Warning, /network/konqueror/libkonq/SERVICEMENUS is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 This file explains how to add an item in the popupmenu (for both
0002 konqueror and kdesktop), without using the file associations.
0004 Why
0005 ===
0006 One reason for doing this is being able to associate
0007 some action with all files without this action becoming a default handler
0008 (called on left click).
0009 Another is that for text-based programs and tools (e.g. gzip) it's faster
0010 than defining a desktop file for the application, making it hidden, and
0011 associate it with the relevant file types.
0013 How
0014 ===
0015 Create a file ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/something.desktop
0016 and write into it something like (without the comments) :
0018 [Desktop Entry]
0019 ServiceTypes=KonqPopupMenu/Plugin,text/html,text/plain # use all/all for all entries
0020                                   # all/allfiles for files only
0021                                   # and use inode/directory for dirs only
0022                                   # you can also do things like image/* for all
0023                                   # image mimetypes
0024 Actions=gzip;mail                 # those are ';' separated, per the standard !
0025 X-KDE-Submenu=Menuname            # this optional entry allows grouping the 
0026                                   # entries in this servicemenu file into a
0027                                   # common submenu, in this case "Menuname"
0028 TryExec=gzip                      # Find if executable exist, if it doesn't exist
0029                                   # menu entry is not displaying
0030 ExcludeServiceTypes=application/x-zip # This entry is used to avoid to display menu
0031                                       # when it's a specific servicetype
0032                                       # for exemple when we use all/allfiles and zip
0033                                       # them, we don't want to zip a zip file
0036 [Desktop Action gzip]            # One "Desktop Action <name>" group per Action
0037 Name=GZip this file
0038 Name[fr]=...
0039 Icon=application-x-tarz
0040 Exec=gzip %f
0042 [Desktop Action mail]
0043 Name=Mail this file
0044 Name[fr]=...
0045 Icon=internet-mail
0046 Exec=kmail --there-is-no-such-option-yet %f
0049 See also the "desktop entry standard", which defines more formally the same
0050 concept of actions but for desktop files (e.g. eject on a device desktop file,
0051 etc.)