Warning, /office/calligra/doc/sheets/format.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <chapter id="formatspread">
0002 <chapterinfo>
0003 <authorgroup>
0004 <author>
0005 <firstname>Pamela</firstname>
0006 <surname>Robert</surname>
0007 <affiliation>
0008 <address><email>pamroberts@blueyonder.co.uk</email></address>
0009 </affiliation>
0010 </author>
0011 <author>
0012 <firstname>Raphael</firstname>
0013 <surname>Langerhorst</surname>
0014 <affiliation>
0015 <address><email>raphael.langerhorst@kdemail.net</email></address>
0016 </affiliation>
0017 </author>
0018 <author>
0019 <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
0020 <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
0021 <affiliation>
0022 <address><email>annemarie.mahfouf@free.fr</email></address>
0023 </affiliation>
0024 </author>
0026 </authorgroup>
0027 </chapterinfo> 
0028 <title>Spreadsheet Formatting</title>
0030 <sect1 id="formatcells">
0031 <!--<title>Fonts, Text, Borders and Colors</title>-->
0032 <title>Cell Format</title>
0033 <para>To change the format and appearance of selected cell(s), row(s) or column(s) use
0034 the <guimenuitem>Cell Format...</guimenuitem> option from the <guimenu>Format</guimenu> 
0035 menu or from the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button popup
0036 menu.</para>
0037 <para>
0038 <mediaobject>
0039 <imageobject>
0040 <imagedata fileref="cellformat0.png" format="PNG"/>
0041 </imageobject>
0042 <textobject>
0043 <phrase>Right mouse button context menu.</phrase>
0044 </textobject>
0045 </mediaobject>
0046 </para>
0047 <para>This will bring up the <guilabel>Cell Format</guilabel> dialog box
0048 which has several tabbed pages:</para>
0049 <sect2 id="formatdata">
0050 <!-- beginning of annma writing -->
0051 <title>Data Formats and Representation</title>
0052 <para>
0053 <mediaobject>
0054 <imageobject>
0055 <imagedata fileref="cellformat1.png" format="PNG"/>
0056 </imageobject>
0057 <textobject>
0058 <phrase><guilabel>Data Format</guilabel> page.</phrase>
0059 </textobject>
0060 </mediaobject>
0061 </para>
0062 <para>The <guilabel>Data Format</guilabel> page of the <guilabel>Cell Format</guilabel> dialog box 
0063 lets you control how the values of cells are displayed.</para>
0064 <para>The top part of this page lets you select the format to be used when 
0065 displaying numeric values, dates or times. A <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> pane
0066 allows you to see the effect of the new format.
0067 </para>
0068 <para>You can set the same data format for a row or a column by selecting the
0069 row or column and calling the <guilabel>Cell Format</guilabel> dialog with the &RMB;.</para>
0070 <note><para>You can increase the precision decimal for any number in <guilabel>Generic</guilabel>,
0071 <guilabel>Number</guilabel>, <guilabel>Percent</guilabel>, <guilabel>Money</guilabel> or 
0072 <guilabel>Scientific</guilabel> formats using the <guiicon>Increase 
0073 precision</guiicon> icon in the <guilabel>Format</guilabel> toolbar: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0074 <imagedata fileref="increasedecimal.png" format="PNG"/>
0075 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></para>
0076 <para>You can decrease the precision decimal for any number in <guilabel>Generic</guilabel>, 
0077 <guilabel>Number</guilabel>, <guilabel>Percent</guilabel>, <guilabel>Money</guilabel> or 
0078 <guilabel>Scientific</guilabel> formats using the <guiicon>Decrease precision</guiicon> icon
0079 in the <guilabel>Format</guilabel> toolbar: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0080 <imagedata fileref="decreasedecimal.png" format="PNG"/>
0081 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></para>
0082 </note>
0083 <variablelist>
0084 <varlistentry>
