;
0030 class QTextTableCell;
0031 class QTextFragment;
0032 class QTextCharFormat;
0033 class QTextListFormat;
0034 class QTextTableFormat;
0035 class QTextTableCellFormat;
0036 class QTextFrameFormat;
0037 class QTextBlockFormat;
0038 class QTextStream;
0039 class KoParagraphStyle;
0040 class KoCharacterStyle;
0041 class KoTableStyle;
0042 class KoTableCellStyle;
0044 #include <QMap>
0045 #include <QVariant>
0047 /**
0048  * @brief KoText debugging class.
0049  *
0050  * This class provides a set of public static functions for debugging the structure of
0051  * QTextDocument text documents. The functions will dump the structure of the document
0052  * along with any formats in a human-friendly pseudo-XML format.
0053  *
0054  * To most top level function is dumpDocument(), which can be used to dump an entire
0055  * document. In addition to that, there's a set of functions for dumping certain
0056  * parts of a document , such as dumpFrame(), dumpBlock() et.c.
0057  *
0058  * For example, the following code
0059  *
0060  * @code
0061  * QTextDocument doc;
0062  * QTextCursor cursor(&doc);
0063  * cursor.insertText("Hello!\n");
0064  * cursor.insertHtml("<b>World!</b>");
0065  *
0066  * QTextStream out(stdout);
0067  * KoTextDebug::dumpDocument(&doc, out);
0068  * @endcode
0069  *
0070  * will result in this output:
0071  *
0072  * @verbatim
0073  * <pre>
0074  * <document defaultfont="Sans Serif,9,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0">
0075  *   <frame margin="4" top-margin="4" bottom-margin="4" left-margin="4" right-margin="4" border-style="Outset">
0076  *     <block type="char">
0077  *       <fragment type="char">
0078  *         |Hello!|
0079  *       </fragment>
0080  *     </block>
0081  *
0082  *     <block type="char">
0083  *       <fragment type="char" font="weight 75">
0084  *         |World!|
0085  *       </fragment>
0086  *     </block>
0087  *   </frame>
0088  * </document>
0089  * </pre>
0090  * @endverbatim
0091  *
0092  * @sa dumpDocument(), dumpFrame(), dumpBlock()
0093  */
0094 class KOTEXT_EXPORT KoTextDebug
0095 {
0096 public:
0097     /**
0098      * Dump the structure of the specified document.
0099      *
0100      * @param document a pointer to the document that should be dumped.
0101      * @param out output stream to dump to.
0102      */
0103     static void dumpDocument(const QTextDocument *document, QTextStream &out);
0105     /**
0106      * Dump the structure of the specified frame.
0107      *
0108      * @sa frameAttributes()
0109      *
0110      * @param frame a pointer to the frame that should be dumped.
0111      * @param out output stream to dump to.
0112      */
0113     static void dumpFrame(const QTextFrame *frame, QTextStream &out);
0115     /**
0116      * Dump the structure of the specified block.
0117      *
0118      * @param block the block that should be dumped.
0119      * @param out output stream to dump to.
0120      */
0121     static void dumpBlock(const QTextBlock &block, QTextStream &out);
0123     /**
0124      * Dump the structure of the specified table.
0125      *
0126      * @sa tableAttributes()
0127      *
0128      * @param table a pointer to the table that should be dumped.
0129      * @param out output stream to dump to.
0130      */
0131     static void dumpTable(const QTextTable *table, QTextStream &out);
0133     /**
0134      * Dump the structure of the specified table cell.
0135      *
0136      * @sa tableCellAttributes()
0137      *
0138      * @param cell the cell that should be dumped.
0139      * @param out output stream to dump to.
0140      */
0141     static void dumpTableCell(const QTextTableCell &cell, QTextStream &out);
0143     /**
0144      * Dump the contents of the specified text fragment.
0145      *
0146      * @note { The fragment content will be enclosed in '|' characters. }
0147      *
0148      * @param fragment the fragment which's content should be dumped.
0149      * @param out output stream to dump to.
0150      */
0151     static void dumpFragment(const QTextFragment &fragment, QTextStream &out);
0153     /**
0154      * Get the properties of the given text character format.
0155      *
0156      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0157      *
0158      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0159      *
0160      * @param format the text character format from which properties should be fetched.
0161      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0162      */
0163     static QString textAttributes(const QTextCharFormat &format);
0165     /**
0166      * Get the properties of the given character style.
0167      *
0168      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0169      *
0170      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0171      *
0172      * @param style the character style from which properties should be fetched.
0173      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0174      */
0175     static QString textAttributes(const KoCharacterStyle &style);
0177     /**
0178      * Get the properties of the given text block format.
0179      *
0180      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0181      *
0182      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0183      *
0184      * @param format the text block format from which properties should be fetched.
0185      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0186      */
0187     static QString paraAttributes(const QTextBlockFormat &format);
0189     /**
0190      * Get the properties of the given paragraph style.
0191      *
0192      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0193      *
0194      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0195      *
0196      * @param style the paragraph style from which properties should be fetched.
0197      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0198      */
0199     static QString paraAttributes(const KoParagraphStyle &style);
0201     /**
0202      * Get the properties of the given list format.
0203      *
0204      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0205      *
0206      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0207      *
0208      * @param format the list format from which properties should be fetched.
0209      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0210      */
0211     static QString listAttributes(const QTextListFormat &format);
0213     /**
0214      * Get the properties of the given table style.
0215      *
0216      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0217      *
0218      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0219      *
0220      * @param tableStyle the table style from which properties should be fetched.
0221      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0222      */
0223     static QString tableAttributes(const KoTableStyle &tableStyle);
0225     /**
0226      * Get the properties of the given table format.
0227      *
0228      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0229      *
0230      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0231      *
0232      * @param tableFormat the table format from which properties should be fetched.
0233      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0234      */
0235     static QString tableAttributes(const QTextTableFormat &tableFormat);
0237     /**
0238      * Get the properties of the given table cell style.
0239      *
0240      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0241      *
0242      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0243      *
0244      * @param tableCellStyle the table cell style from which properties should be fetched.
0245      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0246      */
0247     static QString tableCellAttributes(const KoTableCellStyle &tableCellStyle);
0249     /**
0250      * Get the properties of the given table cell format.
0251      *
0252      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0253      *
0254      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0255      *
0256      * @param tableCellFormat the table cell format from which properties should be fetched.
0257      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0258      */
0259     static QString tableCellAttributes(const QTextTableCellFormat &tableCellFormat);
0261     /**
0262      * Get the properties of the given text frame format.
0263      *
0264      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0265      *
0266      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0267      *
0268      * @param frameFormat the text frame format from which properties should be fetched.
0269      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0270      */
0271     static QString frameAttributes(const QTextFrameFormat &frameFormat);
0273     /**
0274      * Get the inline object properties of the object with the given text character format.
0275      *
0276      * The returned string will be formatted in XML-like attribute list format:
0277      *
0278      * <pre>"key=value key2=value2 ..."</pre>
0279      *
0280      * @param textFormat the character format of the object from which properties should be fetched.
0281      * @return the formatted attribute string.
0282      */
0283     static QString inlineObjectAttributes(const QTextCharFormat &textFormat);
0285 private:
0286     KoTextDebug();
0287     KoTextDebug(const KoTextDebug&);
0288     KoTextDebug operator=(const KoTextDebug&);
0290     static const QTextDocument *document; /**< Pointer to the debugged document. */
0291     static int depth;                     /**< Current indentation depth. */
0292     static const int INDENT;              /**< Indentation value. */
0293 };
0295 #endif /* KOTEXTDEBUG_H */