Warning, file /office/calligra/libs/rdf/KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor.cpp was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0002    Copyright (C) 2010 KO GmbH <ben.martin@kogmbh.com>
0004    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0006    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0007    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0009    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012    Library General Public License for more details.
0014    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0015    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0016    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0017  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0018 */
0020 #include "KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor.h"
0022 #include "ui_KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor.h"
0024 #include "KoRdfSemanticItem.h"
0025 #include "KoRdfSemanticItemRegistry.h"
0026 #include "KoDocumentRdf.h"
0028 #include <kdebug.h>
0030 class Q_DECL_HIDDEN KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::Private
0031 {
0032 public:
0033     Ui::KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor *m_ui;
0034     KoDocumentRdf *m_rdf;
0035     QTreeWidgetItem *m_systemSheetsParentItem;
0036     QTreeWidgetItem *m_userSheetsParentItem;
0037     QMap<QString, QTreeWidgetItem*> m_systemSheetsItems;
0038     QMap<QString, QTreeWidgetItem*> m_userSheetsItems;
0039     Private()
0040             : m_systemSheetsParentItem(0)
0041             , m_userSheetsParentItem(0) {}
0042     ~Private() {
0043         delete m_ui;
0044     }
0045 };
0047 enum {
0048     ColName = 0,
0049     ColSemobj = 1,
0050     ColVar = 0,
0051     ColDesc = 1
0052 };
0054 class KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem : public QTreeWidgetItem
0055 {
0056 public:
0057     KoDocumentRdf *m_rdf;
0058     hKoSemanticStylesheet m_ss;
0059     hKoRdfSemanticItem m_si;
0060     KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem(KoDocumentRdf *rdf,
0061                                    hKoSemanticStylesheet ss,
0062                                    hKoRdfSemanticItem si,
0063                                    QTreeWidgetItem *parent,
0064                                    int type = Type)
0065             : QTreeWidgetItem(parent, type)
0066             , m_rdf(rdf)
0067             , m_ss(ss)
0068             , m_si(si)
0069     {
0070     }
0071     KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem(KoDocumentRdf *rdf,
0072                                    hKoRdfSemanticItem si,
0073                                    QTreeWidgetItem *parent,
0074                                    int type = Type)
0075         : QTreeWidgetItem(parent, type)
0076         , m_rdf(rdf)
0077         , m_ss(0)
0078         , m_si(si)
0079     {
0080     }
0082     virtual void setData(int column, int role, const QVariant &value)
0083     {
0084         if (m_ss && m_ss->isMutable() && column == ColName) {
0085             QString newName = value.toString();
0086             kDebug(30015) << "update to value:" << newName;
0087             m_ss->name(newName);
0088             QVariant v = m_ss->name();
0089             QTreeWidgetItem::setData(column, role, v);
0090         } else {
0091             QTreeWidgetItem::setData(column, role, value);
0092         }
0093     }
0094 };
0097 KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor(QWidget *parent, KoDocumentRdf *rdf)
0098         : KoDialog(parent),
0099         d(new Private())
0100 {
0101     d->m_rdf = rdf;
0102     QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this);
0103     setMainWidget(widget);
0104     d->m_ui = new Ui::KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor();
0105     d->m_ui->setupUi(widget);
0106     d->m_ui->newStylesheet->setEnabled(false);
0107     d->m_ui->deleteStylesheet->setEnabled(false);
0108     connect(d->m_ui->newStylesheet, SIGNAL(clicked()),
0109             this, SLOT(newStylesheet()));
0110     connect(d->m_ui->deleteStylesheet, SIGNAL(clicked()),
0111             this, SLOT(deleteStylesheet()));
0112     connect(d->m_ui->stylesheets, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)),
0113             this, SLOT(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)));
0114     d->m_ui->stylesheets->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
0115     d->m_ui->stylesheets->sortItems(ColName, Qt::DescendingOrder);
0116     connect(d->m_ui->definition, SIGNAL(textChanged()),
0117             this, SLOT(definitionChanged()));
0118     // setup system/user parent treewidgets
0119     d->m_systemSheetsParentItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(d->m_ui->stylesheets);
0120     d->m_systemSheetsParentItem->setText(ColName, i18n("System"));
0121     d->m_systemSheetsParentItem->setText(ColSemobj, "");
0122     d->m_ui->stylesheets->expandItem(d->m_systemSheetsParentItem);
0124     QTreeWidgetItem *treewidget = 0;
0125     treewidget = d->m_systemSheetsParentItem;
