Warning, file /office/calligra/libs/flake/KoShape.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /* This file is part of the KDE project
0002    Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Thorsten Zachmann <zachmann@kde.org>
0003    Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 C. Boemann <cbo@boemann.dk>
0004    Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Thomas Zander <zander@kde.org>
0005    Copyright (C) 2007-2009,2011 Jan Hambrecht <jaham@gmx.net>
0007    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0008    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0009    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0010    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
0012    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0013    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0015    Library General Public License for more details.
0017    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0018    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0019    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
0020  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0021 */
0023 #ifndef KOSHAPE_H
0024 #define KOSHAPE_H
0026 #include "KoFlake.h"
0027 #include "KoConnectionPoint.h"
0029 #include <QSharedPointer>
0030 #include <QSet>
0031 #include <QMetaType>
0033 #include <KoXmlReaderForward.h>
0034 #include <KoShapeBackground.h>
0036 //#include <KoSnapData.h>
0038 #include "flake_export.h"
0040 class QPainter;
0041 class QRectF;
0042 class QPainterPath;
0043 class QTransform;
0045 class KoShapeContainer;
0046 class KoShapeStrokeModel;
0047 class KoShapeUserData;
0048 class KoViewConverter;
0049 class KoShapeApplicationData;
0050 class KoShapeSavingContext;
0051 class KoShapeLoadingContext;
0052 class KoGenStyle;
0053 class KoShapeShadow;
0054 class KoEventAction;
0055 class KoShapePrivate;
0056 class KoFilterEffectStack;
0057 class KoSnapData;
0058 class KoClipPath;
0059 class KoShapePaintingContext;
0060 class KoShapeAnchor;
0061 class KoBorder;
0062 struct KoInsets;
0065 /**
0066  *
0067  * Base class for all flake shapes. Shapes extend this class
0068  * to allow themselves to be manipulated. This class just represents
0069  * a graphical shape in the document and can be manipulated by some default
0070  * tools in this library.
0071  *
0072  * Due to the limited responsibility of this class, the extending object
0073  * can have any data backend and is responsible for painting itself.
0074  *
0075  * We strongly suggest that any extending class will use a Model View
0076  * Controller (MVC) design where the View part is all in this class, as well
0077  * as the one that inherits from this one.  This allows the data that rests
0078  * in the model to be reused in different parts of the document. For example
0079  * by having two flake objects that show that same data. Or each showing a section of it.
0080  *
0081  * The KoShape data is completely in postscript-points (pt) (see KoUnit
0082  * for conversion methods to and from points).
0083  * This image will explain the real-world use of the shape and its options.
0084  * <img src="../flake_shape_coords.png" align=center><br>
0085  *  The Rotation center can be returned with absolutePosition()
0086  *
0087  * <p>Flake objects can be created in three ways:
0088  * <ul>
0089  *   <li>a simple new KoDerivedFlake(),
0090  *   <li>through an associated tool,
0091  *   <li>through a factory
0092  * </ul>
0093  *
0094  * <h1>Shape interaction notifications</h1>
0095  * We had several notification methods that allow your shape to be notified of changes in other
0096  * shapes positions or rotation etc.
0097  * <ol><li>The most general is KoShape::shapeChanged().<br>
0098  * a virtual method that you can use to check various changed to your shape made by tools or otherwise.</li>
0099  * <li>for shape hierarchies the parent may receive a notification when a child was modified.
0100  *  This is done though KoShapeContainerModel::childChanged()</li>
0101  * <li>any shape that is at a similar position as another shape there is collision detection.
0102  * You can register your shape to be sensitive to any changes like moving or whatever to
0103  * <b>other</b> shapes that intersect yours.
0104  * Such changes will then be notified to your shape using the method from (1) You should call
0105  * KoShape::setCollisionDetection(bool) to enable this.
0106  * </ol>
0107  */
0108 class FLAKE_EXPORT KoShape
0109 {
0110 public:
0111     /// Used by shapeChanged() to select which change was made
0112     enum ChangeType {
0113         PositionChanged, ///< used after a setPosition()
0114         RotationChanged, ///< used after a setRotation()
0115         ScaleChanged,   ///< used after a scale()
0116         ShearChanged,   ///< used after a shear()
0117         SizeChanged,    ///< used after a setSize()
0118         GenericMatrixChange,    ///< used after the matrix was changed without knowing which property explicitly changed
0119         ParentChanged,   ///< used after a setParent()
0120         CollisionDetected, ///< used when another shape moved in our boundingrect
0121         Deleted, ///< the shape was deleted
0122         StrokeChanged, ///< the shapes stroke has changed
0123         BackgroundChanged, ///< the shapes background has changed
0124         ShadowChanged, ///< the shapes shadow has changed
0125         BorderChanged, ///< the shapes border has changed
0126         ParameterChanged, ///< the shapes parameter has changed (KoParameterShape only)
0127         ContentChanged, ///< the content of the shape changed e.g. a new image inside a pixmap/text change inside a textshape
0128         TextRunAroundChanged, ///< used after a setTextRunAroundSide()
0129         ChildChanged, ///< a child of a container was changed/removed. This is propagated to all parents
0130         ConnectionPointChanged, ///< a connection point has changed
0131         ClipPathChanged, ///< the shapes clip path has changed
0132         ControlPointChanged, ///< a control point has changed
0133         BeginResize, ///< used during resizing
0134         EndResize ///< used during resizing
0135     };
0137     /// The behavior text should do when intersecting this shape.
0138     enum TextRunAroundSide {
0139         BiggestRunAroundSide,   ///< Run other text around the side that has the most space
0140         LeftRunAroundSide,      ///< Run other text around the left side of the frame
0141         RightRunAroundSide,     ///< Run other text around the right side of the frame
0142         EnoughRunAroundSide,      ///< Run other text dynamically around both sides of the shape, provided there is sufficient space left
0143         BothRunAroundSide,      ///< Run other text around both sides of the shape
0144         NoRunAround,            ///< The text will be completely avoiding the frame by keeping the horizontal space that this frame occupies blank.
