Warning, /office/calligra/doc/stage/menus.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd">
0005 To edit or validate this document separately, uncomment this prolog
0006 Be sure to comment it out again when you are done -->
0008 <chapter id="menu-items">
0009 <chapterinfo>
0010 <authorgroup>
0011 <author>
0012 <firstname>Neil</firstname>
0013 <surname>Lucock</surname>
0014 <affiliation>
0015 <address><email>neil@nlucock.freeserve.co.uk</email></address>
0016 </affiliation>
0017 </author>
0018 <author>
0019 <firstname>Krishna</firstname>
0020 <surname>Tateneni</surname>
0021 <affiliation>
0022 <address><email>tateneni@pluto.njcc.com</email></address>
0023 </affiliation>
0024 </author>
0025 <author>
0026 <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
0027 <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
0028 <affiliation>
0029 <address><email>annemarie.mahfouf@free.fr</email></address>
0030 </affiliation>
0031 </author>
0033 </authorgroup>
0034 </chapterinfo>
0035 <title>The Menu and Toolbar Items</title>
0037 <para>&stage; presents different types of interfaces for you to interact
0038 with the program. Perhaps the most familiar type of interface is the
0039 menu which appears on the top of the &stage; window.</para>
0041 <para>Clicking on the menu items gives you a list of commands from which you
0042 can choose the one you want. Many of the commands can also be accessed
0043 directly by holding down &Ctrl; or &Alt; and pressing another key on
0044 your keyboard. In the next section, each of the menu commands is
0045 described in brief.</para>
0047 <sect1 id="toolbars">
0048 <title>The Toolbars</title>
0050 <sect2 id="manipulating-toolbars">
0051 <title>Manipulating the Toolbars</title>
0053 <para>In addition to the menus, &stage; also has a toolbar. The 
0054 toolbar consists of a collection of icons. A toolbar icon often presents
0055 a convenient shortcut to a command that is found in one of the menus.</para>
0057 <para>You can move the unlocked toolbar around by dragging the handle at the left. The unlocked toolbar can
0058 be <quote>docked</quote> or attached to any side of the &stage;
0059 window. If you like, you can also have the toolbar <quote>float</quote> in
0060 its own window, separated from the main &stage; window.</para>
0062 <para> If you don't like dragging toolbars around,
0063 <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on the handle and a menu pops up.
0064 </para>
0066 <para>
0067 Choosing the item <guisubmenu>Text Position</guisubmenu> leads
0068 to an additional menu which lets you control the appearance of the items
0069 in toolbar. This additional cascading menu is shown in the screenshot
0070 below:
0071 </para>
0073 <screenshot>
0074 <screeninfo>Text Position</screeninfo>
0075 <mediaobject>
0076 <imageobject>
0077 <imagedata fileref="barstyle1.png" format="PNG"/>
0078 </imageobject>
0079 <textobject>
0080 <phrase>Text Position</phrase>
0081 </textobject>
0082 </mediaobject>
0083 </screenshot>
0085 <para>
0086 You can choose to display the toolbar items as text instead of icons, or
0087 even to combine both icons and text. If you want both text and icons,
0088 the cascading menu allows you to select whether the text appears beside
0089 the icons or below them.
0090 </para>
0092 <para>
0093 In icons only view, if you
0094 don't know what a particular icon means, you can hold the mouse over the
0095 icon, and after a second or so, a little hint pops up in a highlighted
0096 text box.
0097 </para>
0099 <para>
0100 The <guilabel>Orientation</guilabel> item in the popup menu has to do with 
0101 the placement of the toolbar. You can choose any of the four sides of the &stage;
0102 window.
0103 </para>
0106 <para>
0107 The &stage; menus are discussed in the following sections.
0108 </para>
0110 </sect2>
0111 </sect1>
0113 <sect1 id="file-menu">
0114 <title>File Menu</title>
0116 <variablelist>
0118 <varlistentry>
0119 <term><menuchoice>
0120 <shortcut>
0121 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
0122 </shortcut>
0123 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0124 <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>
0125 </menuchoice>
0126 </term>
0127 <listitem>
0128 <para>
0129 <action>Begins a new presentation.</action> The
0130 startup dialog will open, allowing you to choose a
0131 template for your presentation.
0132 </para>
0133 </listitem>
0134 </varlistentry>
0136 <varlistentry>
0137 <term><menuchoice>
0138 <shortcut>
0139 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
0140 </shortcut>
0141 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0142 <guimenuitem>Open...</guimenuitem>
0143 </menuchoice></term>
0144 <listitem>
0145 <para>
0146 <action>Opens an existing presentation.</action> A standard &kde; file
0147 open dialog will appear, allowing you to choose a file to open.
0148 </para>
0149 </listitem>
0150 </varlistentry>
0152 <varlistentry>
0153 <term>
0154 <menuchoice>
0155 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0156 <guisubmenu>Open Recent</guisubmenu>
0157 </menuchoice>
0158 </term>
0159 <listitem>
0160 <para>
0161 <action>Displays a list of recently opened files for you to choose
0162 from.</action>
0163 </para>
0164 </listitem>
0165 </varlistentry>
0167 <varlistentry>
0168 <term>
0169 <menuchoice>
0170 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">
0171 &Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap>
0172 </keycombo></shortcut>
0173 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0174 <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem>
0175 </menuchoice>
0176 </term>
0177 <listitem>
0178 <para>
0179 <action>Saves the currently open presentation.</action> If you have not
0180 previously saved it, you will be asked to name the file. If you have
0181 previously saved the presentation, it will be resaved with the same name.
0182 </para>
0183 </listitem>
0184 </varlistentry>
0186 <varlistentry>
0187 <term>
0188 <menuchoice>
0189 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0190 <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem>
0191 </menuchoice>
0192 </term>
0193 <listitem>
0194 <para>
0195 <action>Saves the currently open presentation with a new name.</action>
0196 </para>
0197 </listitem>
0198 </varlistentry>
0200 <varlistentry>
0201 <term>
0202 <menuchoice>
0203 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0204 <guimenuitem>Reload</guimenuitem>
0205 </menuchoice>
0206 </term>
0207 <listitem>
0208 <para>Reload the currently active file.
0209 <!-- FIXME: What's a situation when you might want to do this? -->
0210 </para>
0211 </listitem>
0212 </varlistentry>
0214 <!-- FIXME: Versions item missing-->
0216 <varlistentry>
0217 <term><menuchoice>
0218 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0219 <guimenuitem>Import...</guimenuitem>
0220 </menuchoice>
0221 </term>
0222 <listitem>
0223 <para>Import a presentation that was previously created in
0224 one of several common formats.</para>
0225 </listitem>
0226 </varlistentry>
0228 <varlistentry>
0229 <term>
0230 <menuchoice>
0231 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0232 <guimenuitem>Export...</guimenuitem>
0233 </menuchoice>
0234 </term>
0235 <listitem>
0236 <para>Export the currently open presentation to one of several common
0237 formats for use in another application, or for exchange with someone
0238 who does not have access to &stage;.</para>
0239 </listitem>
0240 </varlistentry>
0242 <varlistentry>
0243 <term>
0244 <menuchoice>
0245 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0246 <guimenuitem>Mail...</guimenuitem>
0247 </menuchoice>
0248 </term>
0249 <listitem>
0250 <para><action>Open</action> a new email message in your selected email client with the current &stage; document attached.
0251 </para>
0252 </listitem>
0253 </varlistentry>
0255 <varlistentry>
0256 <term>
0257 <menuchoice>
0258 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0259 <guimenuitem>Export as HTML...</guimenuitem>
0260 </menuchoice>
0261 </term>
0262 <listitem>
0263 <para>
0264 <action>Starts the HTML wizard</action>, which is described in the
0265 section <xref linkend="html-wizard"/>.
