Warning, /network/tokodon/src/content/ui/LoginFlow/LoginIssuePage.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Joshua Goins <josh@redstrate.com> 0002 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL 0003 0004 import QtQuick 0005 import QtQuick.Controls 2 as QQC2 0006 import QtQuick.Layouts 0007 import QtQml.Models 0008 0009 import org.kde.kirigami 2 as Kirigami 0010 import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.formcard 1 as FormCard 0011 0012 import org.kde.tokodon 0013 0014 MastoPage { 0015 id: root 0016 0017 title: i18nc("@title:window", "Login Issue") 0018 0019 FormCard.FormCard { 0020 Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing 0021 0022 FormCard.FormTextDelegate { 0023 leading: Kirigami.Icon { 0024 source: "data-warning" 0025 } 0026 0027 text: i18n("There was an issue logging into the server:<br><b>%1</b>", AccountManager.selectedAccountLoginIssue()) 0028 textItem.textFormat: Text.RichText 0029 } 0030 } 0031 0032 FormCard.FormCard { 0033 Layout.topMargin: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing 0034 0035 FormCard.FormTextDelegate { 0036 id: helpLabel 0037 text: i18n("Please check if the password service is running. For other login issues, you can try logging into the server's website.\\n\\nYou can attempt to log in again with the button below, or restart Tokodon.") 0038 icon.name: "internet-services-symbolic" 0039 textItem { 0040 wrapMode: Text.WordWrap 0041 } 0042 } 0043 0044 FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {} 0045 0046 FormCard.FormButtonDelegate { 0047 id: continueButton 0048 text: i18n("View Website") 0049 icon.name: "internet-services-symbolic" 0050 onClicked: Qt.openUrlExternally(AccountManager.selectedAccount.instanceUri) 0051 } 0052 0053 FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {} 0054 0055 FormCard.FormButtonDelegate { 0056 id: attemptButton 0057 text: i18n("Re-Attempt Log In") 0058 icon.name: "edit-redo-symbolic" 0059 onClicked: { 0060 AccountManager.selectedAccount.validateToken() 0061 AccountManager.selectedAccount = AccountManager.selectedAccount; // reload the pages 0062 } 0063 } 0064 } 0065 }