File indexing completed on 2024-05-05 04:59:55

0001 /* This file is part of KDE
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 David Faure <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0009 #include "konqpopupmenutest.h"
0010 #include "libkonq_utils.h"
0012 #include <kconfiggroup.h>
0013 #include <kbookmarkmanager.h>
0014 #include <KSharedConfig>
0015 #include <knewfilemenu.h>
0016 #include <kfileitemlistproperties.h>
0018 #include <QTest>
0019 #include <QDebug>
0020 #include <QDir>
0021 #include <QUrl>
0022 #include <QStandardPaths>
0023 #include <QFile>
0024 #include <QTextStream>
0025 #include <QActionGroup>
0027 QTEST_MAIN(KonqPopupMenuTest)
0029 KonqPopupMenuTest::KonqPopupMenuTest()
0030     : m_actionCollection(this)
0031 {
0032     m_appFlags = KonqPopupMenu::NoPlugins;
0033 }
0035 static QStringList extractActionNames(QMenu &menu)
0036 {
0037     menu.aboutToShow(); // signals are now public in Qt5, how convenient :-)
0039     QString lastObjectName;
0040     QStringList ret;
0041     bool lastIsSeparator = false;
0042     for (const QAction *action: menu.actions()) {
0043         if (action->isSeparator()) {
0044             if (!lastIsSeparator) { // Qt gets rid of duplicate separators, so we should too
0045                 ret.append(QStringLiteral("separator"));
0046             }
0047             lastIsSeparator = true;
0048         } else {
0049             lastIsSeparator = false;
0050             //qDebug() << action->objectName() << action->metaObject()->className() << action->text();
0051             const QString objectName = action->objectName();
0052             if (objectName.isEmpty()) {
0053                 if (action->menu()) { // if this fails, then we have an unnamed action somewhere...
0054                     ret.append(QStringLiteral("submenu"));
0055                 } else {
0056                     ret.append("UNNAMED " + action->text());
0057                 }
0058             } else {
0059                 if (objectName == QLatin1String("menuaction") // a single service-menu action, or a service-menu submenu: skip; too variable.
0060                         || objectName == QLatin1String("actions_submenu")) {
0061                 } else if (objectName == QLatin1String("openWith_submenu")) {
0062                     ret.append(QStringLiteral("openwith"));
0063                 } else if (objectName == QLatin1String("openwith_browse") && lastObjectName == QLatin1String("openwith")) {
0064                     // We had "open with foo" followed by openwith_browse, all is well.
0065                     // The expected lists only say "openwith" so that they work in both cases
0066                     // -> skip the browse action.
0067                 } else {
0068                     ret.append(objectName);
0069                 }
0070             }
0071         }
0072         lastObjectName = action->objectName();
0073     }
0074     return ret;
0076 }
0078 void KonqPopupMenuTest::initTestCase()
0079 {
0080     QStandardPaths::setTestModeEnabled(true);
0082     KSharedConfig::Ptr dolphin = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("dolphinrc"));
0083     KConfigGroup(dolphin, "General").writeEntry("ShowCopyMoveMenu", true);
0085     m_thisDirectoryItem = KFileItem(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath()), QStringLiteral("inode/directory"), S_IFDIR + 0777);
0087     //Create a Makefile. It's simpler to just create a new file than to rely on the path of an existing file
0088     const QString makefileDir = QDir::tempPath() + QStringLiteral("/konqueror-tests/");
0089     if (!QDir().exists(makefileDir)) {
0090         QDir().mkpath(makefileDir);
0091         m_deleteMakefileDir = true;
0092     }
0093     m_makefilePath = makefileDir + "/Makefile";
0094     // qDebug() << "Creating" << m_makefilePath;
0095     QFile mf(m_makefilePath);
0097     QTextStream ts(&mf);
0098     ts << "main.o : main.c\n\tcc -c main.c\n";
0099     mf.close();
0100     QVERIFY2(QFile::exists(m_makefilePath), qPrintable(m_makefilePath));
0102     m_fileItem = KFileItem(QUrl::fromLocalFile(m_makefilePath), QStringLiteral("text/x-makefile"), S_IFREG + 0660);
0103     m_linkItem = KFileItem(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStringLiteral("")), QStringLiteral("text/html"), S_IFREG + 0660);
0104     m_subDirItem = KFileItem(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath() + "/CMakeFiles"), QStringLiteral("inode/directory"), S_IFDIR + 0755);
0105     m_cut = KStandardAction::cut(nullptr, nullptr, this);
0106     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("cut"), m_cut);
0107     m_copy = KStandardAction::copy(nullptr, nullptr, this);
0108     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("copy"), m_copy);
0109     m_paste = KStandardAction::paste(nullptr, nullptr, this);
0110     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("paste"), m_paste);
0111     m_pasteTo = KStandardAction::paste(nullptr, nullptr, this);
0112     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("pasteto"), m_pasteTo);
