Warning, file /office/calligra/libs/odf/KoPageFormat.cpp was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0002    Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>
0003    Copyright 2002, 2003 David Faure <faure@kde.org>
0004    Copyright 2003 Nicolas GOUTTE <goutte@kde.org>
0005    Copyright 2007 Thomas Zander <zander@kde.org>
0007    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0008    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0009    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0010    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0012    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0013    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0015    Library General Public License for more details.
0017    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0018    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0019    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0020  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0021 */
0023 #include "KoPageFormat.h"
0025 #include <klocalizedstring.h>
0026 #include <OdfDebug.h>
0028 // paper formats ( mm )
0029 #define PG_A3_WIDTH             297.0
0030 #define PG_A3_HEIGHT            420.0
0031 #define PG_A4_WIDTH             210.0
0032 #define PG_A4_HEIGHT            297.0
0033 #define PG_A5_WIDTH             148.0
0034 #define PG_A5_HEIGHT            210.0
0035 #define PG_B5_WIDTH             182.0
0036 #define PG_B5_HEIGHT            257.0
0037 #define PG_US_LETTER_WIDTH      216.0
0038 #define PG_US_LETTER_HEIGHT     279.0
0039 #define PG_US_LEGAL_WIDTH       216.0
0040 #define PG_US_LEGAL_HEIGHT      356.0
0041 #define PG_US_EXECUTIVE_WIDTH   191.0
0042 #define PG_US_EXECUTIVE_HEIGHT  254.0
0044 // To ignore the clang warning we get because we have a
0045 // for (int i = 0; pageFormatInfo[i].format != -1 ;i++)
0046 // construct and pageFormatInfo has (KoPageFormat::Format) - 1
0047 #if defined(__clang__)
0048 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare"
0049 #endif
0051 struct PageFormatInfo {
0052     KoPageFormat::Format format;
0053     QPrinter::PageSize qprinter;
0054     const char* shortName; // Short name
0055     const char* descriptiveName; // Full name, which will be translated
0056     qreal width; // in mm
0057     qreal height; // in mm
0058 };
0060 // NOTES:
0061 // - the width and height of non-ISO formats are rounded
0062 // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size can help
0063 // - the comments "should be..." indicates the exact values if the inch sizes would be multiplied by 25.4 mm/inch
0065 const PageFormatInfo pageFormatInfo[] = {
0066     { KoPageFormat::IsoA3Size,       QPrinter::A3,        "A3",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A3"),       297.0,  420.0 },
0067     { KoPageFormat::IsoA4Size,       QPrinter::A4,        "A4",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A4"),       210.0,  297.0 },
0068     { KoPageFormat::IsoA5Size,       QPrinter::A5,        "A5",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A5"),       148.0,  210.0 },
0069     { KoPageFormat::UsLetterSize,    QPrinter::Letter,    "Letter",    I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Letter"),    215.9,  279.4 },
0070     { KoPageFormat::UsLegalSize,     QPrinter::Legal,     "Legal",     I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Legal"),     215.9,  355.6 },
0071     { KoPageFormat::ScreenSize,      QPrinter::A4,        "Screen",    I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "Screen"), PG_A4_HEIGHT, PG_A4_WIDTH }, // Custom, so fall back to A4
0072     { KoPageFormat::CustomSize,      QPrinter::A4,        "Custom",    I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "Custom"), PG_A4_WIDTH, PG_A4_HEIGHT }, // Custom, so fall back to A4
0073     { KoPageFormat::IsoB5Size,       QPrinter::B5,        "B5",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B5"),       182.0,  257.0 },
0074     { KoPageFormat::UsExecutiveSize, QPrinter::Executive, "Executive", I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Executive"), 191.0,  254.0 }, // should be 190.5 mm x 254.0 mm
0075     { KoPageFormat::IsoA0Size,       QPrinter::A0,        "A0",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A0"),       841.0, 1189.0 },
0076     { KoPageFormat::IsoA1Size,       QPrinter::A1,        "A1",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A1"),       594.0,  841.0 },
0077     { KoPageFormat::IsoA2Size,       QPrinter::A2,        "A2",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A2"),       420.0,  594.0 },
0078     { KoPageFormat::IsoA6Size,       QPrinter::A6,        "A6",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A6"),       105.0,  148.0 },
0079     { KoPageFormat::IsoA7Size,       QPrinter::A7,        "A7",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A7"),        74.0,  105.0 },
0080     { KoPageFormat::IsoA8Size,       QPrinter::A8,        "A8",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A8"),        52.0,   74.0 },
0081     { KoPageFormat::IsoA9Size,       QPrinter::A9,        "A9",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO A9"),        37.0,   52.0 },
0082     { KoPageFormat::IsoB0Size,       QPrinter::B0,        "B0",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B0"),      1030.0, 1456.0 },