0085 <term><guilabel>Generic</guilabel></term>
0086 <listitem><para>This is the default format and &sheets; autodetects the
0087 actual
0088 data type depending on the current cell data. By default, &sheets; right
0089 justifies numbers, dates and times within a cell and left justifies anything
0090 else.</para>
0091 <para>If the <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> format does not suit you, you can change to a specific
0092 format among the choices below.</para>
0093 </listitem>
0094 </varlistentry>
0095 <varlistentry>
0096 <term><guilabel>Number</guilabel></term>
0097 <listitem><para>The number notation uses the notation you globally choose in
0098 &systemsettings; in <menuchoice><guimenu>Locale</guimenu><guisubmenu>Country/Region &amp; Language</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Numbers</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
0099 Numbers are right justified by default.</para>
0100 </listitem>
0101 </varlistentry>
0102 <varlistentry>
0103 <term><guilabel>Percent</guilabel></term>
0104 <listitem><para>When you have a number in the current cell and you switch the
0105 cell format from <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> to <guilabel>Percent</guilabel>, the current cell number will be multiplied
0106 by 100.</para>
0107 <para>For example if you enter 2 and set the cell format to <guilabel>Percent</guilabel>, the number
0108 will then be 200 %. Switching back to <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> cell format will bring it back to
0109 2.</para>
0110 <para>You can also use the <guiicon>Percent</guiicon> icon in the <guilabel>Format</guilabel>
0111 Toolbar: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0112 <imagedata fileref="percent.png" format="PNG"/>
0113 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></para>
0114 </listitem>
0115 </varlistentry>
0116 <varlistentry>
0117 <term><guilabel>Money</guilabel></term>
0118 <listitem><para>The <guilabel>Money</guilabel> format converts your number into money notation using
0119 the settings globally fixed in &systemsettings; in <menuchoice><guimenu>Locale</guimenu><guisubmenu>Country/Region &amp; Language</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Money</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. The
0120 currency symbol will be displayed and the precision will be the one set in
0121 &systemsettings;.</para>
0122 <para>You can also use the <guiicon>Money Format</guiicon> icon in the <guilabel>Format</guilabel> toolbar to set the
0123 cell formatting to look like your current currency:
0124 <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
0125 <imagedata fileref="hi22-action-money.png" format="PNG"/>
0126 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></para>
0127 </listitem>
0128 </varlistentry>
0129 <varlistentry>
0130 <term><guilabel>Scientific</guilabel></term>
0131 <listitem><para>The <guilabel>Scientific</guilabel> format changes your number using the scientific
0132 notation. For example, 0.0012 will be changed to 1.2E-03. Going back using
0133 <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> cell format will display 0.0012 again. The <guilabel>Generic</guilabel> cell data format does
0134 not keep scientific notation so if you want this notation, you have to specify
0135 it using this menu item.</para>
0136 </listitem>
0137 </varlistentry>
0138 <varlistentry>
0139 <term><guilabel>Fraction</guilabel></term>
0140 <listitem><para>The <guilabel>Fraction</guilabel> format changes your number into a fraction. For
0141 example, 0.1 can be changed to 1/8, 2/16, 1/10, &etc; You define the type of
0142 fraction by choosing it in the field on the right. If the exact fraction is not
0143 possible in the fraction mode you choose, the nearest closest match is chosen. 
