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0008 <chapter id="hints-and-tips">
0009 <chapterinfo>
0010 <authorgroup>
0011 <author>
0012 <firstname>Neil</firstname>
0013 <surname>Lucock</surname>
0014 <affiliation>
0015 <address><email>neil@nlucock.freeserve.co.uk</email></address>
0016 </affiliation>
0017 </author>
0018 <author>
0019 <firstname>Krishna</firstname>
0020 <surname>Tateneni</surname>
0021 <affiliation>
0022 <address><email>tateneni@pluto.njcc.com</email></address>
0023 </affiliation>
0024 </author>
0026 </authorgroup>
0027 </chapterinfo>
0028 <title>General Hints and Tips for Great Presentations</title>
0030 <para>Okay, you've decided to use &stage; for your
0031 presentation. Before you start making transparencies or animated slide
0032 shows, go and find a piece of paper and sit down at a desk away from
0033 the computer. It doesn't matter whether you are doing a teaching
0034 session or trying to convince the boss that your plan, policy or idea
0035 should be adopted, you need to figure out what you are trying to
0036 say. Write down all the subjects you need to cover, try to get them in
0037 the order you think will make sense. Don't put any details in yet,
0038 just decide on headings and the structure of your talk.</para>
0040 <para>Under each heading make a note of what facts you need to
0041 cover. You are trying to build a convincing argument. Consider
0042 grouping your facts into things must be included,  things that should
0043 be included and things that it would be nice to cover if you had
0044 plenty of time.</para>
0046 <para>Once you have written down all the things you need to say,
0047 consider the time available to do it in. Ten minutes seems ages when
0048 you start, but it is very difficult to actually get much across in so
0049 short a time. Get your sheet of paper and a clock with a second
0050 hand. Practise your presentation over and over again. This has many
0051 benefits. Firstly, you get the timing right. If someone says you have
0052 ten minutes, never go over the allowed time. Secondly, when you
0053 actually do it in front of a live audience, it will not be the first
0054 time you have done that presentation. Third, you get the words right
0055 in your own head. You will find ways of saying things about the
0056 subject. If you've heard yourself do this presentation several times,
0057 you will know what you are going to say next and how you are going to
0058 say it. </para>
0060 <para>&stage; does not produce Speaker's Notes at the time of
0061 writing, but I am happy to just use ordinary slides. Produce some
0062 slides for yourself, printed on plain paper, and some for use with the
0063 Overhead Projector. Make the text on your slides nice and big, you
0064 need to be able to read it at a distance. I use 14 or 16 point text,
0065 experiment to find a size that you can read easily. I never write out
0066 a script.</para>
0068 <para>If you are using an Overhead projector, learn how to use it
0069 beforehand. Make sure that the bulb works, that the spare bulb is
0070 still okay. Clean the lens and display plates. If you are not used to
0071 working with projectors, practice. Ensure that the projection screen
0072 itself is clean. It's probably best, when timing yourself, to allow
0073 for five seconds (count <quote>one thousand and one, one thousand and
0074 two....</quote>) to change each slide. That way you know you don't
0075 have to rush. If you need to point at something on a slide, you can
0076 use a pointer and point at the display screen, find a laser pointer or
0077 put a pencil on the transparency itself. Be warned, these tend to roll
0078 out of place when you nudge the table.</para>
0080 <para>Consider where you are going to stand. You cannot stand in
0081 front of your display, so off to one side is probably your best option
0082 if you want your audience to be able to see. I often project a picture
0083 onto a wipeboard and draw over the top of it. If you are using a PC
0084 with a digital projector you can draw over the top of your slides with
0085 &stage;'s pen tool. Remember, drawing freehand with a mouse is a
0086 skill that needs practice. If you are using an Overhead projector, you
0087 can use transparent overlay slides and a pen over the top of your
0088 computer generated ones.</para>
0090 <para>When you are doing the presentation do not accidently look into
0091 the light, it's easy to do. If you are not going to use the machine
0092 for a few minutes, turn it off.  Practise to get where you are going
0093 to stand sorted out. Check the room you intend to use for electrical
0094 sockets and learn how the blinds work and where the light switches
0095 are. Good preparation not only makes you less likely to make mistakes
0096 (inanimate things can be a nightmare in front of an audience) but also
0097 gives you confidence. Always have a <quote>Plan B</quote> ready if
0098 something refuses to work. Have a paper copy of your slides with
0099 you. You can photocopy and distribute these to your audience if the
0100 equipment fails.</para>
0102 <para>I have not said much about the content yet. At present all you
0103 have is a piece of paper with everything you want to say on it. Before
0104 you make anything, ask youself if their understanding of what you are
0105 saying is going to improved by showing them a picture. Bad
0106 presentations consist of a series of slides full of text. The
0107 presenter then reads the slide to the audience (who have already read
0108 it as they can read faster than someone can say it aloud). Try to
0109 avoid writing anything on the slide, except a title and a number. Draw
0110 a picture of what you need to say, then explain the picture to
0111 them. That way they do not get ahead of you (they can read faster than
0112 you can speak, remember?) and you look like you know it. You do not
0113 know it, you are using the picture as a series of prompts. A slide
0114 should support what you are saying, not duplicate it. A slide should
0115 be the focus of the audience's attention, not a distraction.</para>
0117 <para>An example. I teach Railway staff how to respond to accidents. I
0118 wanted to use a slide to discuss how you can move dangerous loads from
0119 a derailed or damaged rail vehicle to a road vehicle after an
0120 accident.  The slide I made had a simple drawing of tank wagon, the
0121 kind used for carrying gases or oils. On the side I wrote
0122 <quote>Lethal Chemical Company</quote> so that I do not have to
0123 explain it. I wanted to make several important points. First, you must
0124 get any overhead electric wires turned off before you do anything if
0125 they are within a certain distance. I drew one of the supporting
0126 structures and drew an arrow with the safety distance on it. Then I
0127 wanted to say that you must not transfer the wagon's contents in
0128 darkness or thunderstorms. I drew a moon and a lightning bolt above
0129 the vehicle. You must get specialist advice, so I drew a sheet of
0130 paper and wrote the word <quote>Plan</quote> near the vehicle. You
0131 also have to ensure that the vehicle does not move when the weight
0132 inside is removed. I drew little red wedges by the wheels. Everything
0133 I need to talk about is on this drawing. All I have to do is look at
0134 the drawing and it tells me what I need to cover. When I have covered
0135 all the things in the drawing, I have finished on that
0136 subject. </para>
0138 <para>In general, only use a slide or picture if it shows something
0139 that adds to what you are saying. Finally, relax and try not to rush
0140 through it all. Talk to them, not at them and remember that a
0141 presentation is about whatever message you are trying to get
0142 across. &stage; is a useful tool. It can help you to get that
0143 message over, but it cannot do the job for you.</para>
0145 </chapter>