Warning, /network/konqueror/doc/konqueror/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!ENTITY fsview "<application>FSView</application>">
0004   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
0005   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0006 ]>
0008 <book id="konqueror" lang="&language;"> 
0010 <bookinfo>
0011 <title>The &konqueror; Handbook</title>
0013 <authorgroup>
0014 <author>&Pamela.Roberts; &Pamela.Roberts.mail;</author>
0016 <othercredit role="developer">
0017 <othername>The &kde; Team</othername>
0018 <contrib>Developers</contrib>
0019 </othercredit> 
0022 </authorgroup>
0024 <copyright>
0025 <year>2000</year> <year>2002</year>
0026 <holder>&Erwan.Loisant;</holder>
0027 <holder>&Pamela.Roberts;</holder>
0028 </copyright>
0030 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0032 <date>2016-11-05</date>
0033 <releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo>
0035 <abstract><para>&konqueror; is &kde;'s advanced File Manager, Web Browser and
0036  Universal Viewing Application.</para>
0037 </abstract>
0039 <keywordset>
0040 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0041 <keyword>Konqueror</keyword>
0042 <keyword>Kdebase</keyword>
0043 <keyword>File Manager</keyword>
0044 <keyword>Browser</keyword>
0045 <keyword>Viewer</keyword>
0046 </keywordset>
0048 </bookinfo>
0050 <chapter id="introduction">
0051 <chapterinfo>
0052 <authorgroup>
0053 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
0055 </authorgroup>
0057 </chapterinfo>
0059 <title>Overview</title>
0061 <para><emphasis>&konqueror;</emphasis> is an advanced  
0062 <link linkend="filemanager">file manager</link>,
0063 providing file management functions ranging from simple
0064 cut/copy and paste operations to advanced local and remote network file 
0065 browsing. Folder contents can be displayed in a variety of text and icon 
0066 <link linkend="viewmode">view modes</link>, which can include thumbnail 
0067 preview images of file contents. File and folder properties can easily be 
0068 examined and changed, and applications launched with a simple click of the
0069 &LMB;.</para>
0071 <para>In &kde; Applications &dolphin; is the default file manager. To change the
0072 default component for browsing folders, open <guimenu>Default Applications</guimenu>
0073 in the &systemsettings; and select &konqueror; as file manager.</para>
0075 <para><emphasis>&konqueror;</emphasis> is an <acronym>HTML</acronym> 4.01
0076 compliant <link linkend="browser">web browser</link> with built in support for
0077 JavaScript (ECMA-262), <acronym>CSS</acronym> (Cascading Style Sheets) and
0078 bidirectional scripts (such as Arabic and Hebrew). It provides support for the secure
0079 running of &Java; applets, &Netscape; plugins for viewing &Flash;, &RealAudio; 
0080 and &RealVideo; and <acronym>SSL</acronym> for secure
0081 communications. Advanced features include automatic &URL; and form completion,
0082 the ability to import bookmarks from other browsers and tabbed browsing.
0083 </para>
0085 <para><emphasis>&konqueror;</emphasis> is also an excellent full featured 
0086 <link linkend="ftp">FTP</link> client.</para>
0088 <para><emphasis>&konqueror;</emphasis> is a universal viewing application, 
0089 capable of displaying images and documents without having to launch another 
0090 application. It does this by embedding components (&kde; Parts) provided by 
0091 other applications; from &gwenview;; for image viewing,
0092 &okular; for <acronym>PDF</acronym>, &PostScript; and other documents.
0093 </para>
0095 <para><emphasis>&konqueror;</emphasis> is a fully customizable application 
0096 which anyone can <link linkend="config">configure</link> to suit their own 
0097 needs, from changing the overall style and the sizes of text and icons to 
0098 selecting which items appear in the Menubar, changing the number and 
0099 positions of the toolbars and even defining new shortcut key combinations. 
0100 </para>
0102 </chapter>
0104 <chapter id="basics">
0106 <chapterinfo>
0107 <authorgroup>
0108 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
0110 </authorgroup>
0112 </chapterinfo>
0114 <title>&konqueror; Basics</title>
0116 <important><para>Like all &kde; applications, &konqueror; is highly
0117  configurable. This document describes how &konqueror; behaves with the normal,
0118  default settings.</para>
0119 <para> A three button mouse can be useful when you are running
0120 &konqueror; or any other &kde; application. If your mouse only has two buttons
0121 then you should be able to set your system up so that you can simulate a &MMB;
0122 by pressing both buttons at the same time.</para>
0123 <para>You can read more about mouse usage in <xref
0124 linkend="lmb-mmb"/></para>
0125 <para>If you are used to having to double-click to perform an action,
0126 then take care, because in common with the rest of &kde;, &konqueror; defaults
0127 to single-clicking.</para></important>
0129 <sect1 id="konq-start">
0130 <title>Starting &konqueror;</title>
0132 <para>Being a combined File Manager and Browser,
0133 &konqueror; will automatically
0134 switch between the two modes as needed when it is running, but it is convenient
0135 to be able to choose which mode is to be used when you start it up.</para>
0137 <itemizedlist>
0139 <listitem><para>From the application launcher menu, select
0140 <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Internet</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Konqueror (Web
0141 Browser)</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start it as a browser.
0142 </para></listitem>
0144 <listitem><para><keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>
0145 will open &krunner;, enter a path to a folder and press
0146 <keysym>Enter</keysym> to start in file manager mode, or just enter a &URL; such as
0147  <userinput>https://www.kde.org</userinput> to start &konqueror; as a
0148 browser.</para></listitem>
0150 </itemizedlist>
0152 <note><para>Click on the black arrow to the right of the <guiicon>Home Page</guiicon> icon
0153 to switch to your <guiicon>Home Folder</guiicon> in the file manager mode and vice versa.
0154 </para></note>
0156 <para>If &konqueror; is the default file manager it also starts automatically when you 
0157 <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click on a desktop icon that represents a 
0158 folder, such as a hard disk drive or the <guiicon>Trash</guiicon> icon.
0159 </para>
0162 </sect1>
0164 <sect1 id="parts">
0165 <title>The Parts of &konqueror;</title>
0167 <para>A brief look at the main parts of &konqueror;'s window:</para>
0169 <mediaobject>
0170 <imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="parts.png"/></imageobject>
0171 <textobject>
0172 <phrase>Here's a screenshot of &konqueror;</phrase>
0173 </textobject>
0174 </mediaobject>
0176 <para>The <interface>Titlebar</interface> is the strip across the top of
0177 &konqueror;'s window, and operates in the same way as for other &kde;
0178 applications. <mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on the central portion to
0179 bring up the neat Titlebar menu.</para>
0181 <para>The <interface>Menubar</interface> is the strip containing the names of
0182 the drop-down menus. <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on a name to 
0183 alternately show and hide that menu, or use <keycombo 
0184 action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>the underlined 
0185 letter</keycap></keycombo> in the name as a hot key, for example <keycombo 
0186 action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo> to show the 
0187 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu. The various menus are described in the <link 
0188 linkend="menubar">Menubar</link> section of this document.</para>
0190 <para>The <interface>Toolbar</interface> contains icons for commonly used
0191 operations. <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> clicking on an icon will activate
0192 it. A brief description of what that icon does will appear when you hover
0193 the pointer over it.</para>
0195 <para>Some icons, for example the Up and Back icons in the previous screenshot,
0196 have a small black arrow at the right. If you click with the &LMB;
0197 at this arrow a small dropdown menu will
0198 appear.</para> <para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on the
0199 <interface>Toolbar</interface> will bring up the <link
0200 linkend="rmb-menus"><guilabel>Toolbar Settings</guilabel> menu</link> which you can use
0201 to change the <interface>Toolbar</interface>'s appearance and position.</para>
0203 <para>The <interface>Location Toolbar</interface> shows the path to the
0204 directory, &URL; or file being viewed. You can type a path or &URL; here and
0205 press <keysym>Enter</keysym> or <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click on the
0206 <guiicon>Go</guiicon> icon at the right hand end of the <interface>Location
0207 Toolbar</interface> to go to it. The black icon at the right hand end of the
0208 <interface>Location Toolbar</interface> clears the text entry box.</para>
0210 <para>The <interface>Bookmark Toolbar</interface> is the area under the 
0211 <interface>Location Toolbar</interface> in the previous screenshot. You can add
0212 frequently used bookmarks here; see the <link
0213 linkend="bookmarks">Organizing Your Bookmarks</link> section of this document.</para>
0215 <para>The <interface>Window</interface> is the main area of &konqueror; and 
0216 can show you the contents of a directory, web page, document or image. Using 
0217 the <link linkend="menu-window"><guimenu>Window</guimenu></link> menu you can 
0218 split &konqueror;'s main window into one or more separate views, useful for 
0219 drag and drop operations, or set it to contain two or more tabbed views.
0220 </para>
0222 <para>The <interface>Status Bar</interface> runs across the bottom of the
0223 &konqueror;'s window
0224 and often shows general information about whatever the mouse pointer is
0225 hovering
0226 over. If you have split the main window into a number of views you will get a
0227 Status Bar for each view, and it will include a small green light at the left 
0228 hand end to show which is the <quote>active</quote>
0229 view. <mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on the Status Bar brings up the
0230 Status Bar <link linkend="rmb-menus"><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> Mouse 
0231 Button Menu</link>.</para>
0233 <note><para>Don't worry if your &konqueror; doesn't look exactly like this
0234 screenshot; it is highly configurable. In particular:</para>
0236 <itemizedlist>
0237 <listitem><para>You can use the <link
0238 linkend="menu-settings"><guimenu>Settings</guimenu></link> menu  to choose 
0239 whether to show or hide the Menubar, Main Toolbar, Location Toolbar and
0240 Bookmark Toolbar, or even to add an Extra Toolbar.</para></listitem>
0241 <listitem><para>If the toolbars are unlocked, you can also drag them to a new position by
0242 <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> clicking on the handle at the left hand end
0243 of a bar and move it around by holding the &LMB; down while you
0244 drag it. </para></listitem>
0245 <!--
0246 <listitem><para>This screenshot does not show the optional <link linkend="sidebar">
0247 Sidebar</link>.</para></listitem>
0248 -->
0249 </itemizedlist>
0251 <para>For more details of how to change &konqueror;'s appearance, see the <link
0252 linkend="config">Configuring &konqueror;</link> section</para></note>
0254 </sect1>
0256 <sect1 id="bubble">
0257 <title>Tooltips and What's This?</title>
0259 <para>You can find out a lot about how &konqueror; works without needing to
0260 read
0261 this entire document if you take advantage of <guilabel>Tooltips</guilabel> and
0262  the 
0263 <guimenuitem>What's This?</guimenuitem> feature.</para>
0265 <para>When you hover the mouse pointer over a Toolbar tab 
0266 button it should bring up a terse description of what that button does.</para>
0268 <para><guimenuitem>What's This?</guimenuitem> is invoked by the Menubar
0269 <menuchoice><guimenu>Help</guimenu><guimenuitem>What's This?</guimenuitem></menuchoice> item 
0270 or by <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo>.
0271 It changes the cursor to show a question mark alongside the arrow.</para>
0273 <para>When this question mark is visible, a &LMB; click won't actually do
0274 anything until you have clicked on a control (or the text alongside it) that
0275 supports <guimenuitem>What's This?</guimenuitem>, in which case it will
0276 display
0277 a reasonably comprehensive description of what the control does.
0278 Most of the dialog boxes that &konqueror; brings up support the
0279 <guimenuitem>What's This?</guimenuitem> feature.</para>
0281 </sect1>
0283 <sect1 id="lmb-mmb">
0284 <title><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> and <mousebutton>Middle</mousebutton>
0285 Mouse Button Actions</title>
0287 <para>If you click the &LMB; on an item in &konqueror;'s window, it will
0288  be
0289 <quote>activated</quote>. Thus</para>
0291 <itemizedlist>
0293 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on an icon in the Toolbar
0294 to perform the action that icon represents. </para></listitem>
0295 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on an item in the Menubar
0296 to make that menu drop down.</para></listitem>
0297 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on a menu item to do that
0298 thing.</para></listitem> 
0299 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on an icon in the
0300 Bookmark
0301  Toolbar
0302 to open that &URL;.</para></listitem>
0303 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on a link in a web page 
0304 to make &konqueror; follow that link.</para></listitem>
0305 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on a folder icon or 
0306 name and &konqueror; will descend into (show the contents of) that folder.
0307 </para></listitem>
0308 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on a file name or icon 
0309 and &konqueror; will do whatever it thinks appropriate, based on the file type. 
0310 In general this means opening <acronym>HTML</acronym> pages, or previewing 
0311 text, image or 
0312 &okular; documents, showing them within &konqueror;'s
0313 window (<quote>Preview</quote> means that you can see the file but not change
0314 it).</para> 
0316 <para>&konqueror; decides what the file type is by matching the filename
0317 extension against a list of known types. If that fails it tries to guess
0318 the type from the file contents. You can change the list of known file types
0319 and associated actions with the <guilabel>File Associations</guilabel> page of 
0320 the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Konqueror...