0145         RunThrough              ///< The text will completely ignore the frame and layout as if it was not there
0146     };
0148     /// The behavior text should do when intersecting this shape.
0149     enum TextRunAroundContour {
0150         ContourBox,     /// Run other text around a bounding rect of the outline
0151         ContourFull,   ///< Run other text around also on the inside
0152         ContourOutside   ///< Run other text around only on the outside
0153     };
0155     /**
0156      * TODO
0157      */
0158     enum RunThroughLevel {
0159         Background,
0160         Foreground
0161     };
0163     /// Fine grained control of allowed user interactions
0164     enum AllowedInteraction {
0165         MoveAllowed = 1,            ///< Moving the shape is allowed
0166         ResizeAllowed = 2,          ///< Resizing the shape is allowed
0167         ShearingAllowed = 4,        ///< Sharing the shape is allowed
0168         RotationAllowed = 8,        ///< Rotating the shape is allowed
0169         SelectionAllowed = 16,      ///< Selecting the shape is allowed
0170         ContentChangeAllowed = 32,  ///< Editing the content is allowed
0171         DeletionAllowed = 64        ///< Deleting the shape is allowed
0172     };
0173     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AllowedInteractions, AllowedInteraction)
0174     Q_FLAGS(AllowedInteractions)
0176     /**
0177      * @brief Constructor
0178      */
0179     KoShape();
0181     /**
0182      * @brief Destructor
0183      */
0184     virtual ~KoShape();
0186     /**
0187      * @brief Paint the shape
0188      * The class extending this one is responsible for painting itself.  Since we do not
0189      * assume the shape is square the paint must also clear its background if it will draw
0190      * something transparent on top.
0191      * This can be done with a method like:
0192      * <code>
0193        painter.fillRect(converter.normalToView(QRectF(QPointF(0.0,0.0), size())), background());</code>
0194      * Or equivalent for non-square objects.
0195      * Do note that a shape's top-left is always at coordinate 0,0. Even if the shape itself is rotated
0196      * or translated.
0197      * @param painter used for painting the shape
0198      * @param converter to convert between internal and view coordinates.
0199      * @see applyConversion()
0200      * @param paintcontext the painting context.
0201      */
0202     virtual void paint(QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter, KoShapePaintingContext &paintcontext) = 0;
0204     /**
0205      * @brief Paint the shape's border
0206      * This is a helper function that could be called from the paint() method of all shapes. 
0207      * @param painter used for painting the shape
0208      * @param converter to convert between internal and view coordinates.
0209      * @see applyConversion()
0210      */
0211     virtual void paintBorder(QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter);
0213     /**
0214      * Load a shape from odf
0215      *
0216      * @param context the KoShapeLoadingContext used for loading
0217      * @param element element which represents the shape in odf
0218      *
0219      * @return false if loading failed
0220      */
0221     virtual bool loadOdf(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context) = 0;
0223     /**
0224      * @brief store the shape data as ODF XML.
0225      * This is the method that will be called when saving a shape as a described in
0226      * OpenDocument 9.2 Drawing Shapes.
0227      * @see saveOdfAttributes
0228      */
0229     virtual void saveOdf(KoShapeSavingContext &context) const = 0;
0231     /**
0232      * This method can be used while saving the shape as ODF to add the data
0233      * stored on this shape to the current element.
0234      *
0235      * @param context the context for the current save.
0236      * @param attributes a number of OdfAttribute items to state which attributes to save.
0237      * @see saveOdf
0238      */
0239     void saveOdfAttributes(KoShapeSavingContext &context, int attributes) const;
0241     /**
0242      * This method can be used while saving the shape as Odf to add common child elements
0243      *
0244      * The office:event-listeners and draw:glue-point are saved.
0245      * @param context the context for the current save.
0246      */
0247     void saveOdfCommonChildElements(KoShapeSavingContext &context) const;
0249     /**
0250      * This method can be used to save contour data from the clipPath()
0251      *
0252      * The draw:contour-polygon or draw:contour-path elements are saved.
0253      * @param context the context for the current save.
0254      * @param originalSize the original size of the unscaled image.
0255      */
0256     void saveOdfClipContour(KoShapeSavingContext &context, const QSizeF &originalSize) const;
0258     /**
0259      * @brief Scale the shape using the zero-point which is the top-left corner.
0260      * @see position()
0261      *
0262      * @param sx scale in x direction
0263      * @param sy scale in y direction
0264      */
0265     void scale(qreal sx, qreal sy);
0267     /**
0268      * @brief Rotate the shape (relative)
0269      *
0270      * The shape will be rotated from the current rotation using the center of the shape using the size()
0271      *
0272      * @param angle change the angle of rotation increasing it with 'angle' degrees
0273      */
0274     void rotate(qreal angle);
0276     /**
0277      * Return the current rotation in degrees.
0278      * It returns NaN if the shape has a shearing or scaling transformation applied.
0279      */
0280     qreal rotation() const;
0282     /**
0283      * @brief Shear the shape
0284      * The shape will be sheared using the zero-point which is the top-left corner.
0285      * @see position()
0286      *
0287      * @param sx shear in x direction
0288      * @param sy shear in y direction
0289      */
0290     void shear(qreal sx, qreal sy);
0292     /**
0293      * @brief Resize the shape
0294      *
0295      * @param size the new size of the shape.  This is different from scaling as
0296      * scaling is a so called secondary operation which is comparable to zooming in
0297      * instead of changing the size of the basic shape.
0298      * Easiest example of this difference is that using this method will not distort the
0299      * size of pattern-fills and strokes.
