Warning, /network/telepathy-logger-qt/cmake/modules/TpQtMacros.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # - Common macros for Tp-Qt
0003 # Copyright (c) 2010, Collabora Ltd. <http://www.collabora.co.uk/>
0004 #
0005 # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license.
0007 #
0008 # These macros/functions are not exported - they are meant for internal usage into Telepathy-Qt's build system.
0009 #
0010 # Preamble: How dynamic generators are handled with the CMake build system.
0011 # Telepathy-Qt strongly relies upon lots of files generated at build time through some python programs, found
0012 # in tools/. To avoid developers the struggle of handling those manually, a set of convenience macros have been
0013 # created to handle them with the correct dependencies. Each of those macros takes a target name as a first argument
0014 # and creates a target with that exact name. In a similar fashion, in the last argument you can specify a list
0015 # of targets the generated target will depend on. This way, you can handle transparently dependencies between
0016 # generated files, while the dirty stuff is done for you in the background.
0017 #
0018 # macro    TPQT_EXTRACT_DEPENDS (tpqt_other tpqt_depends)
0019 #          Internal macro used to extract arguments from ARGN
0020 #
0021 # function TPQT_CREATE_MOC_COMMAND_TARGET_DEPS(inputfile outputfile moc_flags moc_options target_dependencies ...)
0022 #          This function behaves exactly like qt_create_moc_command, but creates a custom target for the
0023 #          moc file generation, allowing to specify a list of targets the generated moc target will depend on.
0024 #          Just like qt_create_moc_command, it is an internal macro and it's not meant to be used explicitly.
0025 #
0026 # function TPQT_GENERATE_MOC_I(inputfile outputfile)
0027 #          This function behaves exactly like qt_generate_moc, but it generates moc files with the -i option,
0028 #          which disables the generation of an #include directive. This macro has to be used always when building
0029 #          Tp-Qt internals due to the internal header files restrictions.
0030 #
0031 # function TPQT_GENERATE_MOC_I_TARGET_DEPS(inputfile outputfile target_dependencies ...)
0032 #          This function acts as an overload to QT_GENERATE_MOC_I: it does exactly the same thing, but creates a
0033 #          custom target for the moc file generation, and adds target_dependencies to it as dependencies.
0034 #
0035 # function TPQT_GENERATE_MOCS(sourcefile ...)
0036 #          Generates mocs from a list of header files. You usually want to use this function when building tests
0037 #          or examples. Please remember the list of the header files passed to this function MUST be added to the
0038 #          target's sources.
0039 #
0040 # function TPQT_CLIENT_GENERATOR(spec group pretty_include namespace [arguments] [DEPENDS dependencies ...])
0041 #          This function takes care of invoking qt-client-gen.py with the correct arguments, which generates
0042 #          headers out of specs. spec is the name of the spec headers will be generated from, group represents
0043 #          the spec's group, pretty_include is the name of the capitalized header (for example ClientGenerator),
0044 #          namespace is the C++ namespace the generated header will belong to. This function also accepts
0045 #          as an optional last argument a list of additional command line arguments which will be passed to
0046 #          qt-client-gen.py upon execution. After issuing DEPENDS in the last argument you can pass a list of targets
0047 #          the generated target will depend on.
0048 #
0049 # function TPQT_FUTURE_CLIENT_GENERATOR(spec namespace [arguments] [DEPENDS dependencies ...])
0050 #          Same as tpqt_client_generator, but for future interfaces
0051 #
0052 # function TPQT_SERVICE_GENERATOR(spec group pretty_include namespace [arguments] [DEPENDS dependencies ...])
0053 #          This function takes care of invoking qt-svc-gen.py with the correct arguments, which generates
0054 #          headers out of specs. spec is the name of the spec headers will be generated from, group represents
0055 #          the spec's group, pretty_include is the name of the capitalized header (for example ServiceGenerator),
0056 #          namespace is the C++ namespace the generated header will belong to. This function also accepts
0057 #          as an optional last argument a list of additional command line arguments which will be passed to
0058 #          qt-svc-gen.py upon execution. After issuing DEPENDS in the last argument you can pass a list of targets
0059 #          the generated target will depend on.
0060 #
0062 #          This function takes care of invoking manager-file.py with the correct arguments. The first argument is the
0063 #          path to the manager-file.py file which should be used, the second is the output filename of the manager,
0064 #          and the third is the path to the file which depends on the generated manager file.