0266 </para>
0267 </listitem>
0268 </varlistentry>
0270 <!--
0271 <varlistentry>
0272 <term>
0273 <menuchoice>
0274 <guimenu>Template Manager</guimenu>
0275 </menuchoice>
0276 </term>
0277 <listitem>
0278 <para><action>Allows you to save the current slide as a
0279 template.</action> In future the template will be available for you to
0280 use to build slides with. Creating a template is further discussed in
0281 section <xref linkend="creating-templates"/>.</para>
0282 </listitem>
0283 </varlistentry>
0285 <varlistentry>
0286 <term>
0287 <menuchoice>
0288 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0289 <guimenuitem>Use Current Slide as Default Template</guimenuitem>
0290 </menuchoice>
0291 </term>
0292 <listitem>
0293 <para><action>Sets the current slide as your default template</action>.
0294 Especially useful if you have created a template of your own to fit into
0295 corporate style guidelines, or if you just use a particular layout very
0296 often.</para>
0297 </listitem>
0298 </varlistentry>
0299 -->
0300 <varlistentry>
0301 <term>
0302 <menuchoice>
0303 <shortcut><keycombo
0304 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0305 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0306 <guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem>
0307 </menuchoice></term>
0308 <listitem>
0309 <para><action>Prints the presentation</action>. More precisely, it opens the
0310 print settings dialog, where you can adjust the settings before printing
0311 your presentation.</para>
0312 </listitem>
0313 </varlistentry>
0315 <varlistentry>
0316 <term>
0317 <menuchoice>
0318 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0319 <guimenuitem>Print Preview...</guimenuitem>
0320 </menuchoice>
0321 </term>
0322 <listitem>
0323 <para><action>Displays the presentation</action> with a viewer,
0324 exactly as it would look if printed.</para>
0325 </listitem>
0326 </varlistentry>
0328 <!--FIXME Export as PDF item missing-->
0330 <varlistentry>
0331 <term>
0332 <menuchoice>
0333 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0334 <guimenuitem>Document Information</guimenuitem>
0335 </menuchoice>
0336 </term>
0337 <listitem>
0338 <para><action>Allows you to enter information about the document.</action>
0339 This includes information about the author, and an abstract on the
0340 documents contents.</para>
0341 </listitem>
0342 </varlistentry>
0344 <varlistentry>
0345 <term>
0346 <menuchoice>
0347 <shortcut>
0348 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0349 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0350 <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem>
0351 </menuchoice>
0352 </term>
0353 <listitem>
0354 <para><action>Close the current presentation.</action> You will be given an
0355 opportunity to save any changes first.</para>
0356 </listitem>
0357 </varlistentry>
0359 <varlistentry>
0360 <term>
0361 <menuchoice>
0362 <shortcut>
0363 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0364 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0365 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0366 </menuchoice>
0367 </term>
0368 <listitem>
0369 <para><action>Close</action> &stage;. You will be given an opportunity
0370 to save all changes in all open presentations first.</para>
0371 </listitem>
0372 </varlistentry>
0373 </variablelist>
0375 </sect1>
0377 <sect1 id="edit-menu">
0378 <title>Edit Menu</title>
0380 <variablelist>
0382 <varlistentry>
0383 <term>
0384 <menuchoice>
0385 <shortcut>
0386 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0387 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0388 <guimenuitem>Undo: <replaceable>Last task</replaceable></guimenuitem>
0389 </menuchoice>
0390 </term>
0391 <listitem>
0392 <para><action>Undo the last action you performed.</action></para>
0393 </listitem>
0394 </varlistentry>
0396 <varlistentry>
0397 <term>
0398 <menuchoice>
0399 <shortcut>
0400 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo>
0401 </shortcut>
0402 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0403 <guimenuitem>Redo: <replaceable>Last undone
0404 task</replaceable></guimenuitem>
0405 </menuchoice></term>
0406 <listitem>
0407 <para><action>Redo the last action you undid.</action> If you have not undone
0408 any actions, or the last undo action is not reversible, this menu item
0409 is disabled.</para>
0410 </listitem>
0411 </varlistentry>
0413 <varlistentry>
0414 <term>
0415 <menuchoice>
0416 <shortcut><keycombo
0417 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0418 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0419 <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
0420 </menuchoice>
0421 </term>
0422 <listitem>
0423 <para><action>Copy the selected item to the clipboard, and remove it from the
0424 document.</action></para>
0425 </listitem>
0426 </varlistentry>
0428 <varlistentry>
0429 <term>
0430 <menuchoice>
0431 <shortcut>
0432 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0433 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0434 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>
0435 </menuchoice>
0436 </term>
0437 <listitem>
0438 <para><action>Copy the selected item to the clipboard, while leaving it intact
0439 in your presentation.</action></para>
0440 </listitem>
0441 </varlistentry>
0443 <varlistentry>
0444 <term>
0445 <menuchoice>
0446 <shortcut>
0447 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0448 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0449 <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem>
0450 </menuchoice>
0451 </term>
0452 <listitem>
0453 <para><action>Insert the contents of the clipboard into your
0454 presentation.</action></para>
0455 </listitem>
0456 </varlistentry>
0458 <varlistentry>
0459 <term>
0460 <menuchoice>
0461 <shortcut>
0462 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Del</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0463 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0464 <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>
0465 </menuchoice>
0466 </term>
0467 <listitem>
0468 <para><action>Remove the currently selected item from your
0469 presentation.</action></para>
0470 </listitem>
0471 </varlistentry>
0473 <varlistentry>
0474 <term>
0475 <menuchoice>
0476 <shortcut>
0477 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0478 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0479 <guimenuitem>Select All</guimenuitem>
0480 </menuchoice></term>
0481 <listitem>
0482 <para>
0483 <action>Select all the objects and text on the current slide.</action>
0484 </para>
0485 </listitem>
0486 </varlistentry>
0488 <varlistentry>
0489 <term>
0490 <menuchoice>
0491 <shortcut>
0492 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
0493 </shortcut>
0494 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0495 <guimenuitem>Deselect</guimenuitem>
0496 </menuchoice>
0497 </term>
0498 <listitem>
0499 <para>Deselect any currently selected objects.</para>
0500 </listitem>
0501 </varlistentry>
0503 <varlistentry>
0504 <term>
0505 <menuchoice>
0506 <shortcut>
0507 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0508 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0509 <guimenuitem>Find...</guimenuitem>
0510 </menuchoice>
0511 </term>
0512 <listitem>
0513 <para>
0514 <action>Search for text within the presentation.</action>
0515 </para>
0516 </listitem>
0517 </varlistentry>
0519 <varlistentry>
0520 <term>
0521 <menuchoice>
0522 <shortcut>
0523 <keycap>F3</keycap>
0524 </shortcut>
0525 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find Next</guimenuitem>
0526 </menuchoice>
0527 </term>
0528 <listitem>
0529 <para>Find the next occurrence of a piece of text within a presentation.</para>
0530 </listitem>
0531 </varlistentry>
0533 <varlistentry>
0534 <term>
0535 <menuchoice>
0536 <shortcut>
0537 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F3</keycap></keycombo>
0538 </shortcut>
0539 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find Previous</guimenuitem>
0540 </menuchoice>
0541 </term>
0542 <listitem>