0113     m_properties = new QAction(this);
0114     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("properties"), m_properties);
0116     m_tabHandlingActions = new QActionGroup(this);
0117     m_newWindow = new QAction(m_tabHandlingActions);
0118     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("openInNewWindow"), m_newWindow);
0119     m_newTab = new QAction(m_tabHandlingActions);
0120     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("openInNewTab"), m_newTab);
0121     QAction *separator = new QAction(m_tabHandlingActions);
0122     separator->setSeparator(true);
0123     QCOMPARE(m_tabHandlingActions->actions().count(), 3);
0125     m_previewActions = new QActionGroup(this);
0126     m_preview1 = new QAction(m_previewActions);
0127     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("preview1"), m_preview1);
0128     m_preview2 = new QAction(m_previewActions);
0129     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("preview2"), m_preview2);
0131     m_fileEditActions = new QActionGroup(this);
0132     m_rename = new QAction(m_fileEditActions);
0133     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("rename"), m_rename);
0134     m_trash = new QAction(m_fileEditActions);
0135     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("trash"), m_trash);
0137     m_htmlEditActions = new QActionGroup(this);
0138     // TODO use m_htmlEditActions like in khtml (see khtml_popupmenu.rc)
0140     m_linkActions = new QActionGroup(this);
0141     QAction *saveLinkAs = new QAction(m_linkActions);
0142     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("savelinkas"), saveLinkAs);
0143     QAction *copyLinkLocation = new QAction(m_linkActions);
0144     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("copylinklocation"), copyLinkLocation);
0145     // TODO there's a whole bunch of things for frames, and for images, see khtml_popupmenu.rc
0147     m_partActions = new QActionGroup(this);
0148     separator = new QAction(m_partActions);
0149     separator->setSeparator(true);
0150     m_partActions->addAction(separator); // we better start with a separator
0151     QAction *viewDocumentSource = new QAction(m_partActions);
0152     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("viewDocumentSource"), viewDocumentSource);
0154     m_newMenu = new KNewFileMenu(nullptr);
0156     // Check if extractActionNames works
0157     QMenu popup;
0158     popup.addAction(m_rename);
0159     QMenu *subMenu = new QMenu(&popup);
0160     popup.addMenu(subMenu);
0161     subMenu->addAction(m_trash);
0162     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0163     // qDebug() << actions;
0164     QCOMPARE(actions, QStringList({"rename", "submenu"}));
0165 }
0167 void KonqPopupMenuTest::cleanupTestCase()
0168 {
0169     QFileInfo info(m_makefilePath);
0170     QDir dir = info.dir();
0171     QFile::remove(m_makefilePath);
0172     if (m_deleteMakefileDir) {
0173         QDir().rmdir(dir.path());
0174     }
0175 }
0177 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testFile()
0178 {
0179     KFileItemList itemList;
0180     itemList << m_fileItem;
0181     QUrl viewUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath());
0182     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags
0183             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties
0184             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
0185     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0186     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::TabHandlingActions, m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
0187     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::EditActions, m_fileEditActions->actions());
0188     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, QList<QAction *>() << m_preview1);
0190     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags,
0191                         nullptr /*parent*/);
0192     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0193     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0195     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0196     actions.removeAll(QStringLiteral("services_submenu"));
0198     // Be tolerant with openwith, it could be there once or twice
0199     if (actions.count(QStringLiteral("openwith")) == 2) {
0200         actions.removeOne(QStringLiteral("openwith"));
0201     }
0202     // qDebug() << actions;
0203     QStringList expectedActions {
0204         QStringLiteral("openInNewWindow"),
0205         QStringLiteral("openInNewTab"),
0206         QStringLiteral("separator") ,
0207         QStringLiteral("cut"),
0208         QStringLiteral("copy"),
0209         QStringLiteral("rename"),
0210         QStringLiteral("trash") ,
0211         QStringLiteral("openwith") ,
0212         QStringLiteral("separator") ,
0213         QStringLiteral("preview1") ,
0214         QStringLiteral("separator")
0215     };
0217     // These are provided by Dolphin and depend on its configuration.