0300      */
0301     virtual void setSize(const QSizeF &size);
0303     /**
0304      * @brief Get the size of the shape in pt.
0305      *
0306      * The size is in shape coordinates.
0307      *
0308      * @return the size of the shape as set by setSize()
0309      */
0310     virtual QSizeF size() const;
0312     /**
0313      * @brief Set the position of the shape in pt
0314      *
0315      * @param position the new position of the shape
0316      */
0317     virtual void setPosition(const QPointF &position);
0319     /**
0320      * @brief Get the position of the shape in pt
0321      *
0322      * @return the position of the shape
0323      */
0324     QPointF position() const;
0326     /**
0327      * @brief Check if the shape is hit on position
0328      * @param position the position where the user clicked.
0329      * @return true when it hits.
0330      */
0331     virtual bool hitTest(const QPointF &position) const;
0333     /**
0334      * @brief Get the bounding box of the shape
0335      *
0336      * This includes the line width and the shadow of the shape
0337      *
0338      * @return the bounding box of the shape
0339      */
0340     virtual QRectF boundingRect() const;
0342     /**
0343      * @brief Add a connector point to the shape
0344      *
0345      * A connector is a place on the shape that allows a graphical connection to be made
0346      * using a line, for example.
0347      *
0348      * @param point the connection point to add
0349      * @return the id of the new connection point
0350      */
0351     int addConnectionPoint(const KoConnectionPoint &point);
0353     /**
0354      * Sets data of connection point with specified id.
0355      *
0356      * The position of the connector is restricted to the bounding rectangle of the shape.
0357      * When setting a default connection point, the new position is ignored, as these
0358      * are fixed at their default position.
0359      * The function will insert a new connection point if the specified id was not used
0360      * before.
0361      *
0362      * @param connectionPointId the id of the connection point to set
0363      * @param point the connection point data
0364      * @return false if specified connection point id is invalid, else true
0365      */
0366     bool setConnectionPoint(int connectionPointId, const KoConnectionPoint &point);
0368     /// Checks if a connection point with the specified id exists
0369     bool hasConnectionPoint(int connectionPointId) const;
0371     /// Returns connection point with specified connection point id
0372     KoConnectionPoint connectionPoint(int connectionPointId) const;
0374     /**
0375      * Return a list of the connection points that have been added to this shape.
0376      * All the points are relative to the shape position, see absolutePosition().
0377      * @return a list of the connectors that have been added to this shape.
0378      */
0379     KoConnectionPoints connectionPoints() const;
0381     /// Removes connection point with specified id
0382     void removeConnectionPoint(int connectionPointId);
0384     /// Removes all connection points
0385     void clearConnectionPoints();
0387     /**
0388      * Add a event action
0389      */
0390     void addEventAction(KoEventAction *action);
0392     /**
0393      * Remove a event action
0394      */
0395     void removeEventAction(KoEventAction *action);
0397     /**
0398      * Get all event actions
0399      */
0400     QSet<KoEventAction *> eventActions() const;
0402     /**
0403      * Return the side text should flow around this shape. This implements the ODF style:wrap
0404      * attribute that specifies how text is displayed around a frame or graphic object.
0405      */
0406     TextRunAroundSide textRunAroundSide() const;
0408     /**
0409      * Set the side text should flow around this shape.
0410      * @param side the requested side
0411      * @param runThrough run through the foreground or background or...
0412      */
0413     void setTextRunAroundSide(TextRunAroundSide side, RunThroughLevel runThrough = Background);
0415     /**
0416      * The space between this shape's left edge and text that runs around this shape.
0417      * @return the space around this shape to keep free from text
0418      */
0419     qreal textRunAroundDistanceLeft() const;
0421     /**
0422      * Set the space between this shape's left edge and the text that run around this shape.
0423      * @param distance the space around this shape to keep free from text
0424      */
0425     void setTextRunAroundDistanceLeft(qreal distance);
0427     /**
0428      * The space between this shape's top edge and text that runs around this shape.
0429      * @return the space around this shape to keep free from text
0430      */
0431     qreal textRunAroundDistanceTop() const;
0433     /**
0434      * Set the space between this shape's top edge and the text that run around this shape.
0435      * @param distance the space around this shape to keep free from text
0436      */
0437     void setTextRunAroundDistanceTop(qreal distance);
0439     /**
0440      * The space between this shape's right edge and text that runs around this shape.
0441      * @return the space around this shape to keep free from text
0442      */
0443     qreal textRunAroundDistanceRight() const;
0445     /**
0446      * Set the space between this shape's right edge and the text that run around this shape.
0447      * @param distance the space around this shape to keep free from text
0448      */
0449     void setTextRunAroundDistanceRight(qreal distance);
0451     /**
0452      * The space between this shape's bottom edge and text that runs around this shape.
0453      * @return the space around this shape to keep free from text
0454      */
0455     qreal textRunAroundDistanceBottom() const;
0457     /**
0458      * Set the space between this shape's bottom edge and the text that run around this shape.
0459      * @param distance the space around this shape to keep free from text
0460      */
0461     void setTextRunAroundDistanceBottom(qreal distance);
0463     /**
0464      * Return the threshold above which text should flow around this shape.
0465      * The text will not flow around the shape on a side unless the space available on that side
0466      * is above this threshold. Only used when the text run around side is EnoughRunAroundSide.
0467      * @return threshold the threshold
0468      */
0469     qreal textRunAroundThreshold() const;
0471     /**
0472      * Set the threshold above which text should flow around this shape.
0473      * The text will not flow around the shape on a side unless the space available on that side
0474      * is above this threshold. Only used when the text run around side is EnoughRunAroundSide.
0475      * @param threshold the new threshold
0476      */
0477     void setTextRunAroundThreshold(qreal threshold);
0479     /**
0480      * Return the how tight text run around is done around this shape.
