Warning, file /office/calligra/filters/sheets/gnumeric/status.html was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).
0001 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> 0002 <html> 0003 <head> 0004 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> 0005 <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.76 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.2-2 i686) [Netscape]"> 0006 <title>Calligra filters status: HTML FILTER</title> 0007 </head> 0008 <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#000099" vlink="#666666" alink="#666666"> 0009 <a NAME="START"></a> 0010 <center> 0011 <h1> 0012 Calligra filters status: GNUmeric (GNOME spreadsheet)</h1></center> 0013 0014 <hr NOSHADE SIZE=2 WIDTH="70%"><b><font size="-1"><a href="#import">Import</a> 0015 | <a href="#export">Export</a></font></b> 0016 <br> 0017 <br> 0018 <br> 0019 <br> 0020 <center> 0021 <p><a NAME="import"></a></center> 0022 <b><font size="-1"><a href="#START">Up</a></font></b> 0023 <center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#000000" > 0024 <tr> 0025 <td> 0026 <table BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" > 0027 <tr BGCOLOR="#DDFFDD"> 0028 <td COLSPAN="2"> 0029 <center><b><i><font size="+1">Import GNUmeric for Kspread</font></i></b></center> 0030 </td> 0031 </tr> 0032 0033 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0034 <td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP WIDTH="1%"><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td> 0035 0036 <td>February 6, 2005</td> 0037 </tr> 0038 0039 <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"> 0040 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td> 0041 0042 <td>Vertical & Horizontal Alignment, text wrapping, indention 0043 <br>Background, Patter & Foreground color 0044 <br>Fonts: 0045 <br> 0046 Size 0047 <br> 0048 Underline 0049 <br> 0050 Italic 0051 <br> 0052 Bold 0053 <br> 0054 Family 0055 <br>Multiple Sheets (Tables) 0056 <br>Formulas!!! (ExprID) 0057 <br>Selections: selected cells, last selected table 0058 <br>Cell Formats (e.g. Date, Time, Percent, different currencies ...) 0059 <br>Number formatting (in brackets, red colored) 0060 <br>Comments 0061 <br>Page: size, orientation, borders, header and footer 0062 <br>Border: color, style, width for all 6 types 0063 <br>Background pattern: style, color 0064 <br>Cell Size: Horizontal & Vertical 0065 <br>Hidden Columns 0066 <br>Default row heights and column widths 0067 <br>Area name 0068 <br>Links 0069 <br>merge cells 0070 <br>Text Rotation 0071 <br>Print repeate col/row 0072 <br>Cell validation 0073 <br>Document Information 0074 <br> Author 0075 <br> Company 0076 <br> Comments 0077 <br> Title 0078 <br> Keywords</td> 0079 </tr> 0080 0081 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0082 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td> 0083 0084 <td>Cell Size: Horizontal & Vertical (Export) (kspread doesn't 0085 support retriving the first "rowFormat" and colFormat".) 0086 <br> 0087 <br> 0088 19 Applix small circle 0089 <br> 0090 20 Applix semicircle 0091 <br> 0092 21 Applix small thatch 0093 <br> 0094 22 Applix round thatch 0095 <br> 0096 23 Applix Brick => all unsupported by KSpread 0097 <br>(a=b) for gnumeric vs. (a==b) for kspread 0098 <br>if(a,b,c) for gnumeric vs. if(a;b;c) for kspread 0099 <br>GNUmeric version differentiation 0100 <br>border style: double, hair (KSpread doesn't support them) 0101 <br>charts 0102 <br>exact number, time and date formats (need the upcoming style engine) 0103 <br>pictures (unsupported by KSpread) 0104 <br>Alignment: fill, justify, center across selection (not supported by kspread) 0105 <br>Accurate progress bar 0106 <p>Document Information 0107 <br> Application 0108 (kspread doesn't support it.) 0109 <br> Category (kspread 0110 doesn't support it.) 0111 <br> Manager (kspread 0112 doesn't support it.) 0113 <p>Vertical Text (gnumeric doesn't 0114 support it.) 0115 <br>Zoom 0116 (kspread doesn't support it.) 0117 <br>Multiple Selections (kspread doesn't support it.) 0118 <br>Double Underline (kspread doesn't support it.) 0119 </td> 0120 </tr> 0121 0122 <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"> 0123 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td> 0124 0125 <td>Jun/Jul 2001 - Initial Revision 0126 <br>Jul 10, 2001 - Support for hidden columns 0127 <br>Jul 12, 2001 - Support for Document Information 0128 <br>Jul 15, 2001 - Preliminary support for background patterns. 