0065 #
0066 # function TPQT_XINCLUDATOR (TARGET_NAME INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE [additional_arguments ...] [DEPENDS dependencies ...])
0067 #          This function takes care of invoking xincludator.py with the correct arguments. TARGET_NAME is the name of
0068 #          the generated target (see preamble), INPUT_FILE is the input spec file, OUTPUT_FILE is the filename
0069 #          the generated file will be saved to. This function also accepts as an optional last argument a list of
0070 #          additional command line arguments which will be passed to xincludator upon execution.
0071 #          After issuing DEPENDS in the last argument you can pass a list of targets the generated target will depend on.
0072 #
0073 # function TPQT_CONSTANTS_GEN (TARGET_NAME SPEC_XML OUTPUT_FILE [additional_arguments ...] [DEPENDS dependencies ...])
0074 #          This function takes care of invoking qt-constants-gen.py with the correct arguments. TARGET_NAME is the name of
0075 #          the generated target (see preamble), SPEC_XML is the spec input file, OUTPUT_FILE is the filename
0076 #          the generated file will be saved to. This function also accepts as an optional last argument a list of
0077 #          additional command line arguments which will be passed to qt-constants-gen.py upon execution.
0078 #          After issuing DEPENDS in the last argument you can pass a list of targets the generated target will depend on.
0079 #
0081 #                           REAL_INCLUDE PRETTY_INCLUDE [additional_arguments ...] [DEPENDS dependencies ...])
0082 #          This function takes care of invoking qt-types-gen.py with the correct arguments. TARGET_NAME is the name of
0083 #          the generated target (see preamble), SPEC_XML is the input spec file, OUTFILE_DECL is the filename
0084 #          the header of the generated file will be saved to, OUTFILE_IMPL is the filename the implementation of the
0085 #          generated file will be saved to, NAMESPACE is the C++ namespace the generated header will belong to,
0086 #          REAL_INCLUDE is the real include file you want to use, PRETTY_INCLUDE is the name of the capitalized header
0087 #          (for example ClientGenerator).
0088 #          This function also accepts as an optional last argument a list of additional command line arguments
0089 #          which will be passed to qt-constants-gen.py upon execution.
0090 #          After issuing DEPENDS in the last argument you can pass a list of targets the generated target will depend on.
0091 #
0092 # macro TPQT_ADD_GENERIC_UNIT_TEST (fancyName name [libraries ...])
0093 #       This macro takes care of building and adding a generic unit test to the automatic CTest suite. The requirement
0094 #       for using this macro is to have the unit test contained in a single source file named ${name}.cpp. fancyName will
0095 #       be used as the test and target's name, and you can specify as a third and optional argument a set of additional
0096 #       libraries the target will link to.
0097 #
0098 # macro TPQT_ADD_DBUS_UNIT_TEST (fancyName name [libraries ...])
0099 #       This macro takes care of building and adding an unit test requiring DBus emulation to the automatic
0100 #       CTest suite. The requirement for using this macro is to have the unit test contained in a single
0101 #       source file named ${name}.cpp. fancyName will be used as the test and target's name, and you can specify as a third
0102 #       and optional argument a set of additional libraries the target will link to. Please remember that you need to
0103 #       set up the DBus environment by calling TPQT_SETUP_DBUS_TEST_ENVIRONMENT BEFORE you call this macro.
0104 #
0105 # macro _TPQT_ADD_CHECK_TARGETS (fancyName name command [args])
0106 #       This is an internal macro which is meant to be used by TPQT_ADD_DBUS_UNIT_TEST and TPQT_ADD_GENERIC_UNIT_TEST.
0107 #       It takes care of generating a check target for each test method available (currently normal execution, valgrind and
0108 #       callgrind). This macro accepts the same arguments as the add test macros, but accepts a command and a list of
0109 #       arguments for running the test instead of the link libraries. However, you are not meant to call this macro from
0110 #       your CMakeLists.txt files.
0111 #
0113 #          This function MUST be called before calling TPQT_ADD_DBUS_UNIT_TEST. It takes care of preparing the test
0114 #          environment for DBus tests and generating the needed files.