0321 </guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog.</para></listitem>
0323 </itemizedlist>
0325 <para>Clicking the &MMB; on a file or folder name or icon does essentially the
0326 same as <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> clicking except that it usually does it
0327 in a new &konqueror; window, unless the <guilabel>Open links in new tab instead
0328 of in new window</guilabel> box has been checked in the
0329 <guimenuitem>General</guimenuitem> page of the
0330 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
0331 Konqueror...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog. &konqueror; can open
0332 links on pages and <menuchoice><guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu></menuchoice>,
0333 as well as the
0334 <guibutton>Home</guibutton>, <guibutton>Up</guibutton>,
0335 <guibutton>Back</guibutton> and <guibutton>Forward</guibutton>
0336 entries in a new tab or window.</para>
0338 <para>Holding the &Shift; key down while pressing the &MMB; will open the link 
0339 in the background.</para>
0340 </sect1>
0342 <sect1 id="rmb-menus">
0343 <title><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> Mouse Button Menus</title>
0345 <para>Clicking the &RMB; on almost any part of &konqueror;'s window
0346 will bring up an appropriate context menu.</para>
0348 <note><para>If you have enabled the <guilabel>Right click goes back in 
0349 history</guilabel> option in &konqueror;'s <link linkend="othersettings">
0350 configuration</link> settings a
0351 simple <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click is equivalent to clicking on the 
0352 <guibutton>Back</guibutton> button. In this case you can access the context 
0353 menu by moving the mouse with the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> button held 
0354 down.</para></note>
0356 <variablelist>
0358 <varlistentry>
0359 <term>On the Titlebar</term>
0360 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on any free area of
0361 the Titlebar brings up the Titlebar Menu, allowing you to control the position
0362 of &konqueror;'s window as well as the decoration applied to all &kde; program
0363 windows. </para></listitem>
0364 </varlistentry>
0366 <varlistentry>
0367 <term>On the Main Toolbar</term>
0368 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on any free area of the
0369 Toolbar to bring up the Toolbar Menu.
0370 You can also use the Toolbar Menu to set the size of the buttons on the
0371 Toolbar,
0372 and whether they are shown as icons, text or both.</para>
0373 <para>Unlock the toolbar and you can move it to the top, bottom, left or
0374 right of &konqueror;'s window.
0375 </para>
0376 </listitem>
0377 </varlistentry>
0379 <varlistentry>
0380 <term>On the Location Toolbar</term>
0381 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click in the
0382  &URL;
0383 entry box area to perform Cut, Copy, Paste or Clear operations in this area, or
0384 to change the automatic <link linkend="path-complete">Text Completion</link>
0385 features.</para></listitem> 
0386 </varlistentry>
0388 <varlistentry>
0389 <term>Within a View</term>
0390 <listitem><para>If you <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on any free area
0391 of a view then you will get a menu that contains, among other options, the
0392  <guiicon>Up</guiicon>,
0393 <guiicon>Back</guiicon>, <guiicon>Forward</guiicon> and
0394 <guiicon>Reload</guiicon> navigation commands.
0395  </para></listitem>
0396 </varlistentry>
0398 <varlistentry>
0399 <term>On a File or Folder</term>
0400 <listitem><para>This is a most useful feature. <mousebutton>Right</mousebutton>
0401 clicking on the name or icon of any file or folder not only
0402 <quote>selects</quote> that item but also brings up a menu allowing you to
0403 <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Move</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem> the item in
0404 various ways, open it with the program of
0405 your choice or preview it, rename it, or edit the file type or 
0406 properties.</para></listitem> </varlistentry>
0408 <varlistentry>
0409 <term>On the Status Bar</term>
0410 <listitem><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on the Status Bar at the
0411 bottom of a window or view to add or remove a view and lock or link views within &konqueror;'s
0412 window.</para></listitem> 
0413 </varlistentry>
0414 </variablelist>
0416 </sect1>
0418 <sect1 id="man-info">
0419 <title>Viewing Help, Man and Info Pages</title>
0421 <para>You can view &kde; Help and &UNIX; Man and Info pages directly in 
0422 &konqueror;, without having to start up &khelpcenter;.
0423 </para>
0425 <para>To view a &kde; Help page, enter
0426 <userinput>help:/<replaceable>application name</replaceable></userinput> (for
0427 example <userinput>help:/<replaceable>kmail</replaceable></userinput> to view the &kmail; documentation.)
0428 into &konqueror;'s Location Toolbar window.
0429 </para>
0431 <para>
0432 If you want to read &UNIX; Man pages &konqueror; makes it easy. For 
0433 example type <userinput>man:/touch</userinput> or 
0434 <userinput>#touch</userinput> into the Location Toolbar to see the page for 
0435 the <command>touch</command> command.</para> 
0437 <para>To browse through &UNIX; Info pages, entering
0438 <userinput>info:/dir</userinput> takes you to Info's top level directory, then
0439 it's just a matter of clicking on the right links to find the page you
0440 want. Alternatively, use <userinput>info:/<replaceable>command
0441 name</replaceable></userinput> to go straight to the Info page you want.</para>
0443 <note><para>Unfortunately, &kde; Help pages are stored in such a way that they 
0444 cannot be viewed in other browsers. If you really need to do this your only 
0445 recourse is to go online and visit <ulink url="http://docs.kde.org">
0446 http://docs.kde.org</ulink>.</para></note>
0447 </sect1>
0449 </chapter>
0451 <chapter id="filemanager">
0452 <chapterinfo>
0453 <authorgroup>
0454 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
0456 </authorgroup> 
0458 </chapterinfo>
0460 <title>&konqueror; the File Manager</title>
0462 <sect1 id="dirfolders">
0463 <title>Folders and Paths</title>
0464 <para>In &UNIX; and &Linux; all folders are arranged in a simple 
0465 hierarchy. Starting from a top level folder (also called the root directory), 
0466 the structure descends and branches containing various files and subfolders. 
0467 This means that you can get from any folder to any other by going <quote>up
0468 </quote> until you reach a common point then <quote>down</quote> through 
0469 the appropriate subfolders until you reach your target.</para>
0471 <para>The position of any file or folder in the structure (also called a 
0472 directory tree) can be described by its <quote>path</quote>, which is a simple 
0473 list of the folders you would have to descend through to get to the target 
0474 folder or file. For example <filename class="directory">/home/pam</filename> 
0475 is the subfolder <filename class="directory">pam</filename> of the subfolder 
0476 <filename class="directory">home</filename> of the top level folder, and 
0477 <filename>/home/pam/words.txt</filename> is the file <filename>words.txt
0478 </filename> in that subfolder. The leading <quote>/</quote> in these paths 
0479 represents the top level folder.</para>
0481 <para>Every folder accessible by your system &mdash; including those on
0482 other hard disk partitions, a USB device or &CD-ROM; &mdash; will appear
0483 in the tree descending from /, their exact paths will depend on how your system
0484 was set up (see also the section on <link linkend="removable-devices">Removable Devices</link>).
0485 </para>
0486 <para>Every user on a &UNIX; / &Linux; system has their own <quote>home</quote> 
0487 folder to hold their personal files and settings; for example
0488 <filename class="directory">/home/john</filename> and  
0489 <filename class="directory">/home/mary</filename>. The 
0490 symbol <keycap>~</keycap> is often used to represent the user's home 
0491 folder, so that <filename>~/letter.txt</filename> refers to the file 
0492 <filename>letter.txt</filename> in my home folder.</para>
0493 <para>Note that the term <quote>directory</quote> is often used instead of 
0494 <quote>folder</quote>.</para>
0495 </sect1>
0497 <sect1 id="viewmode">
0498 <title>View Modes</title>
0499 <para>In File Manager mode, &konqueror; lists which files and subfolders are
0500 contained within a given folder and can provide you with some information about
0501 them. The <quote>path</quote> of the current folder is shown in the Location
0502 Toolbar. The way that &konqueror; displays the files and folders depends mainly
0503 on your choice of view mode which can be selected from the
0504 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>View
0505 Mode</guisubmenu></menuchoice > sub menu. The view modes &konqueror; provides
0506 are outlined below.
0507 </para>
0509 <note><para>In File Manager mode, &konqueror; uses an embedded &dolphin;  
0510 component.</para></note>
0511 <!--FIXME begin copy from dolphin docbook synced for 16.04-->
0512 <itemizedlist>
0514 <listitem><para>
0515 In the <guibutton>Icons</guibutton> view, which is the default, files will be
0516 represented by an icon that visualizes the file type, and a folder icon will be
0517 shown for subfolders. The names of folders and files, and the items enabled in
0518 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>Additional Information</guisubmenu></menuchoice>,
0519 are displayed below the icons.
0520 </para></listitem>
0522 <listitem><para>
0523 The <guilabel>Compact</guilabel> view shows the folder contents as icons with 
0524 the name beside it and the items enabled in
0525 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>Additional Information</guisubmenu></menuchoice> 
0526 below the name. The items are grouped in columns similar to the <guilabel>Short View</guilabel> 
0527 in the &kde; file dialog.
0528 </para></listitem>
0530 <listitem><para>
0531 In the <guibutton>Details</guibutton> view, the folder contents are displayed
0532 as a detailed list which contains the name, size and last modification time of
0533 each item. Additional columns can be added by clicking a column header with the
0534 &RMB;.
0535 </para>
0536 <para>In the context menu of the header line you can choose between custom or automatic 
0537 column width. Automatic width adjusts the width of all columns once to display the longest 
0538 item in the column completely, except for the <guilabel>Name</guilabel> column where 
0539 the extension is replaced by <quote>...</quote> 
0540 </para>
0541 <para>The order of columns can be changed by drag and drop of column headers, except for
0542 the <guilabel>Name</guilabel> header, which is always the first column in this view.
0543 </para>
0544 <para>
0545 The details view allows you to view the current directory in a tree-like fashion if
0546 <guilabel>Expandable folders</guilabel> are enabled: 
0547 Each subfolder of the current folder can be
0548 <quote>expanded</quote> or <quote>collapsed</quote> by clicking on the <guiicon>&gt;</guiicon>
0549 or <guiicon>v</guiicon> icon next to it.</para></listitem>
0550 </itemizedlist>
0552 <screenshot>
0553 <screeninfo>Grouped View</screeninfo>
0554 <mediaobject>
0555 <imageobject>
0556 <imagedata fileref="grouping-view.png" format="PNG"/>
0557 </imageobject>
0558 <textobject>
0559 <phrase>Grouped View</phrase>
0560 </textobject>
0561 <caption><para>All view modes support grouping by the sort type selected 
0562 in <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>Sort by</guisubmenu></menuchoice></para></caption>
0563 </mediaobject>
0564 </screenshot>
0565 <!--FIXME end copy from dolphin docbook synced for 16.04 -->
0567 <sect2 id="filetipinfo">
0568 <title>File Tip Info</title>
0569 <para>Checking the <guilabel>Show tooltips</guilabel> box in the <menuchoice>
0570 <guimenu>File Management</guimenu><guimenuitem>General</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
0571 page of the &konqueror; Configuration dialog causes a 
0572 small pop up information window to appear when the mouse pointer is hovered over
0573 a file or folder name or icon. 
0574 </para>
0575 </sect2>
0577 <sect2 id="previews">
0578 <title>File Previews</title>
0579 <para>The <guilabel>Previews</guilabel> tab of the <menuchoice><guimenu>File Management</guimenu>
0580 <guimenuitem>General</guimenuitem></menuchoice> settings page 
0581 lets you enable file previews for certain types of file.</para>
0582 <para>Generally this means that the file's icon will be replaced by a small 
0583 image showing the file contents.</para>
0584 <para>Because &konqueror; has to read much more data than just the file name 
0585 to generate a preview, file previews may not be appropriate when viewing 
0586 files from a remote system. To disable previews for remote files where reading 
0587 the extra data would take too long set a file size limit at the bottom of the 
0588 <guilabel>Previews</guilabel> tab.</para>
0589 </sect2>
0591 <!--FIXME begin copy from dolphin docbook synced for 16.04-->
0592 <sect2 id="dolphin-view-information">
0593 <title>Information in the View</title>
0594 <para>
0595 In all view modes &konqueror; shows at least an icon and a name for each item. 
0596 Using <guisubmenu>Additional Information</guisubmenu> in the <guimenu>View</guimenu> 
0597 menu or the context menu of the header in <guilabel>Details</guilabel> mode, you can select
0598 more information for each item to be shown:
0599 </para>
0601 <para>
0602 <guimenuitem>Size</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Date</guimenuitem>,
0603 <guimenuitem>Type</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Rating</guimenuitem>,
0604 <guimenuitem>Tags</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Comment</guimenuitem>.