0543 <para>Find the previous occurrence of a piece of text within a
0544 presentation.</para>
0545 </listitem>
0546 </varlistentry>
0548 <varlistentry>
0549 <term>
0550 <menuchoice>
0551 <shortcut>
0552 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo>
0553 </shortcut>
0554 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Replace...</guimenuitem>
0555 </menuchoice>
0556 </term>
0557 <listitem>
0558 <para>Replace one or more occurrences of a piece of text in
0559 your presentation with a different piece of text.</para>
0560 </listitem>
0561 </varlistentry>
0563 <!--FIXME Edit Custom Slide Shows item missing-->
0565 <!--
0566 <varlistentry>
0567 <term>
0568 <menuchoice>
0569 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0570 <guimenuitem>Duplicate Slide</guimenuitem>
0571 </menuchoice>
0572 </term>
0573 <listitem>
0574 <para><action>Insert an exact copy of the current slide.</action></para>
0575 </listitem>
0576 </varlistentry>
0578 <varlistentry>
0579 <term>
0580 <menuchoice>
0581 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0582 <guimenuitem>Duplicate Object...</guimenuitem>
0583 </menuchoice>
0584 </term>
0585 <listitem>
0586 <para>Create a duplicate of the currently selected object. A dialog will
0587 display allowing you to set some options for the duplicate, &eg; if it
0588 should be rotated, or scaled, or offset to a new position on the
0589 slide.</para>
0590 </listitem>
0591 </varlistentry>
0592 -->
0593 </variablelist>
0595 </sect1>
0597 <sect1 id="view-menu">
0598 <title>View Menu</title>
0600 <variablelist>
0602 <varlistentry>
0603 <term>
0604 <menuchoice>
0605 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0606 <guimenuitem>New View</guimenuitem>
0607 </menuchoice></term>
0608 <listitem>
0609 <para><action>Opens another window with the same presentation loaded</action>
0610 so you can work on more than one slide at a time.</para>
0611 </listitem>
0612 </varlistentry>
0613 <!--
0614 <varlistentry>
0615 <term>
0616 <menuchoice>
0617 <shortcut>
0618 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0619 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0620 <guimenuitem>Close All Views</guimenuitem>
0621 </menuchoice>
0622 </term>
0623 <listitem>
0624 <para><action>Close all views on the presentation.</action> You will be given
0625 a chance to save any changes, or to cancel closing.</para>
0626 </listitem>
0627 </varlistentry>
0629 <varlistentry>
0630 <term>
0631 <menuchoice>
0632 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0633 <guimenuitem>Split View</guimenuitem>
0634 </menuchoice>
0635 </term>
0636 <listitem>
0637 <para><action>Splits the window into two (or more) views on the same
0638 presentation.</action> The default split is horizontal.</para>
0639 </listitem>
0640 </varlistentry>
0642 <varlistentry>
0643 <term>
0644 <menuchoice>
0645 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0646 <guimenuitem>Remove View</guimenuitem>
0647 </menuchoice>
0648 </term>
0649 <listitem>
0650 <para><action>Close only the currently active view</action>. The
0651 presentation, and any other views you have open, remain open, and any
0652 changes you have made remain unsaved.</para>
0653 </listitem>
0654 </varlistentry>
0656 <varlistentry>
0657 <term>
0658 <menuchoice>
0659 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0660 <guisubmenu>Splitter Orientation</guisubmenu>
0661 </menuchoice>
0662 </term>
0663 <listitem>
0664 <para><action>Toggle the split view</action> between
0665 <guimenuitem>Horizontal</guimenuitem> (the default) and
0666 <guimenuitem>Vertical</guimenuitem>.</para>
0667 </listitem>
0668 </varlistentry>
0670 <varlistentry>
0671 <term>
0672 <menuchoice>
0673 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0674 <guimenuitem>Show Sidebar</guimenuitem>
0675 </menuchoice>
0676 </term>
0677 <listitem>
0678 <para><action>Toggle the display of the sidebar</action> where you can
0679 see an overview of all the slides in your presentation.</para>
0680 </listitem>
0681 </varlistentry>
0682 -->
0683 <varlistentry>
0684 <term>
0685 <menuchoice>
0686 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F5</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0687 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0688 <guimenuitem>Normal</guimenuitem>
0689 </menuchoice>
0690 <menuchoice>
0691 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F6</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0692 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0693 <guimenuitem>Notes</guimenuitem>
0694 </menuchoice>
0695 <menuchoice>
0696 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F7</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0697 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0698 <guimenuitem>Slides Sorter</guimenuitem>
0699 </menuchoice>
0700 </term>
0701 <listitem>
0702 <para>Switch with these actions between the view modes Normal, where you edit 
0703 slides, Notes, which shows a slide preview with a textbox for your annotations for the
0704 actual slide and the Slides Sorter view, where you can rename, cut, copy and paste slides
0705 and arrange them for your presentation.</para>
0706 </listitem>
0707 </varlistentry>
0709 <varlistentry>
0710 <term>
0711 <menuchoice>
0712 <shortcut>
0713 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F8</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
0714 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0715 <guimenuitem>Show Master Slides</guimenuitem>
0716 </menuchoice>
0717 </term>
0718 <listitem>
0719 <para><action>Toggle the display of the slide master</action> where you can put objects that you want to appear on each slide in your presentation.</para>
0720 </listitem>
0721 </varlistentry>
0722 <!--
0723 <varlistentry>
0724 <term>
0725 <menuchoice>
0726 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0727 <guimenuitem>Formatting Characters</guimenuitem>
0728 </menuchoice>
0729 </term>
0730 <listitem>
0731 <para>Show a visual representation of <quote>non-printing
0732 characters</quote>, such as tabs and paragraph markers. This can be
0733 a useful aid to precisely positioning text.</para>
0735 <para>This item can be toggled. If enabled, formatting characters are
0736 visible; if disabled, they are not.</para>
0737 </listitem>
0738 </varlistentry>
0739 -->
0741 <!--FIXME Show Rulers missing-->
0743 <varlistentry>
0744 <term>
0745 <menuchoice>
0746 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0747 <guimenuitem>Show Grid</guimenuitem>
0748 </menuchoice>
0749 </term>
0750 <listitem>
0751 <para>If enabled, &stage; will display a grid of dots
0752 representing the intersections of imaginary horizontal and vertical
0753 lines. You can use these dots to precisely position objects on the
0754 slide.</para>
0755 </listitem>
0756 </varlistentry>
0758 <varlistentry>
0759 <term><menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>
0760 Snap to Grid</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0761 </term>
0762 <listitem><para>If this is enabled, when dropping or moving objects on the
0763 slide the top left corner of the object will <quote>snap</quote> or
0764 move, to the nearest grid point.</para>
0765 <para>This does reduce your freedom to freely position objects on the
0766 slide, however it also helps to line up objects precisely. It is
0767 easily disabled or enabled with this menu entry, allowing you the best
0768 of both worlds.</para>
0769 </listitem>
0770 </varlistentry>
0772 <varlistentry>
0773 <term>
0774 <menuchoice>
0775 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0776 <guimenuitem>Show Guides</guimenuitem>
0777 </menuchoice>
0778 </term>
0779 <listitem>
0780 <para>When working in &stage; you can drag a <quote>guide
0781 line</quote> from either the horizontal or vertical ruler onto your
0782 document. This guide-line will not print or display in the finished
0783 presentation, it is simply to help you align objects on screen. If
0784 this item is enabled, these guide lines will be visible. If this is
0785 disabled, they will not be visible.</para>