0126     const QStringList classNames = KoRdfSemanticItemRegistry::instance()->classNames();
0127     foreach (const QString &semanticClass, classNames) {
0128     hKoRdfSemanticItem si(static_cast<KoRdfSemanticItem *>(
0129         rdf->createSemanticItem(semanticClass, this).data()));
0130         KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *item = new KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem(rdf, si, treewidget);
0131         item->setText(ColName, semanticClass);
0132         d->m_systemSheetsItems[semanticClass] = item;
0133         d->m_ui->stylesheets->expandItem(item);
0134     }
0135     d->m_userSheetsParentItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(d->m_ui->stylesheets);
0136     d->m_userSheetsParentItem->setText(ColName, i18n("User"));
0137     d->m_userSheetsParentItem->setText(ColSemobj, "");
0138     d->m_ui->stylesheets->expandItem(d->m_userSheetsParentItem);
0140     treewidget = d->m_userSheetsParentItem;
0141     foreach (const QString &semanticClass, classNames) {
0142     hKoRdfSemanticItem si(static_cast<KoRdfSemanticItem *>(
0143         rdf->createSemanticItem(semanticClass, this).data()));
0144         KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem* item = new KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem(rdf, si, treewidget);
0145         item->setText(ColName, semanticClass);
0146         d->m_userSheetsItems[semanticClass] = item;
0147         d->m_ui->stylesheets->expandItem(item);
0148     }
0150     // initialize stylesheets tree
0151     foreach (const QString &semanticClass, classNames) {
0152         kDebug(30015) << "semanticClass:" << semanticClass;
0153     hKoRdfSemanticItem p(static_cast<KoRdfSemanticItem *>(
0154         rdf->createSemanticItem(semanticClass, this).data()));
0155         setupStylesheetsItems(semanticClass, p, p->stylesheets(), d->m_systemSheetsItems);
0156         setupStylesheetsItems(semanticClass, p, p->userStylesheets(), d->m_userSheetsItems, true);
0157     }
0158     connect(d->m_ui->variables, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QTableWidgetItem*)),
0159             this, SLOT(onVariableActivated(QTableWidgetItem*)));
0160     d->m_ui->variables->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(ColVar, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
0161     d->m_ui->variables->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(ColDesc, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
0162 }
0164 KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::~KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor()
0165 {
0166 }
0168 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::setupStylesheetsItems(const QString& semanticClass,
0169                                                         hKoRdfSemanticItem si,
0170                                                         const QList<hKoSemanticStylesheet> &ssl,
0171                                                         const QMap<QString, QTreeWidgetItem*> &m,
0172                                                         bool editable)
0173 {
0174     foreach (hKoSemanticStylesheet ss, ssl) {
0175         kDebug(30015) << "ss:" << ss->name();
0176         QTreeWidgetItem *parent = m[semanticClass];
0177         KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *item = new KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem(d->m_rdf, ss, si, parent);
0178         item->setText(ColName, ss->name());
0179         item->setText(ColSemobj, semanticClass);
0180         if (editable) {
0181             item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
0182         }
0183     }
0184 }
0186 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::slotOk()
0187 {
0188 }
0190 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::maskButtonsDependingOnCurrentItem(QTreeWidgetItem *current)
0191 {
0192     bool newEnabled = true;
0193     bool delEnabled = true;
0194     for (QMap< QString, QTreeWidgetItem* >::iterator iter = d->m_userSheetsItems.begin();
0195             iter != d->m_userSheetsItems.end(); ++iter) {
0196         if (iter.value() == current) {
0197             delEnabled = false;
0198         }
0199     }
0200     if (d->m_userSheetsParentItem == current) {
0201         newEnabled = false;
0202         delEnabled = false;
0203     } else {
0204         while (current) {
0205             kDebug(30015) << "current:" << current->text(ColName);
0206             if (d->m_systemSheetsParentItem == current) {
0207                 newEnabled = false;
0208                 delEnabled = false;
0209                 break;
0210             }
0211             current = current->parent();
0212         }
0213     }
0214     d->m_ui->newStylesheet->setEnabled(newEnabled);
0215     d->m_ui->deleteStylesheet->setEnabled(delEnabled);
0216 }
0218 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::definitionChanged()
0219 {
0220     if (KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *ssitem
0221             = dynamic_cast<KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem*>(d->m_ui->stylesheets->currentItem())) {