0481      * @return the contour
0482      */
0483     TextRunAroundContour textRunAroundContour() const;
0485     /**
0486      * Set how tight text run around is done around this shape.
0487      * @param contour the new contour
0488      */
0489     void setTextRunAroundContour(TextRunAroundContour contour);
0491     /**
0492      * Set the KoShapeAnchor
0493      */
0494     void setAnchor(KoShapeAnchor *anchor);
0496     /**
0497      * Return the KoShapeAnchor, or 0
0498      */
0499     KoShapeAnchor *anchor() const;
0501     /**
0502      * Set the minimum height of the shape.
0503      * Currently it's not respected but only for informational purpose
0504      * @param height the minimum height of the frame.
0505      */
0506     void setMinimumHeight(qreal height);
0508     /**
0509      * Return the minimum height of the shape.
0510      * @return the minimum height of the shape. Default is 0.0.
0511      */
0512     qreal minimumHeight() const;
0515     /**
0516      * Set the background of the shape.
0517      * A shape background can be a plain color, a gradient, a pattern, be fully transparent
0518      * or have a complex fill.
0519      * Setting such a background will allow the shape to be filled and will be able to tell
0520      * if it is transparent or not.
0521      * @param background the new shape background.
0522      */
0523     void setBackground(QSharedPointer<KoShapeBackground> background);
0525     /**
0526      * return the brush used to paint te background of this shape with.
0527      * A QBrush can have a plain color, be fully transparent or have a complex fill.
0528      * setting such a brush will allow the shape to fill itself using that brush and
0529      * will be able to tell if its transparent or not.
0530      * @return the background-brush
0531      */
0532     QSharedPointer<KoShapeBackground> background() const;
0534     /**
0535      * Returns true if there is some transparency, false if the shape is fully opaque.
0536      * The default implementation will just return if the background has some transparency,
0537      * you should override it and always return true if your shape is not square.
0538      * @return if the shape is (partly) transparent.
0539      */
0540     virtual bool hasTransparency() const;
0542     /**
0543      * Sets shape level transparency.
0544      * @param transparency the new shape level transparency
0545      */
0546     void setTransparency(qreal transparency);
0548     /**
0549      * Returns the shape level transparency.
0550      * @param recursive when true takes the parents transparency into account
0551      */
0552     qreal transparency(bool recursive=false) const;
0554     /**
0555      * Retrieve the z-coordinate of this shape.
0556      * The zIndex property is used to determine which shape lies on top of other objects.
0557      * An shape with a higher z-order is on top, and can obscure another shape.
0558      * @return the z-index of this shape.
0559      * @see setZIndex()
0560      */
0561     int zIndex() const;
0563     /**
0564      * Set the z-coordinate of this shape.
0565      * The zIndex property is used to determine which shape lies on top of other objects.
0566      * An shape with a higher z-order is on top, and can obscure, another shape.
0567      * <p>Just like two objects having the same x or y coordinate will make them 'touch',
0568      * so will two objects with the same z-index touch on the z plane.  In layering the
0569      * shape this, however, can cause a little confusion as one always has to be on top.
0570      * The layering if two overlapping objects have the same index is implementation dependent
0571      * and probably depends on the order in which they are added to the shape manager.
0572      * @param zIndex the new z-index;
0573      */
0574     void setZIndex(int zIndex);
0576     /**
0577      * Retrieve the run through property of this shape.
0578      * The run through property is used to determine if the shape is behind, inside or before text.
0579      * @return the run through of this shape.
0580      */
0581     int runThrough();
0583     /**
0584      * Set the run through property of this shape.
0585      * The run through property is used to determine if the shape is behind, inside or before text.
0586      * @param runThrough the new run through;
0587      */
0588     virtual void setRunThrough(short int runThrough);
0590     /**
0591      * Changes the Shape to be visible or invisible.
0592      * Being visible means being painted, as well as being used for
0593      *   things like guidelines or searches.
0594      * @param on when true; set the shape to be visible.
0595      * @see setGeometryProtected(), setContentProtected(), setSelectable()
0596      */
0597     void setVisible(bool on);
0598     /**
0599      * Returns current visibility state of this shape.
0600      * Being visible means being painted, as well as being used for
0601      *   things like guidelines or searches.
0602      * @param recursive when true, checks visibility recursively
0603      * @return current visibility state of this shape.
0604      * @see isGeometryProtected(), isContentProtected(), isSelectable()
0605      */
0606     bool isVisible(bool recursive = false) const;
0608     /**
0609      * Changes the shape to be printable or not. The default is true.
0610      *
0611      * If a Shape's print flag is true, the shape will be printed. If
0612      * false, the shape will not be printed. If a shape is not visible (@see isVisible),
0613      * it isPrinted will return false, too.
0614      */
0615     void setPrintable(bool on);
0617     /**
0618      * Returns the current printable state of this shape.
0619      *
0620      * A shape can be visible but not printable, not printable and not visible
0621      * or visible and printable, but not invisible and still printable.
0622      *
0623      * @return current printable state of this shape.
0624      */
0625     bool isPrintable() const;
0627     /**
0628      * Makes it possible for the user to select this shape.
0629      * This parameter defaults to true.
0630      * @param selectable when true; set the shape to be selectable by the user.
0631      * @see setGeometryProtected(), setContentProtected(), setVisible()
0632      */
0633     void setSelectable(bool selectable);
0635     /**
0636      * Returns if this shape can be selected by the user.
0637      * @return true only when the object is selectable.
0638      * @see isGeometryProtected(), isContentProtected(), isVisible()
0639      */
0640     bool isSelectable() const;
0642     /**
0643      * Tells the shape to have its position/rotation and size protected from user-changes.
0644      * The geometry being protected means the user can not change shape or position of the
0645      * shape. This includes any matrix operation such as rotation.
