File indexing completed on 2024-09-01 14:05:14

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <>
0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0004 #pragma once
0006 #include "account/accountmanager.h"
0007 #include "post.h"
0008 #include <QAbstractListModel>
0009 #include <qabstractitemmodel.h>
0011 class AbstractAccount;
0012 class PostEditorBackend;
0014 /// Base class for most timeline classes such as the home and notification timelines
0015 /// \see TimelineModel
0016 /// \see NotificationTimeline
0017 class AbstractTimelineModel : public QAbstractListModel
0018 {
0019     Q_OBJECT
0021     Q_PROPERTY(bool loading READ loading NOTIFY loadingChanged)
0022 public:
0023     enum CustoRoles {
0024         IdRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, ///< Post id
0025         OriginalIdRole, ///< Original post id (boosted posts generate their own id and live in IdRole)
0026         UrlRole, ///< Original URL of the post, can be from a different instance
0027         ContentRole, ///< Content text of the post
0028         SpoilerTextRole, ///< Spoiler label for the post
0029         AuthorIdentityRole, ///< Identity of the author
0030         PublishedAtRole, ///< Date that the post was published at
0031         RelativeTimeRole, ///< Human-readable and locale-aware relative time of the original post date
0032         AbsoluteTimeRole, ///< Human-readable and locale-aware absolute time of the original post date
0033         SensitiveRole, ///< Whether or not the post is marked as sensitive
0034         VisibilityRole, ///< The visibility of the post
0036         // Additional content
0037         AttachmentsRole, ///< Media attachments for the post, which can be null
0038         CardRole, ///< Card for the post, which can be null
0039         ApplicationRole, ///< Application used for publishing the post
0040         PollRole, ///< Poll for the post, which can be null
0041         MentionsRole, ///< List of mentions in the post
0043         // Reblog
0044         IsBoostedRole, ///< Does this post show up because it's boosted?
0045         BoostAuthorIdentityRole, ///< If this is boosted, the identity which boosted it and can be null
0047         // Reply
0048         IsReplyRole, ///< Is this post a reply to someone?
0049         ReplyAuthorIdentityRole, ///< If this is a reply, the identity of the account this post is replying to
0051         // Interaction count
0052         ReblogsCountRole, ///< Number of accounts who boosted this post
0053         RepliesCountRole, ///< Number of accounts who replied to this post
0054         FavouritesCountRole, ///< Number of accounts who favorited this post
0056         // User self interaction
0057         FavouritedRole, ///< Did your own account favorite this post?
0058         RebloggedRole, ///< Has your own account boosted this post?
0059         MutedRole, ///< Has your own account muted this post?
0060         BookmarkedRole, ///< Has your own account bookmarked this post?
0061         PinnedRole, ///< Is this a pinned post on an account?
0063         // Notification
0064         NotificationActorIdentityRole, ///< The identity of account related to this notification
0065         TypeRole, ///< The notification type
0067         SelectedRole, ///< Used in ThreadModel. Is this post the selected (or root) post?
0068         FiltersRole, ///< The filters that may have hidden this post
0070         PostRole, ///< The original Post object
0072         ExtraRole, ///< Base role for sub-class roles
0073     };
0075     explicit AbstractTimelineModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0077     QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
0079     /// Return if the timeline is still loading
0080     /// \see setLoading
0081     bool loading() const;
0083     /// Set the loading status of the timeline
0084     /// \see loading
0085     /// \see loadingChanged
0086     void setLoading(bool loading);
0088     /// Favorite the \p post at \p index
0089     void actionFavorite(const QModelIndex &index, Post *post);
0091     /// Boost the \p post at \p index
0092     void actionRepeat(const QModelIndex &index, Post *post);
0094     /// Delete and re-draft the \p post at \p index
0095     /// \see postSourceReady
0096     void actionRedraft(const QModelIndex &index, Post *post, bool isEdit);
0098     /// Delete the \p post at \p index
0099     /// May have no effect if the account does not have permission to delete the post
0100     void actionDelete(const QModelIndex &index, Post *post);
0102     /// Bookmark the \p post at \p index
0103     void actionBookmark(const QModelIndex &index, Post *post);
0105     /// Pin the \p post at \p index
0106     void actionPin(const QModelIndex &index, Post *post);
0108     /// Emitted when the timeline loading status has changed
0109     void loadingChanged();
0111     /// Emitted when a redraft is requested and the original post source has been fetched
0112     /// \see actionRedraft
0113     void postSourceReady(PostEditorBackend *backend, bool isEdit);
0115 protected:
0116     QVariant postData(Post *post, int role) const;
0118     AbstractAccount *m_account = nullptr;
0119     bool m_loading = false;
0120 };