0144 For example: when we have 1.5 as number, we choose <guilabel>Fraction</guilabel>
0145 and <guilabel>Sixteenths 1/16</guilabel> the text displayed into cell is "1
0146 8/16" which is an exact fraction. If you have 1.4 as number in your cell and you
0147 choose <guilabel>Fraction</guilabel> and <guilabel>Sixteenths 1/16</guilabel>
0148 then the cell will display "1 6/16" which is the nearest closest Sixteenth
0149 fraction.</para>
0150 </listitem><!--TODO formatting of numbers?-->
0151 </varlistentry>
0152 <varlistentry>
0153 <term><guilabel>Date</guilabel></term>
0154 <listitem><para>To enter a date, you should enter it in one of the formats set
0155 in &systemsettings; in <menuchoice><guimenu>Locale</guimenu>
0156 <guisubmenu>Country/Region &amp; Language</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Date &amp;
0157 Time</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. There are two formats set here: the date format
0158 and the short date format.</para>
0159 <para>A random natural number NN will be transformed in the date from 30st
0160 December 1899 (which is 0) with the number of days NN added. For example if you
0161 have a cell with 100 and you choose <guilabel>Date</guilabel> format, "1900-04-09" will be
0162 displayed in the cell which is 100 days after 30st December 1899. This starting
0163 date is two days early as it was a bug in Lotus 123 and then it stayed that way
0164 in Excel in order to keep compatibility. Few people will need to calculate from
0165 1st January 1900 anyway and adding 9 days to 1st November 2000 for example will
0166 give you 10th November 2000 so all normal calculations on dates are
0167 correct.</para>
0168 <note><para>When a cell is in the <guilabel>Date</guilabel> format, you can drag this cell down as
0169 you do with numbers and the next cells will also get
0170 dates, each date being increased by one day.</para></note><!--TODO explain that
0171 better-->
0172 </listitem>
0173 </varlistentry>
0174 <varlistentry>
0175 <term><guilabel>Time</guilabel></term>
0176 <listitem><para>This formats your cell content as a time. To enter a time, you
0177 should enter it in the <guilabel>Time format</guilabel> set in &systemsettings; 
0178 in <menuchoice><guimenu>Locale</guimenu>
0179 <guisubmenu>Country/Region &amp; Language</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Date &amp;
0180 Time</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. In the <guilabel>Cell Format</guilabel>
0181 dialog box you can set how the time should be displayed by choosing one of the
0182 available time format options. The default format is the system format set in
0183 &systemsettings;. When the number in the cell does not make sense as a time,
0184 &sheets; will display 00:00 in the global format you have in
0185 &systemsettings;.</para>
0186 </listitem>
0187 </varlistentry>
0188 <varlistentry>
0189 <term><guilabel>Date and Time</guilabel></term>
0190 <listitem><para>This formats your cell content as date and time. To enter a date and a time, you
0191 should enter it in the <guilabel>Time format</guilabel> set in &systemsettings; 
0192 in <menuchoice><guimenu>Locale</guimenu>
0193 <guisubmenu>Country/Region &amp; Language</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Date &amp;
0194 Time</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. In the <guilabel>Cell Format</guilabel>
0195 dialog box you can set how the date and time should be displayed by choosing one of the
0196 available date and time format options. The default format is the system format set in
0197 &systemsettings;. When the number in the cell does not make sense as a date and time,
0198 &sheets; will display 00:00 in the global format you have in
0199 &systemsettings;.</para>
0200 </listitem>
0201 </varlistentry>
0202 <varlistentry>
0203 <term><guilabel>Text</guilabel></term>
0204 <listitem><para>This formats your cell content as text. This can be useful if
0205 you want a number treated as text instead as a number, for example for a ZIP
0206 code. Setting a number as text format will left justify it. When numbers are
0207 formatted as text, they cannot be used in calculations or formulas. It also
0208 change the way the cell is justified.</para>
0209 </listitem>
0210 </varlistentry>
0211 <varlistentry>
0212 <term><guilabel>Custom</guilabel></term>
0213 <listitem><para>Does not work yet. To be enabled in the next release.</para>
0214 </listitem>
0215 </varlistentry>
0216 </variablelist>
0218 <para>The lower part of the <guilabel>Data Format</guilabel> page lets you add 
0219 a <guilabel>Prefix:</guilabel> such as a $ symbol at the start of each item or 
0220 a <guilabel>Postfix:</guilabel> such as $HK to the end. You can also control 
0221 how many digits are displayed after the decimal point for numeric values, 
0222 whether positive values are displayed with a leading + sign and whether 
0223 negative values are shown in red.
0224 </para>
0225 </sect2> <!--end of annma writing -->
0227 <sect2 id="formattext">
0228 <title>Fonts and Text Settings</title>
0229 <para>
0230 <mediaobject>
0231 <imageobject>
0232 <imagedata fileref="cellformat2.png" format="PNG"/>
0233 </imageobject>
0234 <textobject>
0235 <phrase>Font page.</phrase>
0236 </textobject>
0237 </mediaobject>
0238 </para>
0239 <para>The <guilabel>Font</guilabel> page lets you select the font family, <guilabel>Style:</guilabel>,
0240 <guilabel>Size:</guilabel>,  <guilabel>Weight:</guilabel>
0241 and <guilabel>Color:</guilabel> for the current cell, including some additional options like
0242 underlined or striked out text.