0646      * @param on when true; set the shape to have its geometry protected.
0647      * @see setContentProtected(), setSelectable(), setVisible()
0648      */
0649     void setGeometryProtected(bool on);
0651     /**
0652      * Returns current geometry protection state of this shape.
0653      * The geometry being protected means the user can not change shape or position of the
0654      * shape. This includes any matrix operation such as rotation.
0655      * @return current geometry protection state of this shape.
0656      * @see isContentProtected(), isSelectable(), isVisible()
0657      */
0658     bool isGeometryProtected() const;
0660     /**
0661      * Marks the shape to have its content protected against editing.
0662      * Content protection is a hint for tools to disallow the user editing the content.
0663      * @param protect when true set the shapes content to be protected from user modification.
0664      * @see setGeometryProtected(), setSelectable(), setVisible()
0665      */
0666     void setContentProtected(bool protect);
0668     /**
0669      * Returns current content protection state of this shape.
0670      * Content protection is a hint for tools to disallow the user editing the content.
0671      * @return current content protection state of this shape.
0672      * @see isGeometryProtected(), isSelectable(), isVisible()
0673      */
0674     bool isContentProtected() const;
0676     /**
0677      * Returns the parent, or 0 if there is no parent.
0678      * @return the parent, or 0 if there is no parent.
0679      */
0680     KoShapeContainer *parent() const;
0682     /**
0683      * Set the parent of this shape.
0684      * @param parent the new parent of this shape. Can be 0 if the shape has no parent anymore.
0685      */
0686     void setParent(KoShapeContainer *parent);
0688     /**
0689      * Request a repaint to be queued.
0690      * The repaint will be of the entire Shape, including its selection handles should this
0691      * shape be selected.
0692      * <p>This method will return immediately and only request a repaint. Successive calls
0693      * will be merged into an appropriate repaint action.
0694      */
0695     virtual void update() const;
0697     /**
0698      * Request a repaint to be queued.
0699      * The repaint will be restricted to the parameters rectangle, which is expected to be
0700      * in points (the internal coordinates system of KoShape) and it is expected to be
0701      * normalized.
0702      * <p>This method will return immediately and only request a repaint. Successive calls
0703      * will be merged into an appropriate repaint action.
0704      * @param rect the rectangle (in pt) to queue for repaint.
0705      */
0706     virtual void update(const QRectF &rect) const;
0708     /// Used by compareShapeZIndex() to order shapes
0709     enum ChildZOrderPolicy {
0710         ChildZDefault,
0711         ChildZParentChild = ChildZDefault, ///< normal parent/child ordering
0712         ChildZPassThrough ///< children are considered equal to this shape
0713     };
0715    /**
0716     * Returns if during compareShapeZIndex() how this shape portrays the values
0717     * of its children. The default behaviour is to let this shape's z values take
0718     * the place of its children values, so you get a parent/child relationship.
0719     * The children are naturally still ordered relatively to their z values
0720     *
0721     * But for special cases (like Calligra's TextShape) it can be overloaded to return
0722     * ChildZPassThrough which means the children keep their own z values
0723     * @returns the z order policy of this shape
0724     */
0725     virtual ChildZOrderPolicy childZOrderPolicy();
0727     /**
0728      * This is a method used to sort a list using the STL sorting methods.
0729      * @param s1 the first shape
0730      * @param s2 the second shape
0731      */
0732     static bool compareShapeZIndex(KoShape *s1, KoShape *s2);
0734     /**
0735      * returns the outline of the shape in the form of a path.
0736      * The outline returned will always be relative to the position() of the shape, so
0737      * moving the shape will not alter the result.  The outline is used to draw the stroke
0738      * on, for example.
0739      * @returns the outline of the shape in the form of a path.
0740      */
0741     virtual QPainterPath outline() const;
0743     /**
0744      * returns the outline of the shape in the form of a rect.
0745      * The outlineRect returned will always be relative to the position() of the shape, so
0746      * moving the shape will not alter the result.  The outline is used to calculate
0747      * the boundingRect.
0748      * @returns the outline of the shape in the form of a rect.
0749      */
0750     virtual QRectF outlineRect() const;
0752     /**
0753      * returns the outline of the shape in the form of a path for the use of painting a shadow.
0754      *
0755      * Normally this would be the same as outline() if there is a fill (background) set on the
0756      * shape and empty if not.  However, a shape could reimplement this to return an outline
0757      * even if no fill is defined. A typical example of this would be the picture shape
0758      * which has a picture but almost never a background. 
0759      *
0760      * @returns the outline of the shape in the form of a path.
0761      */
0762     virtual QPainterPath shadowOutline() const;
0764     /**
0765      * Returns the currently set stroke, or 0 if there is no stroke.
0766      * @return the currently set stroke, or 0 if there is no stroke.
0767      */
0768     KoShapeStrokeModel *stroke() const;
0770     /**
0771      * Set a new stroke, removing the old one.
0772      * @param stroke the new stroke, or 0 if there should be no stroke.
0773      */
0774     void setStroke(KoShapeStrokeModel *stroke);
0776     /**
0777      * Return the insets of the stroke.
0778      * Convenience method for KoShapeStrokeModel::strokeInsets()
0779      */
0780     KoInsets strokeInsets() const;
0782     /// Sets the new shadow, removing the old one
0783     void setShadow(KoShapeShadow *shadow);
0785     /// Returns the currently set shadow or 0 if there is no shadow set
0786     KoShapeShadow *shadow() const;
0788     /// Sets the new border, removing the old one.