0605 </para>
0607 <para>Depending on the file type, additionally, the following criteria can be selected:
0608 <simplelist>
0609   <member><guimenuitem>Document</guimenuitem>: Number of words and lines</member>
0610   <member><guimenuitem>Image</guimenuitem>: Size and orientation</member>
0611   <member><guimenuitem>Audio</guimenuitem>: Artist, album, duration and track</member>
0612 </simplelist>
0613 </para>
0615 <para>The <guisubmenu>Other</guisubmenu> submenu allows to select 
0616 <guimenuitem>Path</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Link Destination</guimenuitem>, 
0617 <guimenuitem>Copied From</guimenuitem>,
0618 <guimenuitem>Permissions</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Owner</guimenuitem> or 
0619 <guimenuitem>User Group</guimenuitem>.
0620 </para>
0622 </sect2>
0623 <!--FIXME end copy from dolphin docbook synced for 16.04 -->
0624 </sect1>
0626 <!--FIXME begin copy from dolphin docbook synced for 16.04-->
0627 <sect1 id="view-properties">
0628 <title>Folder View Properties</title>
0630 <para>
0631 The following settings control how the contents of a folder are displayed in the
0632 &konqueror; view, and are stored on a per-folder basis by default:
0633 </para>
0634 <itemizedlist>
0636 <listitem><para>
0637 The view mode (Icons, Compact, Details)
0638 </para></listitem>
0640 <listitem><para>
0641 The sorting of items, which is determined by the sort order (ascending,
0642 descending) and the attribute (such as name, size,...) that the items are
0643 sorted by
0644 </para></listitem>
0646 <listitem><para>
0647 Sorting of folders and files &ndash; are folders shown first or not?
0648 </para></listitem>
0650 <listitem><para>
0651 Previews &ndash; are they shown instead of icons (based on the settings made in
0652 <guilabel>Previews</guilabel> tab of &konqueror;'s General settings) or not?
0653 </para></listitem>
0655 <listitem><para>
0656 Are items shown in groups in the views?
0657 </para></listitem>
0659 <listitem><para>
0660 Are hidden files shown?
0661 </para></listitem>
0663 <listitem><para>
0664 What additional information (besides the name) is shown in the Icons or Details view?
0665 </para></listitem>
0667 </itemizedlist>
0668 <para>
0669 The view properties can be configured in the
0670 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu></menuchoice> menu, some (such as the view
0671 mode) can also be changed using toolbar buttons.
0672 </para>
0674 <sect2 id="view-properties-dialog">
0675 <title>The View Properties Dialog</title>
0677 <para>
0679 <screenshot>
0680 <screeninfo>Screenshot of the View Properties dialog</screeninfo>
0681 <mediaobject>
0682 <imageobject>
0683 <imagedata fileref="viewproperties-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
0684 </imageobject>
0685 <textobject>
0686 <phrase>The View Properties dialog.</phrase>
0687 </textobject>
0688 <caption><para>The View Properties Dialog.</para></caption>
0689 </mediaobject>
0690 </screenshot>
0692 The <guilabel>View Properties</guilabel> dialog can be used to quickly modify
0693 several view properties at once. This is done for the current folder, for the
0694 current folder including all subfolders, or even for all folders, depending on
0695 the choice made in the <guilabel>Apply View Properties To</guilabel> section.
0696 </para>
0698 <para>
0699 If <guilabel>Use these view properties as default</guilabel> is enabled, the chosen view
0700 properties will also be used for all folders which do not have customized view
0701 properties yet.
0702 </para>
0704 </sect2>
0706 </sect1>
0707 <!--FIXME end copy from dolphin docbook  synced for 16.04-->
0708 <sect1 id="navigation">
0709 <title>Navigation</title>
0710 <para>To get to a file with &konqueror; you first need to navigate 
0711 through the folder tree to find the folder containing that 
0712 file.</para>
0714 <para>To move between folders you can simply step up and down the
0715 tree:</para>
0717 <itemizedlist>
0718 <listitem><para>To descend into a subfolder <mousebutton>left
0719 </mousebutton> click on its name or
0720 icon -- or if you have already <quote>selected</quote> it (see below) -- then just press
0721 <keysym>Enter</keysym>.</para></listitem> 
0722 <listitem><para>To go up the folder tree you can click on the <guiicon>Up</guiicon> 
0723 button in the Toolbar, use<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Up</keysym></keycombo>, or use the Menubar
0724 <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu><guimenuitem>Up</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0725 option.</para></listitem>
0726 </itemizedlist>
0728 <para>To <quote>select</quote> a file or folder in the displayed folder 
0729 without opening it in any way use the <keysym>up</keysym> and <keysym>down
0730 </keysym> arrow keys to move through the items. 
0731 The selected item will be highlighted and some information about it 
0732 will be displayed in the Status Bar.</para>
0734 <para>Setting the <link linkend="viewmode">View Mode</link> to <guimenuitem>
0735 Details</guimenuitem> can help you locate folders in the tree below the 
0736 current folder; in this mode each folder is shown with a small box at 
0737 the left. If the box contains a <keycap>&gt;</keycap> sign, <mousebutton>left
0738 </mousebutton> clicking on the box (not on the folder name or icon) will 
0739 display a sub tree showing files and subfolders contained in that folder. 
0740 The small box will then change to show a <keycap>v</keycap> sign. 
0741 <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on that to collapse the sub tree. Once 
0742 you have found the folder you are looking for, <mousebutton>left
0743 </mousebutton> click on the folder name or icon to open it.</para>
0744 <!--
0745 <para>The <link linkend="sidebar">Sidebar</link> can also help you 
0746 find your way around the file system.</para>
0747 -->
0748 <para>You can go directly to any folder by switching with 
0749  <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Open Location</guimenuitem>
0750 </menuchoice> or <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>O</keycap>
0751 </keycombo> to the Location Bar and typing its path.
0752 &konqueror;'s <link linkend="path-complete">
0753 Text Completion</link> feature may be useful when you do this. Don't forget
0754 that in &Linux; / &UNIX; file and folder names are case sensitive.</para>
0756 <para>When you have moved to a new folder you can go back to your
0757 previous choice by using the Toolbar <guiicon>Back</guiicon> button, the
0758 Menubar
0759 <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0760 item, or <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Left</keysym></keycombo>. 
0761 Once you have gone back you can go forward. Use the Toolbar
0762 <guiicon>Forward</guiicon> button, the Menubar
0763 <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
0764 <guimenuitem>Forward</guimenuitem></menuchoice> item or <keycombo
0765 action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Right</keysym></keycombo>.</para>
0767 <para>Alternatively, you can also choose to enter the parent folder by clicking on the Toolbar <guiicon>Up</guiicon>, the <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Up</guimenuitem></menuchoice> item, or with <keycombo
0768 action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Up</keysym></keycombo>.</para>
0770 <tip><para>Click the checkmark at the right of the toolbar <guiicon>Up</guiicon>, 
0771 <guiicon>Back</guiicon> or <guiicon>Forward</guiicon> buttons or selecting these 
0772 items in the <guimenu>Go</guimenu> menu brings up a submenu of recently visited locations.</para>
0773 </tip>
0775 <sect2 id="file-find">
0776 <title>Finding Files and Folders</title>
0778 <para>If you don't know or can't remember where a file or folder is within
0779 your system, then use the shortcut <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo> or the
0780 Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find 
0781 File...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option.  This starts the file finder
0782 application &kfind;. See the <ulink url="help:/kfind/index.html">&kfind; Handbook</ulink> 
0783 for help in using &kfind;.
0784 </para>
0786 <note><para>If the name of a file or folder begins with a period (dot), then
0787 it is a <quote>hidden</quote> file or folder, and will not normally be shown
0788 by &konqueror;. To see hidden files or folders use the Menubar <menuchoice>
0789 <guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Hidden Files</guimenuitem>
0790 </menuchoice> option.</para>
0792 <para>Another reason &konqueror; may not show the file or folder you are 
0793 looking for is that you may have the <link linkend="konq-plugin"><guilabel>
0794 Directory Filter</guilabel></link> plugin set to display only certain types of
0795 file.</para>
0796 </note>
0798 </sect2>
0800 <sect2 id="removable-devices">
0801 <title>Removable Devices</title>
0803 <para>Any removable device (USB stick, floppy disk, &CD; drive or other hard disk partition that you have 
0804 on your system) will usually appear in the <filename class="directory">/
0805 </filename>,  <filename class="directory">/media</filename>, <filename class="directory">/mnt</filename> or 
0806 <filename class="directory">/auto</filename> folder, having a path something 
0807 like <filename class="directory">/mnt/floppy</filename> or
0808 <filename class="directory">/cdrom</filename>. The details will depend on
0809 how your system was set up.</para>
0811 <para>&UNIX; / &Linux; requires that you <command>mount</command> a removable device
0812 when you have inserted it into the drive, and <command>mount
0813 </command> other hard disk partitions when you want to access them. You also 
0814 need to unmount a removable device before removing it to register that 
0815 it is no longer available.</para>
0817 <para>How you do this will depend on your system setup:</para>
0819 <itemizedlist>
0821 <listitem><para>Using the <guilabel>Device Notifier</guilabel></para>
0822 <para>In a &kde; session the <ulink 
0823 url="help:/plasma-desktop/index.html#device-notifier">Device Notifier</ulink> 
0824 window will popup, when you insert a removable device and allows you to select 
0825 an appropriate application for this media or only mount the device.</para>
0826 </listitem>
0827 <listitem><para>If you use the <guilabel>Folder View</guilabel> layout for your desktop
0828 you may have icons for removable devices on your desktop, 
0829 in which case &LMB; click on the icon to mount it. 
0830 Doing this should also bring up a &konqueror; window showing the contents of 
0831 the device. To unmount, <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> 
0832 click on the icon and choose the <guimenuitem>Unmount</guimenuitem> item.  
0833 Visit the section <link linkend="making">Create New...</link> in this Handbook 
0834 to see how to create such an icon.</para></listitem>
0836 <listitem><para>Or you can do it the traditional way by typing into a text
0837 console window:</para>
0838 <para><userinput><command>mount /mnt/floppy</command></userinput></para>
0839 <para>to mount, for example, the floppy drive, and</para>
0840 <para><userinput><command>umount /mnt/floppy</command></userinput></para>
0841 <para>to unmount it (<command>umount</command> not <command>unmount</command>).
0842 </para>
0843 <note><para>Rather than having to open a text console to type the
0844 <command>mount
0845 </command> or <command>umount</command> commands, you may prefer to use
0846 &konqueror;'s <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Execute Shell
0847 Command</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0848 (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>)
0849  feature.
0850 </para></note>
0852 </listitem>
0854 </itemizedlist>
0855 </sect2>
0857 </sect1>
0859 <sect1 id="deleting">
0860 <title>Deleting Files and Folders</title>
0862 <para>&konqueror; gives you two ways to dispose of an unwanted file or
0863 folder:</para>
0865 <itemizedlist>
0866 <listitem><para>You can move it to the <filename>Trash</filename> folder, which
0867 is the safest method as you can get it back if you realize that you have made a
0868 mistake.</para></listitem> 
0870 <listitem><para>You can just plain Delete it, which
0871 removes the entry from the folder and adds the disk area occupied by the
0872 file(s) to the system's list of free disk areas, in the same way as the
0873 <command>rm</command> command.</para>
0874 <para>If you want to use this feature check the option <guilabel>Show 'Delete' 
0875 menu entries which bypass the trashcan</guilabel> on the <guilabel>File 
0876 Management</guilabel> settings page.</para></listitem>
0877 </itemizedlist>
0879 <para>The simplest way to remove a file or folder is to position
0880 the mouse pointer over its name or icon and press the &RMB;, which
0881 will bring up a menu containing the options <guimenuitem>Move to
0882 Trash</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>.</para>
0884 <para>Or, if you have <quote>selected</quote> the item, the Menubar
0885 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu will give you the choice of
0886 <quote><guimenuitem>Move to Trash</guimenuitem></quote> and
0887 <quote><guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></quote> options.</para>
0889 <para><keycap>Del</keycap> will move the selected item or items to Trash.</para>
0891 <para><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>Del</keycap></keycombo>
0892 will really, truly and irrevocably delete the selected item or
0893 items.</para>
0895 <note><para>You won't be able to remove a file or folder if you don't have
0896 the necessary permissions.</para></note>
0898 </sect1>
0900 <sect1 id="moving">
0901 <title>Moving and Copying</title>
0903 <para>To copy a file or subfolder between folders you can:</para>
0905 <itemizedlist>
0906 <listitem><para>Position the mouse pointer over its name or icon and hold down
0907 the &RMB;, which will bring up a menu containing the
0908 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> option. Choose that.</para>
0910 <para>Or if the item is <quote>selected</quote> you can use the
0911 <guiicon>Copy</guiicon> button on the Toolbar or the Menubar
0912 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0913 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
0914 item, or the <keycombo
0915 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> 
0916 shortcut key combination. You can also select <link linkend="selection">multiple</link> 
0917 files or folders to copy/move as well.</para></listitem>
0919 <listitem><para>Navigate to the folder you want to copy the item into then
0920 Paste the item into the new folder by using the Toolbar
0921 <guiicon>Paste</guiicon> button or the Menubar
0922 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
0923 <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option or the <keycombo
0924 action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo> shortcut, or by
0925 moving the mouse pointer to a clear area of the window and holding the &RMB;
0926 down to bring up a menu containing the <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> option.
