Warning, /office/calligra/doc/stage/tutorial.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd">
0004 To edit or validate this document separately, uncomment this prolog
0005 Be sure to comment it out again when you are done -->
0007 <chapter id="tutorial">
0008 <chapterinfo>
0009 <authorgroup>
0010 <author>
0011 <firstname>Neil</firstname>
0012 <surname>Lucock</surname>
0013 <affiliation>
0014 <address><email>neil@nlucock.freeserve.co.uk</email></address>
0015 </affiliation>
0016 </author>
0017 <author>
0018 <firstname>Krishna</firstname>
0019 <surname>Tateneni</surname>
0020 <affiliation>
0021 <address><email>tateneni@pluto.njcc.com</email></address>
0022 </affiliation>
0023 </author>
0024 <author>
0025 <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
0026 <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
0027 <affiliation>
0028 <address><email>annemarie.mahfouf@free.fr</email></address>
0029 </affiliation>
0030 </author>
0032 </authorgroup>
0033 </chapterinfo>
0034 <title>A Step-By-Step Tutorial</title>
0036 <para>
0037 In this chapter, &stage; is introduced using a simple tutorial. We
0038 shall walk through the most basic steps that are involved in creating a
0039 presentation, and adding some basic effects.
0040 </para>
0042 <sect1 id="start-new">
0043 <title>Start a new document</title>
0045 <para>
0046 When you start &stage;, the usual &calligra; startup dialog appears.
0047 </para>
0049 <screenshot>
0050 <screeninfo>The <guilabel>&calligra;</guilabel>
0051 startup dialog</screeninfo>
0052 <mediaobject>
0053 <imageobject>
0054 <imagedata fileref="tut01.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0055 <textobject><phrase>The &calligra; startup dialog</phrase></textobject>
0056 </mediaobject>
0057 </screenshot>
0059 <para>
0060 Select <guilabel>Screen</guilabel> on the left then select the template labeled
0061 <guilabel>Empty</guilabel> (highlighted in blue in the screenshot above) by
0062 clicking on it. You can check <guilabel>Always use this template</guilabel> to
0063 make it the default template.  
0064 </para>
0066 <para>
0067 Now click <guibutton>Use This Template</guibutton>. This brings up the slide
0068 editor window, where you can view and edit the slides (and objects contained in
0069 them) in your document.
0070 </para>
0072 <para>At the moment, we just have one empty slide, so select the upper left slide 
0073 with the single text box from the <guilabel>Slide Layouts</guilabel> docker.</para>
0075 <para>
0076 Double-click the text box. The cursor changes to a vertical bar to show
0077 that you can now type some text.
0078 </para>
0080 <screenshot>
0081 <screeninfo>The text insertion cursor</screeninfo>
0082 <mediaobject>
0083 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut03.png" format="PNG"/>
0084 </imageobject>
0085 <textobject><phrase>The text insertion cursor</phrase></textobject>
0086 </mediaobject>
0087 </screenshot>
0089 <para>
0090 Go ahead, type some text!
0091 </para>
0093 <screenshot>
0094 <screeninfo>Adding text</screeninfo>
0095 <mediaobject>
0096 <imageobject>
0097 <imagedata fileref="tut04.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0098 <textobject><phrase>Adding text</phrase></textobject>
0099 </mediaobject>
0100 </screenshot>
0102 <para>
0103 Click away from the text to de-select the text box when you are done
0104 typing.
0105 </para>
0107 </sect1>
0109 <sect1 id="insert-page">
0110 <title>Add a new page</title>
0112 <para>
0113 Let's now add a new slide to our document. To do so, click the
0114 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu> menu, and then click on
0115 <guimenuitem>Insert Slide</guimenuitem>.
0116 </para>
0118 <para>
0119 Now we can decide what the new slide should look like. This time, select 
0120 one column layout (highlighted in blue.)
0121 </para>
0123 <screenshot>
0124 <screeninfo>Choosing a layout for the new page</screeninfo>
0125 <mediaobject>
0126 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut07.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0127 <textobject><phrase>Choosing a layout for the new
0128 page</phrase></textobject>
0129 </mediaobject>
0130 </screenshot>
0132 <para>
0133 The new slide layout now appears in the editing window. To change between pages
0134 of your presentation, you can select slides in the pane to the left
0135 (highlighted in blue for this screenshot).
0136 </para>
0138 <para>
0139 The newly inserted slide has two text boxes. There is one for a title,
0140 and another to contain a bulleted list of items.
0141 </para>
0143 <screenshot>
0144 <screeninfo>The new slide</screeninfo>
0145 <mediaobject>
0146 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut09.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0147 <textobject><phrase>The new slide</phrase></textobject>
0148 </mediaobject>
0149 </screenshot>
0151 <para>
0152 Double-click and type a title. Then double-click on the second text
0153 box with the bullet. Type some text and end the paragraph by pressing the
0154 <keycap>Enter</keycap> or <keycap>Return</keycap> key. As you type new
0155 paragraphs, bullets automatically appear in front of them.
