Warning, /network/neochat/src/qml/ReplyComponent.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Black Hat <bhat@encom.eu.org>
0002 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Carl Schwan <carl@carlschwan.eu>
0003 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
0005 import QtQuick
0006 import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
0007 import QtQuick.Layouts
0009 import org.kde.coreaddons
0010 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0011 import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.labs.components as KirigamiComponents
0013 import org.kde.neochat
0015 /**
0016  * @brief A component to show a message that has been replied to.
0017  *
0018  * Similar to the main timeline delegate a reply delegate is chosen based on the type
0019  * of message being replied to. The main difference is that not all messages can be
0020  * show in their original form and are instead visualised with a MIME type delegate
0021  * e.g. Videos.
0022  */
0023 RowLayout {
0024     id: root
0026     /**
0027      * @brief The reply author.
0028      *
0029      * This should consist of the following:
0030      *  - id - The matrix ID of the reply author.
0031      *  - isLocalUser - Whether the reply author is the local user.
0032      *  - avatarSource - The mxc URL for the reply author's avatar in the current room.
0033      *  - avatarMediaId - The media ID of the reply author's avatar.
0034      *  - avatarUrl - The mxc URL for the reply author's avatar.
0035      *  - displayName - The display name of the reply author.
0036      *  - display - The name of the reply author.
0037      *  - color - The color for the reply author.
0038      *  - object - The Quotient::User object for the reply author.
0039      *
0040      * @sa Quotient::User
0041      */
0042     required property var author
0044     /**
0045      * @brief The delegate type of the reply message.
0046      */
0047     required property int type
0049     /**
0050      * @brief The display text of the message.
0051      */
0052     required property string display
0054     /**
0055      * @brief The media info for the reply event.
0056      *
0057      * This could be an image, audio, video or file.
0058      *
0059      * This should consist of the following:
0060      *  - source - The mxc URL for the media.
0061      *  - mimeType - The MIME type of the media.
0062      *  - mimeIcon - The MIME icon name.
0063      *  - size - The file size in bytes.
0064      *  - duration - The length in seconds of the audio media (audio/video only).
0065      *  - width - The width in pixels of the audio media (image/video only).
0066      *  - height - The height in pixels of the audio media (image/video only).
0067      *  - tempInfo - mediaInfo (with the same properties as this except no tempInfo) for a temporary image while the file downloads (image/video only).
0068      */
0069     required property var mediaInfo
0071     property real contentMaxWidth
0073     /**
0074      * @brief The reply has been clicked.
0075      */
0076     signal replyClicked
0078     spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0080     Rectangle {
0081         id: verticalBorder
0082         Layout.fillHeight: true
0084         implicitWidth: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0085         color: root.author.color
0086     }
0087     ColumnLayout {
0088         spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0090         RowLayout {
0091             spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0093             KirigamiComponents.Avatar {
0094                 id: replyAvatar
0096                 implicitWidth: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small
0097                 implicitHeight: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.small
0099                 source: root.author.avatarSource
0100                 name: root.author.displayName
0101                 color: root.author.color
0102             }
0103             QQC2.Label {
0104                 id: replyName
0105                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0107                 color: root.author.color
0108                 text: root.author.displayName
0109                 elide: Text.ElideRight
0110             }
0111         }
0112         Loader {
0113             id: loader
0115             Layout.fillWidth: true
0116             Layout.maximumHeight: loader.item && (root.type == DelegateType.Image || root.type == DelegateType.Sticker) ? loader.item.height : loader.item.implicitHeight
0117             Layout.columnSpan: 2
0119             sourceComponent: {
0120                 switch (root.type) {
0121                 case DelegateType.Image:
0122                 case DelegateType.Sticker:
0123                     return imageComponent;
0124                 case DelegateType.Message:
0125                 case DelegateType.Notice:
0126                     return textComponent;
0127                 case DelegateType.File:
0128                 case DelegateType.Video:
0129                 case DelegateType.Audio:
0130                     return mimeComponent;
0131                 case DelegateType.Encrypted:
0132                     return encryptedComponent;
0133                 default:
0134                     return textComponent;
0135                 }
0136             }
0137         }
0138     }
0139     HoverHandler {
0140         cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
0141     }
0142     TapHandler {
0143         acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
0144         onTapped: root.replyClicked()
0145     }
0147     Component {
0148         id: textComponent
0149         RichLabel {
0150             textMessage: root.display
0152             HoverHandler {
0153                 enabled: !hoveredLink
0154                 cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
0155             }
0156             TapHandler {
0157                 enabled: !hoveredLink
0158                 acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
0159                 onTapped: root.replyClicked()
0160             }
0161         }
0162     }
0163     Component {
0164         id: imageComponent
0165         Image {
0166             id: image
0167             width: mediaSizeHelper.currentSize.width
0168             height: mediaSizeHelper.currentSize.height
0169             fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
0170             source: root?.mediaInfo.source ?? ""
0172             MediaSizeHelper {
0173                 id: mediaSizeHelper
0174                 contentMaxWidth: root.contentMaxWidth - verticalBorder.width - root.spacing
0175                 mediaWidth: root?.mediaInfo.width ?? -1
0176                 mediaHeight: root?.mediaInfo.height ?? -1
0177             }
0178         }
0179     }
0180     Component {
0181         id: mimeComponent
0182         MimeComponent {
0183             mimeIconSource: root.mediaInfo.mimeIcon
0184             label: root.display
0185             subLabel: root.type === DelegateType.File ? Format.formatByteSize(root.mediaInfo.size) : Format.formatDuration(root.mediaInfo.duration)
0186         }
0187     }
0188     Component {
0189         id: encryptedComponent
0190         RichLabel {
0191             textMessage: i18n("This message is encrypted and the sender has not shared the key with this device.")
0192             textFormat: Text.RichText
0193         }
0194     }
0195 }