0222         if (!ssitem->m_ss) {
0223             return;
0224         }
0225         QString desc = d->m_ui->definition->toPlainText();
0226         kDebug(30015) << "ss:" << ssitem->m_ss->name() << " desc:" << desc;
0227         ssitem->m_ss->templateString(desc);
0228     }
0229 }
0231 struct SignalBlockerRAII {
0232     QObject *obj;
0233     bool oldval;
0234     SignalBlockerRAII(QObject *o)
0235             : obj(o) {
0236         oldval = obj->blockSignals(true);
0237     }
0238     ~SignalBlockerRAII() {
0239         obj->blockSignals(oldval);
0240     }
0241 };
0244 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem *previous)
0245 {
0246     SignalBlockerRAII _blocker1(d->m_ui->definition);
0247     kDebug(30015) << "current:" << current;
0248     kDebug(30015) << "previous:" << previous;
0249     maskButtonsDependingOnCurrentItem(current);
0250     if (previous) {
0251         QString desc = d->m_ui->definition->toPlainText();
0252         kDebug(30015) << "desc:" << desc;
0253         if (KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *ssitem
0254                 = dynamic_cast<KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem*>(previous)) {
0255             kDebug(30015) << "ssitem, ss?:" << ssitem->m_ss;
0257             if (ssitem->m_ss) {
0258                 ssitem->m_ss->templateString(desc);
0259             }
0260         }
0261     }
0262     if (KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *ssitem
0263             = dynamic_cast<KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem*>(current)) {
0264         d->m_ui->definition->setPlainText(QString());
0265         d->m_ui->variables->clear();
0266         if (!ssitem->m_ss) {
0267             return;
0268         }
0269         d->m_ui->definition->setPlainText(ssitem->m_ss->templateString());
0270         // update the list of available variables
0271         QTableWidget *v = d->m_ui->variables;
0272         v->clear();
0273         int row = 0;
0274         QMap<QString, QString> m;
0275         ssitem->m_si->setupStylesheetReplacementMapping(m);
0276         QMap< QString, QString >::const_iterator mi = m.constBegin();
0277         QMap< QString, QString >::const_iterator me = m.constEnd();
0278         for (; mi != me; ++mi) {
0279             QTableWidgetItem *item = 0;
0280             QString varName = mi.key();
0281             QString desc("t");
0282             v->setRowCount(row + 1);
0283             item = new QTableWidgetItem(varName);
0284             v->setItem(row, ColVar, item);
0285             item = new QTableWidgetItem(desc);
0286             v->setItem(row, ColDesc, item);
0287             ++row;
0288         }
0289     }
0290 }
0292 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::newStylesheet()
0293 {
0294     kDebug(30015);
0295     if (KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *ssitem
0296             = dynamic_cast<KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem*>(d->m_ui->stylesheets->currentItem())) {
0297         if (ssitem->m_ss) {
0298             ssitem = dynamic_cast<KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem*>(ssitem->parent());
0299             if (!ssitem) {
0300                 return;
0301             }
0302         }
0303         kDebug(30015) << ssitem;
0304         hKoRdfSemanticItem si = ssitem->m_si;
0305         hKoSemanticStylesheet ss = si->createUserStylesheet(
0306                                      QString("new stylesheet %1").arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t()), "");
0307         QTreeWidgetItem *parent = ssitem;
0308         KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem* item =
0309             new KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem(d->m_rdf, ss, si, parent);
0310         item->setText(ColName, ss->name());
0311         item->setFlags(item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
0313         d->m_ui->stylesheets->setCurrentItem(item);
0314         d->m_ui->stylesheets->scrollToItem(item);
0315     }
0316 }
0318 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::deleteStylesheet()
0319 {
0320     kDebug(30015);
0321     if (KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem *ssitem
0322             = dynamic_cast<KoSemanticStylesheetWidgetItem*>(d->m_ui->stylesheets->currentItem())) {
0323         if (!ssitem->m_ss) {
0324             return;
0325         }
0326         hKoSemanticStylesheet sheet = ssitem->m_ss;
0327         ssitem->m_ss = 0;
0328         ssitem->m_si->destroyUserStylesheet(sheet);
0329         ssitem->parent()->removeChild(ssitem);
0330     }
0331 }
0333 void KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor::onVariableActivated(QTableWidgetItem* item)
0334 {
0335     QTableWidgetItem *vitem = d->m_ui->variables->item(item->row(), ColVar);
0336     QString vtext = vitem->text();
0337     QTextCursor cursor(d->m_ui->definition->textCursor());
0338     cursor.insertText(vtext);
0339 }
0341 #include <KoSemanticStylesheetsEditor.moc>