0115 #
0116 # macro MAKE_INSTALL_PATH_ABSOLUTE (out in)
0117 #       This macro makes the path given in the "in" variable absolute (or leaves it unchanged
0118 #       if it's absolute already) by prefixing it with TELEPATHY_QT_INSTALL_DIR,
0119 #       and returns the absolute path in the "out" variable. This macro is mainly used for
0120 #       generating *Config.cmake files.
0121 #
0122 #
0124 MACRO (TPQT_EXTRACT_DEPENDS _tpqt_other _tpqt_depends)
0125   SET(${_tpqt_other})
0126   SET(${_tpqt_depends})
0128   FOREACH(_currentArg ${ARGN})
0129     IF ("${_currentArg}" STREQUAL "DEPENDS")
0131     ELSE ()
0133         LIST(APPEND ${_tpqt_depends} "${_currentArg}")
0134       ELSE()
0135         LIST(APPEND ${_tpqt_other} "${_currentArg}")
0136       ENDIF()
0137     ENDIF ()
0139 ENDMACRO ()
0141 # helper function to set up a moc rule
0142 FUNCTION (TPQT_CREATE_MOC_COMMAND_TARGET_DEPS infile outfile moc_flags moc_options)
0143   # For Windows, create a parameters file to work around command line length limit
0144   GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_moc_outfile_name "${outfile}" NAME)
0145   IF (WIN32)
0146     # Pass the parameters in a file.  Set the working directory to
0147     # be that containing the parameters file and reference it by
0148     # just the file name.  This is necessary because the moc tool on
0149     # MinGW builds does not seem to handle spaces in the path to the
0150     # file given with the @ syntax.
0151     GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_moc_outfile_dir "${outfile}" PATH)
0152     IF(_moc_outfile_dir)
0153       SET(_moc_working_dir WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_moc_outfile_dir})
0154     ENDIF()
0155     SET (_moc_parameters_file ${outfile}_parameters)
0156     SET (_moc_parameters ${moc_flags} ${moc_options} -o "${outfile}" "${infile}")
0157     FILE (REMOVE ${_moc_parameters_file})
0158     FOREACH(arg ${_moc_parameters})
0159       FILE (APPEND ${_moc_parameters_file} "${arg}\n")
0160     ENDFOREACH()
0161     ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${outfile}
0162                        COMMAND ${QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE} @${_moc_outfile_name}_parameters
0163                        DEPENDS ${infile}
0164                        ${_moc_working_dir}
0165                        VERBATIM)
0166   ELSE ()
0167     ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${outfile}
0168                        COMMAND ${QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE}
0169                        ARGS ${moc_flags} ${moc_options} -o ${outfile} ${infile}
0170                        DEPENDS ${infile})
0171   ENDIF ()
0173   add_custom_target(moc-${_moc_outfile_name} DEPENDS ${outfile})
0174   add_dependencies(moc-${_moc_outfile_name} ${ARGN})
0177 # add the -i option to QT_GENERATE_MOC
0178 function(TPQT_GENERATE_MOC_I infile outfile)
0179     qt5_get_moc_flags(moc_flags)
0180     get_filename_component(abs_infile ${infile} ABSOLUTE)
0181     qt5_create_moc_command(${abs_infile} ${outfile} "${moc_flags}" "-i")
0182     set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC TRUE)  # don't run automoc on this file
0183 endfunction()
0185 # same as tpqt_generate_moc_i, but lets the caller specify a list of targets which the mocs should depend on
0186 function(TPQT_GENERATE_MOC_I_TARGET_DEPS infile outfile)
0187     qt5_get_moc_flags(moc_flags)
0188     get_filename_component(abs_infile ${infile} ABSOLUTE)
0189     tpqt_create_moc_command_target_deps(${abs_infile} ${outfile} "${moc_flags}" "-i" ${ARGN})
0190     set_source_files_properties(${outfile} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOMOC TRUE)  # don't run automoc on this file
0191 endfunction()
0193 # generates mocs for the passed list. The list should be added to the target's sources
0194 function(tpqt_generate_mocs)
0196     foreach(moc_src ${ARGN})
0197         string(REPLACE ".h" ".moc.hpp" generated_file ${moc_src})
0198         tpqt_generate_moc_i(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${moc_src} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${generated_file})
0199         set_property(SOURCE ${moc_src} APPEND PROPERTY OBJECT_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${generated_file})
0200     endforeach()
0201 endfunction()
0203 function(tpqt_client_generator spec group pretty_include namespace)
0204     tpqt_extract_depends(client_generator_args client_generator_depends ${ARGN})
0205     set(ARGS
0206         ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-client-gen.py
0207             --group=${group}
0208             --namespace=${namespace}
0209             --typesnamespace=Tp
0210             --headerfile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}.h
0211             --implfile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}-body.hpp
0212             --realinclude=TelepathyQt/${spec}.h
0213             --prettyinclude=TelepathyQt/${pretty_include}
0214             --specxml=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/stable-spec.xml
0215             --ifacexml=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/spec-${spec}.xml
0216             --extraincludes=${TYPES_INCLUDE}
0217             --must-define=IN_TP_QT_HEADER
0218             --visibility=TP_QT_EXPORT
0219             ${client_generator_args})
0220     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}-body.hpp
0222         ARGS ${ARGS}
