Warning, file /office/calligra/libs/main/PriorityQueue_p.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /* This file is part of the Calligra libraries
0002    Copyright (C) 2001 Werner Trobin <trobin@kde.org>
0004    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0006    License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
0008    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0009    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0011    Library General Public License for more details.
0013    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0014    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0015    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0016  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0017 */
0019 #ifndef priority_queue_h
0020 #define priority_queue_h
0022 #include <vector>
0023 #include <QString>
0024 #include <QHash>
0025 #include <MainDebug.h>
0027 // Better put all those internal classes in some namespace to avoid clashes
0028 // as the names are quite generic
0029 namespace CalligraFilter
0030 {
0032 /**
0033  * This PriorityQueue class is implemented as "upside down" heap, i.e. the item
0034  * with the \b smallest key is at the root of the heap.
0035  * If you feel like using that class your template parameter has to have a public
0036  * method "unsigned int key() const" which returns - surprise - the key. The
0037  * supplied key must not be "negative." We use UINT_MAX as value to represent
0038  * "infinity" for the shortest path algorithm.
0039  * As this is a very specialized class we also demand a "void setIndex(int i)"
0040  * method in order to tell nodes where they are located inside the heap. This is
0041  * a very ugly approach, but it's the only way I see if you want to avoid a O(n)
0042  * search for the item where you decreased the key :}
0043  * Just to make it even worse we also use a "int index() const" method
0044  * to fetch the index... well, you most likely would need one anyway ;)
0045  * Note: This class is pointer based (like QPtr*) - if you create PriorityQueue<X>
0046  * we actually operate on X* ! We don't care about deleting your pointers at all.
0047  * We don't copy them, we don't create new ones,... - you own them, you have
0048  * to delete them :)
0049  *
0050  * In case you change a key value make sure to call keyDecreased and pass the
0051  * item you touched. This is running in O(log n) according to Cormen...
0052  *
0053  * All the ideas are stol^H^H^H^Hborrowed from "Introduction to Algorithms",
0054  * Cormen et al
0055  *
0056  * @author Werner Trobin <trobin@kde.org>
0057  */
0058 template<class T> class PriorityQueue
0059 {
0061 public:
0062     PriorityQueue() {}
0063     PriorityQueue(const PriorityQueue<T>& rhs) : m_vector(rhs.m_vector) {}
0064     PriorityQueue(const QHash<QByteArray, T*>& items);
0065     ~PriorityQueue() {}
0067     PriorityQueue<T> &operator=(const PriorityQueue<T>& rhs) {
0068         m_vector = rhs.m_vector; return *this;
0069     }
0070     bool operator==(const PriorityQueue<T>& rhs) {
0071         return m_vector == rhs.m_vector;
0072     }
0074     unsigned int count() const {
0075         return m_vector.size();
0076     }
0077     bool isEmpty() const {
0078         return m_vector.empty();
0079     }
0081     void insert(T* item);
0083     /**
0084      * Call this method after decreasing the key of the ith item. The heap
0085      * properties will no longer be valid if you either forget to call that
0086      * method, or if you \b increase the key.
0087      */
0088     void keyDecreased(T* item);
0090     T* extractMinimum();
0092     /**
0093      * For debugging
0094      */
0095     void dump() const;
0097 private:
0098     // Note: We have to use a 1-based index here, and we get/return 0-based ones
0099     int parent(int i) {
0100         return ((i + 1) >> 1) - 1;
0101     }
0102     int left(int i) {
0103         return ((i + 1) << 1) - 1;
0104     }
0105     int right(int i) {
0106         return (i + 1) << 1;
0107     }
0109     void heapify(int i);
0110     // item is !=0 for sure
0111     void bubbleUp(T* item, int i);
0112     // Builds the heap in the vector in O(n)
0113     void buildHeap();
0115     std::vector<T*> m_vector;
0116 };
0118 template<class T>
0119 PriorityQueue<T>::PriorityQueue(const QHash<QByteArray, T*>& items)
0120     : m_vector(items.count())
0121 {
0122     // First put all items into the vector
0123     int i = 0;
0124     foreach(T* item, items) {
0125         item->setIndex(i);
0126         m_vector[i] = item;
0127         ++i;
0128     }
0129     // Then build a heap in that vector
0130     buildHeap();
0131 }
0133 template<class T>
0134 void PriorityQueue<T>::insert(T* item)
0135 {
0136     if (!item)
0137         return;
0138     int i = static_cast<int>(m_vector.size());
0139     m_vector.push_back(0);   // extend the vector by one item. i == index to the last item
0140     bubbleUp(item, i);
0141 }
0143 template<class T>
0144 void PriorityQueue<T>::keyDecreased(T* item)
0145 {
0146     if (!item)
0147         return;
0148     bubbleUp(item, item->index());
0149 }
0151 template<class T>
0152 T* PriorityQueue<T>::extractMinimum()
0153 {
0154     if (m_vector.size() < 1)
0155         return 0;
0156     T *min = m_vector[ 0 ];
0157     m_vector[ 0 ] = m_vector[ m_vector.size() - 1 ];
0158     // update the index
0159     m_vector[ 0 ]->setIndex(0);
0160     m_vector.pop_back();
0161     heapify(0);
0162     return min;
0163 }
0165 template<class T>
0166 void PriorityQueue<T>::dump() const
0167 {
0168     debugFilter << "++++++++++ PriorityQueue::dump ++++++++++";
0169     QString out;
0170     int size = static_cast<int>(m_vector.size());
0171     for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
0172         if (m_vector[ i ]->index() != i)
0173             out += " ERROR: index out of sync. Should be " + QString::number(i) + ", is " +
0174                    QString::number(m_vector[ i ]->index()) + ". ";
0175         out += QString::number(m_vector[ i ]->key()) + ", ";
0176     }
0177     if (out.isEmpty())
0178         out = "(empty)";
0179     debugFilter << out;
0180     debugFilter << "++++++++++ PriorityQueue::dump (done) ++++++++++";
0181 }
0183 template<class T>
0184 void PriorityQueue<T>::heapify(int i)
0185 {
0186     int l = left(i);
0187     int r = right(i);
0188     int size = static_cast<int>(m_vector.size());
0189     int smallest;
0191     if (l < size && i < size && m_vector[ l ]->key() < m_vector[ i ]->key())
0192         smallest = l;
0193     else
0194         smallest = i;
0196     if (r < size && m_vector[ r ]->key() < m_vector[ smallest ]->key())
0197         smallest = r;
0199     if (smallest != i) {
0200         T* tmp = m_vector[ i ];
0201         m_vector[ i ] = m_vector[ smallest ];
0202         // update indices
0203         m_vector[ i ]->setIndex(i);
0204         tmp->setIndex(smallest);
0205         m_vector[ smallest ] = tmp;
0206         heapify(smallest);
0207     }
0208 }
0210 template<class T>
0211 void PriorityQueue<T>::bubbleUp(T* item, int i)
0212 {
0213     int p = parent(i);
0214     while (i > 0 && m_vector[ p ]->key() > item->key()) {
0215         // update the index first
0216         m_vector[ p ]->setIndex(i);
0217         // then move it there
0218         m_vector[ i ] = m_vector[ p ];
0219         i = p;
0220         p = parent(i);
0221     }
0222     item->setIndex(i);
0223     m_vector[ i ] = item;
0224 }
0226 template<class T>
0227 void PriorityQueue<T>::buildHeap()
0228 {
0229     // from size() / 2 down to 1
0230     for (int i = (m_vector.size() >> 1) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
0231         heapify(i);
0232 }
0234 } // namespace Calligra
0236 #endif // priority_queue_h