File indexing completed on 2025-01-19 13:26:06
0001 /*************************************************************************** 0002 This configuration page takes care of all settings concerning the 0003 user interface 0004 ------------------- 0005 begin : Mi Aug 30 2006 0006 copyright : (C) 2006-2019 by Alexander Reinholdt 0007 email : 0008 ***************************************************************************/ 0009 0010 /*************************************************************************** 0011 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * 0012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * 0013 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * 0014 * (at your option) any later version. * 0015 * * 0016 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * 0017 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * 0018 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * 0019 * General Public License for more details. * 0020 * * 0021 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * 0022 * along with this program; if not, write to the * 0023 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston,* 0024 * MA 02110-1335, USA * 0025 ***************************************************************************/ 0026 0027 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H 0028 #include <config.h> 0029 #endif 0030 0031 // application specific includes 0032 #include "smb4kconfigpageuserinterface.h" 0033 #include "core/smb4ksettings.h" 0034 0035 // Qt includes 0036 #include <QGridLayout> 0037 #include <QVBoxLayout> 0038 #include <QGroupBox> 0039 #include <QButtonGroup> 0040 #include <QRadioButton> 0041 #include <QCheckBox> 0042 #include <QLabel> 0043 0044 // KDE includes 0045 #include <KI18n/KLocalizedString> 0046 #include <KCompletion/KComboBox> 0047 0048 0049 Smb4KConfigPageUserInterface::Smb4KConfigPageUserInterface(QWidget *parent) 0050 : QWidget(parent) 0051 { 0052 // 0053 // Layout 0054 // 0055 QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); 0056 layout->setSpacing(5); 0057 layout->setMargin(0); 0058 0059 // 0060 // Main Window settings 0061 // 0062 QGroupBox *mainWindowBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("Main Window"), this); 0063 QGridLayout *mainWindowBoxLayout = new QGridLayout(mainWindowBox); 0064 mainWindowBoxLayout->setSpacing(5); 0065 0066 QLabel *tabOrientationLabel = new QLabel(Smb4KSettings::self()->mainWindowTabOrientationItem()->label(), mainWindowBox); 0067 0068 KComboBox *tabOrientation = new KComboBox(mainWindowBox); 0069 tabOrientation->setObjectName("kcfg_MainWindowTabOrientation"); 0070 0071 QList<KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum::Choice> tabOrientationChoices = Smb4KSettings::self()->mainWindowTabOrientationItem()->choices(); 0072 0073 for (const KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum::Choice &to : tabOrientationChoices) 0074 { 0075 tabOrientation->addItem(to.label); 0076 } 0077 0078 tabOrientationLabel->setBuddy(tabOrientation); 0079 0080 mainWindowBoxLayout->addWidget(tabOrientationLabel, 0, 0, 0); 0081 mainWindowBoxLayout->addWidget(tabOrientation, 0, 1, 0); 0082 0083 QCheckBox *showBookmarkLabel = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showCustomBookmarkLabelItem()->label(), mainWindowBox); 0084 showBookmarkLabel->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowCustomBookmarkLabel"); 0085 0086 mainWindowBoxLayout->addWidget(showBookmarkLabel, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0); 0087 0088 layout->addWidget(mainWindowBox, 0); 0089 0090 // 0091 // Network Neighborhood settings 0092 // 0093 QGroupBox *networkNeighhoodBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("Network Neighborhood"), this); 0094 QGridLayout *networkNeighhoodBoxLayout = new QGridLayout(networkNeighhoodBox); 0095 networkNeighhoodBoxLayout->setSpacing(5); 0096 0097 QCheckBox *autoExpand = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->autoExpandNetworkItemsItem()->label(), networkNeighhoodBox); 0098 autoExpand->setObjectName("kcfg_AutoExpandNetworkItems"); 0099 0100 networkNeighhoodBoxLayout->addWidget(autoExpand, 0, 0, 0); 0101 0102 QCheckBox *showType = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showTypeItem()->label(), networkNeighhoodBox); 0103 showType->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowType"); 0104 0105 networkNeighhoodBoxLayout->addWidget(showType, 0, 1, 0); 0106 0107 QCheckBox *showIpAddress = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showIPAddressItem()->label(), networkNeighhoodBox); 0108 showIpAddress->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowIPAddress"); 0109 0110 networkNeighhoodBoxLayout->addWidget(showIpAddress, 1, 0, 0); 0111 0112 QCheckBox *showComment = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showCommentItem()->label(), networkNeighhoodBox); 0113 showComment->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowComment"); 0114 0115 