0225         DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/libqtcodegen.py
0226                 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-client-gen.py
0227                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/stable-spec.xml
0228                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/spec-${spec}.xml)
0229     add_custom_target(generate_cli-${spec}-body DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}-body.hpp)
0230     add_dependencies(all-generated-sources generate_cli-${spec}-body)
0232     if (client_generator_depends)
0233         add_dependencies(generate_cli-${spec}-body ${client_generator_depends})
0234     endif ()
0236     tpqt_generate_moc_i_target_deps(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}.h
0237                        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/cli-${spec}.moc.hpp
0238                        "generate_cli-${spec}-body")
0239 endfunction()
0241 function(tpqt_future_client_generator spec namespace)
0242     tpqt_extract_depends(future_client_generator_args future_client_generator_depends ${ARGN})
0243     set(ARGS
0244         ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-client-gen.py
0245             --namespace=${namespace}
0246             --typesnamespace=TpFuture
0247             --headerfile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}.h
0248             --implfile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}-body.hpp
0249             --realinclude=TelepathyQt/future-internal.h
0250             --prettyinclude=TelepathyQt/future-internal.h
0251             --specxml=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-spec.xml
0252             --ifacexml=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}.xml
0253             --extraincludes=${TYPES_INCLUDE}
0254             --extraincludes='<TelepathyQt/Types>'
0255             --extraincludes='<TelepathyQt/future-internal.h>'
0256             --visibility=TP_QT_NO_EXPORT
0257             ${future_client_generator_args})
0258     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}-body.hpp
0260         ARGS ${ARGS}
0263         DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/libqtcodegen.py
0264                 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-client-gen.py
0265                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-spec.xml
0266                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}.xml)
0267     add_custom_target(generate_future-${spec}-body DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}-body.hpp)
0268     add_dependencies(all-generated-sources generate_future-${spec}-body)
0270     if (future_client_generator_depends)
0271         add_dependencies(generate_future-${spec}-body ${future_client_generator_depends})
0272     endif ()
0274     tpqt_generate_moc_i_target_deps(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}.h
0275                        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/future-${spec}.moc.hpp
0276                        "generate_future-${spec}-body")
0277 endfunction()
0279 function(tpqt_service_generator spec group pretty_include namespace)
0280     tpqt_extract_depends(service_generator_args service_generator_depends ${ARGN})
0281     string(REPLACE "svc-" "" spec ${spec})
0282     set(ARGS
0283         ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-svc-gen.py
0284             --group=${group}
0285             --namespace=${namespace}
0286             --typesnamespace=Tp
0287             --headerfile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.h
0288             --implfile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.cpp
0289             --realinclude=TelepathyQt/_gen/svc-${spec}.h
0290             --mocinclude=TelepathyQt/_gen/svc-${spec}.moc.hpp
0291             --specxml=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/stable-spec.xml
0292             --ifacexml=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/spec-svc-${spec}.xml
0293             --visibility=TP_QT_EXPORT
0294             ${service_generator_args})
0295     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.h ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.cpp
0297         ARGS ${ARGS}
0300         DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/libqtcodegen.py
0301                 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-svc-gen.py
0302                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/stable-spec.xml
0303                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/spec-svc-${spec}.xml)
0304     add_custom_target(generate_service-${spec}-body DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.cpp)
0305     add_dependencies(all-generated-service-sources generate_service-${spec}-body)
0307     if (service_generator_depends)
0308         add_dependencies(generate_service-${spec}-body ${service_generator_depends})
0309     endif ()
0311     tpqt_generate_moc_i_target_deps(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.h
0312                        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/svc-${spec}.moc.hpp
0313                        "generate_service-${spec}-body")
0314 endfunction()
0316 # This function is used for generating CM in various examples
0317 function(tpqt_generate_manager_file MANAGER_FILE OUTPUT_FILENAME DEPEND_FILENAME)
0318     # make_directory is required, otherwise the command won't work!!