0243 The lower part of the page gives a <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> of the selected text format.</para>
0244 <para>The default font is set for all cells in the
0245 <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guimenuitem>Style
0246 Manager</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu with the currently used style.</para>
0247 <!--annma-->
0248 <variablelist>
0249 <!--varlistentry>
0250 <term><guilabel>Family List box</guilabel></term>
0251 <listitem><para>Allows you to choose a new font family.</para>
0252 </listitem>
0253 </varlistentry-->
0254 <varlistentry>
0255 <term><guilabel>Style:</guilabel></term>
0256 <listitem><para>Choose the style for your font for the currently selected cells.
0257 When you select several cells with different styles, the displayed style is set
0258 to <guilabel>Varying (No Change)</guilabel> and leaving it that way will keep
0259 all your current style settings for each cell. Changing to
0260 <guilabel>Roman</guilabel> for example will change all the selected cells style
0261 text to <guilabel>Roman</guilabel>.</para>
0262 </listitem>
0263 </varlistentry>
0264 <varlistentry>
0265 <term><guilabel>Size:</guilabel></term>
0266 <listitem><para>Choose the size for your font for the currently selected cells.
0267 When you select several cells with different sizes, the displayed size is set to
0268 <guilabel> </guilabel> (no number written) and leaving it that way will keep all
0269 your current size settings for each cell. Changing to <guilabel>14</guilabel>
0270 for example will change all the selected cells font size to
0271 <guilabel>14</guilabel>.</para>
0272 </listitem>
0273 </varlistentry>
0274 <varlistentry>
0275 <term><guilabel>Weight:</guilabel></term>
0276 <listitem><para>Choose the weight for your font for the currently selected
0277 cells. When you select several cells with different font weight, the displayed
0278 weight is set to <guilabel>Varying (No Change)</guilabel> and leaving it that
0279 way will keep all your current weight settings for each cell. Changing to
0280 <guilabel>Bold</guilabel> for example will change all the selected cells font
0281 weight to <guilabel>Bold</guilabel>.</para>
0282 </listitem>
0283 </varlistentry>
0284 <varlistentry>
0285 <term><guilabel>Color:</guilabel></term>
0286 <listitem><para>Choose the color for the currently selected cells' text.
0287 Clicking on the color bar will bring you the standard KDE <guilabel>Select Color</guilabel> dialog
0288 where you will be able to choose the new color. </para>
0289 </listitem>
0290 </varlistentry>
0291 <varlistentry>
0292 <term><guilabel>Underline</guilabel></term>
0293 <listitem><para>Underlines the currently selected cells' text if checked. This
0294 is
0295 not checked per default.</para>
0296 </listitem>
0297 </varlistentry>
0298 <varlistentry>
0299 <term><guilabel>Strike out</guilabel></term>
0300 <listitem><para>This will strike out the currently selected cells'  text if this
0301 is checked. This is not checked per default.</para>
0302 </listitem>
0303 </varlistentry>
0304 </variablelist>
0305 <!--end of annma-->
0306 </sect2>
0308 <sect2 id="formatposition">
0309 <title>Text Position and Rotation</title>
0310 <para>
0311 <mediaobject>
0312 <imageobject>
0313 <imagedata fileref="cellformat3.png" format="PNG"/>
0314 </imageobject>
0315 <textobject>
0316 <phrase>Position page.</phrase>
0317 </textobject>
0318 </mediaobject>
0319 </para>
0320 <para>From the <guilabel>Position</guilabel> page you can control the position 
0321 of text within a cell by making suitable selections in the <guilabel>Horizontal
0322 </guilabel> and <guilabel>Vertical</guilabel> areas or by setting the 
0323 <guilabel>Indent</guilabel> value. You can also choose to have the text 
0324 appear vertically rather than horizontally, or even at an angle.</para>
0326 <variablelist>
0327 <varlistentry>
0328 <term><guilabel>Horizontal</guilabel></term>
0329 <listitem><para>Set the content position horizontally in the cell. 
0330 <guilabel>Standard</guilabel> is default and is set from the data format you choose. 
0331 <guilabel>Left</guilabel> means the content will be displayed on the left of the cell.
0332 <guilabel>Center</guilabel> means the content will be in the center horizontally in the cell.