0083     { KoPageFormat::IsoB1Size,       QPrinter::B1,        "B1",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B1"),       728.0, 1030.0 },
0084     { KoPageFormat::IsoB10Size,      QPrinter::B10,       "B10",       I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B10"),       32.0,   45.0 },
0085     { KoPageFormat::IsoB2Size,       QPrinter::B2,        "B2",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B2"),       515.0,  728.0 },
0086     { KoPageFormat::IsoB3Size,       QPrinter::B3,        "B3",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B3"),       364.0,  515.0 },
0087     { KoPageFormat::IsoB4Size,       QPrinter::B4,        "B4",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B4"),       257.0,  364.0 },
0088     { KoPageFormat::IsoB6Size,       QPrinter::B6,        "B6",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO B6"),       128.0,  182.0 },
0089     { KoPageFormat::IsoC5Size,       QPrinter::C5E,       "C5",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO C5"),       163.0,  229.0 }, // Some sources tells: 162 mm x 228 mm
0090     { KoPageFormat::UsComm10Size,    QPrinter::Comm10E,   "Comm10",    I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Common 10"), 105.0,  241.0 }, // should be 104.775 mm x 241.3 mm
0091     { KoPageFormat::IsoDLSize,       QPrinter::DLE,       "DL",        I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "ISO DL"),       110.0,  220.0 },
0092     { KoPageFormat::UsFolioSize,     QPrinter::Folio,     "Folio",     I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Folio"),     210.0,  330.0 }, // should be 209.54 mm x 330.2 mm
0093     { KoPageFormat::UsLedgerSize,    QPrinter::Ledger,    "Ledger",    I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Ledger"),    432.0,  279.0 }, // should be 431.8 mm x 297.4 mm
0094     { KoPageFormat::UsTabloidSize,   QPrinter::Tabloid,   "Tabloid",   I18N_NOOP2("Page size", "US Tabloid"),   279.0,  432.0 },  // should be 297.4 mm x 431.8 mm
0095     {(KoPageFormat::Format) - 1, (QPrinter::PageSize) - 1,   "",   "",   -1,  -1 }
0096 };
0098 QPrinter::PageSize KoPageFormat::printerPageSize(KoPageFormat::Format format)
0099 {
0100     if (format == ScreenSize) {
0101         warnOdf << "You use the page layout SCREEN. Printing in ISO A4 Landscape.";
0102         return QPrinter::A4;
0103     }
0104     if (format == CustomSize) {
0105         warnOdf << "The used page layout (Custom) is not supported by KQPrinter. Printing in A4.";
0106         return QPrinter::A4;
0107     }
0108     return pageFormatInfo[ format ].qprinter;
0109 }
0111 qreal KoPageFormat::width(Format format, Orientation orientation)
0112 {
0113     if (orientation == Landscape)
0114         return height(format, Portrait);
0115     return pageFormatInfo[ format ].width;
0116 }
0118 qreal KoPageFormat::height(Format format, Orientation orientation)
0119 {
0120     if (orientation == Landscape)
0121         return width(format, Portrait);
0122     return pageFormatInfo[ format ].height;
0123 }
0125 KoPageFormat::Format KoPageFormat::guessFormat(qreal width, qreal height)
0126 {
0127     for (int i = 0; pageFormatInfo[i].format != -1 ;i++) {
0128         // We have some tolerance. 1pt is a third of a mm, this is
0129         // barely noticeable for a page size.
0130         if (qAbs(width - pageFormatInfo[i].width) < 1.0 && qAbs(height - pageFormatInfo[i].height) < 1.0)
0131             return pageFormatInfo[i].format;
0132     }
0133     return CustomSize;
0134 }
0136 QString KoPageFormat::formatString(Format format)
0137 {
0138     return QString::fromLatin1(pageFormatInfo[ format ].shortName);
0139 }
0141 KoPageFormat::Format KoPageFormat::formatFromString(const QString & string)
0142 {
0143     for (int i = 0; pageFormatInfo[i].format != -1 ;i++) {
0144         if (string == QString::fromLatin1(pageFormatInfo[ i ].shortName))
0145             return pageFormatInfo[ i ].format;
0146     }
0147     // We do not know the format name, so we have a custom format
0148     return CustomSize;
0149 }
0151 KoPageFormat::Format KoPageFormat::defaultFormat()
0152 {
0153     int qprinter;
0154     if (QLocale().measurementSystem() == QLocale::ImperialSystem) {
0155         qprinter = (int)QPageSize::Letter;
0156     }
0157     else {
0158         qprinter = (int)QPageSize::A4;
0159     }
0160     for (int i = 0; pageFormatInfo[i].format != -1 ;i++) {
0161         if (pageFormatInfo[ i ].qprinter == qprinter)
0162             return static_cast<Format>(i);
0163     }
0164     return IsoA4Size;
0165 }
0167 QString KoPageFormat::name(Format format)
0168 {
0169     return i18nc("Page size", pageFormatInfo[ format ].descriptiveName);
0170 }
0172 QStringList KoPageFormat::localizedPageFormatNames()
0173 {
0174     QStringList lst;
0175     for (int i = 0; pageFormatInfo[i].format != -1 ;i++) {
0176         lst << i18nc("Page size", pageFormatInfo[ i ].descriptiveName);
0177     }
0178     return lst;
0179 }
0181 QStringList KoPageFormat::pageFormatNames()
0182 {
0183     QStringList lst;
0184     for (int i = 0; pageFormatInfo[i].format != -1 ;i++) {
0185         lst << pageFormatInfo[ i ].shortName;
0186     }
0187     return lst;
0188 }