File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 16:28:27

0001 #! /usr/bin/perl -w
0002 use strict;
0004 # This script runs a commnand on a list of input arguments that are supplied on
0005 # the standard input.
0006 # Graphical output is handled in a Xephyr window.
0007 # Output of the command is given in a file results.txt
0008 # If the argument list contains 'FILE' the argument will be put there instead of
0009 # at the end.
0011 # Examples:
0012 # find -name '*.odt' | \
0013 # --withgui --timeout 3 words --export-pdf --export-filename dummy.pdf
0014 #
0015 # find -name '*.odt' | \
0016 # --withgui --timeout 3 koconverter --batch FILE out.odt
0018 # Author: Jos van den Oever
0020 my $timeout = 3; # seconds
0021 my $withgui = 0;
0022 my $DISPLAY = ":2";
0023 my $outputfile = "results.txt";
0025 # run the given command and return the exit status
0026 # the first argument is the timeout in seconds
0027 # the rest of the arguments form the command
0028 sub testCommand {
0029     my $timeout = shift;
0030     my @command = @_;
0031     my $pid = fork;
0032     my $result = "undefined";
0033     eval {
0034         local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
0035         alarm $timeout;
0037         if (!$pid) {
0038             exec @command;
0039             exit;
0040         }
0041         waitpid $pid, 0;
0042         $result = $?;
0043         alarm 0;
0044     };
0045     if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
0046         kill 9, $pid;
0047         $result = "timeout";
0048     }
0049     return $result;
0050 }
0052 sub makeCommand {
0053     my @command;
0054     my $file = shift;
0055     my $foundFILE = 0;
0056     foreach (@_) {
0057         if ($_ eq "FILE") {
0058             $foundFILE = 1;
0059             push @command, $file;
0060         } else {
0061             push @command, $_;
0062         }
0063     }
0064     if ($foundFILE == 0) {
0065         push @command, $file;
0066     }
0067     return @command;
0068 }
0070 # read the value for the current argument in the input array
0071 sub readArgumentValue {
0072     my $argv = shift;
0073     my $name = @$argv[0];
0074     die "Provide value for $name.\n" unless defined @$argv[1];
0075     shift @$argv;
0076     return @$argv[0];
0077 }
0079 # parse arguments
0080 while ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ m/^--/) {
0081     if ($ARGV[0] eq "--timeout") {
0082         $timeout = readArgumentValue \@ARGV;
0083     } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--withgui") {
0084         $withgui = 1;
0085     } else {
0086         die "Unknown argument $ARGV[0].\n";
0087     }
0088     shift;
0089 }
0090 die "No command supplied.\n" unless $#ARGV >= 0;
0092 my @command = @ARGV;
0094 # start Xephyr
0095 my $xephyrpid;
0096 if ($withgui == 1) {
0097     if (!($xephyrpid = fork)) {
0098         exec "Xephyr", "-noreset", $DISPLAY;
0099         exit;
0100     }
0101 }
0103 $ENV{'KDE_DEBUG'} = "0";
0104 my @files = <STDIN>;
0106 my %result;
0107 foreach (@files) {
0108     my $file = $_;
0109     chomp $file;
0110     my @cmd = makeCommand $file, @command;
0111     $result{$file} = testCommand $timeout, @cmd;
0112 }
0114 open FH, "> $outputfile";
0115 foreach (keys %result) {
0116     print FH $_."\t".$result{$_}."\n";
0117 }
0118 close FH;
0120 # close Xephyr
0121 if ($withgui == 1) {
0122     kill 15, $xephyrpid;
0123     waitpid $xephyrpid, 0;
0124 }