0333 <guilabel>Right</guilabel> means the content of the cell will be displayed on the right of the
0334 cell.</para>
0335 </listitem>
0336 </varlistentry>
0337 <varlistentry>
0338 <term><guilabel>Vertical</guilabel></term>
0339 <listitem><para>Set the content position vertically in the cell. 
0340 <guilabel>Top</guilabel> means the content will be displayed on top of the cell.
0341 <guilabel>Middle</guilabel> means the content will be in the middle vertically in the cell.
0342 <guilabel>Bottom</guilabel> means the content of the cell will be displayed at the bottom of the
0343 cell.</para>
0344 </listitem>
0345 </varlistentry>
0346 <varlistentry>
0347 <term><guilabel>Text Option</guilabel></term>
0348 <listitem><para>This is only available when the rotation is 0°. 
0349 <guilabel>Wrap text</guilabel> wraps the text so it fits in the previous cell size. If this is not
0350 checked, the text will stay on one line.</para>
0351 <para><guilabel>Vertical text</guilabel> puts your text vertically.</para>
0352 </listitem>
0353 </varlistentry>
0354 <varlistentry>
0355 <term><guilabel>Rotation</guilabel></term>
0356 <listitem><para>Your text will appear oriented in the angle you set here.
0357 Positive values will move it counter-clockwise and negative values will move it
0358 clockwise.</para>
0359 </listitem>
0360 </varlistentry>
0361 <varlistentry>
0362 <term><guilabel>Merge Cells</guilabel></term>
0363 <listitem><para>When checked, this has the same effect
0364 as <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge
0365 Cells</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. You need to have at least two
0366 consecutive cells selected. Those consecutive cells are then merged into a
0367 bigger one.</para>
0368 <para>When a merged cell is selected and when you uncheck this, then all cells
0369 come back to their original size as before the merging. It has the same effect
0370 as <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dissociate
0371 Cells</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0372 </listitem>
0373 </varlistentry>
0374 <varlistentry>
0375 <term><guilabel>Indent</guilabel></term>
0376 <listitem><para>Set the amount of indent that will be used in the cell when you
0377 choose the <guilabel>Increase Indent</guilabel>/<guilabel>Decrease Indent</guilabel> 
0378 actions from the toolbar. These actions are not enabled by default in the toolbar.</para>
0379 </listitem>
0380 </varlistentry>
0381 <varlistentry>
0382 <term><guilabel>Size of Cell</guilabel></term>
0383 <listitem><para>You set here the size of the cell, either a custom width and
0384 height or choose the default width and height.</para>
0385 </listitem>
0386 </varlistentry>
0387 </variablelist>
0388 </sect2>
0390 <sect2 id="formatborder">
0391 <title>Cell Border</title>
0392 <para>
0393 <mediaobject>
0394 <imageobject>
0395 <imagedata fileref="cellformat4.png" format="PNG"/>
0396 </imageobject>
0397 <textobject>
0398 <phrase>Border page.</phrase>
0399 </textobject>
0400 </mediaobject>
0401 </para>
0402 <para>The <guilabel>Border</guilabel> page lets you set the appearance of the
0403 cell borders. If you have selected more than one cell you can apply different
0404 styles to the borders between the cells and that surrounding the selected area.
