Warning, /office/calligra/devtools/scripts/README_cruncher_test_setup.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 HOWTO setup the somefiletype->odf conversion and validation of the resulting odf's XML against RelaxNG
0003 1. Install zip
0004 2. Install jing
0005 3. Put jing in trunk/src/calligra/tools/scripts/
0006 4. put convertAndValidateODF.py in trunk/src/calligra/tools/scripts/
0007 5. put CMakeList.txt in trunk/src/calligra/tools/scripts/
0008 6. Add following to CMakeLists.txt in closest directory above scripts directory: add_subdirectory(scripts)
0009 7. Make sure cmake-curses-gui is installed
0010 8. Execute following in kde/build/calligra/: ccmake .
0011 9. Go into build/calligra/tools/scripts and do make
0012 10. Go into build/calligra/tools/scripts and do make test
0014 NOTE! logs can be checked under Testing/Temporary/