0927 </para></listitem>
0928 </itemizedlist>
0930 <para>Moving a file or subfolder between folders can be done in the
0931 same
0932 way as copying, except that you choose the <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
0933 option
0934 or <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>
0935 instead of <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>. The item that you have
0936 <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> will be removed from the original folder when
0937 you do the <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> into the new folder.</para>
0939 <para>You can also copy or move selected item(s) to another folder by selecting
0940 <guimenuitem>Copy To</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Move To</guimenuitem> from
0941 the context menu you get when you <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on
0942 a file or folder name in the File Manager window.</para>
0943 <para>To enable this feature select <guilabel>Show 'Copy To' and 'Move To' 
0944 commands</guilabel> on the <menuchoice><guimenu>File Management</guimenu>
0945 <guimenuitem>Services</guimenuitem></menuchoice> page of the settings.</para>
0946 <note><para>You may not be able to copy or move a file or folder if
0947 you don't have the necessary permissions.</para></note>
0949 <sect2 id="dnd">
0950 <title>Using Drag 'n Drop</title>
0952 <para>&konqueror; also supports Drag and Drop copying and moving of files and
0953 folders.</para>
0955 <para>You can do this by having two instances of &konqueror;, one showing the 
0956 folder you want to copy from, the other showing the target folder. 
0957 Position the mouse pointer over the item you wish to copy or move, then, 
0958 holding the &LMB; pressed, <quote>drag</quote> it to a clear space in the
0959 target folder. Release the button and you will be
0960 presented with a menu choice of <guimenuitem>Copy Here</guimenuitem>, 
0961 <guimenuitem>Move Here</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Link Here</guimenuitem>. 
0962 Take care to <quote>drop</quote> the item into an empty area of the target
0963 folder view - dropping it on top of a subfolder will copy or move the item
0964 into that folder.</para>
0966 <para>You can also set up &konqueror; to show more than one folder within
0967 its window and drag &amp; drop between them.</para>
0969 <mediaobject>
0970 <imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="dragdrop.png"/></imageobject>
0971 <textobject>
0972 <phrase>Split Views for Drag &amp; Drop</phrase>
0973 </textobject>
0974 </mediaobject>
0976 <para>This screenshot illustrates the use of the Menubar
0977 <menuchoice><guimenu>Window</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Split View
0978 Left/Right</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option, also available with the shortcut 
0979 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo>,
0980 to split the main &konqueror; window into two views, each showing the contents
0981 of a different folder.</para>
0983 <para>To be able to show different folders in each view they should not be 
0984 linked; the little boxes at the bottom right of each view should be empty.
0985 </para>
0987 <para>The <quote>active</quote> view, that is the one whose path is shown in
0988 the Location Toolbar and which responds to navigation and Menubar commands, is
0989 shown by the little green light in the bottom left corner. To make a view
0990 active, <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click on an empty area of the view or
0991 on its Status Bar.</para>
0993 <para>To remove an active view from &konqueror;'s window use the <keycombo
0994 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo> shortcut, 
0995 or the Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Window</guimenu><guimenuitem>Close
0996 Active View</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option, or &RMB; click on the Status Bar
0997 and choose the <guimenuitem>Close View</guimenuitem> option from the
0998 resulting menu.</para>
1000 <para>If you use &konqueror; tabs, you can drag and drop between tabs
1001 by dragging the file to the tab label, without letting go yet.  The
1002 destination tab will pop to the front, allowing you to continue
1003 dragging and then to drop the file.</para>
1005 </sect2>
1007 <sect2 id="dups">
1008 <title>Duplicate File or Folder Names</title>
1009 <para>If you try to paste a file or folder into a folder that already 
1010 contains an item with the same name, &konqueror; will pop up a dialog box warning 
1011 you that the item already exists. You can then choose to:
1012 </para>
1013 <itemizedlist>
1014 <listitem><para>Cancel the paste operation by pressing the 
1015 <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> button.</para></listitem>
1016 <listitem><para>Give the item that is being copied a different name. You can 
1017 do this by typing a new name into the text entry box or get &konqueror; to 
1018 <guibutton>Suggest New Name</guibutton>. When you have done this press the 
1019 <guibutton>Continue</guibutton> button.</para></listitem>
1020 <listitem><para>
1021 If you have copied multiple items, <guibutton>Skip</guibutton> the current item. 
1022 </para></listitem>
1023 </itemizedlist>
1024 <para>The <guibutton>Apply to All</guibutton> button can be used if you have copied 
1025 multiple items.</para>
1026 </sect2>
1027 </sect1>
1028 <!--FIXME begin copy from dolphin docbook synced for 16.04-->
1029 <sect1 id="selection">
1030 <title>Selecting Items in the View</title>
1032 <para>
1033 There are several ways to select items in the view. Once a group of items
1034 is selected, all actions, such as
1035 <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,
1036 <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,
1037 <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Move to Trash</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,
1038 and drag and drop operations, affect all selected items.
1039 </para>
1041 <sect2 id="selection-mouse">
1042 <title>Selecting Items Using the Mouse</title>
1044 <itemizedlist>
1046 <listitem><para>
1047 You can press the &LMB; somewhere in the view and draw a rectangle around
1048 a group of items before releasing the button. This will select all items in the
1049 rectangle and clear the previous selection. If the &Shift; key is pressed during
1050 the selection process, the previous selection is kept.
1051 </para></listitem>
1053 <listitem><para>
1054 If the &Ctrl; key is pressed while an item is clicked with the &LMB;, the
1055 selection state of this item is toggled. If the &Ctrl; key is pressed while a
1056 rectangle is drawn around a group of items as described above, the selection
1057 state of all items in the rectangle will be toggled.
1058 </para></listitem>
1060 <listitem><para>
1061 If the &Shift; key is pressed while an item is clicked with the &LMB;, all items
1062 between the previous current item and the clicked item will be selected.
1063 </para></listitem>
1065 <listitem><para>
1066 If <guilabel>Show selection marker</guilabel> is enabled in the
1067 <guilabel>Behavior</guilabel> tab of the <menuchoice><guimenu>File Management</guimenu>
1068 <guimenuitem>General</guimenuitem></menuchoice> section of the settings, a small
1069 <guiicon>+</guiicon> or <guiicon>-</guiicon> button appears in the top
1070 left corner of the item which is currently hovered over with the mouse. Clicking
1071 this sign selects or deselects the item, respectively.
1072 </para></listitem>
1074 </itemizedlist>
1076 </sect2>
1078 <sect2 id="selection-keyboard">
1079 <title>Selecting Items Using the Keyboard</title>
1081 <itemizedlist>
1083 <listitem><para>
1084 If an arrow key, <keysym>PgUp</keysym>, <keysym>PgDn</keysym>,
1085 <keycap>Home</keycap>, or <keycap>End</keycap> is pressed, the new current item
1086 is selected, and the previous selection is cleared.
1087 </para></listitem>
1089 <listitem><para>
1090 If the &Ctrl; key is held while one of the above keys is pressed, the selection
1091 remains unchanged.
1092 </para></listitem>
1094 <listitem><para>
1095 If the &Shift; key is held while one of the above keys is pressed, all items
1096 between the previous current item and the new current item will be selected.
1097 </para></listitem>
1099 <listitem><para>
1100 If <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keysym>Space</keysym></keycombo> is pressed,
1101 the selection state of the current item is toggled.
1102 </para></listitem>
1104 <listitem><para>
1105 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo> selects all items
1106 in the view.
1107 </para></listitem>
1109 <listitem><para>
1110 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo> toggles the
1111 selection state of all items in the view.
1112 </para></listitem>
1114 <listitem><para>
1115 Select a file or folder by typing the first few letters of its name and the 
1116 first matching item is selected. 
1117 To clear the selection and cancel the keyboard search press &Esc; or wait longer than
1118 the timeout of 1 second.
1119 </para></listitem>
1120 </itemizedlist>
1121 <!--FIXME end copy from dolphin docbook 16.04-->
1123 </sect2>
1125 <!--FIXME selection via menu different in dolphin-->
1126 <sect2 id="selection-menu">
1127 <title>Selecting Items Using the Menu</title>
1129 <para>You sometimes want to delete, copy or move a number of files that are 
1130 similar in some way. For example you may wish to move all of the <filename class="extension">.png</filename> graphics
1131 files from one folder to another. &konqueror; makes this easy by letting you 
1132 select multiple files based on similarities in their file names.</para>
1134 <para>Use the Menubar
1135 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
1136 <guimenuitem>Select Matching Items...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option or the shortcut
1137 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>. This
1138 brings up a little dialog box in which you enter a filename containing
1139 the wildcard characters <keycap>*</keycap>, which matches any number
1140 of characters, and <keycap>?</keycap> which matches a single
1141 character. Press <guibutton>OK</guibutton> and &konqueror; will
1142 highlight all files with matching names. For example:</para>
1144 <itemizedlist>
1145 <listitem><para> <userinput><filename>flag*.png</filename></userinput> will
1146 select all filenames starting with the letters <quote>flag</quote> and ending
1147 with <quote><literal role="extension">.png</literal></quote>.</para></listitem>
1148 <listitem><para><userinput><filename>memo?.txt</filename></userinput> will
1149 select <filename>memo1.txt</filename> and <filename>memo9.txt</filename> but
1150 not <filename>memo99.txt</filename>.</para></listitem>
1151 </itemizedlist>
1153 <para>When you have selected a range of files, you can narrow down the
1154 selection
1155 by using the Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
1156 <guimenuitem>Unselect Matching Items...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option to specify
1157 which of the selected files should be removed from the selection.</para>
1159 <para>Use the Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
1160 <guimenuitem>Unselect All</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option or just
1161 &LMB; click on a clear area of the view to cancel the
1162 selection.</para>
1164 <para>You can even invert the selection: that is, deselect all selected
1165 files and select those that were previously unselected. Use the
1166 Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Invert
1167 Selection</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option or <keycombo
1168 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo> to do this.</para>
1169 </sect2>
1171 </sect1>
1173 <sect1 id="making">
1174 <title>Create New</title>
1176 <para>When &konqueror; is in File Manager mode, picking
1177 <guisubmenu>Create New</guisubmenu> from the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
1178 menu or from the context menu you get by &RMB; clicking on a free
1179 area in a folder view gives you a submenu letting you create any
1180 of the following in the current folder:</para>
1182 <variablelist>
1184 <varlistentry>
1185 <term><guimenuitem>Folder...</guimenuitem></term>
1186 <listitem><para>An easy way of creating a new (sub)folder.</para></listitem>
1187 </varlistentry>
1189 <varlistentry>
1190 <term><guimenuitem>Text File...</guimenuitem></term>
1191 <listitem><para>Use this to create an ordinary, empty, text file. A
1192 dialog box will be opened for you to enter the name of your new
1193 file.</para></listitem>
1194 </varlistentry>
1196 <varlistentry>
1197 <term><guimenuitem>HTML File...</guimenuitem></term>
1198 <listitem><para>Creates a skeleton <acronym>HTML</acronym> source file. When
1199 you type the new file's name into the dialog box it is probably best to give
1200 it a <literal role="extension">.html </literal> extension to avoid
1201 confusion.</para></listitem>
1202 </varlistentry>
1204 <varlistentry>
1205 <term><guimenuitem><replaceable>Type of Document</replaceable> Document...</guimenuitem></term>
1206 <listitem><para>Depending on the installed applications and file associations
1207 several menuitems for different types of documents are displayed and enable you 
1208 to create skeleton documents of the selected type.</para></listitem>
1209 </varlistentry>
1211 <varlistentry>
1212 <term><guimenuitem>Link to Location (URL)...</guimenuitem></term>
1213 <listitem><para>This lets you create an icon to open &konqueror; at a
1214 particular folder or web page. As with <guimenuitem>Link To Application...</guimenuitem>
1215 you can make the application icon appear on your desktop by creating the link
1216 in your <filename>~/Desktop</filename> folder or going to the <guisubmenu>Create
1217 New...</guisubmenu> sub menu by right clicking on a free area of the
1218 desktop.</para></listitem>
1219 </varlistentry>
1221 <varlistentry>
1222 <term><guimenuitem>Basic link to file or directory...</guimenuitem></term>
1223 <listitem><para>Create a symbolic link for local files or folder.</para></listitem>
1224 </varlistentry>
1226 <varlistentry>
1227 <term><guimenuitem>Link to Application...</guimenuitem></term>
1228 <listitem><para>This option is most useful if you want to create an icon that
1229 will open a particular application. It opens a dialog box with several tabbed
1230 pages. The first, <guilabel>General</guilabel>, is where you choose an icon and
1231 the text that will appear with it. The second page,
1232 <guilabel>Permissions</guilabel>, lets you select who can use or modify the
1233 icon. In the <guilabel>Application</guilabel> page you must enter the <guilabel>Command</guilabel> that
1234 will run the application, for example, <userinput>kwrite</userinput> to start up
1235 the &kwrite; text editor. <userinput>kwrite /home/pam/todo.txt</userinput> would
1236 open the file <filename>/home/pam/todo.txt</filename> in &kwrite;. Advanced
1237 options such as the file types which the application can open are also
1238 available from this page.</para>
1240 <para>To make the application icon appear on your desktop, create the link in
1241 your <filename class="directory">~/Desktop</filename> folder (this may be 
1242 called something slightly different depending on how &kde; was installed on 
1243 your system) or get to the <guisubmenu>Create New...</guisubmenu> sub menu by
1244 <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> clicking on a free area of the desktop 
1245 instead of within &konqueror;'s window.</para>
1247 <para>If you have a lot of specialized application links and don't want to
1248 clutter up the desktop, then why not create them in your Applications
1249 folder. You can get there in &konqueror; by choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
1250 <guimenuitem>Applications</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Then create a single icon
1251 on your desktop to open your Applications folder, which is usually in
1252 <filename class="directory">~/.local/share/applications</filename>.</para>
1253 <para>To put an application link icon into the panel, first create it in the
1254 Applications folder then drag the icon onto a clear area of the
1255 panel.</para>
1257 </listitem>
1258 </varlistentry>
1260 <varlistentry>
1261 <term><guisubmenu>Link to Device</guisubmenu></term>
1262 <listitem><para>Use the options in this submenu to create an icon that will mount a device
1263 and open an instance of &konqueror; showing it's contents. To unmount the
1264 device when you have finished with it <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on
1265 the icon and select <guimenuitem>Unmount</guimenuitem>. 