0156 </para>
0158 <screenshot>
0159 <screeninfo>Adding text to the second slide</screeninfo>
0160 <mediaobject>
0161 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut10.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0162 <textobject><phrase>Adding text to the second slide</phrase></textobject>
0163 </mediaobject>
0164 </screenshot>
0166 <para>
0167 You can de-select the text box by clicking away from it.
0168 </para>
0170 </sect1>
0172 <sect1 id="insert-pic">
0173 <title>Insert a picture</title>
0175 <para>
0176 Let's go back to the first slide now. Use the list of slides on the left
0177 of your screen.
0178 </para>
0180 <para>
0181 In this section, we'll liven our presentation up a bit by adding a nice
0182 logo to the title page. To do so, the first step is to enable the <guilabel>Add 
0183 Shape</guilabel> docker using <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0184 <guimenuitem>Dockers</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the menu.
0185 </para>
0187 <para>Now select Image in the <guilabel>Add Shape</guilabel> docker
0188 and click with the &LMB; where you want to place the loge in it's original size or 
0189 draw a rectangle with the left mouse (click the &LMB; and keep the button pressed) 
0190 to specify the position and size for the logo.
0191 </para>
0193 <para>
0194 A file selection dialog appears. To learn about this or other
0195 standard &kde; dialog boxes in detail, please consult the &kde;
0196 documentation. You can browse by clicking on <guiicon>folder</guiicon>
0197 icons or by using the <guiicon>browser</guiicon> style buttons on the
0198 toolbar. Clicking the <guiicon>up arrow</guiicon>
0199 takes you up one folder level.
0200 </para>
0202 <para>
0203 Select a file and click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
0204 </para>
0206 <para>
0207 Now the image is inserted in the slide and there are selection handles 
0208 (little squares) visible around the border of the graphic.
0209 </para>
0211 <screenshot>
0212 <screeninfo>The newly added image</screeninfo>
0213 <mediaobject>
0214 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut13.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0215 <textobject><phrase>The newly added image</phrase></textobject>
0216 </mediaobject>
0217 </screenshot>
0219 <para>
0220 Place the mouse cursor anywhere in the middle of the logo, and drag it
0221 to the middle of the title page. Then use the selection handles to resize
0222 it correctly.
0223 </para>
0225 <para>
0226 That's it. Now you have a picture on the title page!
0227 </para>
0228 <!--FIXME Double click opens the file dialog to replace the image-->
0229 </sect1>
0231 <sect1 id="insert-object">
0232 <title>Insert a &calligra; object</title>
0233 <para>Let's insert another &calligra; object under the picture, for example
0234 a chart.</para>
0236 <para>
0237 Every &calligra; supported object can be embedded in a &stage; slide.
0238 Let's choose a chart from the <guilabel>Add Shape</guilabel> docker.
0239 </para>
0241 <para>
0242 Select <guilabel>Chart</guilabel> and then outline with your mouse the area you
0243 want to put your chart in on the &stage; slide.
0244 </para>
0246 <screenshot>
0247 <screeninfo>Select the area where to put the chart</screeninfo>
0248 <mediaobject>
0249 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut25.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0250 <textobject><phrase>Select the area where to put the chart</phrase></textobject>
0251 </mediaobject>
0252 </screenshot>
0254 <para>
0255 Once you release the mouse button, a template chart is added on the slide. Whenever
0256 you work in the chart, its <guilabel>Tool Options</guilabel> appear in the docker.
0257 </para>
0259 <screenshot>
0260 <screeninfo>&kchart; Tool Options</screeninfo>
0261 <mediaobject>
0262 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut26.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0263 <textobject><phrase>&kchart; Tool Options</phrase></textobject>
0264 </mediaobject>
0265 </screenshot>
0267 <para>To move, resize or even delete the embedded chart switch to the 
0268 <guibutton>Basic shape manipulation</guibutton> tool and click anywhere 
0269 within the chart area. It should now appear with a green border 
0270 and with a small yellow square at each corner and in the middle of each edge.
0271 </para>
0272 <para>If you move the cursor over any of the squares it should change 
0273 to a double headed arrow. You can resize the chart by dragging one of these 
0274 squares with the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button pressed. To 
0275 delete the chart <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on one of the 
0276 squares and select <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>.</para>
0277 <para>To move the chart move the cursor into the chart. 