0319     make_directory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen)
0320     add_custom_command(OUTPUT  ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/param-spec-struct.h
0321                                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${OUTPUT_FILENAME}
0323                        COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}
0325                        ARGS    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/manager-file.py
0326                                ${MANAGER_FILE}
0327                                _gen
0329                        DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/manager-file.py)
0331     set_source_files_properties(${DEPEND_FILENAME}
0332                                 PROPERTIES OBJECT_DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/param-spec-struct.h)
0333 endfunction()
0335 function(tpqt_xincludator _TARGET_NAME _INPUT_FILE _OUTPUT_FILE)
0336     tpqt_extract_depends(xincludator_gen_args xincludator_gen_depends ${ARGN})
0337     # Gather all .xml files in TelepathyQt and spec/ and make this target depend on those
0338     file(GLOB depends_xml_files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/TelepathyQt/*.xml ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/spec/*.xml)
0340     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_OUTPUT_FILE}
0342                        COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}
0344                        ARGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/xincludator.py
0345                             ${_INPUT_FILE}
0346                             ${xincludator_gen_args}
0347                             > ${_OUTPUT_FILE}
0349                        DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/xincludator.py
0350                                ${_INPUT_FILE} ${depends_xml_files})
0351     add_custom_target(${_TARGET_NAME} DEPENDS ${_OUTPUT_FILE})
0353     if (xincludator_gen_depends)
0354         add_dependencies(${_TARGET_NAME} ${xincludator_gen_depends})
0355     endif ()
0356 endfunction()
0358 function(tpqt_constants_gen _TARGET_NAME _SPEC_XML _OUTFILE)
0359     tpqt_extract_depends(constants_gen_args constants_gen_depends ${ARGN})
0360     # Gather all .xml files in TelepathyQt and spec/ and make this target depend on those
0361     file(GLOB depends_xml_files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/TelepathyQt/*.xml ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/spec/*.xml)
0363     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_OUTFILE}
0365                        COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}
0367                        ARGS    ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-constants-gen.py
0368                                ${constants_gen_args}
0369                                --specxml=${_SPEC_XML}
0370                                > ${_OUTFILE}
0372                        DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/libqtcodegen.py
0373                                ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-constants-gen.py
0374                                ${_SPEC_XML} ${depends_xml_files})
0375     add_custom_target(${_TARGET_NAME} DEPENDS ${_OUTFILE})
0376     add_dependencies(all-generated-sources ${_TARGET_NAME})
0378     if (constants_gen_depends)
0379         add_dependencies(${_TARGET_NAME} ${constants_gen_depends})
0380     endif ()
0381 endfunction ()
0384     tpqt_extract_depends(types_gen_args types_gen_depends ${ARGN})
0385     # Gather all .xml files in TelepathyQt and spec/ and make this target depend on those
0386     file(GLOB depends_xml_files ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/TelepathyQt/*.xml ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/spec/*.xml)
0388     add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_OUTFILE_DECL} ${_OUTFILE_IMPL}
0389                        COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}
0390                        ARGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-types-gen.py
0391                             --namespace=${_NAMESPACE}
0392                             --declfile=${_OUTFILE_DECL}
0393                             --implfile=${_OUTFILE_IMPL}
0394                             --realinclude=${_REALINCLUDE}
0395                             --prettyinclude=${_PRETTYINCLUDE}
0396                             ${types_gen_args}
0397                             --specxml=${_SPEC_XML}
0399                        DEPENDS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/libqtcodegen.py
0400                                ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/qt-types-gen.py
0401                                ${_SPEC_XML} ${depends_xml_files})
0402     add_custom_target(${_TARGET_NAME} DEPENDS ${_OUTFILE_IMPL})
0403     add_dependencies(all-generated-sources ${_TARGET_NAME})
0405     if (types_gen_depends)
0406         add_dependencies(${_TARGET_NAME} ${types_gen_depends})