1266 However, in most cases you will want to create the icon on your desktop.
1267 </para></listitem>
1268 </varlistentry>
1270 </variablelist>
1272 </sect1>
1274 <sect1 id="newname">
1275 <title>Changing Names and Permissions</title>
1277 <para>The two easiest ways to change the name of a file or folder is to either 
1278 <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on it and select 
1279 <guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem>, or select the file or folder and then press the <keycap>F2</keycap> key.</para>
1281 <para>To change the name or permissions of a file or folder 
1282 <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on its name or icon and select the 
1283 <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem> item, or if you have 
1284 <quote>selected</quote> the file or folder, then you can use the Menubar 
1285 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>
1286 </menuchoice> (<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Return</keycap></keycombo>) option.</para>
1288 <para>This will bring up the Properties dialog box with several tabbed 
1289 pages:</para>
1291 <itemizedlist>
1292 <listitem><para><guilabel>General</guilabel>, which gives you some
1293 information about the item and lets you change its name and, for a folder,
1294 the associated icon.</para></listitem>
1295 <listitem><para><guilabel>Permissions</guilabel>, which shows you the item's
1296 ownership and access permissions and lets you change the permissions.
1297 </para></listitem>
1298 </itemizedlist>
1299 <!--FIXME Checksums tab missing-->
1300 <sect2 id="copyrename">
1301 <title>Copy and Rename</title>
1302 <para>If you want to make a copy of an existing file with a different name -- 
1303 perhaps as a backup -- in the same folder as the original file, do a normal 
1304 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> then when you <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> 
1305 it a dialog box will pop up  complaining that the file already exists. 
1306 Just type the new name into the dialog's text box and press the 
1307 <guibutton>Continue</guibutton> button (or if you are feeling lazy pressing the 
1308 <guibutton>Suggest New Name</guibutton> button will generate a new name for you).</para>
1309 </sect2>
1311 </sect1>
1313 <sect1 id="file-associations">
1314 <title>Configuring File Associations</title>
1316 <!-- TODO: The content should probably be here too, but this'll do for -->
1317 <!-- now. -->
1318 <para>&kde; provides many applications which can open many different
1319 types of file. Most of the time, the defaults will work with no
1320 problems, but &konqueror; provides a powerful system to allow you to
1321 change the applications used to open each file type. For more details,
1322 choose the
1323 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
1324 Konqueror...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> menu item, select
1325 <guilabel>File Associations</guilabel> in the configuration dialog,
1326 and click on <guibutton>Help</guibutton>.</para>
1328 </sect1>
1330 <sect1 id="commandline">
1331 <title>At the Command Line</title>
1333 <para>Although &konqueror; is a very powerful and flexible
1334 <acronym>GUI</acronym> file manager, there are occasions when the experienced
1335 &Linux; / &UNIX; user wants to get down to the basics and work at the text 
1336 command line level.</para>
1338 <para>You can, of course, open an instance of &konsole;, perhaps with
1339 &konqueror;'s Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Open
1340 Terminal</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option or with <keycap>F4</keycap>.</para>
1341 <para>If you only want to launch a program or view a &URL;, the <menuchoice>
1342 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Execute Shell Command...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
1343 (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>) option may be 
1344 easier.</para>
1346 <para><menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guimenuitem>Execute Shell Command...
1347 </guimenuitem></menuchoice> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
1348 <keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>) opens a small command line dialog window where 
1349 you can enter a shell command such as <userinput>ps -ax | grep kdeinit
1350 </userinput>. Note that it does not support full featured terminal control 
1351 characters, so applications such as <userinput>top</userinput> and <userinput>
1352 less</userinput> will not work properly, but it is available immediately 
1353 without the delay involved in starting &konsole;.
1354 </para>
1356 <para>For more complex operations, &konqueror; has another nice feature: the 
1357 Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Terminal
1358 Emulator</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option, which opens up a terminal window as 
1359 a new view within &konqueror;.<!--FIXME As long as the link icon is visible at the
1360 bottom right corner of each view, the terminal will follow any folder changes 
1361 you make in the normal file manager view. not synched in kf5?--></para>
1362 <mediaobject>
1363 <imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="cmndline.png"/></imageobject>
1364 <textobject>
1365 <phrase>Including the terminal emulator</phrase>
1366 </textobject>
1367 </mediaobject>
1369 </sect1>
1371 </chapter>
1373 <chapter id="browser">
1375 <chapterinfo>
1376 <authorgroup>
1377 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
1379 </authorgroup>
1381 </chapterinfo>
1384 <title>&konqueror; the Web Browser</title>
1386 <mediaobject>
1387 <imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="konqorg.png"/></imageobject>
1388 <textobject>
1389 <phrase>Browsing www.konqueror.org</phrase>
1390 </textobject>
1391 </mediaobject>
1392 <!--FIXME rm this sect?-->
1393 <sect1 id="conn-inet">
1394 <title>Connecting to the Internet</title>
1396 <para>Once you are connected to the Internet you can use &konqueror; to browse
1397 the Web just as easily as you can use it to handle your local files. Just type
1398 a &URL; into the <guilabel>Location</guilabel> Toolbar window, press
1399 <keysym>Enter</keysym>, and you are away!</para>
1401 <itemizedlist>
1402 <listitem><para>If you use a dial-up modem connection, then you will be using
1403 &kppp; or a similar dialer program to make the connection.</para></listitem>
1405 <listitem><para>If your machine is connected to a local area network
1406 (<acronym>LAN</acronym>) that gives you a proxy connection to the Internet 
1407 then you will have to set &konqueror; up for the proxy connection. This can be 
1408 done with the <menuchoice><guimenu>Web Browsing</guimenu>
1409 <guimenuitem>Proxy</guimenuitem></menuchoice> page of the <menuchoice><guimenu>
1410 Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Konqueror...</guimenuitem>
1411 </menuchoice> dialog.</para></listitem>
1413 <listitem><para>If you are lucky enough to have a high speed cable connection,
1414 then the service provider will probably give you an external cable modem which
1415 needs an ethernet connection to your machine. Unfortunately the details of how
1416 to establish the connection depend on the service provider and to some extent
1417 on which Linux/&UNIX; distribution you are using.  Some <acronym>ISP</acronym>s
1418 connect their customers to the Internet through a proxy server, in which case
1419 you will have to set up &konqueror; to use it.  You may find it useful to
1420 search the archives of your distribution's user group mailing list for
1421 help.</para>
1422 </listitem>
1423 </itemizedlist>
1425 <note><para>An error message such as <errorname>Unknown Host</errorname>
1426 usually means that &konqueror; cannot find a connection to the Internet or that 
1427 you have entered an incorrect &URL;.</para></note>
1429 </sect1>
1431 <sect1 id="surf">
1432 <title>Surfing and Searching</title>
1434 <para>Once you have a connection to the Internet, you can surf with
1435 &konqueror; just as you can with any other browser.</para>
1437 <para>Type a &URL; into the Location Toolbar window, press
1438 <keysym>Enter</keysym> or <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click on the 
1439 <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
1440 <imagedata fileref="go-jump.png" format="PNG"/>
1441 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guiicon>
1442 <guibutton>Go</guibutton> button at the right hand end of the Location
1443 Toolbar, and &konqueror; will download and display that page. 
1444 If you have visited the page before, &konqueror;'s 
1445 <link linkend="path-complete">Automatic Text Completion</link> feature can help 
1446 you type the &URL; a second time.
1447 <!--, or you could look through the 
1448 <guilabel>History</guilabel> page in the 
1449 <link linkend="sidebar">Sidebar</link>. -->
1450 If you want to use one of 
1451 the web's search engines, &konqueror;'s <link linkend="enhanced-browsing">
1452 Web Shortcuts</link> feature can make this easier.</para>
1454 <para><mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on a link in a page to
1455 open that link.</para>
1457 <para>To open a link in a new instance of &konqueror;, leaving the
1458 old page still visible, &RMB; click on the link and select the
1459 <guimenuitem>Open in New Window</guimenuitem> option. Alternatively, 
1460 you might want to <guimenuitem>Open in New Tab</guimenuitem>. 
1461 <link linkend="tabbrowse">Tabbed Browsing</link> will let 
1462 you hold a number of pages in one &konqueror; window and quickly switch 
1463 between them with a single mouse click.</para>
1465 <para>You could also select multiple view modes with  
1466 <menuchoice><guimenu>Window</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Split View
1467 Left/Right</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
1468 &Shift;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo>) / <menuchoice><guimenu>Window</guimenu> 
1469 <guimenuitem>Split View Top/Bottom</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;
1470 &Shift;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>) option which will let you see different
1471 pages at the same time. This can be useful if you are looking through a
1472 complicated set of <acronym>HTML</acronym> pages, but make sure the little link
1473 box at the bottom right hand corner is empty when you are doing
1474 this.</para>
1475 <para>To go back to the previous page use the <keycombo
1476 action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Left</keysym></keycombo>
1477 shortcut, the <guibutton>Back</guibutton> button on the Toolbar, or the menubar
1478 <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
1479 option.</para>
1480 <para>Similarly, once you have gone back you can go forward by using
1481 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Right</keysym></keycombo>, the
1482 <guibutton>Forward</guibutton> button, or the menubar
1483 <menuchoice><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
1484 <guimenuitem>Forward</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option.</para>
1486 <!-- copy from okular Navigating -->
1487 <para>
1488 There are multiple ways of scrolling the viewing area. One is to use the 
1489 <keysym>Up</keysym> and <keysym>Down</keysym> keys. You may also use
1490 the scrollbar, your mousewheel or the <keysym>PgUp</keysym> and <keysym>PgDn</keysym>
1491 keys.</para>
1492 <para>If you want to read a long webpage use the automatic scrolling feature of &konqueror;.
1493 Start automatic scrolling with <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keysym>Down</keysym></keycombo> or
1494 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keysym>Up</keysym></keycombo>. Then use these keys to increase and
1495 decrease the scrolling speed. You can start or stop automatic scrolling temporarily by pressing the &Shift; key;
1496 pressing any other key deactivates this feature.
1497 </para>
1498 <para>Automatic scrolling works only in the view mode <guimenuitem>KHTML</guimenuitem>.