0278 The cursor should then change to a cross, press the 
0279 <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button and you will be able to drag the 
0280 chart to where you want it to be.</para>
0281 <para>To restore the chart to its normal appearance simply click anywhere 
0282 outside of the chart area.</para>
0283 <para>To change the format of the chart itself <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> 
0284 click twice within the chart area. The chart <guilabel>Tools Options</guilabel> 
0285 should appear in the docker. You can then 
0286 use these tools to edit the chart properties like chart type, labels, axis and data.</para>
0288 <para>Click anywhere with the &LMB; outside the chart to go back to
0289 &stage; slide.</para>
0291 <para>A single click on the chart  will allow you to drag it to change its
0292 location and also to drag the borders to make it bigger as with any other
0293 &stage; object. Double click on the chart to get into &kchart; mode and
0294 modify any of the chart property.</para>
0296 </sect1>
0297 <!-- does not work in BETA6 here
0298 <sect1 id="addshadow">
0299 <title>Add a shadow to the title text</title>
0301 <para>
0302 Let's continue enhancing our title page by adding a shadow
0303 behind the title. <mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click anywhere on the
0304 title text. This achieves two things: the text box containing the title
0305 is selected, and a menu pops up.
0306 </para>
0308 <para>
0309 Select the <guimenuitem>Shadow Objects...</guimenuitem> option in the popup menu.
0310 </para>
0312 <screenshot>
0313 <screeninfo>The context menu</screeninfo>
0314 <mediaobject>
0315 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut15.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0316 <textobject><phrase>The context menu</phrase></textobject>
0317 </mediaobject>
0318 </screenshot>
0320 <para>
0321 The <guilabel>Shadow</guilabel> dialog pops up. The distance between the
0322 shadow and the text is currently 0 so the shadow cannot be seen (this
0323 part of the dialog box is highlighted in red.)
0324 </para>
0326 <screenshot>
0327 <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Shadow</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
0328 <mediaobject>
0329 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut16.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0330 <textobject><phrase>The <guilabel>Shadow</guilabel>
0331 dialog</phrase></textobject>
0332 </mediaobject>
0333 </screenshot>
0335 <para>
0336 Increase the distance value to 3. The effect of changing the distance
0337 can be seen in the preview window. Now click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.
0338 </para>
0340 <screenshot>
0341 <screeninfo>Adding a shadow to the title</screeninfo>
0342 <mediaobject>
0343 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut17.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0344 <textobject><phrase>Adding a shadow to the title</phrase></textobject>
0345 </mediaobject>
0346 </screenshot>
0348 <para>
0349 Now the title has a shadow!
0350 </para>
0352 <screenshot>
0353 <screeninfo>The new shadowed title</screeninfo>
0354 <mediaobject>
0355 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut18.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0356 <textobject><phrase>The new shadowed title</phrase></textobject>
0357 </mediaobject>
0358 </screenshot>
0360 </sect1>
0361 -->
0362 <sect1 id="textcolor">
0363 <title>Change the color of the title text</title>
0365 <para>
0366 Let's finish by changing the color of the title text from black to
0367 blue. To do so, select the title text by double-clicking the text box and select the text.
0368 </para>
0369 <!-- Font from menu Format or contextmenu with a lot of options-->
0370 <para>
0371 Open the color selector by clicking on the <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0372 <imagedata fileref="22x22-actions-format-text-color.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0373 </inlinemediaobject> icon in the Text editing Tools Options (this icon has
0374 a Text Color... tooltip).</para>
0376 <screenshot>
0377 <screeninfo>The color selector</screeninfo>
0378 <mediaobject>
0379 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut19.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0380 <textobject><phrase>The color selector</phrase></textobject>
0381 </mediaobject>
0382 </screenshot>
0384 <screenshot>
0385 <screeninfo>The color selector</screeninfo>
0386 <mediaobject>
0387 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut20.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0388 <textobject><phrase>The color selector</phrase></textobject>
0389 <caption><para>Change the color to blue.</para></caption>
0390 </mediaobject>
0391 </screenshot>
0393 <para>
0394 Changing the color of
0395 the selected text to blue changes its appearance. The exact color that
0396 highlighted text turns depends on your system color scheme.
0397 </para>
0399 <note>
0400 <para>Text color selection is also available on the <guilabel>Decorations</guilabel> 
0401 tab of the <guilabel>Select Font</guilabel> dialog. Open this dialog with 
0402 <guimenuitem>Font</guimenuitem> in the <guimenu>Format</guimenu> menu or context menu.
0403 </para>
0404 </note>
0406 <para>
0407 Now click away from the text to de-select it.
0408 </para>
0411 <screenshot>
0412 <screeninfo>The finished title</screeninfo>
0413 <mediaobject>
0414 <imageobject><imagedata fileref="tut21.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
0415 <textobject><phrase>The finished title</phrase></textobject>
0416 </mediaobject>
0417 </screenshot>
0419 <para>
0420 Now that there are two slides, why not try a slide show! To start the
0421 slide show, press the <guiicon>Start Presentation</guiicon> button in
0422 the toolbar. The first slide should appear on your screen.
0423 </para>
0425 <para>
0426 To advance from the first slide to the next, just click anywhere on the
0427 screen, or use the <keycap>Page Down</keycap> key.
0428 </para>
0430 <para>
0431 To exit the slide show, press the &Esc; key.
0432 </para>
0434 </sect1>
0436 </chapter>