0405 </para>
0406 <para>First select the pattern and color from the <guilabel>Pattern</guilabel>
0407 section of the <guilabel>Border</guilabel> page then apply that to
0408 different parts of the border by clicking on the appropriate button in the
0409 <guilabel>Border</guilabel> section, or on one of the <guilabel>Preselect
0410 </guilabel> buttons. The left hand button in the <guilabel>Preselect
0411 </guilabel> section will clear any previously applied border(s). Note that you 
0412 can also add a diagonal strike-through line to the cell(s).</para>
0413 </sect2>
0414 <sect2 id="formatbackground">
0415 <title>Cell Background</title>
0416 <para>
0417 <mediaobject>
0418 <imageobject>
0419 <imagedata fileref="cellformat5.png" format="PNG"/>
0420 </imageobject>
0421 <textobject>
0422 <phrase>Background page.</phrase>
0423 </textobject>
0424 </mediaobject>
0425 </para>
0426 <para>The cell background pattern and color can be selected from the 
0427 <guilabel>Background</guilabel> page.</para>
0428 <para>Simply choose a desired <guilabel>Pattern</guilabel>, then select the pattern 
0429 <guilabel>Color</guilabel> and the <guilabel>Background color</guilabel>.</para>
0430 <para>At the bottom of this page you can see a <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> of the configured
0431 cell background.</para>
0432 </sect2>
0433 <sect2 id="formatprotection">
0434 <title>Cell Protection</title>
0435 <para>
0436 <mediaobject>
0437 <imageobject>
0438 <imagedata fileref="cellformat6.png" format="PNG"/>
0439 </imageobject>
0440 <textobject>
0441 <phrase>Cell protection page.</phrase>
0442 </textobject>
0443 </mediaobject>
0444 </para>
0445 <para>You can change the way the content of a cell is protected in the
0446 <guilabel>Cell Protection</guilabel> page.</para>
0447 <para>All cells are protected by default (that means cell content cannot be
0448 changed) and for the cell protection to be active you also need to protect the
0449 sheet using the <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Protect Sheet...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0450 menu and to provide a password.
0451 You can also hide the cell formula in order to protect the way you calculate the
0452 formula. This also needs to enable sheet protection to work.
0453 You can hide the cell content with <guilabel>Hide all</guilabel> and again this needs sheet
0454 protection.
0455 You can learn more about all these settings in the <link
0456 linkend="protection">Advanced &sheets; chapter, Protection
0457 section</link>.</para>
0458 <variablelist>
0459 <varlistentry>
0460 <term><guilabel>Hide all</guilabel></term>
0461 <listitem><para>This hides the cell content and works only when the sheet is
0462 protected which means that changing the <guilabel>Hide all</guilabel>
0463 attribute of a cell has no effect unless the sheet is protected. Whether the
0464 cell itself is protected or not does not matter.</para>
0465 <para>When <guilabel>Hide all</guilabel> is selected, <guilabel>Protected</guilabel> 
0466 and <guilabel>Hide formula</guilabel> are disabled as when the
0467 sheet is protected <guilabel>Hide all</guilabel> hides the cell content and the
0468 formula and thus masks and protects the cell content.</para>
0469 </listitem>
0470 </varlistentry>
0471 <varlistentry>
0472 <term><guilabel>Protected</guilabel></term>
0473 <listitem><para>If checked, the cell content will be protected. This is
0474 the default behaviour. You need to protect the whole sheet using the
0475 <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Protect Sheet...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0476 menu for this individual cell protection to work. When a cell is protected, its
0477 content cannot be changed.</para>
0478 </listitem>
0479 </varlistentry>
0480 <varlistentry>
0481 <term><guilabel>Hide formula</guilabel></term>
0482 <listitem><para>When this is checked, the cell is still visible. However,
0483 its contents do not appear in the <guilabel>Formula</guilabel> bar. Hiding formula is only working
0484 for cells that contain formulae so the user cannot view the formula. And the
0485 sheet must be protected for this to work.</para>
0486 </listitem>
0487 </varlistentry>
0489 <varlistentry>
0490 <term><guilabel>Do not print text</guilabel></term>
0491 <listitem><para>If you check <guilabel>Do not print text</guilabel> then the
0492 text in the cell will not be printed. This is unchecked per default which means
0493 that the cell text will always be printed by default.</para>
0494 </listitem>
0495 </varlistentry>
0496 </variablelist>
0497 </sect2>
0498 </sect1>
0500 <sect1 id="conditional">
0501 <title>Conditional Cell Attributes</title>
0502 <para>You can make the appearance of a cell change according to the value it 
0503 contains, useful perhaps if you are using &sheets; to keep track of your 
0504 household expenses and want to highlight any item greater than, say, one 
0505 thousand dollars.</para>