1499 </para>
1500 <para>If you want to stop a download for any reason then use the
1501 &Esc; key, the Toolbar <guibutton>Stop</guibutton> button or the
1502 Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu>
1503 <guimenuitem>Stop</guimenuitem></menuchoice> item.</para>
1505 <para>When you are viewing a web page with the <guilabel>HTML Toolbar</guilabel> 
1506 enabled you should see two new icons in the toolbar <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
1507 <imagedata fileref="format-font-size-less.png" format="PNG"/>
1508 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guiicon> and <guiicon><inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
1509 <imagedata fileref="format-font-size-more.png" format="PNG"/>
1510 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject></guiicon>. Use these to adjust the size of the text in the
1511 page if you find it difficult to read. How well this works will
1512 depend on how the web page has been constructed.</para>
1513 </sect1>
1514 <!-- Tab works in filemanager mode as well-->
1515 <sect1 id="tabbrowse">
1516 <title>Tabbed Browsing</title>
1517 <para>By using this feature you can make &konqueror; load multiple web pages in
1518 the same window, and switch between them using tabbed pages. This way, you can
1519 preload a page <quote>in the background</quote> while you carry on reading another.</para>
1521 <para>To use tabbed browsing, <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on a 
1522 link and choose <guimenuitem>Open in New Tab</guimenuitem> from the drop down 
1523 menu or &MMB; click. The page will be downloaded and displayed as normal, but with tabs 
1524 across the top of the view, one tab for each page. &LMB; click on a 
1525 tab to view that page, or you can use the shortcuts 
1526 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>,</keycap></keycombo> and 
1527 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>.</keycap></keycombo> to cycle through 
1528 the tab pages. Alternatively, you can scroll through the tabs using
1529 the mouse <mousebutton>wheel</mousebutton> while the mouse pointer is
1530 over the tab bar (presuming that your mouse has one). Also,
1531 double-clicking over the empty tab bar space will open a new
1532 tab.</para>
1534 <para>Using the <guilabel>Open new tabs in the background</guilabel> option in the 
1535 <guilabel>General</guilabel> page of the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> 
1536 dialog, clicking on a link downloads the page and shows a new tab for it, but the new
1537 page will not be displayed until you <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click 
1538 on the tab.</para>
1540 <para>If you check the <guilabel>Open links in new tab instead of in new 
1541 window</guilabel> box in the <guimenuitem>General</guimenuitem> page of the 
1542 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Konqueror...
1543 </guimenuitem></menuchoice> dialog, &MMB; clicking on a link will open it 
1544 in a new tab page and if you hold the &Shift; key down while clicking the 
1545 &MMB; the link will be opened in a background tab page.</para>
1547 <para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on a tab will bring up a 
1548 menu with the following options:</para>
1549 <variablelist>
1551 <varlistentry>
1552 <term><guimenuitem>New Tab</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>)</term>
1553 <listitem><para>This opens a new, blank, tabbed page view. 
1554 You can then download a web page into it by typing the &URL; into the 
1555 Location Bar or by making a selection from the Bookmark Toolbar<!-- or the 
1556 <link linkend="sidebar">Sidebar</link> history page-->.</para>
1557 </listitem>
1558 </varlistentry>
1559 <varlistentry>
1560 <term><guimenuitem>Duplicate Tab</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo>)</term>
1561 <listitem><para>To create a duplicate tabbed page.</para>
1562 </listitem>
1563 </varlistentry>
1564 <varlistentry>
1565 <term><guimenuitem>Reload Tab</guimenuitem> (<keycap>F5</keycap>)</term>
1566 <listitem><para>Reloads the content of the current tab.</para>
1567 </listitem>
1568 </varlistentry>
1569 <varlistentry>
1570 <term><guisubmenu>Other Tabs</guisubmenu></term>
1571 <listitem><para>Displays a submenu showing all other tabs. Choosing a tab from
1572 this list makes it the active tab.</para>
1573 </listitem>
1574 </varlistentry>
1575 <varlistentry>
1576 <term><menuchoice><guisubmenu>Other Tabs</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Reload All Tabs</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
1577  (<keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F5</keycap></keycombo>)</term>
1578 <listitem><para>Reloads the content of every tab.</para>
1579 </listitem>
1580 </varlistentry>
1581 <varlistentry>
1582 <term><menuchoice><guisubmenu>Other Tabs</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Close Other Tabs</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
1583 <listitem><para>To close all but the selected tab page.</para>
1584 </listitem>
1585 </varlistentry>
1586 <varlistentry>
1587 <term><guimenuitem>Detach Tab</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>B</keycap></keycombo>)</term>
1588 <listitem><para>This option removes the selected tabbed 
1589 page from the current &konqueror; window and opens it in a new instance of 
1590 &konqueror;.</para>
1591 </listitem>
1592 </varlistentry>
1593 <varlistentry>
1594 <term><guimenuitem>Close Tab</guimenuitem> (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo>)</term>
1595 <listitem><para>To close the selected tab page.</para>
1596 </listitem>
1597 </varlistentry>
1598 </variablelist>
1599 </sect1>
1601 <sect1 id="enhanced-browsing">
1602 <title>Web Shortcuts</title> 
1604 <para>If enabled, &konqueror;'s Web Shortcuts
1605 feature lets you submit a query directly to a search engine or similar web site
1606 without having to visit the site first.</para> <para>For example, entering
1607 <userinput>gg:konqueror</userinput> into the Location Bar and pressing <keysym>Enter</keysym>
1608 will ask <trademark>Google</trademark> to search for items related to
1609 &konqueror;.</para>
1610 <para>To see what Web Shortcuts are available, and perhaps
1611 add your own, open the <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/webshortcuts/">Web Shortcuts</ulink>
1612 module in the &systemsettings; category <guilabel>Workspace</guilabel>.</para>
1614 </sect1>
1616 <sect1 id="accesskeys">
1618 <title>Access Keys</title>
1620 <para>&konqueror; has full support for the
1621 <sgmltag class="attribute">accesskey</sgmltag> &HTML; attribute in
1622 forms and links. Access keys allow you to use
1623 the keyboard keys for functions which would perhaps normally be done
1624 with the mouse, such as following links. The benefit of this is, quite
1625 simply, that users can interact with a page with devices other than a
1626 pointing device.</para>
1627 <para>This feature has to be enabled by checking the <guilabel>Enable Access 
1628 Key activation with &Ctrl; key</guilabel> option on the <guilabel>Web 
1629 Browsing</guilabel> settings page.</para>
1630 <para>To activate the access keys in &konqueror;, press and release
1631 &Ctrl;. Once this is pressed, if a particular link on the website has
1632 the <sgmltag class="attribute">accesskey</sgmltag> attribute in the given link, then the
1633 character(s) should appear over the link, identifying what needs to be
1634 pressed. Then, you can enter the character(s) associated with the link
1635 as an alternative to following the link with the mouse. To disable the
1636 access keys once activated you can press &Ctrl; again.</para>
1638 <note><para>The proper use of this feature requires that the web
1639 designer of the page has specifically assigned, using the
1640 <sgmltag class="attribute">accesskey</sgmltag> attribute, an access key for the
1641 link. Many web designers might not include the
1642 <sgmltag class="attribute">accesskey</sgmltag> in their links and forms, and
1643 consequently this feature will be unusable on the given
1644 webpage.</para></note>
1646 </sect1>
1648 <sect1 id="useragent">
1649 <title>Browser Identification</title>
1650 <para>When &konqueror; connects to a web site it sends some brief browser 
1651 identification information, known as the <quote>User Agent</quote> string. 
1652 Many web sites use this information to customize the pages that they send 
1653 back, based on the strengths and weaknesses of different browsers.</para>
1654 <para>Unfortunately, some badly designed sites refuse to work properly 
1655 unless you are using a browser that the site recognizes as a 
1656 <quote>valid</quote> one, even though if given a chance, &konqueror; will 
1657 work satisfactorily with the vast majority of web pages.</para>
1658 <para>To overcome this problem you can change the browser identification 
1659 information that &konqueror; sends for specific sites or domains by 
1660 selecting the <ulink url="help:/kcontrol/useragent/">Browser Identification</ulink>
1661 module in the &systemsettings; category <guilabel>Network</guilabel>.</para>
1662 <note><para>Problems with getting a web page to work properly may also be due 
1663 to its use of &Java; or JavaScript. If you suspect that this may be the case 
1664 check that they have been enabled in the <guilabel>Java &amp; JavaScript</guilabel> 
1665 section of the settings dialog.</para></note>
1666 <!--FIXME not ported to kf5
1667 <note><para>Install the <guilabel>UserAgent Changer</guilabel> extension from the 
1668 &konqueror; Plugins and enable it in <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>
1669 Configure Extensions</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. This extension adds a 
1670 <guimenuitem>Change Browser Identification</guimenuitem> item to the <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> 
1671 menu. Using this item lets you quickly switch between different <quote>User Agent</quote> 
1672 strings.</para></note>
1673 -->
1674 </sect1>
1676 <sect1 id="save-print-web">
1677 <title>Saving and Printing Web Items</title>
1679 <para>When you are viewing a web page you can save it (or at least the basic
1680 &HTML; or similar source text) to your local disk with 
1681 <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save
1682 As...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. If the page
1683 you are viewing uses frames, then you will also be given the
1684 <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save Frame
1685 As...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option. <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click
1686  in the frame you want to save first.</para>
1688 <para>If the page uses a background image, you can get and save that with the
1689 <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Save Background
1690 Image As...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option.</para>
1692 <para>But if what you really want is that glorious picture of the latest
1693 Ferrari, then <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> clicking on the image will 
1694 give you a drop-down menu with a
1695 <guimenuitem>Save Image As...</guimenuitem> option. Be sure to respect the 
1696 owner's copyright, and ask for permission before using any pictures saved this 
1697 way for anything other than your own viewing pleasure.</para>
1699 <para>If you <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on a link (which may be a 
1700 picture) and select <guimenuitem>Save Link As...</guimenuitem> from the pop 
1701 up menu the basic &HTML; or similar source text will be 
1702 downloaded and saved on your local disk.</para>
1704 <para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on a link (which may be a 
1705 picture) and choosing <guimenuitem>Copy Link Address</guimenuitem> will copy 
1706 the &URL; of the link to the clipboard so you can then paste it into, say, an
1707 e-mail to a friend telling her about this wonderful new site.</para>
1709 <para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on a picture and choosing 
1710 <guimenuitem>Copy Image</guimenuitem> copies the &URL; of the picture 
1711 to the clipboard.</para>
1713 <para>Printing a copy of the page you are viewing is easily done with the
1714 Menubar <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu>
1715 <guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or <guimenuitem>Print
1716 Frame</guimenuitem> option or with the Toolbar <guiicon>Print</guiicon>
1717 button.</para>
1719 </sect1>
1721 <sect1 id="ftp">
1722 <title>&FTP;</title>
1724 <para>&FTP;, or File Transfer Protocol, is one of the earliest, and still
1725 perhaps the best, way of transferring files between computers over the
1726 Internet.</para>
1728 <para>With &FTP; you can see files and folders on the distant computer just
1729 as if they were on your own system, download them onto your computer using
1730 &konqueror;'s normal <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> and
1731 <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> or Drag n' Drop methods and, if allowed,
1732 upload files from your machine to the other computer's filesystem. To try it, 
1733 type the &URL;</para>
1735 <screen>
1736 <userinput>ftp://ftp.l10n.kde.org</userinput>
1737 </screen>
1739 <para>into the Location Toolbar and press <keysym>Enter</keysym>. As long as 
1740 you are connected to the Internet, you should end up seeing the <filename
1741 class="directory">ftp</filename> folder of the l10n server.</para>
1743 <note><para>Although, strictly speaking, &FTP; &URL;s should
1744 be entered starting with <userinput>ftp://</userinput> and <acronym>WWW
1745 </acronym> &URL;s starting with <userinput>http://</userinput>
1746 &konqueror; is usually smart enough to figure out what is meant, and insert 
1747 these characters for you if you leave them out.</para></note>
1749 <para>When you access an &FTP; site it will usually need some form of username
1750 and password from you. To simplify things, most &FTP; sites that offer files
1751 for free downloading will accept the word <systemitem class="username">
1752 anonymous</systemitem> as a username and your email
1753 address as a password, and to make your life even easier &konqueror; will
1754 automatically supply these without troubling you. </para>
1756 <note><para>If you try to access an &FTP; site that does not need a proper
1757 username or password but which is too busy to accept any more connections,
1758 &konqueror; often interprets the <quote>busy</quote> message as a request for
1759 a name and password and will therefore pop up a dialog box asking you to
1760 supply them.</para></note>
1762 <para>Sites that are more concerned with security will need a proper username
1763 and password, in which case &konqueror; will ask you for them or you can
1764 include the username in the &URL; you type into the Location Toolbar, as 
1765 for example</para>
1767 <screen>
1768 <userinput>ftp://<replaceable>username</replaceable>@ftp.l10n.kde.org</userinput>
1769 </screen>
1771 <para>&konqueror; will then prompt you for the password.</para>
1773 <para>&konqueror; can also support automatic logins as specified in a 
1774 <filename>.netrc</filename> file. Details of how to enable this feature are 
1775 given at <ulink url="https://konqueror.org/faq/#DoesKonquerorsupportautomaticftploginsvianetrcfiles">
1776 https://konqueror.org/faq/#DoesKonquerorsupportautomaticftploginsvianetrcfiles</ulink></para>
1778 </sect1>
1780 <sect1 id="portnumbers">
1781 <title>&URL;s with Port Numbers</title>
1782 <para>If you specify a port number in your &URL;, as in for example 
1783 <userinput>http://intranet.corp.com:1080</userinput>, you might get the error 
1784 message <quote>Access to restricted port in POST denied</quote>. This is done 
1785 for security reasons. If you nevertheless need to access a server on this port, 
1786 just add a key line
1787 <screen><userinput>
1788 OverridenPorts=CommaSeparatedListOfAllowedPorts
1789 </userinput></screen>
1790 to <filename>kio_httprc</filename> in the folder
1791 <filename class="directory">$(qtpaths --paths GenericConfigLocation)</filename>.</para>
1792 <para>For example
1793 <screen><userinput>OverridenPorts=23,15
1794 </userinput></screen> 
1795 (it should not include any embedded spaces).</para>
1796 <para>&konqueror; will reject the following ports:</para>
1797 <para>
1798  1, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,
1799  20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 37, 42, 43,
1800  53, 77, 79, 87, 95, 101, 102, 103, 104,
1801  109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119, 123, 
1802  135, 139, 143, 179, 389, 512, 513, 514, 
1803  515, 526, 530, 531, 532, 540, 556, 587, 
1804  601, 989, 990, 992, 993, 995, 1080, 
1805  2049, 4045, 6000, 6667
1806 </para>
1807 </sect1>
1809 </chapter>
1811 <chapter id="path-complete">
1813 <chapterinfo>
1814 <authorgroup>
1815 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
1817 </authorgroup> 
1819 </chapterinfo>
1822 <title>Automatic Text Completion</title> 
1824 <para>You can get &konqueror; to help you enter a path or &URL; into the
1825 Location Toolbar by enabling one of the <guimenuitem>Text Completion</guimenuitem>
1826 features. To do this <mousebutton>right</mousebutton>
1827  click on a clear part of the Location Toolbar text entry box and select 
1828 <guisubmenu>Text Completion</guisubmenu> from the pop up menu. This will let you 
1829 choose between the following options:</para>
1831 <variablelist>
1833 <varlistentry>
1834 <term><guimenuitem>None</guimenuitem></term>
1835 <listitem><para>What you get is what you type.</para></listitem>
1836 </varlistentry>
1838 <varlistentry>
1839 <term><guimenuitem>Manual</guimenuitem></term>
1840 <!-- in 4.5 I see no diff to None -->
1841 <listitem><para>When you have typed part of a path or &URL;, pressing 
1842 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo> or &Tab; will complete the entry if it is 
1843 possible to do so unambiguously.</para></listitem> 
1844 </varlistentry>
1846 <varlistentry>
1847 <term><guimenuitem>Automatic</guimenuitem></term>
1848 <listitem><para>As you type into the Location Toolbar window &konqueror; will 
1849 automatically extend what you type to complete one possible path or &URL;,  
1850 highlighting the characters it has added. Continue typing if that's not what 
1851 you wanted or press <keysym>Enter</keysym> to accept it.</para></listitem>
1852  </varlistentry>
1854 <varlistentry>
1855 <term><guimenuitem>Dropdown List</guimenuitem></term>
1856 <listitem><para>A drop-down window will appear as you type, showing the
1857 possible matches to what you have typed so far. When the path or &URL; that 
1858 you want appears in the window click on it with the &LMB;. 
