Warning, /network/neochat/src/qml/GeneralSettingsPage.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tobias Fella <tobias.fella@kde.org>
0002 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Carl Schwan <carl@carlschwan.eu>
0003 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 import QtQuick
0006 import QtQuick.Layouts
0008 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0009 import org.kde.kirigamiaddons.formcard as FormCard
0011 import org.kde.neochat
0012 import org.kde.neochat.config
0014 FormCard.FormCardPage {
0015     title: i18nc("@title:window", "General")
0017     FormCard.FormHeader {
0018         title: i18n("General settings")
0019         visible: Qt.platform.os !== "android"
0020     }
0021     FormCard.FormCard {
0022         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0023             id: closeDelegate
0024             text: i18n("Show in System Tray")
0025             checked: Config.systemTray
0026             visible: Controller.supportSystemTray
0027             enabled: !Config.isSystemTrayImmutable
0028             onToggled: {
0029                 Config.systemTray = checked
0030                 Config.save()
0031             }
0032         }
0034         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator { above: closeDelegate; below: minimizeDelegate }
0036         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0037             id: minimizeDelegate
0038             text: i18n("Minimize to system tray on startup")
0039             checked: Config.minimizeToSystemTrayOnStartup
0040             visible: Controller.supportSystemTray && !Kirigami.Settings.isMobile
0041             enabled: Config.systemTray && !Config.isMinimizeToSystemTrayOnStartupImmutable
0042             onToggled: {
0043                 Config.minimizeToSystemTrayOnStartup = checked
0044                 Config.save()
0045             }
0046         }
0048         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator { above: minimizeDelegate; below: automaticallyDelegate }
0050         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0051             id: automaticallyDelegate
0052             text: i18n("Automatically hide/unhide the room information when resizing the window")
0053             checked: Config.autoRoomInfoDrawer
0054             enabled: !Config.isAutoRoomInfoDrawerImmutable
0055             visible: Qt.platform.os !== "android"
0056             onToggled: {
0057                 Config.autoRoomInfoDrawer = checked
0058                 Config.save()
0059             }
0060         }
0061     }
0062     FormCard.FormHeader {
0063         title: i18n("Timeline Events")
0064     }
0065     FormCard.FormCard {
0066         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0067             id: showDeletedMessages
0068             text: i18n("Show deleted messages")
0069             checked: Config.showDeletedMessages
0070             enabled: !Config.isShowDeletedMessagesImmutable
0071             onToggled: {
0072                 Config.showDeletedMessages = checked
0073                 Config.save()
0074             }
0075         }
0077         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator { above: showDeletedMessages; below: showStateEvents }
0079         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0080             id: showStateEvents
0081             text: i18n("Show state events")
0082             checked: Config.showStateEvent
0083             enabled: !Config.isShowStateEventImmutable
0084             onToggled: {
0085                 Config.showStateEvent = checked
0086                 Config.save()
0087             }
0088         }
0090         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {
0091             visible: Config.showStateEvent
0092             above: showStateEvents
0093             below: showLeaveJoinEventDelegate }
0095         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0096             id: showLeaveJoinEventDelegate
0097             visible: Config.showStateEvent
0098             text: i18n("Show leave and join events")
0099             checked: Config.showLeaveJoinEvent
0100             enabled: !Config.isShowLeaveJoinEventImmutable
0101             onToggled: {
0102                 Config.showLeaveJoinEvent = checked
0103                 Config.save()
0104             }
0105         }
0107         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {
0108             visible: Config.showStateEvent
0109             above: showLeaveJoinEventDelegate
0110             below: showNameDelegate
0111         }
0113         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0114             id: showNameDelegate
0115             visible: Config.showStateEvent
0116             text: i18n("Show name change events")
0117             checked: Config.showRename
0118             enabled: !Config.isShowRenameImmutable
0119             onToggled: {
0120                 Config.showRename = checked
0121                 Config.save()
0122             }
0123         }
0125         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator {
0126             visible: Config.showStateEvent
0127             above: showNameDelegate
0128             below: showAvatarChangeDelegate
0129         }
0131         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0132             id: showAvatarChangeDelegate
0133             visible: Config.showStateEvent
0134             text: i18n("Show avatar update events")
0135             checked: Config.showAvatarUpdate
0136             enabled: !Config.isShowAvatarUpdateImmutable
0137             onToggled: {
0138                 Config.showAvatarUpdate = checked
0139                 Config.save()
0140             }
0141         }
0142     }
0143     FormCard.FormHeader {
0144         title: i18n("Rooms and private chats")
0145     }
0146     FormCard.FormCard {
0147         FormCard.FormRadioDelegate {
0148             text: i18n("Separated")
0149             checked: !Config.mergeRoomList
0150             enabled: !Config.isMergeRoomListImmutable
0151             onToggled: {
0152                 Config.mergeRoomList = false
0153                 Config.save()
0154             }
0155         }
0156         FormCard.FormRadioDelegate {
0157             text: i18n("Intermixed")
0158             checked: Config.mergeRoomList
0159             enabled: !Config.isMergeRoomListImmutable
0160             onToggled: {
0161                 Config.mergeRoomList = true
0162                 Config.save()
0163             }
0164         }
0165     }
0166     FormCard.FormHeader {
0167         title: i18nc("Chat Editor", "Editor")
0168     }
0169     FormCard.FormCard {
0170         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0171             id: quickEditCheckbox
0172             text: i18n("Use s/text/replacement syntax to edit your last message")
0173             checked: Config.allowQuickEdit
0174             enabled: !Config.isAllowQuickEditImmutable
0175             onToggled: {
0176                 Config.allowQuickEdit = checked
0177                 Config.save()
0178             }
0179         }
0180         FormCard.FormDelegateSeparator { above: quickEditCheckbox; below: typingNotificationsDelegate }
0181         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0182             id: typingNotificationsDelegate
0183             text: i18n("Send typing notifications")
0184             checked: Config.typingNotifications
0185             enabled: !Config.isTypingNotificationsImmutable
0186             onToggled: {
0187                 Config.typingNotifications = checked
0188                 Config.save()
0189             }
0190         }
0191     }
0192     FormCard.FormHeader {
0193         title: i18n("Developer Settings")
0194     }
0195     FormCard.FormCard {
0196         FormCard.FormCheckDelegate {
0197             text: i18n("Enable developer tools")
0198             checked: Config.developerTools
0199             enabled: !Config.isDeveloperToolsImmutable
0200             onToggled: {
0201                 Config.developerTools = checked
0202                 Config.save()
0203             }
0204         }
0205     }
0206 }