0789     void setBorder(KoBorder *border);
0791     /// Returns the currently set border or 0 if there is no border set
0792     KoBorder *border() const;
0794     /// Sets a new clip path, removing the old one
0795     void setClipPath(KoClipPath *clipPath);
0797     /// Returns the currently set clip path or 0 if there is no clip path set
0798     KoClipPath * clipPath() const;
0800     /**
0801      * Setting the shape to keep its aspect-ratio has the effect that user-scaling will
0802      * keep the width/hight ratio intact so as not to distort shapes that rely on that
0803      * ratio.
0804      * @param keepAspect the new value
0805      */
0806     void setKeepAspectRatio(bool keepAspect);
0808     /**
0809      * Setting the shape to keep its aspect-ratio has the effect that user-scaling will
0810      * keep the width/hight ratio intact so as not to distort shapes that rely on that
0811      * ratio.
0812      * @return whether to keep aspect ratio of this shape
0813      */
0814     bool keepAspectRatio() const;
0816     /**
0817      * Return the position of this shape regardless of rotation/skew/scaling and regardless of
0818      * this shape having a parent (being in a group) or not.<br>
0819      * @param anchor The place on the (unaltered) shape that you want the position of.
0820      * @return the point that is the absolute, centered position of this shape.
0821      */
0822     QPointF absolutePosition(KoFlake::Position anchor = KoFlake::CenteredPosition) const;
0824     /**
0825      * Move this shape to an absolute position where the end location will be the same
0826      * regardless of the shape's rotation/skew/scaling and regardless of this shape having
0827      * a parent (being in a group) or not.<br>
0828      * The newPosition is going to be the center of the shape.
0829      * This has the convenient effect that: <pre>
0830     shape-&gt;setAbsolutePosition(QPointF(0,0));
0831     shape-&gt;rotate(45);</pre>
0832         Will result in the same visual position of the shape as the opposite:<pre>
0833     shape-&gt;rotate(45);
0834     shape-&gt;setAbsolutePosition(QPointF(0,0));</pre>
0835      * @param newPosition the new absolute center of the shape.
0836      * @param anchor The place on the (unaltered) shape that you set the position of.
0837      */
0838     void setAbsolutePosition(const QPointF &newPosition, KoFlake::Position anchor = KoFlake::CenteredPosition);
0840     /**
0841      * Set a data object on the shape to be used by an application.
0842      * This is specifically useful when a shape is created in a plugin and that data from that
0843      * shape should be accessible outside the plugin.
0844      * @param userData the new user data, or 0 to delete the current one.
0845      */
0846     void setUserData(KoShapeUserData *userData);
0847     /**
0848      * Return the current userData.
0849      */
0850     KoShapeUserData *userData() const;
0852     /**
0853      * Set a data object on the shape to be used by an application.
0854      * This is specifically useful when an application wants to have data that is per shape
0855      * and should be deleted when the shape is destructed.
0856      * @param applicationData the new application data, or 0 to delete the current one.
0857      */
0858     void setApplicationData(KoShapeApplicationData *applicationData);
0860     /**
0861      * Return the current applicationData.
0862      */
0863     KoShapeApplicationData *applicationData() const;
0865     /**
0866      * Return the Id of this shape, identifying the type of shape by the id of the factory.
0867      * @see KoShapeFactoryBase::shapeId()
0868      * @return the id of the shape-type
0869      */
0870     QString shapeId() const;
0872     /**
0873      * Set the Id of this shape.  A shapeFactory is expected to set the Id at creation
0874      * so applications can find out what kind of shape this is.
0875      * @see KoShapeFactoryBase::shapeId()
0876      * @param id the ID from the factory that created this shape
0877      */
0878     void setShapeId(const QString &id);
0880     /**
0881      * Create a matrix that describes all the transformations done on this shape.
0882      *
0883      * The absolute transformation is the combined transformation of this shape
0884      * and all its parents and grandparents.
0885      *
0886      * @param converter if not null, this method uses the converter to mark the right
0887      *        offsets in the current view.
0888      */
0889     QTransform absoluteTransformation(const KoViewConverter *converter) const;
0891     /**
0892      * Applies a transformation to this shape.
0893      *
0894      * The transformation given is relative to the global coordinate system, i.e. the document.
0895      * This is a convenience function to apply a global transformation to this shape.
0896      * @see applyTransformation
0897      *
0898      * @param matrix the transformation matrix to apply
0899      */
0900     void applyAbsoluteTransformation(const QTransform &matrix);
0902     /**
0903      * Sets a new transformation matrix describing the local transformations on this shape.
0904      * @param matrix the new transformation matrix
0905      */
0906     void setTransformation(const QTransform &matrix);
0908     /// Returns the shapes local transformation matrix
0909     QTransform transformation() const;
0911     /**
0912      * Applies a transformation to this shape.
0913      *
0914      * The transformation given is relative to the shape coordinate system.
0915      *
0916      * @param matrix the transformation matrix to apply
0917      */
0918     void applyTransformation(const QTransform &matrix);
0920     /**
0921      * Copy all the settings from the parameter shape and apply them to this shape.
0922      * Settings like the position and rotation to visible and locked.  The parent
0923      * is a notable exclusion.
0924      * @param shape the shape to use as original
0925      */
0926     void copySettings(const KoShape *shape);
0928     /**
0929      * Convenience method that allows people implementing paint() to use the shape
0930      * internal coordinate system directly to paint itself instead of considering the
0931      * views zoom.
0932      * @param painter the painter to alter the zoom level of.
0933      * @param converter the converter for the current views zoom.