0506 <para>To do this select the cell(s) then choose <guimenuitem>Conditional  
0507 Styles...</guimenuitem> from the <guimenu>Format</guimenu> menu. This will 
0508 bring up the <guilabel>Conditional Styles</guilabel> dialog box where 
0509 you can make the font type and color of a cell change when the value meets 
0510 one or more conditions. Note that the second and third conditions only apply 
0511 if the previous condition(s) are not met.</para>
0512 <para>Use <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Clear</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Conditional 
0513 Styles</guimenuitem></menuchoice> from the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> 
0514 menu to clear any conditional attributes from selected cells.</para>
0515 </sect1>
0517 <sect1 id="cellsize">
0518 <title>Changing Cell Sizes</title>
0519 <para>The <guilabel>Position</guilabel> page in the <guilabel>Cell Format</guilabel> 
0520 dialog lets you alter the size of the selected cell(s). Note that 
0521 changing the height of a single cell will change the height for all cells in 
0522 that row, similarly changing the width will affect the entire column.</para>
0523 <para>You can also select the row(s) or column(s) to be changed then select 
0524 <guimenuitem>Resize Row...</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Resize Column...</guimenuitem> 
0525 from the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button pop up 
0526 menu or from the <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guisubmenu>Row</guisubmenu>
0527 </menuchoice> or <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guisubmenu>
0528 Column</guisubmenu></menuchoice> menu.</para>
0529 <para>If you move the mouse cursor so that its tip is over the line between 
0530 two of the row numbers at the left of &sheets;'s window the cursor will 
0531 change to show two parallel lines each with a short arrow headed line coming 
0532 from it. When the cursor is in this state you can hold the <mousebutton>left
0533 </mousebutton> mouse button down and drag the border between the two rows, 
0534 changing the height of the upper row. A similar technique can be used to 
0535 change the width of a column.</para>
0537 <para>To set the row height or column width to the minimum needed to
0538 display the contents, select the whole row or column, and click with the &RMB; 
0539 on the row or column label. In the menu which appears, select
0540 <guimenuitem>Adjust Row</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Adjust
0541 Column</guimenuitem>. The row or column will resize to the minimum
0542 necessary. You can also select a single cell or range of cells, and
0543 click <guimenuitem>Adjust Row &amp; Column</guimenuitem> from either
0544 the &RMB; popup menu or the <guimenu>Format</guimenu> menu.</para>
0546 <para>You can make a number of adjacent rows or columns the same size by 
0547 selecting them then choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guisubmenu>
0548 Row</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Equalize Row</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or 
0549 <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu><guisubmenu>Column</guisubmenu>
0550 <guimenuitem>Equalize Column</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0552 </sect1>
0554 <sect1 id="merging">
0555 <title>Merging Cells</title>
0556 <para>It is often convenient to have one cell that spreads across two or more 
0557 columns or down more than one row. This can be done by merging two or more 
0558 cells into one. Select the cells to be merged than choose <menuchoice><guimenu>
0559 Format</guimenu><guimenuitem>Merge Cells</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para>
0560 <para>To reverse this process, select the merged cell then choose <guimenuitem>
0561 Dissociate Cells</guimenuitem> from the <guimenu>Format</guimenu> menu.</para>
0562 </sect1>
0564 <sect1 id="hiding">
0565 <title>Hiding Rows and Columns</title>
0566 <para>A finished spreadsheet can often be made to look more attractive by 
0567 hiding the cells containing intermediate calculations so that only the 
0568 important data input and result areas are shown.</para>
0569 <para>In &sheets; you can hide selected rows or columns by 
0570 using the <guimenuitem>Hide Rows</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Hide 
0571 Columns</guimenuitem> options from the <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu>
0572 <guisubmenu>Row</guisubmenu></menuchoice>, <menuchoice><guimenu>Format
0573 </guimenu><guisubmenu>Column</guisubmenu></menuchoice> or 
0574 <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button menus. Hidden rows and columns 
0575 are not displayed on the screen or included in a print out.</para>
0576 <para>Hiding cells in this way also makes them slightly less prone to 
0577 accidental change.</para>
0578 <para>To un-hide a row or column select <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Row