0787 <para>Guide lines work across slides, allowing you to align objects the
0788 same way across multiple slides.</para>
0790 <para>Disabling (hiding) guide lines does not delete them. If you have
0791 created guide lines, and then disabled this item, enabling it again
0792 will retain the guide lines you created.</para>
0793 </listitem>
0794 </varlistentry>
0795 <!--
0796 <varlistentry>
0797 <term>
0798 <menuchoice>
0799 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0800 <guimenuitem>Add Guide Line...</guimenuitem>
0801 </menuchoice>
0802 </term>
0803 <listitem>
0804 <para>
0805 Opens a dialog to select the <guilabel>Orientation</guilabel>
0806 (<guilabel>Horizontal</guilabel> or <guilabel>Vertical</guilabel>)
0807 and choose a <guilabel>Position:</guilabel>
0808 </para>
0809 </listitem>
0810 </varlistentry>
0811 -->
0812 <!--FIXME Zoom In / Zoom Out-->
0813 <varlistentry>
0814 <term>
0815 <menuchoice>
0816 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
0817 <guisubmenu>Zoom</guisubmenu>
0818 </menuchoice>
0819 </term>
0820 <listitem>
0821 <para>This submenu allows you to zoom in or out of the
0822 slide. Several predefined zoom levels are available, including
0823 <guimenuitem>Fit Page</guimenuitem> to scale the entire slide so as
0824 to be visible in the size window you have open, and
0825 <guimenuitem>Fit Page Width</guimenuitem> to scale the slide so it fills the
0826 entire width of the window, although you may now have to scroll
0827 vertically. There are also several other scaling choices, from
0828 <guimenuitem>33%</guimenuitem> up to
0829 <guimenuitem>500%</guimenuitem>.</para>
0830 </listitem>
0831 </varlistentry>
0833 <!--FIXME Full Screen Mode missing-->
0835 </variablelist>
0837 </sect1>
0839 <sect1 id="insert-menu">
0840 <title>Insert Menu</title>
0842 <variablelist>
0843 <!--
0844 <varlistentry>
0845 <term>
0846 <menuchoice>
0847 <shortcut>
0848 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;&Shift;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
0849 </shortcut>
0850 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0851 <guimenuitem>Special Character...</guimenuitem>
0852 </menuchoice>
0853 </term>
0854 <listitem>
0855 <para>Insert a special character. This might be a character
0856 you don't have a key for on your keyboard layout, for instance &uuml;
0857 on a US Keyboard.</para>
0858 </listitem>
0859 </varlistentry>
0860 -->
0861 <varlistentry>
0862 <term>
0863 <menuchoice>
0864 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0865 <guisubmenu>Variable</guisubmenu>
0866 </menuchoice>
0867 </term>
0868 <listitem>
0869 <para>Here you can insert a variable that is filled in with a
0870 value that may be updated as you update the document.</para>
0871 </listitem>
0872 </varlistentry>
0873 <!--
0874 <varlistentry>
0875 <term>
0876 <menuchoice>
0877 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0878 <guimenuitem>Link...</guimenuitem>
0879 </menuchoice>
0880 </term>
0881 <listitem>
0882 <para>Insert a hyperlink to a file, a website, or an email
0883 address. This enables these locations to be linked to directly from within active presentations, with resources being handled as appropriately by other applications installed on your system.</para>
0884 </listitem>
0885 </varlistentry>
0887 <varlistentry>
0888 <term>
0889 <menuchoice>
0890 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0891 <guimenuitem>Comment...</guimenuitem>
0892 </menuchoice>
0893 </term>
0894 <listitem>
0895 <para>Enter a small note that does not display during the
0896 real presentation. You might use this to comment on a colleague's
0897 text, or to leave a note for yourself about something to do
0898 later.</para>
0899 </listitem>
0900 </varlistentry>
0902 <varlistentry>
0903 <term>
0904 <menuchoice>
0905 <shortcut><keycap>F2</keycap></shortcut>
0906 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0907 <guimenuitem>Slide...</guimenuitem>
0908 </menuchoice>
0909 </term>
0910 <listitem>
0911 <para>
0912 <action>Add a new page to your presentation.</action> A dialog will open
0913 allowing you to choose a template, and whether to insert the new page
0914 before or after the currently selected page.
0915 </para>
0916 </listitem>
0917 </varlistentry>
0918 -->
0919 <varlistentry>
0920 <term>
0921 <menuchoice>
0922 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu><guimenuitem>Import Slideshow...</guimenuitem>
0923 </menuchoice>
0924 </term>
0925 <listitem>
0926 <para><action>Insert an already existing presentation.</action> A standard &kde; file
0927 open dialog will appear, allowing you to choose a 
0928 <guilabel>OpenDocument Presentation</guilabel> (.odp), which will be inserted after the last slide in your current presentation.</para>
0929 </listitem>
0930 </varlistentry>
0932 <varlistentry>
0933 <term>
0934 <menuchoice>
0935 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0936 <guimenuitem>Insert Pictures as Slides...</guimenuitem>
0937 </menuchoice>
0938 </term>
0939 <listitem>
0940 <para>Use this menu item to insert one or more pictures, each 
0941 is inserted on a new slide. This is useful for the people who want to use 
0942 &stage; to make a slide show.</para>
0943 </listitem>
0944 </varlistentry>
0946 <!--
0947 <varlistentry>
0948 <term>
0949 <menuchoice>
0950 <shortcut><keycap>F10</keycap></shortcut>
0951 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu><guimenuitem>Text</guimenuitem>
0952 </menuchoice>
0953 </term>
0954 <listitem>
0955 <para>Add a new text object. Click and drag to create a frame where
0956 you wish the text to appear.</para>
0957 </listitem>
0958 </varlistentry>
0960 <varlistentry>
0961 <term>
0962 <menuchoice>
0963 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
0964 <guimenuitem>Chart</guimenuitem>
0965 </menuchoice>
0966 </term>
0967 <listitem>
0968 <para>Insert a chart. Click and drag to define the size of the
0969 chart. Some default data will be displayed. Double click to edit the
0970 data and choose the type of chart to display, using the embedded
0971 &kchart; editor.</para>
0972 </listitem>
0973 </varlistentry>
0975 <varlistentry>
0976 <term>
0977 <menuchoice>
0978 <shortcut><keycap>F5</keycap></shortcut>
0979 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu><guimenuitem>Table</guimenuitem>
0980 </menuchoice>
0981 </term>
0982 <listitem>
0983 <para>Insert a table. Click and drag to define the size of
0984 the table.</para>
0986 <para>A &kspread; open dialog will display. You may import a
0987 spreadsheet that you have saved in one of many formats, including
0988 plain text files. You may also choose to create a new and empty
0989 table.</para>
0991 <para>Double clicking on the table will allow you to edit the
0992 contents.</para>
0993 </listitem>
0994 </varlistentry>
0996 <varlistentry>
0997 <term>
0998 <menuchoice>
0999 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
1000 <guisubmenu>Object</guisubmenu>
1001 </menuchoice>
1002 </term>
1003 <listitem>
1004 <para>An object is an embeddable file, in one of many formats.</para>
1006 <para>A common use of this action is to insert scaleable clipart in
1007 vector format.</para>
1008 </listitem>
1009 </varlistentry>
1011 <varlistentry>
1012 <term>
1013 <menuchoice>
1014 <shortcut>
1015 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F5</keycap></keycombo>
1016 </shortcut>
1017 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
1018 <guimenuitem>Picture...</guimenuitem>
1019 </menuchoice>
1020 </term>
1021 <listitem>
1022 <para><action>Insert a raster image.</action> These are not as easily
1023 scaleable as vector images or <quote>clipart</quote>. &stage;
1024 currently understands many formats, including <literal
1025 role="extension">.tiff</literal>, <literal
1026 role="extension">.jpg</literal>, <literal
1027 role="extension">.png</literal> and many more.</para>
1028 </listitem>
1029 </varlistentry>
1031 <varlistentry>
1032 <term>
1033 <menuchoice>
1034 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
1035 <guisubmenu>Line</guisubmenu>
1036 </menuchoice>
1037 </term>
1038 <listitem>
