File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 16:28:27

0001 #!/usr/bin/python -Qwarnall
0002 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
0004 # This is a simple irc bot that reports progress to the Calligra irc channel
0006 import time, lxml.etree, urllib2, re, sys, socket, string
0008 HOST='' #The server we want to connect to
0009 PORT=6667 #The connection port which is usually 6667
0010 NICK='buildbot_py' #The bot's nickname
0011 IDENT='buildbot_py'
0012 REALNAME='James Spawned'
0013 OWNER='vandenoever' #The bot owner's nick
0014 CHANNELINIT='#Calligra' #The default channel for the bot
0015 readbuffer='' #Here we store all the messages from server 
0017 feed = ""
0019 s = socket.socket( ) #Create the socket
0020 s.connect((HOST, PORT)) #Connect to server
0021 s.send('NICK '+NICK+'\n') #Send the nick to server
0022 s.send('USER '+IDENT+' '+HOST+' bla :'+REALNAME+'\n') #Identify to server
0024 def getMessage():
0025         try:
0026                 parser = lxml.etree.XMLParser(dtd_validation=False, load_dtd=False, resolve_entities=False, no_network=False, recover=False)
0027                 tree = lxml.etree.parse(urllib2.urlopen(feed))
0028                 ns = {'a':''}
0029                 link = tree.xpath("/a:feed/a:entry[1]/a:link/@href", namespaces=ns)[0]
0030                 title = tree.xpath("/a:feed/a:entry[1]/a:title/text()", namespaces=ns)[0]
0031                 summary = tree.xpath("/a:feed/a:entry[1]/a:summary/text()", namespaces=ns)[0]
0032                 s ='strong>([^<]*)<', summary).group(1)
0033                 newmessage = title + " " + s + " " + link
0034                 try:
0035                         who ='by\s+(\S*)', summary).group(1)
0036                         newmessage = who + ": " + newmessage
0037                 except:
0038                         pass
0039         except:
0040                 newmessage = "Error in reading RSS"
0041         return newmessage
0043 joined = False
0044 message = ""
0045 lastchecktime = time.time() - 55
0046 while 1:
0047         line = s.recv(500) #receive server messages
0048         print line.rstrip() #server message is output
0049         if not joined:
0050                 s.send('JOIN ' + CHANNELINIT + '\n') #Join a channel
0051                 s.send("PRIVMSG " + CHANNELINIT + " :Spawned, James Spawned\n")
0052                 joined = True
0053         if line[:4] == "PING":
0054                 s.send("PONG\n")
0055         if time.time() - lastchecktime > 60:
0056                 newmessage = getMessage()
0057                 if newmessage != message:
0058                         message = newmessage
0059                         s.send("PRIVMSG " + CHANNELINIT + " :" + message + "\n")
0060                 lastchecktime = time.time()