File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 05:01:24

0001 /*
0002     This file is part of the KDE project.
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Stefano Crocco <>
0006     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0007 */
0012 #include <QTableView>
0013 #include <QStandardItemModel>
0014 #include <QStyledItemDelegate>
0016 #include "webenginewallet.h"
0018 /**
0019  * @brief Helper class to display passwords in WebFieldsDataWidget
0020  */
0021 class WebFieldsDataViewPasswordDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate {
0022     Q_OBJECT
0024 public:
0026     /**
0027      * @brief Default constructor
0028      *
0029      * @param parent the parent object
0030      */
0031     explicit WebFieldsDataViewPasswordDelegate(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0033     ///@brief Destructor
0034     ~WebFieldsDataViewPasswordDelegate() override{}
0036     /**
0037      * @brief Override of <a href="">QStyledItemDelegate::paint()</a>
0038      *
0039      * It displays the text replacing each character with a special character according to QStyle::StyleHint::SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter,
0040      * but only if the data contained in the index represents a password, according to WebEngineCustomizeCacheableFieldsDlg::PasswordRole
0041      *
0042      * @param painter the painter
0043      * @param option the option
0044      * @param index the index to paint
0045      */
0046     void paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const override;
0048     /**
0049      * @brief Override of <a href="">QStyledItemDelegate::sizeHint()</a>
0050      *
0051      * @param option the option
0052      * @param index the index whose size hint should be returned
0053      * @return the size hint for @p index
0054      */
0055     QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const override;
0057 private:
0059     /**
0060      * @brief Whether the given index represents a password
0061      *
0062      * This function uses the value of the WebEngineCustomizeCacheableFieldsDlg::PasswordRole to determine if @p idx represents or not a password
0063      * @param idx the index
0064      * @return @b true if @p idx represents and index and @b false otherwise
0065      */
0066     static bool isPassword(const QModelIndex &idx);
0068     /**
0069      * @brief The string to display in place of a password
0070      *
0071      * It returns a string with the same length as the Qt::DisplayRole of @p index all made by the character returned by <tt>QStyle::styleHint</tt>
0072      * called with argument QStyle::StyleHint::SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter.
0073      *
0074      * @param option the option to pass to QStyle::styleHint
0075      * @param index the index containing the password
0076      * @return a string suitable to be displayed instead of the display role of @p index
0077      */
0078     static QString passwordReplacement(const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index);
0079 };
0081 /**
0082  * @brief Model which contains informations about web forms
0083  *
0084  * This model has several columns, which correspond to the values of the #Columns enum.
0085  *
0086  * The items in this model can be checkable or not, depending on how it's created see (WebFieldsDataModel()). This behaviour can't be
0087  * changed after creation.
0088  *
0089  * To fill the model, call setForms() with the forms to display
0090  */
0091 class WebFieldsDataModel : public QStandardItemModel
0092 {
0093     Q_OBJECT
0095 public:
0096     /**
0097      * @brief Constructor
0098      *
0099      * @param checkableItems whether the items in the model should be checkable or not
0100      * @param parent the parent object
0101      */
0102     WebFieldsDataModel(bool checkableItems, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0104     /**
0105      * @brief Destructor
0106      */
0107     ~WebFieldsDataModel() override;
0109     ///@brief enum to reference the various columns of the table
0110     enum Columns {
0111         ChosenCol = 0,  ///< The column where the user can select the fields
0112         LabelCol, ///< The field name column
0113         ValueCol, ///< The field value column
0114         InternalNameCol, ///< The internal name column
0115         TypeCol, ///< The field type column
0116         IdCol, ///< The ID field type column
0117         DetailsCol ///< The field details column
0118     };
0120     ///@brief Special roles used by the model
0121     enum Roles {
0122         PasswordRole = Qt::UserRole+1, ///< Role which tells whether an index corresponds to a password or not
0123         FormRole, ///< Role which contains the index of the form a field belongs to inside m_fields
0124         FieldRole ///< Role which contains the index of the field in the form it belongs to
0125     };
0127     /**
0128      * @brief Fills the model with form data
0129      *
0130      * @note This will remove all previous content
0131      *
0132      * @param forms the forms to display in the model
0133      */
0134     void setForms(const WebEngineWallet::WebFormList &forms);
0136     /**
0137      * @brief The list of fields checked by the user
0138      *
0139      * @return a list of the fields the user has checked
0140      */
0141     WebEngineWallet::WebFormList checkedFields() const;
0143     /**
0144      * @brief Whether the items in the model can be checked or not
0145      *
0146      * @return @b true if the items in the model can be checked and @b false otherwise
0147      */
0148     bool areItemsCheckable() const {return m_checkableItems;}
0150     /**
0151      * @brief Remove the contents from the model
0152      */
0153     void clearForms();
0155 private:
0157     /**
0158      * @brief Creates a row for the given field
0159      *
0160      * @param field the field to create the row for
0161      * @param formIndex the index of the form the field belongs to in #m_forms
0162      * @param fieldIndex the index of the field in the parent form's list of fields
0163      * @return The row corresponding to the field
0164      */
0165     QList<QStandardItem*> createRowForField(const WebEngineWallet::WebForm::WebField &field, int formIndex, int fieldIndex);
0167     /**
0168      * @brief A string to use as tool tip for the given field
0169      *
0170      * The tool tip contains information about all the field characteristics which aren't shown by default (internal name, id, type, read-only, enabled, autocomplete enabled).