0218     // If actions contains copyTo_submenu, it means they exist, so add them
0219     if (actions.contains("copyTo_submenu")) {
0220         QStringList extraActions {
0221             QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"),
0222             QStringLiteral("moveTo_submenu"),
0223             QStringLiteral("separator")
0224         };
0225         expectedActions.append(extraActions);
0226     }
0228     expectedActions << QStringLiteral("properties");
0229     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0231     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0232 }
0234 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testFileInReadOnlyDirectory()
0235 {
0236     const KFileItem item(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStringLiteral("/etc/passwd")));
0237     KFileItemList itemList;
0238     itemList << item;
0240     KFileItemListProperties capabilities(itemList);
0241     QVERIFY(!capabilities.supportsMoving());
0243     QUrl viewUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStringLiteral("/etc"));
0244     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags
0245             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties
0246             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
0247     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0248     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::TabHandlingActions, m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
0249     // DolphinPart doesn't add rename/trash when supportsMoving is false
0250     // Maybe we should test dolphinpart directly :)
0251     //actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::EditActions, m_fileEditActions->actions());
0252     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, QList<QAction *>() << m_preview1);
0254     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0255     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0256     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0258     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0259     actions.removeAll(QStringLiteral("services_submenu"));
0260     // Be tolerant with openwith, it could be there once or twice
0261     if (actions.count(QStringLiteral("openwith")) == 2) {
0262         actions.removeOne(QStringLiteral("openwith"));
0263     }
0264     // qDebug() << actions;
0266     QStringList expectedActions {
0267         QStringLiteral("openInNewWindow"),
0268         QStringLiteral("openInNewTab"),
0269         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0270         QStringLiteral("copy"),
0271         QStringLiteral("openwith"),
0272         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0273         QStringLiteral("preview1"),
0274         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0275     };
0276     // copyTo_submenu is provided by Dolphin and depends on its configuration.
0277     if (actions.contains(QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"))) {
0278         expectedActions.append({QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"), QStringLiteral("separator")});
0279     }
0280         expectedActions << QStringLiteral("properties");
0281     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0283     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0284 }
0286 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testFilePreviewSubMenu()
0287 {
0288     // Same as testFile, but this time the "preview" action group has more than one action
0289     KFileItemList itemList;
0290     itemList << m_fileItem;
0291     QUrl viewUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath());
0292     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags
0293             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties
0294             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
0295     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0296     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::TabHandlingActions, m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
0297     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::EditActions, m_fileEditActions->actions());
0298     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, m_previewActions->actions());
0300     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0301     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0302     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0304     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0305     actions.removeAll(QStringLiteral("services_submenu"));
0306     // Be tolerant with openwith, it could be there once or twice
0307     if (actions.count(QStringLiteral("openwith")) == 2) {
0308         actions.removeOne(QStringLiteral("openwith"));
0309     }
0310     // qDebug() << actions;
0312     QStringList expectedActions {
0313         QStringLiteral("openInNewWindow"),
0314         QStringLiteral("openInNewTab"),
0315         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0316         QStringLiteral("cut"),
0317         QStringLiteral("copy"),
0318         QStringLiteral("rename"),
0319         QStringLiteral("trash"),
0320         QStringLiteral("openwith"),
0321         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0322         QStringLiteral("preview_submenu"),
0323         QStringLiteral("separator")
0324     };
0325     if (actions.contains("copyTo_submenu")) {
0326         QStringList extraActions {
0327             QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"),
0328             QStringLiteral("moveTo_submenu"),
0329             QStringLiteral("separator")
0330         };
0331         expectedActions.append(extraActions);
0332     }
0333         expectedActions.append({QStringLiteral("properties")});
0334     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0336     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0337 }
0339 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testSubDirectory()
0340 {
0341     KFileItemList itemList;
0342     itemList << m_subDirItem;
0343     QUrl viewUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::currentPath());
0345     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags
0346             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties
0347             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations;
0348     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0349     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::TabHandlingActions, m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
0350     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::EditActions, m_fileEditActions->actions());
0351     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, m_previewActions->actions());
0353     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0354     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0355     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0356     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0357     actions.removeAll(QStringLiteral("services_submenu"));
0358     // qDebug() << actions;
0359     QStringList expectedActions{
0360         QStringLiteral("openInNewWindow"),
0361         QStringLiteral("openInNewTab"),
0362         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0363         QStringLiteral("cut"),
0364         QStringLiteral("copy"),
0365         QStringLiteral("rename"),
0366         QStringLiteral("trash"),
0367         QStringLiteral("openwith"),
0368         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0369         QStringLiteral("preview_submenu"),
0370         // It seems it has been moved to a submenu
0371         // QStringLiteral("open-terminal-here"),
0372         QStringLiteral("separator")
0373     };
0375     // These are provided by Dolphin and depend on its configuration.