1859 You can also use the 
1860 <keysym>Down</keysym> or &Tab; and <keysym>Up</keysym> or
1861 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;&Tab;</keycombo>
1862 keys to select it then press <keysym>Enter</keysym>.</para></listitem>
1863 </varlistentry>
1865 <varlistentry>
1866 <term><guimenuitem>Short Automatic</guimenuitem></term>
1867 <listitem><para>This is like Automatic mode except that it only extends 
1868 what you have typed as far as the next <keycap>/</keycap> symbol in the path 
1869 or &URL;. Press <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo> or &Tab; to accept the 
1870 suggestion, <keysym>Enter</keysym> when the complete path or &URL; is 
1871 shown.</para></listitem>
1872 </varlistentry>
1874 <varlistentry>
1875 <term><guimenuitem>Dropdown List &amp; Automatic</guimenuitem></term>
1876 <listitem><para>This is a combination of both options described above.</para></listitem>
1877 </varlistentry>
1879 <varlistentry>
1880 <term><guimenuitem>Default</guimenuitem></term>
1881 <listitem><para>This item appears at the bottom of the submenu and enables you
1882 to switch to the default behaviour <guimenuitem>Dropdown List</guimenuitem>.</para></listitem>
1883 </varlistentry>
1884 <!-- Del to end 
1885 substring completion F7 http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1096306-->
1886 </variablelist>
1887 <para>You should try out these different modes and pick the one that suits you
1888  best.</para>
1889  <!--
1890 <para>The history of recently visited &URL;s that &konqueror; uses for the 
1891 Text Completion function can be viewed and edited in the <guilabel>History
1892 </guilabel> page of the <link linkend="sidebar">Sidebar</link>.</para>
1893 -->
1894 </chapter>
1896 <chapter id="bookmarks">
1897 <chapterinfo>
1898 <authorgroup>
1899 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
1901 </authorgroup>
1903 </chapterinfo>
1905 <title>Using Bookmarks</title>
1907 <para>Although you can use &konqueror;'s bookmarks to record the locations of
1908 your own files and folders, they are most useful when you are surfing the
1909 Web, letting you build up a list of useful sites.</para>
1911 <para>To open the <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> menu
1912 <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click on the <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> menu.
1913 Once the list is visible, you can navigate through it with the arrow keys or
1914 with your mouse, then press <keysym>Enter</keysym> or <mousebutton>left</mousebutton>
1915 click to visit the selected location.</para>
1917 <para>To add a new item to the list use <menuchoice><guimenu>Bookmarks
1918 </guimenu><guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or 
1919 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>B</keycap></keycombo> or
1920 <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on a clear space in the web page or 
1921 folder view and select <guimenuitem>Bookmark this Page</guimenuitem> from
1922 the pop up menu.</para>
1924 <para>The <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> list can contain subfolders containing 
1925 other bookmarks, you can create these with <menuchoice><guimenu>Bookmarks 
1926 </guimenu><guimenuitem>New Bookmark Folder...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 
1927 To add a bookmark into a subfolder rather than into the main Bookmark list, 
1928 select the folder from within the <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> list and use 
1929 the <guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem> item in that folder.</para>
1930 <!--
1931 <para>You can also access your bookmarks from the <link linkend="sidebar">
1932 <guilabel>Sidebar</guilabel></link> or from the <guilabel>Bookmark Toolbar</guilabel>.</para>
1933 -->
1934 <para>If you enter <userinput>bookmarks:</userinput> in the location bar the
1935 bookmarks home page with an overview of all bookmarks and folders is shown.</para> 
1937 <para>If you want to edit your bookmarks use the <ulink
1938 url="help:/keditbookmarks/index.html">Bookmark Editor</ulink>
1939 </para>
1941 </chapter>
1942 <!--FIXME sidebar is empty https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=366762
1943 update chapter + take new screenshot dirtree.png when fixed
1944 comment for now
1946 https://cgit.kde.org/konqueror.git/commit/?id=886b1a9947f578e8cedd96b903ab39eba0a3990c
1947 disable sidebar subdir, the concept will have to be rethought
1949 <chapter id="sidebar">
1951 <chapterinfo>
1952 <authorgroup>
1953 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
1955 </authorgroup>
1957 </chapterinfo>
1959 <title>The Sidebar</title>
1961 <para>The Sidebar appears as a separate view at the left of 
1962 &konqueror;'s window. It can be invoked with <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings
1963 </guimenu><guimenuitem>Show Sidebar</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or 
1964 toggled on and off with the <keycap>F9</keycap> key.</para>
1966 <mediaobject>
1967 <imageobject><imagedata format="PNG" fileref="dirtree.png"/></imageobject>
1968 <textobject>
1969 <phrase>With the Sidebar</phrase>  
1970 </textobject>
1971 </mediaobject>
1973 <para>It contains a number of tabbed pages; <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> 
1974 click on a tab's icon to view that page. <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> 
1975 clicking on the icon for the visible page will collapse the Sidebar 
1976 so that only the tab icons are visible.</para>
1977 <variablelist>
1979 <varlistentry>
1980 <term><guilabel>Bookmarks</guilabel></term>
1981 <listitem><para>This page shows a tree view of your Bookmarks. <mousebutton>
1982 Left</mousebutton> click on an item to open it in the main view.</para>
1983 </listitem>
1984 </varlistentry>
1986 <varlistentry>
1987 <term><guilabel>History</guilabel></term>
1988 <listitem><para>This page shows a tree view of your browsing History. 
1989 <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> clicking on an item will open it in the main 
1990 view, or you can open it in a new &konqueror; window by <mousebutton>right
1991 </mousebutton> clicking and selecting <guimenuitem>Open in New Window</guimenuitem> 
1992 from the pop up menu.</para>
1993 <para>You can remove an item from the history by <mousebutton>right
1994 </mousebutton> clicking on it and selecting <guimenuitem>Remove Entry</guimenuitem>. 
1995 Selecting <guimenuitem>Clear History</guimenuitem> will 
1996 clear out the entire history.</para>
1997 <para>The pop up menu you get when you <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click 
1998 on any entry in the History page also gives you the option of choosing 
1999 whether the entire history is sorted by name or by date.</para>
2000 <para>Selecting <guimenuitem>Preferences...</guimenuitem> from this pop up 
2001 menu brings up the <guilabel>History Sidebar</guilabel> control module. This 
2002 can be used to set the maximum size of your history and set a time after which 
2003 items are automatically removed. You can also set different fonts for new and 
2004 old &URL;s. 
2005 The <guilabel>Detailed tooltips</guilabel> checkbox controls how much 
2006 information is displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over an item in the 
2007 history page.</para></listitem>
2008 </varlistentry>
2010 <varlistentry>
2011 <term><guilabel>Home Folder</guilabel></term>
2012 <listitem><para>This page shows a tree view of the subfolders of your home 
2013 folder. Note that <quote>hidden</quote> folders (those with names 
2014 beginning with a dot) are not shown.
2015 <mousebutton>Left</mousebutton> click on an item to open it in the 
2016 main view, or <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click to display a pop up 
2017 menu allowing you to open the subfolder in a new window or as a new tab 
2018 page of the main view.
2019 </para></listitem>
2020 </varlistentry>
2022 <varlistentry>
2023 <term><guilabel>Network</guilabel></term>
2024 <listitem><para>This page is intended to show a tree view of your important 
2025 network connections, although local folders can also be included. Again, 
2026 you can <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> click on an item to open it in the 
2027 main view or <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click to bring up a menu with 
2028 a wider range of possibilities.</para>
2029 <para>The folders shown in the <guilabel>Network</guilabel> page are held in 
2030 the folder <filename class="directory">
2031 ~/.kde/share/apps/konqsidebartng/virtual_folders/remote/</filename>, and you can make 
2032 new ones just as you would make any other subfolder. The items within 
2033 these folders are held as <literal role="extension">.desktop</literal> files 
2034 and can be created with &konqueror;'s <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Create New</guisubmenu>
2035 <guimenuitem>Link to Location (URL)...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> option in the 
2036 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu.</para>
2037 </listitem>
2038 </varlistentry>
2040 <varlistentry>
2041 <term><guilabel>Root Folder</guilabel></term>
2042 <listitem><para>The <guilabel>Root Folder</guilabel> tree has the path <filename
2043 class="directory">/</filename>, and is the base folder of your system's
2044 local files. If you expand the <quote>Root</quote> folder you will find 
2045 another folder called <filename class="directory">root</filename>. This 
2046 belongs to the system administrator or Super User and is her home folder. 
2047 You will also find a folder called 
2048 <filename class="directory">home</filename>, in which you should be able to 
2049 find your own <quote>Home</quote> folder again.</para>
2050 </listitem>
2051 </varlistentry>
2053 <varlistentry>
2054 <term><guilabel>Services</guilabel></term>
2055 <listitem><para>This page provides quick access to the following services:
2056 </para>
2057 <para><guilabel>Applications</guilabel>, <guilabel>Audio CD Browser</guilabel>, 
2058 <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> and <guilabel>Video DVD Browser</guilabel>.</para>
2059 </listitem>
2060 </varlistentry>
2061 <!- - Different in dolphin + filedialog- ->
2062 <varlistentry>
2063 <term><guilabel>Places</guilabel></term>
2064 <listitem><para>
2065 The <guilabel>Places</guilabel> panel is located at the left of the window by
2066 default. The <guilabel>Places</guilabel> panel shows any locations you have
2067 bookmarked. It also shows any disk or media attached to the computer.