0934      */
0935     static void applyConversion(QPainter &painter, const KoViewConverter &converter);
0937     /**
0938      * @brief Transforms point from shape coordinates to document coordinates
0939      * @param point in shape coordinates
0940      * @return point in document coordinates
0941      */
0942     QPointF shapeToDocument(const QPointF &point) const;
0944     /**
0945      * @brief Transforms rect from shape coordinates to document coordinates
0946      * @param rect in shape coordinates
0947      * @return rect in document coordinates
0948      */
0949     QRectF shapeToDocument(const QRectF &rect) const;
0951     /**
0952      * @brief Transforms point from document coordinates to shape coordinates
0953      * @param point in document coordinates
0954      * @return point in shape coordinates
0955      */
0956     QPointF documentToShape(const QPointF &point) const;
0958     /**
0959      * @brief Transform rect from document coordinates to shape coordinates
0960      * @param rect in document coordinates
0961      * @return rect in shape coordinates
0962      */
0963     QRectF documentToShape(const QRectF &rect) const;
0965     /**
0966      * Returns the name of the shape.
0967      * @return the shapes name
0968      */
0969     QString name() const;
0971     /**
0972      * Sets the name of the shape.
0973      * @param name the new shape name
0974      */
0975     void setName(const QString &name);
0977     /**
0978      * Update the position of the shape in the tree of the KoShapeManager.
0979      */
0980     void notifyChanged();
0982     /**
0983      * A shape can be in a state that it is doing processing data like loading or text layout.
0984      * In this case it can be shown on screen probably partially but it should really not be printed
0985      * until it is fully done processing.
0986      * Warning! This method can be blocking for a long time
0987      * @param converter    The converter to convert between internal and view coordinates.
0988      * @param asynchronous If set to true the processing will can take place in a different thread and the
0989      *                     function will not block until the shape is finished.
0990      *                     In case of printing Flake will call this method from a non-main thread and only
0991      *                     start printing it when the in case of printing method returned.
0992      *                     If set to false the processing needs to be done synchronously and will
0993      *                     block until the result is finished.
0994      */
0995     virtual void waitUntilReady(const KoViewConverter &converter, bool asynchronous = true) const;
0997     /// checks recursively if the shape or one of its parents is not visible or locked
0998     bool isEditable() const;
1000     /**
1001      * Adds a shape which depends on this shape.
1002      * Making a shape dependent on this one means it will get shapeChanged() called
1003      * on each update of this shape.
1004      *
1005      * If this shape already depends on the given shape, establishing the
1006      * dependency is refused to prevent circular dependencies.
1007      *
1008      * @param shape the shape which depends on this shape
1009      * @return true if dependency could be established, otherwise false
1010      * @see removeDependee(), hasDependee()
1011      */
1012     bool addDependee(KoShape *shape);
1014     /**
1015      * Removes as shape depending on this shape.
1016      * @see addDependee(), hasDependee()
1017      */
1018     void removeDependee(KoShape *shape);
1020     /// Returns if the given shape is dependent on this shape
1021     bool hasDependee(KoShape *shape) const;
1023     /// Returns list of shapes depending on this shape
1024     QList<KoShape*> dependees() const;
1026     /// Returns additional snap data the shape wants to have snapping to
1027     virtual KoSnapData snapData() const;
1029     /**
1030      * Set additional attribute
1031      *
1032      * This can be used to attach additional attributes to a shape for attributes
1033      * that are application specific like presentation:placeholder
1034      *
1035      * @param name The name of the attribute in the following form prefix:tag e.g. presentation:placeholder
1036      * @param value The value of the attribute
1037      */
1038     void setAdditionalAttribute(const QString &name, const QString &value);
1040     /**
1041      * Remove additional attribute
1042      *
1043      * @param name The name of the attribute in the following form prefix:tag e.g. presentation:placeholder
1044      */
1045     void removeAdditionalAttribute(const QString &name);
1047     /**
1048      * Check if additional attribute is set
1049      *
1050      * @param name The name of the attribute in the following form prefix:tag e.g. presentation:placeholder
1051      *
1052      * @return true if there is a attribute with prefix:tag set, false otherwise
1053      */
1054     bool hasAdditionalAttribute(const QString &name) const;
1056     /**
1057      * Get additional attribute
1058      *
1059      * @param name The name of the attribute in the following form prefix:tag e.g. presentation:placeholder
1060      *
1061      * @return The value of the attribute if it exists or a null string if not found.
1062      */
1063     QString additionalAttribute(const QString &name) const;
1065     void setAdditionalStyleAttribute(const char *name, const QString &value);
1067     void removeAdditionalStyleAttribute(const char *name);
1069     QString additionalStyleAttribute(const QByteArray &name) const;
1071     QMap<QByteArray, QString> additionalStyleAttributes() const;
1073     /**
1074      * Returns the filter effect stack of the shape
1075      *
1076      * @return the list of filter effects applied on the shape when rendering.
1077      */
1078     KoFilterEffectStack *filterEffectStack() const;
1080     /// Sets the new filter effect stack, removing the old one
1081     void setFilterEffectStack(KoFilterEffectStack *filterEffectStack);
1083     /**
1084      * Set the property collision detection.
1085      * Setting this to true will result in calls to shapeChanged() with the CollisionDetected
1086      * parameter whenever either this or another shape is moved/rotated etc and intersects this shape.
1087      * @param detect if true detect collisions.
1088      */
1089     void setCollisionDetection(bool detect);
1091     /**
1092      * get the property collision detection.
1093      * @returns true if collision detection is on.
1094      */
1095     bool collisionDetection();
1097     /**
1098      * Return the tool delegates for this shape.
1099      * In Flake a shape being selected will cause the tool manager to make available all tools that
1100      * can edit the selected shapes.  In some cases selecting one shape should allow the tool to
1101      * edit a related shape be available too.  The tool delegates allows this to happen by taking
1102      * all the shapes in the set into account on tool selection.
1103      * Notice that if the set is non-empty 'this' shape is no longer looked at. You can choose
1104      * to add itself to the set too.
1105      */
1106     QSet<KoShape*> toolDelegates() const;
1108     /**
1109      * Set the tool delegates.
1110      * @param delegates the new delegates.