1039 <para>You can insert several types of lines. Line drawing is described
1040 further in the drawing tools section.</para>
1041 </listitem>
1042 </varlistentry>
1044 <varlistentry>
1045 <term>
1046 <menuchoice>
1047 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
1048 <guisubmenu>Shape</guisubmenu>
1049 </menuchoice>
1050 </term>
1051 <listitem>
1052 <para>You can insert several prepared shapes, in vector format. These are
1053 editable just like lines you have drawn yourself. Using the drawing
1054 tools is described in detail in the drawing tools
1055 section.</para>
1056 </listitem>
1057 </varlistentry>
1058 -->
1059 <varlistentry>
1060 <term>
1061 <menuchoice>
1062 <guimenu>Insert</guimenu>
1063 <guimenuitem>Scan Image...</guimenuitem>
1064 </menuchoice>
1065 </term>
1066 <listitem>
1067 <para><action>Scan an image with a scanner.</action> This requires you have a
1068 scanner installed. It opens a scan dialog to allow the use of the scanner.</para>
1069 </listitem>
1070 </varlistentry>
1072 </variablelist>
1074 </sect1>
1076 <sect1 id="format-menu">
1077 <title>Format Menu</title>
1079 <variablelist>
1080 <!--FIXME Master Slide item missing--> 
1082 <varlistentry>
1083 <term>
1084 <menuchoice>
1085 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1086 <guimenuitem>Font...</guimenuitem>
1087 </menuchoice>
1088 </term>
1089 <listitem>
1091 <para>The <guilabel>Select Font</guilabel> dialog contains options for selected
1092 segments of text.</para>
1094 <para>With this dialog, you can <action>change the font, style and size of
1095 selected text</action>. The <interface>preview box</interface> at the bottom
1096 allows you to <action>approximate changes before you make them</action>. </para>
1098 </listitem>
1099 </varlistentry>
1101 <varlistentry>
1102 <term>
1103 <menuchoice>
1104 <shortcut>
1105 <keycombo action="simul">
1106 &Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>P</keycap>
1107 </keycombo>
1108 </shortcut>
1109 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1110 <guimenuitem>Paragraph...</guimenuitem>
1111 </menuchoice>
1112 </term>
1113 <listitem>
1115 <para>The <guilabel>Paragraph Format</guilabel> dialog contains settings for
1116 larger blocks of text, such as paragraphs. Using this dialog, you can set
1117 indenting, line spacing, bullet/numbered list and border settings.</para>
1119 </listitem>
1120 </varlistentry>
1122 <varlistentry>
1123 <term>
1124 <menuchoice>
1125 <shortcut>
1126 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
1127 </shortcut>
1128 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1129 <guimenuitem>Style Manager</guimenuitem>
1130 </menuchoice>
1131 </term>
1132 <listitem>
1133 <para>The <guilabel>Style Manager</guilabel> allows you to create an entire set of
1134 attributes that will be applied to selected text all at once. </para>
1135 </listitem>
1136 </varlistentry>
1138 <!--
1139 <varlistentry>
1140 <term>
1141 <menuchoice>
1142 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1143 <guimenuitem>Select</guimenuitem>
1144 </menuchoice>
1145 </term>
1146 <listitem>
1147 <para>If you have been using a tool such as the line drawing tool which does
1148 not allow you to select other objects, you can use this menu item to
1149 return to the normal selection cursor.</para>
1150 </listitem>
1151 </varlistentry>
1153 <varlistentry>
1154 <term>
1155 <menuchoice>
1156 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1157 <guimenuitem>Rotate</guimenuitem>
1158 </menuchoice>
1159 </term>
1160 <listitem>
1161 <para>Changes the cursor to a double headed curved arrow. Click with the &LMB; onto an object
1162 and keep the button pressed. Drag with the cursor to rotate the object on the slide around its center. When you are
1163 happy with the position of the object, release the mousebutton to stop
1164 rotating.</para>
1166 <para>If you change your mind and wish to cancel the rotation, use
1167 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Undo</guimenuitem>
1168 </menuchoice> to later undo it.</para>
1169 </listitem>
1170 </varlistentry>
1172 <varlistentry>
1173 <term>
1174 <menuchoice>
1175 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1176 <guimenuitem>Zoom</guimenuitem>
1177 </menuchoice>
1178 </term>
1179 <listitem>
1180 <para>Allow you to zoom in or out in the current slide. You can see the zoom factor in the <guilabel>Edit</guilabel> toolbar, in the zoom indicator.</para>
1181 <screenshot>
1182 <screeninfo>The <guilabel>zoom factor</guilabel> indicator</screeninfo>
1183 <mediaobject>
1184 <imageobject>
1185 <imagedata format="PNG" fileref="zoomfactor.png"/>
1186 </imageobject>
1187 <textobject>
1188 <phrase>The <guilabel>zoom factor</guilabel> indicator</phrase>
1189 </textobject>
1190 </mediaobject>
1191 </screenshot>
1192 <para>Left clicking on the slide will <guimenuitem>Zoom In</guimenuitem>. Right clicking on the current slide will present you a menu to allow you to <guimenuitem>Zoom In</guimenuitem>, to <guimenuitem>Zoom Out</guimenuitem>, to <guimenuitem>Zoom Entire Slide</guimenuitem>, to <guimenuitem>Zoom Slide Width</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Zoom Slide Height</guimenuitem>, to <guimenuitem>Zoom Selected Objects</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Zoom All Objects</guimenuitem> which put back all objects in your view.
1193 </para>
1194 <para>This action has the same effect as <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zoom</guimenuitem>
1195 </menuchoice> on another form.</para>
1196 </listitem>
1197 </varlistentry>
1199 <varlistentry>
1200 <term>
1201 <menuchoice>
1202 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1203 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
1204 </menuchoice>
1205 </term>
1206 <listitem>
1207 <para><action>Open</action> the <guilabel>Properties</guilabel> dialog for the currently selected object on your slide.</para>
1208 <screenshot>
1209 <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Properties</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
1210 <mediaobject>
1211 <imageobject>
1212 <imagedata format="PNG" fileref="properties.png"/>
1213 </imageobject>
1214 <textobject>
1215 <phrase>The <guilabel>Properties</guilabel>dialog</phrase>
1216 </textobject>
1217 </mediaobject>
1218 </screenshot>
1219 <para>The <guilabel>Properties</guilabel> dialog for an object allows you to manipulate it in a
1220 very detailed manner. You can change several properties for the selected object, like the text color if the object is text or the depth if the object is a picture.</para>
1221 </listitem>
1222 </varlistentry>
1224 <varlistentry>
1225 <term>
1226 <menuchoice>
1227 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1228 <guisubmenu>Arrange Objects</guisubmenu>
1229 </menuchoice>
1230 </term>
1231 <listitem>
1232 <para>This is where you can manipulate the stacking order of
1233 objects on the slide.</para>
1235 <para>An object that is on top will cover, either partially or fully
1236 depending on its size, all other objects beneath it. Meanwhile an
1237 object on the bottom of the stack may not be visible at all, as it is
1238 covered up by other objects. An object in the middle may be partially
1239 covered by other objects, while partially covering yet more objects
1240 itself.</para>
1242 <para>You can send the selected object down or up a layer, or directly
1243 to the top or bottom of the stack.</para>
1245 </listitem>
1246 </varlistentry>
1248 <varlistentry>
1249 <term>
1250 <menuchoice>
1251 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1252 <guisubmenu>Align Objects</guisubmenu>
1253 </menuchoice>
1254 </term>
1255 <listitem>
1257 <para>In the submenu you can quickly align all the currently
1258 selected objects with a side of the slide, or center them either
1259 vertically or horizontally.</para>
1261 </listitem>
1262 </varlistentry>
1264 <varlistentry>
1265 <term>
1266 <menuchoice>
1267 <shortcut>
1268 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>G</keycap></keycombo>
1269 </shortcut>