networkNeighhoodBoxLayout->addWidget(showComment, 1, 1, 0); 0116 0117 QCheckBox *showNetworkTooltip = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showNetworkItemToolTipItem()->label(), networkNeighhoodBox); 0118 showNetworkTooltip->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowNetworkItemToolTip"); 0119 0120 networkNeighhoodBoxLayout->addWidget(showNetworkTooltip, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0); 0121 0122 layout->addWidget(networkNeighhoodBox, 0); 0123 0124 // 0125 // Shares View settings 0126 // 0127 QGroupBox *sharesViewBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("Shares View"), this); 0128 QGridLayout *sharesViewBoxLayout = new QGridLayout(sharesViewBox); 0129 sharesViewBoxLayout->setSpacing(5); 0130 0131 QLabel *viewModeLabel = new QLabel(Smb4KSettings::self()->sharesViewModeItem()->label(), sharesViewBox); 0132 0133 KComboBox *viewMode = new KComboBox(sharesViewBox); 0134 viewMode->setObjectName("kcfg_SharesViewMode"); 0135 0136 QList<KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum::Choice> sharesViewModeChoices = Smb4KSettings::self()->sharesViewModeItem()->choices(); 0137 0138 for (const KCoreConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum::Choice &vm : sharesViewModeChoices) 0139 { 0140 viewMode->addItem(vm.label); 0141 } 0142 0143 viewModeLabel->setBuddy(viewMode); 0144 0145 sharesViewBoxLayout->addWidget(viewModeLabel, 0, 0, 0); 0146 sharesViewBoxLayout->addWidget(viewMode, 0, 1, 0); 0147 0148 QCheckBox *showShareTooltip = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showShareToolTipItem()->label(), sharesViewBox); 0149 showShareTooltip->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowShareToolTip"); 0150 0151 sharesViewBoxLayout->addWidget(showShareTooltip, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0); 0152 0153 layout->addWidget(sharesViewBox, 0); 0154 layout->addStretch(100); 0155 0156 0157 0158 // // Network item tooltips 0159 // QGroupBox *network_tooltips_box = new QGroupBox(i18n("Tooltips"), networkNeighborhoodTab); 0160 // 0161 // QGridLayout *n_tooltips_layout = new QGridLayout(network_tooltips_box); 0162 // n_tooltips_layout->setSpacing(5); 0163 // 0164 0165 // 0166 // n_tooltips_layout->addWidget(network_tooltip, 0, 0, 0); 0167 // 0168 // networkNeighborhoodTabLayout->addWidget(behavior_box); 0169 // networkNeighborhoodTabLayout->addWidget(columns_box); 0170 // networkNeighborhoodTabLayout->addWidget(network_tooltips_box); 0171 // networkNeighborhoodTabLayout->addStretch(100); 0172 // 0173 // addTab(networkNeighborhoodTab, i18n("Network Neighborhood")); 0174 // 0175 // // 0176 // // Shares view 0177 // // 0178 // QWidget *shares_view_tab = new QWidget(this); 0179 // 0180 // QVBoxLayout *shares_view_layout = new QVBoxLayout(shares_view_tab); 0181 // shares_view_layout->setSpacing(5); 0182 // shares_view_layout->setMargin(0); 0183 // 0184 // // View 0185 // QGroupBox *viewBox = new QGroupBox(i18n("View Mode"), shares_view_tab); 0186 // QHBoxLayout *viewBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(viewBox); 0187 // viewBoxLayout->setSpacing(5); 0188 // 0189 // QLabel *viewModeLabel = new QLabel(Smb4KSettings::self()->sharesViewModeItem()->label(), viewBox); 0190 // KComboBox *viewMode = new KComboBox(viewBox); 0191 // viewMode->setObjectName("kcfg_SharesViewMode"); 0192 // viewMode->insertItem(Smb4KSettings::EnumSharesViewMode::IconView, 0193 // Smb4KSettings::self()->sharesViewModeItem()->choices().value(Smb4KSettings::EnumSharesViewMode::IconView).label); 0194 // viewMode->insertItem(Smb4KSettings::EnumSharesViewMode::ListView, 0195 // Smb4KSettings::self()->sharesViewModeItem()->choices().value(Smb4KSettings::EnumSharesViewMode::ListView).label); 0196 // viewModeLabel->setBuddy(viewMode); 0197 // 0198 // viewBoxLayout->addWidget(viewModeLabel); 0199 // viewBoxLayout->addWidget(viewMode); 0200 // 0201 // // Share tooltips 0202 // QGroupBox *share_tooltips_box = new QGroupBox(i18n("Tooltips"), shares_view_tab); 0203 // 0204 // QGridLayout *s_tooltips_layout = new QGridLayout(share_tooltips_box); 0205 // s_tooltips_layout->setSpacing(5); 0206 // 0207 // QCheckBox *show_share_tooltip = new QCheckBox(Smb4KSettings::self()->showShareToolTipItem()->label(), share_tooltips_box); 0208 // show_share_tooltip->setObjectName("kcfg_ShowShareToolTip"); 0209 // 0210 // s_tooltips_layout->addWidget(show_share_tooltip, 0, 0, 0); 0211 // 0212 // QSpacerItem *spacer4 = new QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding); 0213 // 0214 // shares_view_layout->addWidget(viewBox); 0215 // shares_view_layout->addWidget(share_tooltips_box); 0216 // shares_view_layout->addItem(spacer4); 0217 // 0218 // addTab(shares_view_tab, i18n("Mounted Shares")); 0219 } 0220 0221 0222 Smb4KConfigPageUserInterface::~Smb4KConfigPageUserInterface() 0223 { 0224 } 0225 0226 0227 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0228 // SLOT IMPLEMENTATIONS 0229 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0230 0231