0407     endif ()
0408 endfunction()
0410 macro(tpqt_add_generic_unit_test _fancyName _name)
0411     tpqt_generate_moc_i(${_name}.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${_name}.cpp.moc.hpp)
0412     add_executable(test-${_name} ${_name}.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${_name}.cpp.moc.hpp)
0413     target_link_libraries(test-${_name} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTNETWORK_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTXML_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTTEST_LIBRARY} telepathy-qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} tp-qt-tests ${TP_QT_EXECUTABLE_LINKER_FLAGS} ${ARGN})
0414     add_test(${_fancyName} ${SH} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/runGenericTest.sh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_name})
0415     list(APPEND _telepathy_qt_test_cases test-${_name})
0417     # Valgrind and Callgrind targets
0418     _tpqt_add_check_targets(${_fancyName} ${_name} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/runGenericTest.sh ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_name})
0419 endmacro()
0421 macro(tpqt_add_dbus_unit_test _fancyName _name)
0422     tpqt_generate_moc_i(${_name}.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${_name}.cpp.moc.hpp)
0423     add_executable(test-${_name} ${_name}.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_gen/${_name}.cpp.moc.hpp)
0425     set(with_session_bus ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/runDbusTest.sh)
0426     add_test(${_fancyName} ${SH} ${with_session_bus} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_name})
0427     list(APPEND _telepathy_qt_test_cases test-${_name})
0429     # Valgrind and Callgrind targets
0430     _tpqt_add_check_targets(${_fancyName} ${_name} ${with_session_bus} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_name})
0431 endmacro()
0433 macro(_tpqt_add_check_targets _fancyName _name _runnerScript)
0434     set_tests_properties(${_fancyName}
0435         PROPERTIES
0436             FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "^FAIL!")
0438     # Standard check target
0439     add_custom_target(check-${_fancyName} ${SH} ${_runnerScript} ${ARGN})
0440     add_dependencies(check-${_fancyName} test-${_name})
0442     # Lcov target
0443     add_dependencies(lcov-check test-${_name})
0445     # Valgrind target
0446     add_custom_target(check-valgrind-${_fancyName})
0447     add_dependencies(check-valgrind-${_fancyName} test-${_name})
0449     add_custom_command(
0450         TARGET  check-valgrind-${_fancyName}
0451         COMMAND G_SLICE=always-malloc ${SH} ${_runnerScript} /usr/bin/valgrind
0452                 --tool=memcheck
0453                 --leak-check=full
0454                 --leak-resolution=high
0455                 --child-silent-after-fork=yes
0456                 --num-callers=20
0457                 --gen-suppressions=all
0458                 --log-file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_fancyName}.memcheck.log
0459                 --suppressions=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/tp-qt-tests.supp
0460                 --suppressions=${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/telepathy-glib.supp
0461                 ${ARGN}
0463                 ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
0464         COMMENT "Running valgrind on test \"${_fancyName}\"")
0465     add_dependencies(check-valgrind check-valgrind-${_fancyName})
0467     # Callgrind target
0468     add_custom_target(check-callgrind-${_fancyName})
0469     add_dependencies(check-callgrind-${_fancyName} test-${_name})
0470     add_custom_command(
0471         TARGET  check-callgrind-${_fancyName}
0472         COMMAND ${SH} ${_runnerScript} /usr/bin/valgrind
0473                 --tool=callgrind
0474                 --dump-instr=yes
0475                 --log-file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_fancyName}.callgrind.log
0476                 --callgrind-out-file=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/test-${_fancyName}.callgrind.out
0477                 ${ARGN}
0479             ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
0480         COMMENT
0481             "Running callgrind on test \"${_fancyName}\"")
0482     add_dependencies(check-callgrind check-callgrind-${_fancyName})
0483 endmacro()
0485 function(tpqt_setup_dbus_test_environment)
0486     file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/runDbusTest.sh "
0487 ${test_environment}
0488 sh ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/with-session-bus.sh \\
0489     --config-file=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tests/dbus-1/session.conf -- $@
0490 ")
0491 endfunction()
0493 macro(make_install_path_absolute out in)
0494     if (IS_ABSOLUTE "${in}")
0495         set(${out} "${in}")
0496     else ()
0497         set(${out} "\${TELEPATHY_QT${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}_INSTALL_DIR}/${in}")
0498     endif ()
0499 endmacro()