1270 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1271 <guimenuitem>Group Objects</guimenuitem>
1272 </menuchoice>
1273 </term>
1274 <listitem>
1275 <para>If you are drawing, you might want to make something out of
1276 several objects. Arrange the individual parts where you
1277 want them, select one, then hold down the &Ctrl; key
1278 as you click in the others you want to group together. Click
1279 <guimenuitem>Group Objects</guimenuitem> and from then on they act as
1280 if they are just one thing. It glues things together.</para>
1282 </listitem>
1283 </varlistentry>
1285 <varlistentry>
1286 <term>
1287 <menuchoice>
1288 <shortcut>
1289 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>G</keycap></keycombo>
1290 </shortcut>
1291 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1292 <guimenuitem>Ungroup Objects</guimenuitem>
1293 </menuchoice>
1294 </term>
1295 <listitem>
1296 <para>If you decide that you want to alter an object that is made out
1297 of several pieces, you can unglue it with this tool. Click somewhere
1298 away from the object to deselect it, then click to select one of its
1299 parts.</para>
1300 </listitem>
1301 </varlistentry>
1303 <varlistentry>
1304 <term>
1305 <menuchoice>
1306 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1307 <guimenuitem>Shadow Objects...</guimenuitem>
1308 </menuchoice>
1309 </term>
1310 <listitem>
1311 <para>This puts a colored copy of either text or a drawn object behind
1312 it. You can make nice <quote>dropped shadows</quote> for logos with
1313 this tool. To enable this item, ensure that you have object(s) 
1314 selected (you will see the eight small squares around the
1315 outline.) You choose the color, select which way the shadow is going to
1316 fall and select a distance. For text it looks nice if you set the
1317 distance to two or three. Click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> 
1318 to see the result of your settings for all selected objects on the slide 
1319 without leaving the dialog.</para>
1320 </listitem>
1321 </varlistentry>
1322 -->
1323 <varlistentry>
1324 <term>
1325 <menuchoice>
1326 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1327 <guimenuitem>Page Layout...</guimenuitem>
1328 </menuchoice></term>
1329 <listitem>
1330 <para>Allows you to set the page details. You can specify the margins,
1331 the orientation, either portrait (higher than wide) or Landscape
1332 (wider than high) formats. There are many templates, such as screen,
1333 A4, US legal.</para>
1334 </listitem>
1335 </varlistentry>
1336 <!--
1337 <varlistentry>
1338 <term>
1339 <menuchoice>
1340 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1341 <guimenuitem>Enable/Disable Document Header</guimenuitem>
1342 </menuchoice>
1343 </term>
1344 <listitem>
1345 <para><action>Toggle the display of the header field</action> on the current slide. Header content can only be added in the master slide but you can choose to display the header only on some slides with this action.</para>
1346 </listitem>
1347 </varlistentry>
1349 <varlistentry>
1350 <term>
1351 <menuchoice>
1352 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1353 <guimenuitem>Enable/Disable Document Footer</guimenuitem>
1354 </menuchoice>
1355 </term>
1356 <listitem>
1357 <para><action>Toggle the display of the footer field</action> on the current slide. Footer content can only be added in the master slide but you can choose to display the footer only on some slides with this action.</para>
1358 </listitem>
1359 </varlistentry>
1361 <varlistentry>
1362 <term>
1363 <menuchoice>
1364 <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
1365 <guimenuitem>Slide Background...</guimenuitem>
1366 </menuchoice>
1367 </term>
1368 <listitem>
1370 <para>Allows you to alter the background to your presentation
1371 slides. Your options are <guilabel>Color/Gradient</guilabel>, (which lets you
1372 set either a plain color or one of many gradients)
1373 or <guilabel>Picture</guilabel>, which gives a dialog box to find the picture 
1374 you want. Set the <guilabel>View mode:</guilabel> for this picture
1375 to <guilabel>Scaled</guilabel>, <guilabel>Centered</guilabel>, 
1376 or <guilabel>Tiled</guilabel>.</para>
1378 <para> If you want a plain color, click in the box to select
1379 it. Gradients only work when you have chosen two colors. The picture
1380 option allows you to center the picture, zoom it to cover the entire
1381 slide (if it is smaller than the screen, this is very useful) or tile
1382 it. This is used when you want a small pattern to repeat across the
1383 page    . It's probably best used with patterns rather than pictures of
1384 logos.</para>
1386 <para>You can get rid of a picture by selecting another one or
1387 choosing a color/gradient.</para>
1389 </listitem>
1390 </varlistentry>
1391 -->
1392 </variablelist>
1394 </sect1>
1395 <!--FIXME this is now in Format -> Font / Paragraph etc
1396 <sect1 id="text-menu">
1397 <title><guimenu>Text</guimenu> Menu</title>
1399 <para>This menu modifies selected text and provides a few tools familiar from
1400 word processing applications for your convienience for when you are making
1401 presentations with large amounts
1402 of text in them. The <guimenu>Text</guimenu> menu will only effect selected or
1403 highlighted text.</para>
1405 <variablelist>
1406 <varlistentry>
1407 <term>
1408 <menuchoice>
1409 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1410 <guimenuitem>Default Format</guimenuitem>
1411 </menuchoice>
1412 </term>
1413 <listitem>
1414 <para>Restores selected text to the system default font size, style and
1415 formatting.</para>
1416 </listitem>
1417 </varlistentry>
1419 <varlistentry>
1420 <term>
1421 <menuchoice>
1422 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1423 <guimenuitem>Color...</guimenuitem>
1424 </menuchoice>
1425 </term>
1426 <listitem>
1428 <para>Use the <guilabel>Select Color</guilabel> dialog to have precise control
1429 over the color of selected text:</para>
1431 <screenshot>
1432 <screeninfo>The <guilabel>Select Color</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
1433 <mediaobject>
1434 <imageobject>
1435 <imagedata format="PNG" fileref="textmenu2.png"/>
1436 </imageobject>
1437 <textobject>
1438 <phrase>The <guilabel>Select Color</guilabel> dialog</phrase>
1439 </textobject>
1440 </mediaobject>
1441 </screenshot>
1443 <para>Using the <interface>color spectrum box</interface> on the left,
1444 <action>colors can be precisely defined</action> for use in your document. The
1445 color tone can then be adjusted using the <interface>scale</interface> to the
1446 right of the spectrum box. The <interface>input boxes</interface> below the
1447 color spectrum allow <action>color values to be entered</action>, so that exact
1448 colors can be specified.</para>
1450 <tip>
1451 <para>Use the color picker to select colors from elsewhere in your document
1452 (&eg; images).</para>
1453 </tip>
1455 </listitem>
1456 </varlistentry>
1458 <varlistentry>
1459 <term>
1460 <menuchoice>
1461 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1462 <guimenuitem>Import Styles...</guimenuitem>
1463 </menuchoice>
1464 </term>
1465 <listitem>
1466 <para>Here you can import styles that you have defined in another &stage;
1467 document.</para>
1468 </listitem>
1469 </varlistentry>
1471 <varlistentry>
1472 <term>
1473 <menuchoice>
1474 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1475 <guisubmenu>Style</guisubmenu>
1476 </menuchoice>
1477 </term>
1478 <listitem>
1479 <para>Using this submenu, you can apply a style that you have previously defined
1480 to the currently selected text.</para>
1481 </listitem>
1482 </varlistentry>
1484 <varlistentry>
1485 <term>
1486 <menuchoice>
1487 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1488 <guimenuitem>Create Style From Selection</guimenuitem>
1489 </menuchoice>
1490 </term>
1491 <listitem>
1492 <para>Copy the properties of the currently selected text and
1493 save them as a style that you may apply to other text.</para>
1494 </listitem>
1495 </varlistentry>