0376     // If actions contains copyTo_submenu, it means they exist, so add them
0377     if (actions.contains("copyTo_submenu")) {
0378         QStringList extraActions {
0379             QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"),
0380             QStringLiteral("moveTo_submenu"),
0381             QStringLiteral("separator")
0382         };
0383         expectedActions.append(extraActions);
0384     }
0385     expectedActions << QStringLiteral("properties");
0386     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0387     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0388 }
0390 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testViewDirectory()
0391 {
0392     KFileItemList itemList;
0393     itemList << m_thisDirectoryItem;
0394     QUrl viewUrl = m_thisDirectoryItem.url();
0395     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags |
0396         KonqPopupMenu::ShowCreateDirectory |
0397         KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations |
0398         KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
0399     // KonqMainWindow says: doTabHandling = !openedForViewURL && ... So we don't add tabhandling here
0400     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0401     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, m_previewActions->actions());
0403     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0404     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0405     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0407     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0408     actions.removeAll(QStringLiteral("services_submenu"));
0409     // qDebug() << actions;
0410     QStringList expectedActions {
0411         QStringLiteral("newmenu"),
0412         QStringLiteral("separator") ,
0413         QStringLiteral("paste") ,
0414         QStringLiteral("openwith") ,
0415         QStringLiteral("separator") ,
0416         QStringLiteral("preview_submenu"),
0417          // It seems it has been moved to a submenu
0418         // QStringLiteral("open-terminal-here"),
0419         QStringLiteral("separator")
0420     };
0421     // These are provided by Dolphin and depend on its configuration.
0422     // If actions contains copyTo_submenu, it means they exist, so add them
0423     if (actions.contains("copyTo_submenu")) {
0424         QStringList extraActions {
0425             QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"),
0426             QStringLiteral("moveTo_submenu"),
0427             QStringLiteral("separator")
0428         };
0429         expectedActions.append(extraActions);
0430     }
0431     expectedActions << QStringLiteral("properties");
0432     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0433     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0434 }
0436 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testViewReadOnlyDirectory()
0437 {
0438     KFileItem rootItem(QUrl::fromLocalFile(QDir::rootPath()), QStringLiteral("inode/directory"), KFileItem::Unknown);
0439     KFileItemList itemList;
0440     itemList << rootItem;
0441     QUrl viewUrl = rootItem.url();
0442     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags |
0443         KonqPopupMenu::ShowCreateDirectory |
0444         KonqPopupMenu::ShowUrlOperations |
0445         KonqPopupMenu::ShowProperties;
0446     // KonqMainWindow says: doTabHandling = !openedForViewURL && ... So we don't add tabhandling here
0447     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0448     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, m_previewActions->actions());
0450     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0451     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0452     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0454     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0455     actions.removeAll(QStringLiteral("services_submenu"));
0456     // qDebug() << actions;
0457     QStringList expectedActions {
0458         // "paste" // no paste since readonly
0459         QStringLiteral("openwith"),
0460         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0461         QStringLiteral("preview_submenu"),
0462         // It seems it has been moved to a submenu
0463         // QStringLiteral("open-terminal-here"),
0464         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0465     };
0467     // This is provided by Dolphin and depends on its configuration.