0579 </guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Show Rows...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or 
0580 <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Column</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Show Columns...</guimenuitem>
0581 </menuchoice> from the <guimenu>Format</guimenu>
0582 menu. In the dialog box which appears, you can select any number of
0583 rows to show.</para>
0584 </sect1>
0586 <sect1 id="sheet-properties">
0587 <title>Sheet properties</title>
0588 <para>You can access the current sheet properties either by right clicking
0589 on the sheet tab and choosing <guilabel>Sheet Properties</guilabel> or by
0590 using the <menuchoice><guimenu>Format</guimenu>
0591 <guisubmenu>Sheet</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Sheet
0592 Properties</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu. Please note that you can only
0593 access the <guilabel>Sheet Properties</guilabel> when the document or the sheet is not
0594 protected.</para>
0595 <para>You can set different properties that will be valid in the current
0596 sheet. Clicking on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will validate your changes
0597 and <guibutton>Defaults</guibutton> will bring back the default settings.</para>
0598 <para>
0599 <mediaobject>
0600 <imageobject>
0601 <imagedata fileref="sheetproperties.png" format="PNG"/>
0602 </imageobject>
0603 <textobject>
0604 <phrase>Sheet Properties dialog.</phrase>
0605 </textobject>
0606 </mediaobject>
0607 </para>
0608 <variablelist>
0609 <varlistentry>
0610 <term><guilabel>Layout direction:</guilabel></term>
0611 <listitem><para>Let you choose the sheet orientation. Default is that the first
0612 column of the sheet is on the left. If you choose <guilabel>Right to Left</guilabel>, then the first
0613 column will be on the right and the others added from right to left.</para>
0614 </listitem>
0615 </varlistentry>
0616 <varlistentry>
0617 <term><guilabel>Hide zero</guilabel></term>
0618 <listitem><para>If this box is checked any cell containing the value zero will
0619 appear blank.</para>
0620 </listitem>
0621 </varlistentry>
0622 <varlistentry>
0623 <term><guilabel>Automatic recalculation</guilabel></term>
0624 <listitem><para> This setting controls whether formulae are recalculated
0625 automatically when the value of any cell they refer to changes.</para>
0626 </listitem>
0627 </varlistentry>
0628 <varlistentry>
0629 <term><guilabel>Show column as numbers</guilabel></term>
0630 <listitem><para>If this box is checked the column headings will show as numbers
0631 rather than as letters. Letters are default.</para>
0632 </listitem>
0633 </varlistentry>
0634 <varlistentry>
0635 <term><guilabel>Use LC mode</guilabel></term>
0636 <listitem><para>If this box is checked the cell reference shown at the left end
0637 of the Formula Bar will be displayed in LC mode (i.e. L2C3) rather than in its
0638 normal form B3. This does not seem to be of much use at the moment.</para>
0639 </listitem>
0640 </varlistentry>
0641 <varlistentry>
0642 <term><guilabel>Convert first letter to uppercase</guilabel></term>
0643 <listitem><para>Check this box and the first letter of any text you type in will
0644 automatically be converted to uppercase.</para>
0645 </listitem>
0646 </varlistentry>
0647 <varlistentry>
0648 <term><guilabel>Show grid</guilabel></term>
0649 <listitem><para>If checked the grid (the cell limits) will be shown. This is
0650 default. If you uncheck it, the grid will be hidden.</para>
0651 </listitem>
0652 </varlistentry>
0653 <varlistentry>
0654 <term><guilabel>Show page borders</guilabel></term>
0655 <listitem><para>If you check this option, the page borders will be drawn on your
0656 current sheet. Per default the page borders are not displayed. It is useful to
0657 see the page borders if you want to print your sheet.</para>
0658 </listitem>
0659 </varlistentry>
0660 <varlistentry>
0661 <term><guilabel>Show formula</guilabel></term>
0662 <listitem><para>If this box is checked &sheets; will display the actual
0663 formulae in cells rather than the results.</para>
0664 </listitem>
0665 </varlistentry>
0666 <varlistentry>
0667 <term><guilabel>Show formula indicator</guilabel></term>
0668 <listitem><para>If this box is checked &sheets; will display a small blue
0669 triangle at the bottom left corner of cells containing formulae. This is useful
0670 if you want to protect cells with formulae.</para>
0671 </listitem>
0672 </varlistentry>
0673 <varlistentry>
0674 <term><guilabel>Show comment indicator</guilabel></term>
0675 <listitem><para>If this box is checked cells containing comments will be marked
0676 by a small red triangle at the top right corner.</para>
0677 </listitem>
0678 </varlistentry>
0679 </variablelist>
0680 </sect1>
0681 </chapter>
0683 <!--
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0688 sgml-general-insert-case:lower
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0691 End:
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