1497 <varlistentry>
1498 <term>
1499 <menuchoice>
1500 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1501 <guisubmenu>Align</guisubmenu>
1502 </menuchoice>
1503 </term>
1504 <listitem>
1505 <para><guisubmenu>Align</guisubmenu> has a submenu with several options:
1506 <guimenuitem>Align Left</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo>), 
1507 <guimenuitem>Align Center</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>), 
1508 <guimenuitem>Align Right</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo>), and
1509 <guimenuitem>Align Block</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>J</keycap></keycombo>) 
1510 which is also commonly known as <quote>Justify</quote>.</para>
1512 <para>Text is by default left-aligned.</para>
1514 </listitem>
1515 </varlistentry>
1517 <varlistentry>
1518 <term>
1519 <menuchoice>
1520 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1521 <guisubmenu>Type</guisubmenu>
1522 </menuchoice>
1523 </term>
1524 <listitem>
1525 <para>Using this submenu, you can format the currently selected text as a list,
1526 either of the numbered or bulleted type. If you choose numbered, you can then
1527 select a numbering style, and likewise if you choose bulleted, you can
1528 choose the style of bullets to use.</para>
1530 <para>To change a list back to plain text, select
1531 <guimenuitem>None</guimenuitem> as the style.</para>
1532 </listitem>
1533 </varlistentry>
1535 <varlistentry>
1536 <term>
1537 <menuchoice>
1538 <shortcut>
1539 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo>
1540 </shortcut>
1541 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1542 <guimenuitem>Increase Depth</guimenuitem>
1543 </menuchoice>
1544 </term>
1546 <term>
1547 <menuchoice>
1548 <shortcut>
1549 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo>
1550 </shortcut>
1551 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1552 <guimenuitem>Decrease Depth</guimenuitem>
1553 </menuchoice>
1554 </term>
1555 <listitem>
1556 <para><guimenuitem>Increase Depth</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Decrease
1557 Depth</guimenuitem> move paragraphs in a list either to the right
1558 (<guimenuitem>Increase Depth</guimenuitem>) or back to the left
1559 (<guimenuitem>Decrease Depth</guimenuitem>).</para>
1561 </listitem>
1562 </varlistentry>
1564 <varlistentry>
1565 <term>
1566 <menuchoice>
1567 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1568 <guimenuitem>Extend Contents to Object Height</guimenuitem>
1569 </menuchoice></term>
1570 <term>
1571 <menuchoice>
1572 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1573 <guimenuitem>Extend Object to Fit Contents</guimenuitem>
1574 </menuchoice>
1575 </term>
1576 <listitem>
1577 <para><guimenuitem>Extend Contents to Object Height</guimenuitem> and
1578 <guimenuitem>Extend Object to Fit Contents</guimenuitem> help to
1579 resize text within the text box or make the text box fit the text you have typed
1580 or pasted into it.</para>
1581 </listitem>
1582 </varlistentry>
1584 <varlistentry>
1585 <term>
1586 <menuchoice>
1587 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1588 <guimenuitem>Insert Slide Number</guimenuitem>
1589 </menuchoice>
1590 </term>
1591 <listitem>
1592 <para>Insert a dynamically-updated slide number. This page number will
1593 automatically update when slides are added or removed from your presentation to
1594 reflect the correct slide value.</para>
1595 </listitem>
1596 </varlistentry>
1598 <varlistentry>
1599 <term>
1600 <menuchoice>
1601 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1602 <guimenuitem>Change Case...</guimenuitem>
1603 </menuchoice>
1604 </term>
1605 <listitem>
1606 <para>Presents a dialog that provides a variety of different case/capitalization
1607 options for the currently selected text.</para>
1609 <para>You may choose between several styles of capitalization,
1610 including all lower or uppercase, book style capitalization where each
1611 word except conjunctions has an initial capital letter, and sentence
1612 style capitalization where the first word in a sentence is capitalized. You can
1613 also toggle the case, so that uppercase becomes lowercase, and vice
1614 versa.</para>
1615 </listitem>
1616 </varlistentry>
1618 <varlistentry>
1619 <term>
1620 <menuchoice>
1621 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1622 <guisubmenu>Spellcheck</guisubmenu>
1623 </menuchoice>
1624 </term>
1625 <listitem>
1626 <para>Use this submenu to utilize the spellcheck options. If you enable
1627 <guimenuitem>Autospellcheck</guimenuitem>, &stage; will automatically check
1628 text that you enter for spelling errors.</para>
1630 <para>If you prefer to check spelling explicitly, rather than automatically, you
1631 can also force a <guimenuitem>Spelling...</guimenuitem> check here.</para>
1632 </listitem>
1633 </varlistentry>
1635 <varlistentry>
1636 <term>
1637 <menuchoice>
1638 <guimenu>Text</guimenu>
1639 <guisubmenu>Autocorrection</guisubmenu>
1640 </menuchoice>
1641 </term>
1642 <listitem>
1643 <para>Use this submenu to utilize autocorrection options. If you 
1644 <guimenuitem>Enable Autocorrection</guimenuitem>, common spelling errors will be
1645 corrected as you type. For example, if you entered <userinput>Teh</userinput>,
1646 it would be autocorrected to <userinput>The</userinput>.</para>
1648 <para>If the autocorrection feature is not active, you can also
1649 <guimenuitem>Apply Autocorrection</guimenuitem> check here.</para>
1650 </listitem>
1651 </varlistentry>
1653 </variablelist>
1655 </sect1>
1656 -->
1658 <sect1 id="slide-menu">
1659 <title>Slide Menu</title>
1661 <variablelist>
1662 <varlistentry>
1663 <term>
1664 <menuchoice>
1665 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1666 <guimenuitem>Insert Slide</guimenuitem>
1667 </menuchoice>
1668 </term>
1669 <listitem>
1670 <para><action>Insert a new slide after the current one.</action></para>
1671 </listitem>
1672 </varlistentry>
1674 <varlistentry>
1675 <term>
1676 <menuchoice>
1677 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1678 <guimenuitem>Copy Slide</guimenuitem>
1679 </menuchoice>
1680 </term>
1681 <listitem>
1682 <para><action>Copy the current slide to the clipboard.</action></para>
1683 </listitem>
1684 </varlistentry>
1686 <varlistentry>
1687 <term>
1688 <menuchoice>
1689 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1690 <guimenuitem>Delete Slide</guimenuitem>
1691 </menuchoice></term>
1692 <listitem>
1693 <para><action>Delete the current page from the presentation.</action> You
1694 will be asked to confirm this action.</para>
1695 </listitem>
1696 </varlistentry>
1698 <varlistentry>
1699 <term>
1700 <menuchoice>
1701 <shortcut><keycap>PageUp</keycap></shortcut>
1702 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1703 <guimenuitem>Previous Slide</guimenuitem>
1704 </menuchoice>
1705 </term>
1706 <listitem>
1707 <para>Go back to the previous slide in the slide show.</para>
1708 </listitem>
1709 </varlistentry>
1711 <varlistentry>
1712 <term>
1713 <menuchoice>
1714 <shortcut><keycap>PageDown</keycap></shortcut>
1715 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1716 <guimenuitem>Next Slide</guimenuitem>
1717 </menuchoice>
1718 </term>
1719 <listitem>
1720 <para>Go to the next slide in the slide show.</para>
1721 </listitem>
1722 </varlistentry>
1724 <varlistentry>
1725 <term>
1726 <menuchoice>
1727 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Home</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1728 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1729 <guimenuitem>First Slide</guimenuitem>
1730 </menuchoice>
1731 </term>
1732 <listitem>
1733 <para>Go directly to the first slide in the slide show.</para>
1734 </listitem>
1735 </varlistentry>
1737 <varlistentry>
1738 <term>
1739 <menuchoice>
1740 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>End</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1741 <guimenu>Slide</guimenu>
1742 <guimenuitem>Last Slide</guimenuitem>
1743 </menuchoice>
1744 </term>
1745 <listitem>