0468     // If actions contains copyTo_submenu, it means they exist, so add them
0469     if (actions.contains("copyTo_submenu")) {
0470         QStringList extraActions {
0471             QStringLiteral("copyTo_submenu"),
0472             // no moveTo_submenu, since readonly ,
0473             QStringLiteral("separator")
0474         };
0475         expectedActions.append(extraActions);
0476         expectedActions << QStringLiteral("properties");
0477     }
0478     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0479     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0480 }
0482 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testHtmlLink()
0483 {
0484     KFileItemList itemList;
0485     itemList << m_linkItem;
0486     QUrl viewUrl(QStringLiteral(""));
0487     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags
0488             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowBookmark
0489             | KonqPopupMenu::IsLink;
0490     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0491     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::TabHandlingActions, m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
0492     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::EditActions, m_htmlEditActions->actions());
0493     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, m_previewActions->actions());
0494     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::LinkActions, m_linkActions->actions());
0495     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::CustomActions, m_partActions->actions());
0496     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0497     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0498     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0499     popup.setBookmarkManager(Konq::userBookmarksManager());
0501     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0502     // Be tolerant with openwith, it could be there once or twice
0503     if (actions.count(QStringLiteral("openwith")) == 2) {
0504         actions.removeOne(QStringLiteral("openwith"));
0505     }
0506     // qDebug() << actions;
0508     QStringList expectedActions {
0509         QStringLiteral("openInNewWindow"),
0510         QStringLiteral("openInNewTab"),
0511         QStringLiteral("separator") ,
0512         QStringLiteral("bookmark_add"),
0513         QStringLiteral("savelinkas"),
0514         QStringLiteral("copylinklocation"),
0515         QStringLiteral("openwith"),
0516         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0517         QStringLiteral("preview_submenu"),
0518         QStringLiteral("services_submenu"),
0519         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0520         QStringLiteral("viewDocumentSource")
0521     };
0522     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0524     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0525 }
0527 void KonqPopupMenuTest::testHtmlPage()
0528 {
0529     KFileItemList itemList;
0530     itemList << m_linkItem;
0531     QUrl viewUrl = m_linkItem.url();
0533     const KonqPopupMenu::Flags flags = m_appFlags
0534             | KonqPopupMenu::ShowBookmark;
0535     KonqPopupMenu::ActionGroupMap actionGroups;
0536     // KonqMainWindow says: doTabHandling = !openedForViewURL && ... So we don't add tabhandling here
0537     // TODO we could just move that logic to KonqPopupMenu...
0538     //actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::TabHandlingActions, m_tabHandlingActions->actions());
0539     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::EditActions, m_htmlEditActions->actions());
0540     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::PreviewActions, m_previewActions->actions());
0541     //actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::LinkActions, m_linkActions->actions());
0542     QAction *security = new QAction(m_partActions);
0543     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("security"), security);
0544     QAction *setEncoding = new QAction(m_partActions);
0545     m_actionCollection.addAction(QStringLiteral("setEncoding"), setEncoding);
0546     actionGroups.insert(KonqPopupMenu::CustomActions, m_partActions->actions());
0548     KonqPopupMenu popup(itemList, viewUrl, m_actionCollection, flags);
0549     popup.setNewFileMenu(m_newMenu);
0550     popup.setActionGroups(actionGroups);
0551     popup.setBookmarkManager(Konq::userBookmarksManager());
0553     QStringList actions = extractActionNames(popup);
0554     // Be tolerant with openwith, it could be there once or twice
0555     if (actions.count(QStringLiteral("openwith")) == 2) {
0556         actions.removeOne(QStringLiteral("openwith"));
0557     }
0558     // qDebug() << actions;
0560     QStringList expectedActions {
0561         QStringLiteral("bookmark_add"),
0562         QStringLiteral("openwith"),
0563         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0564         QStringLiteral("preview_submenu"),
0565         QStringLiteral("services_submenu"),
0566         QStringLiteral("separator"),
0567         // TODO "stopanimations",
0568         QStringLiteral("viewDocumentSource"),
0569         QStringLiteral("security"),
0570         QStringLiteral("setEncoding")
0571     };
0572     // qDebug() << "Expected:" << expectedActions;
0574     QCOMPARE(actions, expectedActions);
0575 }
0577 // TODO test ShowBookmark. Probably the same logic?
0578 // TODO separate filemanager and webbrowser bookmark managers, too (share file bookmarks with file dialog)
0580 // TODO test text selection actions in khtml
0582 // TODO trash:/ tests
0584 // TODO test NoDeletion part flag