0129 <br>Aug 21, 2002 - text/number formats, border, patters, page/print info, comments 0130 <br>Aug 21, 2002 - font family, wrap text, number formatting, precisions 0131 <br>Sep 05, 2002 - bugfixes, default sizes, row and column layouts 0132 <br>Sep 07, 2002 - bugfixes, preliminery date/time support 0133 <br>Feb 03, 2005 - export area name 0134 <br>Feb 06, 2005 - cells merged 0135 <br>Feb 08, 2005 - Text Rotation 0136 <br>Feb 19, 2005 - Cell validation 0137 </td> 0138 </tr> 0139 0140 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0141 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors</font></b></td> 0142 0143 <td><a href="mailto:phillipezolt@hotmail.com">Phillip Ezolt</a> 0144 <br><a href="mailto:nandres@web.de">Norbert Andres</a> 0145 <br><a href="mailto:montel@kde.org">Laurent Montel</a> 0146 <br>This filter is based on the CSV filter by <a href="mailto:faure@kde.org">David 0147 Faure</a> <a href="mailto:trobin@kde.org">Werner Trobin</a></td> 0148 </tr> 0149 0150 <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"> 0151 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td> 0152 0153 <td>www.calligra.org 0154 <br>www.gnumeric.org</td> 0155 </tr> 0156 0157 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0158 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td> 0159 0160 <td>This has been tested against GNUmeric v0.70 and calligra v1.3-alpha. 0161 <p>I've tried to keep the import/export filters pretty much in sync. </td> 0162 </tr> 0163 </table> 0164 </td> 0165 </tr> 0166 </table></center> 0167 <b><font size="-1"><a href="#START">Up</a></font></b> 0168 <br> 0169 <p> 0170 <hr NOSHADE SIZE=1> 0171 <br> 0172 <br> 0173 <br> 0174 <br> 0175 <center> 0176 <p><a NAME="export"></a></center> 0177 <b><font size="-1"><a href="#START">Up</a></font></b> 0178 <center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#000000" > 0179 <tr> 0180 <td> 0181 <table BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" > 0182 <tr BGCOLOR="#FFDDDD"> 0183 <td COLSPAN="2"> 0184 <center><b><i><font size="+1">Export Kspread to GNUmeric</font></i></b></center> 0185 </td> 0186 </tr> 0187 0188 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0189 <td VALIGN=TOP NOWRAP WIDTH="1%"><b><font size="+1">Last update</font></b></td> 0190 0191 <td>February 14, 2005</td> 0192 </tr> 0193 0194 <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"> 0195 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Features</font></b></td> 0196 0197 <td>Vertical & Horizontal Alignment 0198 <br>Background & Foreground color 0199 <br>Fonts: 0200 <br> 0201 Size 0202 <br> 0203 Underline 0204 <br> 0205 Italic 0206 <br> 0207 Bold 0208 <br>Multiple Sheets (Tables) 0209 <br>Formulas!!! (ExprID) 0210 <br>Selections 0211 <br>Cell Size: Horizontal & Vertical 0212 <br>Hidden columns/rows 0213 <br>Selected Tab 0214 <br>Paper layout 0215 <br>area name 0216 <br>Cell comment 0217 <br>Text Rotation 0218 <br>Borders 0219 <br>Repeate print column/row 0220 <br>Cell validation 0221 <br>(a=b) for gnumeric vs. (a==b) for kspread 0222 <br>Document Information 0223 <br> Author 0224 <br> Company 0225 <br> Comments 0226 <br> Title 0227 <br> Keywords</td> 0228 </tr> 0229 0230 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0231 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Todo</font></b></td> 0232 <td> 0233 Formats: 0234 <br> 0235 Percentages 0236 <br> 0237 Money 0238 <br>Background patterns & Colors 0239 <br> 0240 If color is the default color do NOT set it in the export file. 0241 <br>Font: 0242 <br> 0243 Face Name 0244 <br>if(a,b,c) for gnumeric vs. if(a;b;c) for kspread 0245 <br>GNUmeric version differentiation 0246 <br>Accurate progress bar 0247 <p>Document Information 0248 <br> Application 0249 (kspread doesn't support it.) 0250 <br> Category (kspread 0251 doesn't support it.) 0252 <br> Manager (kspread 0253 doesn't support it.) 0254 <br>Vertical Text (gnumeric doesn't 0255 support it.) 0256 <br>Zoom 0257 (kspread doesn't support it.) 0258 <br>Multiple Selections (kspread doesn't support it.) 0259 <br>Double Underline (kspread doesn't support it.) 0260 </td> 0261 </tr> 0262 0263 <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"> 0264 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">History</font></b></td> 0265 0266 <td>Jun/Jul 2001 - Initial Revision 0267 <br>Jul 10, 2001 - Support for hidden columns 0268 <br>Jul 12, 2001 - Document Information 0269 <br>Feb 5, 2005 - Cell comment 0270 <br>Feb 8, 2005 - Text Rotation 0271 <br>Feb 10, 2005 - Repeate print col/row 0272 <br>Feb 14, 2005 - Cell Validation 0273 </tr> 0274 0275 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0276 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Authors</font></b></td> 0277 0278 <td><a href="mailto:phillipezolt@hotmail.com">Phillip Ezolt</a> 0279 <br><a href="mailto:montel@kde.org">Laurent Montel</a> 0280 <br>This filter is based on the CSV filter by <a href="mailto:faure@kde.org">David 0281 Faure</a> <a href="mailto:trobin@kde.org">Werner Trobin</a></td> 0282 </tr> 0283 0284 <tr BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF"> 0285 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Links</font></b></td> 0286 0287 <td>www.calligra.org 0288 <br>www.gnumeric.org</td> 0289 </tr> 0290 0291 <tr BGCOLOR="#EEEEFF"> 0292 <td VALIGN=TOP><b><font size="+1">Progress report </font></b></td> 0293 0294 <td>This has been tested against GNUmeric v1.4.2 and calligra v1.4cvs. 0295 <p>I've tried to keep the import/export filters pretty much in sync. </td> 0296 </tr> 0297 </table> 0298 </td> 0299 </tr> 0300 </table></center> 0301 <b><font size="-1"><a href="#START">Up</a></font></b> 0302 0303 </body> 0304 </html>