0171      * @param field the field
0172      * @return a string with the tool tip
0173      */
0174     static QString toolTipForField(const WebEngineWallet::WebForm::WebField &field);
0176 private:
0177     ///@brief Whether the items in the model should have a check box
0178     bool m_checkableItems;
0180     ///@brief the forms displayed in the model
0181     WebEngineWallet::WebFormList m_forms;
0182 };
0184 /**
0185  * @brief View to display informations about web fields
0186  *
0187  * This view is meant to be used with a WebFieldsDataModel, but this isn't a requirement. See setModel() if you use another model.
0188  *
0189  * This widget can be configured to:
0190  * * display only the label and value column or all columns provided by WebFieldsDataModel
0191  * * display or not tool tips for items
0192  * * display the password in clear text or replace each character with a dot
0193  */
0194 class WebFieldsDataView : public QTableView
0195 {
0196     Q_OBJECT
0198 public:
0199     /**
0200      * @brief Constructor
0201      *
0202      * @param parent the parent widget
0203      */
0204     WebFieldsDataView( QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0206     ///@brief Destructor
0207     ~WebFieldsDataView() override;
0209     /**
0210      * @brief Override of `QTableView::setModel()`
0211      *
0212      * In most cases, @p model should be an instance of WebFieldsDataModel. If you want to use another model, you should know that this class assumes that the model
0213      * provides a column for each value of the WebFieldsDataModel::Columns enum and in that order. Besides, if you don't want the items to be checkable, you'll need
0214      * to hide the first column by hand (if @p model is a WebFieldsDataModel, this is done automatically based on WebFieldsDataModel::areItemsCheckable()).
0215      *
0216      * @param model the model
0217      */
0218     void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) override;
0220     /**
0221      * @brief Override of `QTableView::sizeHint()`
0222      *
0223      * @return a size hint whose height is exactly that needed to display all the rows and the header view (unless that's hidden)
0224      */
0225     QSize sizeHint() const override;
0227 public slots:
0228     /**
0229      * @brief Slot which toggles displaying of passwords on or off
0230      *
0231      * @param show whether passwords should be displayed (@b true) or obfuscated (@b false) using WebEnginePartPasswordDelegate
0232      *
0233      * @see WebEnginePartPasswordDelegate
0234      */
0235     void togglePasswords(bool show);
0237     /**
0238      * @brief Shows or hides the columns displaying details about fields
0239      *
0240      * When details are hidden, the only visible information about fields are name and value; when details are visible, instead, also the type and
0241      * characteristics such as being read-only, enabled and having autocomplete on or off are shown
0242      *
0243      * @note Unlike setDetailsVisible(), this function does nothing if @p show is @b true and details are already visible or @p show is @b false
0244      * and details are already hidden
0245      *
0246      * @param show whether to show or hide details about fields
0247      */
0248     void toggleDetails(bool show);
0250     /**
0251      * @brief Enables or disables tool tips for items
0252      *
0253      * @param show @b true if the tool tips should be shown and @b false otherwise
0254      */
0255     void toggleToolTips(bool show);
0257     /**
0258      * @brief Shows or hides the columns displaying details about fields
0259      *
0260      * When details are hidden, the only visible information about fields are name and value; when details are visible, instead, also the type and
0261      * characteristics such as being read-only, enabled and having autocomplete on or off are shown
0262      *
0263      * @note Unlike toggleDetails(), this function doesn't check the current details visibility state
0264      *
0265      * @param visible whether to show or hide details about fields
0266      */
0267     void setDetailsVisible(bool visible);
0268 protected:
0270     /**
0271      * @brief Override of `QTableView::viewportEvent()`
0272      *
0273      * It prevents displaying the tool tips if #m_showToolTips is false
0274      *
0275      * @param e the event
0276      * @return As `QTableView::viewportEvent()`
0277      */
0278     bool viewportEvent(QEvent * e) override;
0280 private:
0282     ///@brief the delegate to draw passwords
0283     WebFieldsDataViewPasswordDelegate *m_passwordDelegate;
0285     ///@brief Whether passwords should be displayed in clear text or not
0286     bool m_showPasswords;
0288     ///@brief Whether all columns should be shown or only the name and value columns (and the column with the check box if the items are checkable) should be shown
0289     bool m_showDetails;
0291     ///@brief Whether tool tips should be shown
0292     bool m_showToolTips;
0293 };