1746 <para>Go immediately to the final slide in the slide show.</para>
1747 </listitem>
1748 </varlistentry>
1749 </variablelist>
1750 </sect1>
1752 <sect1 id="slide-show-menu">
1753 <title>Slide Show Menu</title>
1755 <variablelist>
1757 <varlistentry>
1758 <term>
1759 <menuchoice>
1760 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F5</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
1761 <guimenu>Slide Show</guimenu>
1762 <guisubmenu>Start Presentation</guisubmenu>
1763 <guimenuitem>From Current Slide</guimenuitem>
1764 </menuchoice>
1765 </term>
1766 <listitem>
1767 <para>Begin the slideshow from the current slide.</para>
1768 </listitem>
1769 </varlistentry>
1771 <varlistentry>
1772 <term>
1773 <menuchoice>
1774 <shortcut><keycap>F5</keycap></shortcut>
1775 <guimenu>Slide Show</guimenu>
1776 <guisubmenu>Start Presentation</guisubmenu>
1777 <guimenuitem>From First Slide</guimenuitem>
1778 </menuchoice>
1779 </term>
1780 <listitem>
1781 <para>Begin the slideshow from the first slide.</para>
1782 </listitem>
1783 </varlistentry>
1785 <varlistentry>
1786 <term>
1787 <menuchoice>
1788 <guimenu>Slide Show</guimenu>
1789 <guimenuitem>Configure Slide Show...</guimenuitem>
1790 </menuchoice>
1791 </term>
1792 <listitem>
1793 <para>You can set up the properties for the entire slide show here,
1794 including whether to show the duration on screen, which of the slides
1795 in a presentation to include, and several other global settings.</para>
1796 </listitem>
1797 </varlistentry>
1798 <!--FIXME Configure Presenter Wiew item mising-->
1799 <!--
1800 <varlistentry>
1801 <term>
1802 <menuchoice>
1803 <guimenu>Slide Show</guimenu>
1804 <guimenuitem>Edit Object Effect...</guimenuitem>
1805 </menuchoice>
1806 </term>
1807 <listitem>
1808 <para>Choose what effect you want to apply for the highlighted object. This is where
1809 you can set the order of appearance, how the object will appear, if you want a sound while the object appears and if you want some disappearance effects too.</para>
1810 </listitem>
1811 </varlistentry>
1813 <varlistentry>
1814 <term>
1815 <menuchoice>
1816 <guimenu>Slide Show</guimenu>
1817 <guimenuitem>Edit Slide Transition...</guimenuitem>
1818 </menuchoice>
1819 </term>
1820 <listitem>
1821 <para>Apply transition effects to the currently open slide. This is where
1822 you can choose how the transition from one slide to the next
1823 will be handled.</para>
1825 <para>The transition effects you select here are applied on the
1826 transition <emphasis>from</emphasis> this slide
1827 <emphasis>to</emphasis> the next.</para>
1829 </listitem>
1830 </varlistentry>
1832 <varlistentry>
1833 <term>
1834 <menuchoice>
1835 <guimenu>Slide Show</guimenu>
1836 <guimenuitem>Custom Slide Show...</guimenuitem>
1837 </menuchoice>
1838 </term>
1839 <listitem>
1840 <para>Opens a dialog to <guibutton>Add...</guibutton>, <guibutton>Modify...</guibutton>, 
1841 <guibutton>Remove</guibutton> and <guibutton>Copy</guibutton> slides and
1842 <guibutton>Test</guibutton> the slide show in full screen mode.</para>
1843 </listitem>
1844 </varlistentry>
1845 -->
1846 </variablelist>
1848 </sect1>
1850 <sect1 id="settingsmenu">
1851 <title>Settings Menu</title>
1853 <para>The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu allows you to customize
1854 &stage;.</para>
1856 <variablelist>
1858 <varlistentry>
1859 <term>
1860 <menuchoice>
1861 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1862 <guisubmenu>Show Toolbar</guisubmenu>
1863 </menuchoice>
1864 </term>
1865 <listitem>
1866 <para>In this menu you can both enable and
1867 disable the display of toolbar.</para>
1868 </listitem>
1869 </varlistentry>
1871 <!--FIXME Dockers item missing -->
1873 <!--FIXME Show Status Bar item missing -->
1875 <varlistentry>
1876 <term>
1877 <menuchoice>
1878 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1879 <guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts...</guimenuitem>
1880 </menuchoice>
1881 </term>
1882 <listitem>
1884 <para><guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts</guimenuitem> allows you to
1885 assign a keyboard shortcut to actions that &stage; menus or icons
1886 contain.</para>
1888 <screenshot>
1889 <screeninfo>Customize Shortcuts</screeninfo>
1890 <mediaobject>
1891 <imageobject>
1892 <imagedata fileref="settings03.png" format="PNG"/>
1893 </imageobject>
1894 <textobject>
1895 <phrase>Customizing the shortcuts</phrase>
1896 </textobject>
1897 </mediaobject>
1898 </screenshot>
1900 <para>If you try to assign a shortcut that is already used, it will
1901 give you a warning message. Highlight what you want to do (in the
1902 picture, I have chosen to make a keyboard shortcut to <guilabel>About
1903 KDE</guilabel>).</para>
1905 <para>Click the radio button to the <guilabel>Custom</guilabel> key setting and type the
1906 key you want to use. I assigned <keycap>Control</keycap> key and
1907 <keycap>Y</keycap> to bring up the <quote>About KDE</quote> dialog
1908 box.</para>
1910 <para>The button shows what has been assigned. Click
1911 <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to make the changes, click
1912 <guibutton>Default</guibutton> to restore whatever was assigned as
1913 default, click <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to do nothing and leave
1914 the dialog.</para>
1916 </listitem>
1917 </varlistentry>
1919 <varlistentry>
1920 <term>
1921 <menuchoice>
1922 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1923 <guimenuitem>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem>
1924 </menuchoice>
1925 </term>
1926 <listitem>
1927 <para>Configure Toolbars allows you to add or delete icons on each of
1928 the toolbars.</para>
1930 <screenshot>
1931 <screeninfo>Configuring &stage; toolbars</screeninfo>
1932 <mediaobject>
1933 <imageobject>
1934 <imagedata fileref="settings04.png" format="PNG"/>
1935 </imageobject>
1936 <textobject>
1937 <phrase>Configuring &stage; toolbars</phrase>
1938 </textobject>
1939 </mediaobject>
1940 </screenshot>
1942 <para>At the top is a drop down box to enable you to choose which
1943 toolbar you want to modify. In the picture the <guilabel>File</guilabel> toolbar is
1944 selected. If I want to add the <guiicon>Dockers</guiicon> icon to
1945 that toolbar, I click the entry in the left window. The arrow pointing
1946 right becomes available, if I click the arrow the <guiicon>Dockers</guiicon> 
1947 entry is added to the selected toolbar. The left arrow
1948 is available when you click in the right side window. It allows you to
1949 remove an icon from a toolbar. The up and down arrows become active
1950 when an item on the right side is selected. You can also move the highlight in
1951 the right side window up and down with the keyboard arrow keys. By
1952 clicking on the arrows with the mouse you can change the order of the entries 
1953 in the menu. 
1954 <!--The <guimenuitem>Configure 
1955 &kpresenter;...</guimenuitem> menu entry gives two menu boxes. -->
1956 </para>
1957 </listitem>
1958 </varlistentry>
1960 <varlistentry>
1961 <term><menuchoice>
1962 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1963 <guimenuitem>Themes</guimenuitem>
1964 </menuchoice></term>
1965 <listitem><para><action>Choose the color theme for &stage; window.</action> You can choose
1966 one of the predefined color schemes or select <guimenuitem>Configuration...</guimenuitem> to
1967 open <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/colors">&systemsettings; color selection module</ulink>.
1968 </para></listitem>
1969 </varlistentry>
1971 <varlistentry>
1972 <term>
1973 <menuchoice>
1974 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
1975 <guimenuitem>Configure Stage...</guimenuitem>
1976 </menuchoice>
1977 </term>
1978 <listitem>
1979 <para>See the <link
1980 linkend="configure-dialog">Configure &stage;</link> section for a complete explanation of all &stage; settings.</para>
1981 </listitem>
1982 </varlistentry>
1983 </variablelist>
1985 </sect1>
1987 <sect1 id="helpmenu">
1988 <title>Help Menu</title>
1990 &help.menu.documentation;
1992 </sect1>
1994 </chapter>