Warning, /network/telepathy-logger-qt/spec/Debug.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <node name="/Debug"
0003   xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0">
0004   <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2009 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
0005   <tp:license xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
0006     <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0007 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
0008 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
0009 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
0011 <p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0012 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0014 Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
0016 <p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
0017 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
0018 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
0019   </tp:license>
0020   <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Debug">
0021     <tp:added version="0.17.27">(as stable API)</tp:added>
0023     <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
0024       <p>An interface for providing debug messages.</p>
0026       <p>This interface is primarily provided by one object per
0027       service, at the path <tt>/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/debug</tt>.</p>
0028     </tp:docstring>
0030     <property name="Enabled" type="b" access="readwrite"
0031       tp:name-for-bindings="Enabled">
0032       <tp:docstring>
0033         TRUE if the <tp:member-ref>NewDebugMessage</tp:member-ref> signal
0034         should be emitted when a new debug message is generated.
0035       </tp:docstring>
0036     </property>
0038     <method name="GetMessages" tp:name-for-bindings="Get_Messages">
0039       <tp:docstring>
0040         Retrieve buffered debug messages. An implementation could have a
0041         limit on how many message it keeps and so the array returned from
0042         this method should not be assumed to be all of the messages in
0043         the lifetime of the service.
0044       </tp:docstring>
0046       <arg direction="out" name="Messages" type="a(dsus)"
0047         tp:type="Debug_Message[]">
0048         <tp:docstring>
0049           A list of debug messages.
0050         </tp:docstring>
0051       </arg>
0052     </method>
0054     <signal name="NewDebugMessage" tp:name-for-bindings="New_Debug_Message">
0055       <tp:docstring>
0056         Emitted when a debug messages is generated if the
0057         <tp:member-ref>Enabled</tp:member-ref> property is set to TRUE.
0058       </tp:docstring>
0060       <arg name="time" type="d">
0061         <tp:docstring>
0062           Timestamp of the debug message.
0063         </tp:docstring>
0064       </arg>
0065       <arg name="domain" type="s">
0066         <tp:docstring>
0067           Domain of the debug message, as described in the Debug_Message struct.
0068         </tp:docstring>
0069       </arg>
0070       <arg name="level" type="u" tp:type="Debug_Level">
0071         <tp:docstring>
0072           Level of the debug message.
0073         </tp:docstring>
0074       </arg>
0075       <arg name="message" type="s">
0076         <tp:docstring>
0077           The text of the debug message.
0078         </tp:docstring>
0079       </arg>
0080     </signal>
0082     <tp:enum name="Debug_Level" type="u">
0083       <tp:enumvalue suffix="Error" value="0">
0084         <tp:docstring>
0085           Log level for errors. Error messages are always fatal, resulting
0086           in the service terminating after something completely
0087           unexpected occurred.
0088         </tp:docstring>
0089       </tp:enumvalue>
0090       <tp:enumvalue suffix="Critical" value="1">
0091         <tp:docstring>
0092           Log level for critical messages. Critical messages are messages
0093           that the service might predict and it is up to the service itself
0094           to decide whether to terminate following a critical message.
0095         </tp:docstring>
0096       </tp:enumvalue>
0097       <tp:enumvalue suffix="Warning" value="2">
0098         <tp:docstring>
0099           Log level for warnings.
0100         </tp:docstring>
0101       </tp:enumvalue>
0102       <tp:enumvalue suffix="Message" value="3">
0103         <tp:docstring>
0104           Log level for messages.
0105         </tp:docstring>
0106       </tp:enumvalue>
0107       <tp:enumvalue suffix="Info" value="4">
0108         <tp:docstring>
0109           Log level for information messages.
0110         </tp:docstring>
0111       </tp:enumvalue>
0112       <tp:enumvalue suffix="Debug" value="5">
0113         <tp:docstring>
0114           Log level for debug messages.
0115         </tp:docstring>
0116       </tp:enumvalue>
0117     </tp:enum>
0119     <tp:struct name="Debug_Message" array-name="Debug_Message_List">
0120       <tp:docstring>
0121         A struct representing a debug message, as returned by
0122         <tp:member-ref>GetMessages</tp:member-ref>.
0123       </tp:docstring>
0125       <tp:member type="d" name="Timestamp">
0126         <tp:docstring>
0127           Timestamp of the debug message. This is a double to allow
0128           more accuracy in the time the message was logged.
0129         </tp:docstring>
0130       </tp:member>
0132       <tp:member type="s" name="Domain">
0133         <tp:docstring xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
0134           <p>Domain of the debug message. This is used to identify
0135           the source of debug messages. For example, debug messages
0136           from a connection manager could have this Domain struct
0137           member be the name of the connection manager, and logs
0138           from any helper library could have the name of the helper
0139           library.</p>
0141           <p>The domain could also contain a category as to where
0142           the log message originated separated by a forward-slash.
0143           For example, if a debug message was output in a connection
0144           manager called "dummy", in the file-transfer code, this
0145           Domain struct member might be <tt>dummy/file-transfer</tt>.</p>
0146         </tp:docstring>
0147       </tp:member>
0149       <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Debug_Level" name="Level">
0150         <tp:docstring>
0151           Level of the debug message. This states the severity of the
0152           debug message.
0153         </tp:docstring>
0154       </tp:member>
0156       <tp:member type="s" name="Message">
0157         <tp:docstring>
0158           The text of the debug message.
0159         </tp:docstring>
0160       </tp:member>
0161     </tp:struct>
0163   </interface>
0164 </node>
0165 <!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->