Warning, /network/neochat/doc/man-neochat.1.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE">
0004 ]>
0005 <!--
0006 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Carl Schwan <carl@carlschwan.eu>
0007 SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
0008 -->
0010 <refentry lang="&language;">
0011 <refentryinfo>
0012 <title>NeoChat User's Manual</title>
0013 <author><firstname>Carl</firstname><surname>Schwan</surname>
0014 <contrib>NeoChat man page.</contrib>
0015 <email>carl@carlschwan.eu</email></author>
0016 <date>2022-11-01</date>
0017 <releaseinfo>22.09</releaseinfo>
0018 <productname>NeoChat</productname>
0019 </refentryinfo>
0021 <refmeta>
0022   <refentrytitle>
0023     <command>neochat</command>
0024   </refentrytitle>
0025   <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
0026 </refmeta>
0028 <refnamediv>
0029   <refname>neochat</refname>
0030   <refpurpose>Client for interacting with the matrix messaging protocol</refpurpose>
0031   </refnamediv>
0032   <!-- body begins here -->
0033   <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
0034   <cmdsynopsis>
0035     <command>neochat</command>
0036     <arg choice="opt"><replaceable>URI</replaceable></arg>
0037   </cmdsynopsis>
0038 </refsynopsisdiv>
0041 <refsect1 id="description">
0042   <title>Description</title>
0043   <para>
0044     <command>neochat</command> is a chat application for the matrix protocol
0045     that work on both desktop and mobile.
0046   </para>
0047 </refsect1>
0049 <refsect1 id="options"><title>Options</title>
0050 <variablelist>
0051   <varlistentry>
0052   <term><option>URI</option></term>
0053   <listitem>
0054     <para>
0055       The matrix uri for an user or a room. e.g matrix:u/user:example.org and
0056       matrix:r/root:example.org. This will makes NeoChat try to open the given
0057       room or conversation.
0058     </para>
0059   </listitem>
0060   </varlistentry>
0061 </variablelist>
0062 </refsect1>
0064 <refsect1 id="bug">
0065   <title>Reporting bugs</title>
0066   <para>You can report bugs and feature requests at <ulink url="https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=NeoChat&amp;component=General">https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=NeoChat&amp;component=General</ulink></para>
0067 </refsect1>
0069 <refsect1>
0070   <title>See Also</title>
0071   <simplelist>
0072     <member>
0073       A list of frequently asked questions about Matrix <ulink url="https://matrix.org/faq/">https://matrix.org/faq/</ulink>
0074     </member>
0075     <member>kf5options(7)</member>
0076     <member>qt5options(7)</member>
0077   </simplelist>
0078 </refsect1>
0080 <refsect1 id="copyright"><title>Copyright</title>
0081 <para>Copyright &copy; 2020-2022 Tobias Fella </para>
0082 <para>Copyright &copy; 2020-2022 Carl Schwan </para>
0083 <para>License: GNU General Public Version 3 or later &lt;<ulink url="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html">https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html</ulink>&gt;</para>
0084 </refsect1>
0085 </refentry>