1111      * @see toolDelegates()
1112      */
1113     void setToolDelegates(const QSet<KoShape*> &delegates);
1115     /**
1116      * Return the hyperlink for this shape.
1117      */
1118     QString hyperLink () const;
1120     /**
1121      * Set hyperlink for this shape.
1122      * @param hyperLink name.
1123      */
1124     void setHyperLink(const QString &hyperLink);
1126     /**
1127      * Makes it possible for the user to delete this shape.
1128      * This parameter defaults to true.
1129      * @param deletable when true; set the shape to be deletable by the user.
1130      * @see isDeletable(), setGeometryProtected(), setContentProtected(), setSelectable()
1131      */
1132     void setDeletable(bool deletable);
1134     /**
1135      * Returns if this shape can be deleted by the user.
1136      * @return true only when this shape is deletable.
1137      * @see setDeletable(), isGeometryProtected(), isContentProtected(), isSelectable()
1138      */
1139     bool isDeletable() const;
1141     /// Sets the AllowedInteraction @p flag to @p value
1142     void setAllowedInteraction(AllowedInteraction flag, bool value);
1143     /// @return the AllowedInteraction state for @p flag.
1144     /// Convenience method that just calls allowedInteractions(recursive).testFlag(flag).
1145     /// @see allowedInteractions()
1146     bool allowedInteraction(AllowedInteraction flag, bool recursive = true) const;
1147     /// Sets the interactions the user is allowed to perform on this shape to @p interactions
1148     void setAllowedInteractions(AllowedInteractions interactions);
1149     /// @return the interactions the user is allowed to perform on this shape.
1150     /// If @p recursive is false, the shapes flags are returned as is. Use this e.g. for ui.
1151     /// If @p recursive is true:
1152     ///     If the shape is not visible, no interactions are allowed.
1153     ///     If there is a parent, the parent is checked.
1154     ///
1155     /// @see KoShapeContainer::allowedInteractions()
1156     AllowedInteractions allowedInteractions(bool recursive = true) const;
1158     /**
1159      * \internal
1160      * Returns the private object for use within the flake lib
1161      */
1162     KoShapePrivate *priv();
1164 protected:
1165     /// constructor
1166     KoShape(KoShapePrivate &);
1168     /* ** loading saving helper methods */
1169     /// attributes from ODF 1.1 chapter 9.2.15 Common Drawing Shape Attributes
1170     enum OdfAttribute {
1171         OdfTransformation = 1,       ///< Store transformation information
1172         OdfSize = 2,                 ///< Store size information
1173         OdfPosition = 8,             ///< Store position
1174         OdfAdditionalAttributes = 4, ///< Store additional attributes of the shape
1175         OdfCommonChildElements = 16, ///< Event actions and connection points
1176         OdfLayer = 64,               ///< Store layer name
1177         OdfStyle = 128,              ///< Store the style
1178         OdfId = 256,                 ///< Store the unique ID
1179         OdfName = 512,               ///< Store the name of the shape
1180         OdfZIndex = 1024,            ///< Store the z-index
1181         OdfViewbox = 2048,           ///< Store the viewbox
1183         /// A mask for all mandatory attributes
1184         OdfMandatories = OdfLayer | OdfStyle | OdfId | OdfName | OdfZIndex,
1185         /// A mask for geometry attributes
1186         OdfGeometry = OdfPosition | OdfSize,
1187         /// A mask for all the attributes
1188         OdfAllAttributes = OdfTransformation | OdfGeometry | OdfAdditionalAttributes | OdfMandatories | OdfCommonChildElements
1189     };
1191     /**
1192      * This method is used during loading of the shape to load common attributes
1193      *
1194      * @param context the KoShapeLoadingContext used for loading
1195      * @param element element which represents the shape in odf
1196      * @param attributes a number of OdfAttribute items to state which attributes to load.
1197      */
1198     bool loadOdfAttributes(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context, int attributes);
1200     /**
1201      * Parses the transformation attribute from the given string
1202      * @param transform the transform attribute string
1203      * @param context the loading context
1204      * @return the resulting transformation matrix
1205      */
1206     QTransform parseOdfTransform(const QString &transform, KoShapeLoadingContext &context);
1208     /**
1209      * @brief Saves the style used for the shape
1210      *
1211      * This method fills the given style object with the stroke and
1212      * background properties and then adds the style to the context.
1213      *
1214      * @param style the style object to fill
1215      * @param context used for saving
1216      * @return the name of the style
1217      * @see saveOdf
1218      */
1219     virtual QString saveStyle(KoGenStyle &style, KoShapeSavingContext &context) const;
1221     /**
1222      * Loads the stroke and fill style from the given element.
1223      *
1224      * @param element the xml element to  load the style from
1225      * @param context the loading context used for loading
1226      */
1227     virtual void loadStyle(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context);
1229     /// Loads the stroke style
1230     KoShapeStrokeModel *loadOdfStroke(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context) const;
1232     /// Loads the fill style
1233     QSharedPointer<KoShapeBackground> loadOdfFill(KoShapeLoadingContext &context) const;
1235     /// Loads the connection points
1236     void loadOdfGluePoints(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context);
1238     /// Loads the clip contour
1239     void loadOdfClipContour(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context, const QSizeF &scaleFactor);
1241     /* ** end loading saving */
1243     /**
1244      * A hook that allows inheriting classes to do something after a KoShape property changed
1245      * This is called whenever the shape, position rotation or scale properties were altered.
1246      * @param type an indicator which type was changed.
1247      * @param shape the shape.
1248      */
1249     virtual void shapeChanged(ChangeType type, KoShape *shape = 0);
1251     /// return the current matrix that contains the rotation/scale/position of this shape
1252     QTransform transform() const;
1254     KoShapePrivate *d_ptr;
1256 private:
1257     Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(KoShape)
1258 };
1261 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KoShape::AllowedInteractions)
1263 #endif