Warning, /office/calligra/karbon/CHANGES is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Changes in trunk
0002 These are changes that can not be backported, and will be available from Calligra 1.5
0003 - Changed version to 0.2.90
0004 - Added names of contributors
0005 - Enabled right mouse click to zoom out of canvas, partially fixing bug 96944
0006 - Place gradient loading (and later also saving) in a general place (libraries)
0007 - Karbon can load SVG and Gimp gradients
0008 - How to bring back the overview window if you close it? (#111717)
0009 - Rename plugins menu to "Effect" (#111618)
0010 - Change Align Center (Vertical) to Align Middle and add some extra separators (#109520)
0011 - Keybindings like krita, and other tweak (#108789)
0012 - Always use this document at startup, Karbon has not way to stop doing this (#108755)
0013   Add a basic karbon template 
0014 - Dockers now use the KoPalette library. This means a huge improvement when it comes to docker management.
0015   This closes the following bugs (#91376, #111207, #60844)
0017 Changes after 1.4.2 (available from 1.4.3 if there will ever be one):
0018 - Make paste operation undo:able (#115752)
0020 Changes after 1.4.1 (available from 1.4.2):
0021 - Changed version to 0.2
0022 - Fixed loading and saving of text basepath and font properties
0023 - Do not trigger text tracing/repaining if we are only initializing the options dialog
0024 - Only repaint inside objects bounding boxes
0025 - When dragging a path to place text along, pressing shift makes the path "jump" in 45 degree steps
0026 - Create text with horizontal path when just clicking with texttool
0027 - Always initialize with selected object when showing the tool dialog
0028 - Only show tool dialog when an object is selected
0029 - Made texttool selection changing (triggers views selection changed signal)
0030 - Always repaint bounding rect of edited text when changed
0031 - Set all shadow options properly in tool dialog
0032 - Cancel tool when pressing cancel button
0033 - When inserting a new object in front of another, set the new objects parent and invalidate the groups bounding box
0034 - When grouping objects, remove all objects from their corresponding parent
0035 - Enabling the group/ungroup menu item when selecting objects from layer list view
0036 - The polyline tool was broken. When you clicked to place a point (after the first one), the point was always placed with x=0
0037 - Fix for karbon crashing on clicking the pattern button in the toolbox
0038 - Make sure, items representing an object without a proper parent are removed as well
0039 - Improved selection tool which now has the following abilities:
0040   * left mouse click to select single object
0041   * ctrl + left mouse click to add to current selection
0042   * ctrl + right mouse click to remove from current selection
0043   * ctrl + left mouse drag to add objects within selection rect to current selection
0044   * ctrl + right mouse drag to remove objects within selection rect from current selection
0045   * presssing shift while scaling makes scaling keeping the aspect ratio (adjusted to shape tool behaviour)
0046 - Fix a drawing bug when selecting objects
0047 - Object/layer listview is now better synced to the documents object hierarchy when deleting or grouping/ungrouping objects
0048 - Enabled multi-selection within the layer listview
0049 - Object/layer listview items get automatically selected when selecting their corresponding object with the selection tool
0050 - Visibility and locking states are now set correctly from the layer listview
0051 - When embedded zoom the drawing so that it's completely visible
0052 - Make this statusbar text label stretchable, so the rest of the labels won't jump around
0053 - Filter SVG: Added reading of group names
0054 - Filter SVG: Fix percentage loading error
0055 - Filter SVG: Don't lock up on svg document loading
0056 - Text object names are not loaded (#111269)
0057 - Text stroke isn't loaded (#111268)
0058 - Usability: Layers open themself -> only open layer list items when inserting them into list (#111206)
0059 - Usability: Copy/Paste over layers is not consistent (#111203)
0060 - Usability: Current layer looses selection (#111201)
0061     - always select layer list item corresponding to active layer
0062     - delete layer list items when undoing VLayerCommand
0063     - do not allow to delete last layer (see also #111210)
0064 - Layer deletion doesn't get saved (#111148)
0065 - Crash when changing the color of more than one element (#111147)
0066 - Export only exports the first layer (#111144)
0067 - SVG import fails to recognise the svg use tag (#108245)
0068 - Karbon svg export minor improvements (#108243)
0069 - Pretty print SVG export please, indentation using spaces (#108126)
0070 - KoUnitDoubleSpinBox has a design flaw (#106011)
0071 - Karbon crashes when using text-tool (#51663)
0073 Changes after 1.4 (available from 1.4.1):
0074 - Fix crash when inserting object in splitted view
0075 - Fix incorrect display of the position in the statusbar
0076 - Filter: AI: GCC 4 fix
0077 - Crash on layer creation (#93903)
0078 - Gradient widget crashes when cursor with pushed LMB leaves widget (#92976)
0079 - Crashes when applying pattern to object (#77476)
0080   Don't crash if the pattern doesn't have an image
0081 - Karbon crashes often and does not load files (#69738)
0082   Don't crash in VSmallPreview when there are more then one object selected
0083 - Raising/Lowering layers has no effect (#68060)
0089 Changes after 1.3 XMas preview:
0090 - Make sure we draw non-empty paths, otherwise we get extra, unwanted lines using non-AA
0091   painter and in print preview.
0092 - Hack to fix bug #70644 for karbon. However note this doesn't fix the total bug, just
0093   for karbon.
0095 Changes after 1.3 RC1:
0096 - make imported SVG's visible by default
0097 - Karbon freezes when opening karbon file (#68499)
0098 - fixed loading recent files
0099 - update statusbar info while moving the selection using arrow keys
0100 - delete key deletes selected object (#68062)
0101 - fixed zooming into rectangular areas (#60842)
0102 - fixed crash with polyline tool drawing + Ctrl key (#63981)
0104 Changes after 1.3 beta 1 :
0106 - new tool controller
0107 - refactoring flattenpath cmd after wmf filter changes
0108 - zooming fixes
0109 - svg exporting uses document dimension, not dimension of
0110   the active selection
0111 - new style docker introduced, with draggable cliparts
0112 - added aspect-ratio keeping way of scaling for select tool
0113 - various ui tweaks, including new icons (Tomislav)
0114 - improved behaviour for strokefill preview widget (Tomislav)
0115 - speedups on large documents for the document tree widget