2068 </para>
2069 <para>
2070 The easiest way to add a folder to the <guilabel>Places</guilabel> panel is to
2071 drag it and drop it in the panel. Moreover, you can click inside the panel with
2072 the &RMB; and choose <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Add Entry...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
2073 from the context menu.
2074 </para>
2075 </listitem>
2076 </varlistentry>
2077 </variablelist>
2079 <para>The Sidebar configuration can be changed by <mousebutton>right
2080 </mousebutton> clicking on the empty area below the bottom tab icon or by 
2081 <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> clicking on the <guilabel>Configuration 
2082 Button</guilabel> icon, which is enabled in the context menu. Doing this
2083 brings up a menu with the following options:</para>
2084 <variablelist>
2086 <varlistentry>
2087 <term><guisubmenu>Add New</guisubmenu></term>
2088 <listitem><para>This option lets you add a new tab page to the Sidebar. 
2089 The new page can contain different Sidebar modules or a new
2090 <guimenuitem>Folder</guimenuitem> tree view. The last option in this
2091 submenu allows you to rollback to system default.</para>
2092 </listitem>
2093 </varlistentry>
2095 <varlistentry>
2096 <term><guimenuitem>Multiple Views</guimenuitem></term>
2097 <listitem><para>Selecting this option splits the Sidebar so that 
2098 two tab pages can be seen at once.</para>
2099 </listitem>
2100 </varlistentry>
2102 <varlistentry>
2103 <term><guimenuitem>Show Tabs Left</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Show Tabs Right</guimenuitem></term>
2104 <listitem><para>This option lets you choose whether the tab icons are shown at 
2105 the left or right of the Sidebar.</para>
2106 </listitem>
2107 </varlistentry>
2109 <varlistentry>
2110 <term><guimenuitem>Show Configuration Button</guimenuitem></term>
2111 <listitem><para>Use this option to show or hide the <guilabel>Configuration 
2112 Button</guilabel> icon.</para>
2113 </listitem>
2114 </varlistentry>
2116 </variablelist>
2118 <para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> clicking on a tab icon brings up a 
2119 menu with the following options:</para>
2121 <variablelist>
2122 <varlistentry>
2123 <term><guimenuitem>Set Name</guimenuitem></term>
2124 <listitem><para>This option lets you 
2125 change the Name of that page.</para></listitem>
2126 </varlistentry>
2128 <varlistentry>
2129 <term><guimenuitem>Set URL</guimenuitem></term>
2130 <listitem><para>This option lets you 
2131 change the &URL; (path) of the folder viewed in that page.</para></listitem>
2132 </varlistentry>
2134 <varlistentry>
2135 <term><guimenuitem>Set Icon</guimenuitem></term>
2136 <listitem><para>To change the tab icon.</para></listitem>
2137 </varlistentry>
2139 <varlistentry>
2140 <term><guimenuitem>Show Hidden Folders</guimenuitem></term>
2141 <listitem><para>Toggle whether hidden folders (folders with names that start with a dot) should be shown in the treeview.</para></listitem>
2142 </varlistentry>
2144 <varlistentry>
2145 <term><guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem></term>
2146 <listitem><para>To remove the tab page from the Sidebar.</para>
2147 </listitem>
2148 </varlistentry>
2150 <varlistentry>
2151 <term><guimenuitem>Configure Sidebar</guimenuitem></term>
2152 <listitem><para>The last item shows the Sidebar configuration submenu
2153 as described above.</para>
2154 </listitem>
2155 </varlistentry>
2157 </variablelist>
2159 </chapter>
2160 -->
2161 <chapter id="save-settings">
2163 <chapterinfo>
2164 <authorgroup>
2165 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
2167 </authorgroup>
2169 </chapterinfo>
2171 <title>Saving Settings</title>
2172 <para>You can specify different <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu settings
2173 for an individual folder. To do this select <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu>
2174 <guimenuitem>Adjust View Properties...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,
2175 change the <guimenu>View</guimenu> settings in the dialog to whatever you want. Then apply 
2176 the view properties to the <guilabel>Current folder</guilabel>. Doing this
2177 creates a <filename>.directory</filename> file in that folder to hold the
2178 folder <guimenu>View</guimenu> settings. Use this dialog again to remove the folder specific
2179 settings (or just delete the <filename>.directory</filename> file).</para>
2180 <note><para>One nice use of this feature is if you have a folder full of
2181 pictures, you can set that particular folder to display thumbnails of the
2182 pictures (by choosing the <menuchoice><guisubmenu>View Mode</guisubmenu>
2183 <guimenuitem>Icons</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and <guimenuitem>Preview</guimenuitem> 
2184 from the <guimenu>View</guimenu> menu) when you open it, while 
2185 not displaying images as thumbnails in other folders.</para></note>
2187 </chapter>
2189 <chapter id="plugins">
2191 <chapterinfo>
2192 <authorgroup>
2193 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
2195 </authorgroup>
2197 </chapterinfo>
2200 <title>Plugins</title>
2202 <!-- 
2203 adblock from baseapps+extragear
2204 Show all blockable html elements
2206 akregator
2207 This works on KHTMLPart and allows you to add feeds to Akregator directly from Konqueror.
2209 konq plugins in other modules
2210 kdeutils 
2211   filelight
2212   ark?
2214 kdebase apps
2215   kttsdplugin (browser mode ?)
2216   shellcmdplugin (file manager mode)
2218 kdenetwork
2219   Download Manager kget (browser mode)
2221 kdepim
2222   Konqueror Feed Icon akregator
2224 extragear/network
2225   Konqueror Choqok Plugin
2227 extragear/base
2228   Nepomuk-Webminer Plugin
2230 playground/utils  
2231   Userscript (Grease Monkey) Support khtml_userscript
2232 -->
2234 <sect1 id="konq-plugin">
2235 <title>&konqueror; Plugins</title>
2237 <para>&kde; releases several useful plugins that interact with
2238 &konqueror; in various ways. These are explained briefly below.</para>
2240 <para>Use <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure 
2241 Extensions...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to open a dialog with all installed plugins and select
2242 the ones you need. All plugins are accessible in the <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu.</para>
2244 <para>Only plugins appropriate for the current mode (file manager or browser in KHTML/WebEngine view)
2245 are listed in the dialog.</para>
2247 <variablelist>
2248 <title>Browser Mode</title>
2249 <!-- 
2250 FIXME 16.12
2251 KHTML:  Auto Refresh, HTML Settings, Translate (disabled), Document Relations, Search Bar
2252 kwebkitpart for kf5 in extragear/base in branch frameworks
2253 WebKit only HTML Settings and Translate (disabled)
2254 WebEngine -> no extensions
2255 -->
2256 <varlistentry> <!-- disabled here, why?-->
2257 <term>Web Page Translation</term>
2258 <listitem><para>This uses the machine translation service provided by <ulink
2259 url="http://translate.google.com/">Google Translate</ulink> to translate the current
2260 <acronym>HTML</acronym> page to whatever language you want (within reason). It
2261 can be launched with <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guisubmenu>Translate
2262 Web Page</guisubmenu></menuchoice>.</para>
2263 <para>If you have a portion of the text on the page selected, that
2264 will be translated instead of the entire &URL;.</para>
2266 <important>
2267 <para>Machine translation is not a perfect science!  Google will at
2268 best give you a rough translation, and at worst will give you a very
2269 funny read.  Don't base important decisions on things you have read
2270 from a Google translated page, without confirming that the
2271 translation is indeed accurate.</para>
2272 </important>
2274 <note> 
2275 <para>You may only translate web pages that are accessible on the
2276 world wide web.  To translate any other text, you should go directly
2277 to the Google site itself, where you are able to paste in text for
2278 translation.</para>
2279 </note>
2280 </listitem>
2281 </varlistentry>
2283 <varlistentry>
2284 <term>HTML Settings (KHTML view)</term>
2285 <listitem><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guisubmenu>HTML
2286 Settings</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to enable or disable a number of HTML
2287 settings without going through the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> dialog.
2288 </para>
2289 <variablelist>
2290 <varlistentry>
2291 <term><guimenuitem>JavaScript</guimenuitem></term>
2292 <listitem><para>Allows you to turn the use of JavaScript in &konqueror; on or off.</para></listitem>
2293 </varlistentry>
2295 <varlistentry>
2296 <term><guimenuitem>Java</guimenuitem></term>
2297 <listitem><para>Allows you to turn the use of &Java; in &konqueror; on or off.</para></listitem>
2298 </varlistentry>
2300 <varlistentry>
2301 <term><guimenuitem>Cookies</guimenuitem></term>
2302 <listitem><para>Allows you to turn the use of Cookies in &konqueror; on or off.</para></listitem>
2303 </varlistentry>
2305 <varlistentry>
2306 <term><guimenuitem>Plugins</guimenuitem></term>
2307 <listitem><para>Allows you to turn the use of the &konqueror; plugins you have installed on or off.</para></listitem>
2308 </varlistentry>
2310 <varlistentry>
2311 <term><guimenuitem>Autoload Images</guimenuitem></term>
2312 <listitem><para>Allows you to turn on or off the loading of images in web pages.</para></listitem>
2313 </varlistentry>
2315 <varlistentry>
2316 <term><guimenuitem>Enable Proxy</guimenuitem></term>
2317 <listitem><para>Allows you to enable or disable the use of a proxy in the &konqueror; browser.</para></listitem>
2318 </varlistentry>
2320 <varlistentry>
2321 <term><guimenuitem>Enable Cache</guimenuitem></term>
2322 <listitem><para>Allows you to enable or disable the use of a cache in the &konqueror; browser.</para></listitem>
2323 </varlistentry>
2325 <varlistentry>
2326 <term><guimenuitem>Cache Policy</guimenuitem></term>
2327 <listitem>
2328 <para>The Cache Policy submenu provides you with a way to configure how
2329 &konqueror; uses a cache. The possible uses include:</para>
2330 <itemizedlist>
2331 <listitem><para>Keep Cache in Sync</para></listitem>
2332 <listitem><para>Use Cache if Possible</para></listitem>
2333 <listitem><para>Offline Browsing Mode</para></listitem>
2334 </itemizedlist>
2335 </listitem>
2336 </varlistentry>
2337 </variablelist>
2339 </listitem>
2340 </varlistentry>
2341 <!--FIXME not in kf5
2342 <varlistentry>
2343 <term>User Agent Changer</term>
2344 <listitem><para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guisubmenu>Change
2345 Browser Identification</guisubmenu></menuchoice> to get a menu that allows
2346 you to change the User Agent string without going through the 
2347 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> dialog procedure.
2348 </para>
2349 <para>The plugin allows you to
2350 change the Browser and Operating System identification on a
2351 domain-by-domain basis. This is useful when browsing websites that
2352 limit access to those using a particular web browser.</para>
2353 <variablelist>
2354 <varlistentry>
2355 <term><guimenuitem>Default Identification</guimenuitem></term>
2356 <listitem><para>The default User Agent header for &konqueror; is Mozilla/5.0(compatible;Konqueror/4.7)(KHTML/4.7, like Gecko).  If you come across a site that refuses this browser access, change your User Agent to one of the options below.</para></listitem>
2357 </varlistentry>
2359 <varlistentry>
2360 <term>Browser submenu</term>
2361 <listitem><para>
2362 The following menu items show a list of popular browsers such as <guimenuitem>Firefox</guimenuitem>,
2363 <guimenuitem>Internet Explorer</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Netscape Navigator</guimenuitem>,
2364 <guimenuitem>Opera</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Other</guimenuitem>, and <guimenuitem>Safari</guimenuitem>.
2365 </para></listitem>
2366 </varlistentry>
2368 <varlistentry>
2369 <term><guimenuitem>Apply To Entire Site</guimenuitem></term>
2370 <listitem><para>This option allows you to specify that the defined User Agent applies across every page on the site you are visiting.</para></listitem>
2371 </varlistentry>
2373 <varlistentry>
2374 <term><guimenuitem>Configure</guimenuitem></term>
2375 <listitem><para>Selecting <guimenuitem>Configure</guimenuitem> opens the settings dialog and allows you to fine tune the amount of information you wish to reveal about the browser and operating system being used.</para></listitem>
2376 </varlistentry>
2377 </variablelist>
2379 </listitem>
2380 </varlistentry>
2381 -->
2383 <varlistentry>
2384 <term>Auto Refresh (KHTML view only)</term>
2385 <listitem><para>This works on any readonly part (though currently it only plugs into
2386 khtmlpart). It lets you tell &konqueror; to refresh a page automatically
2387 after a specific period. This is useful for things like news pages,
2388 and should be very nice for people using Kiosk mode
2389 </para></listitem>
2390 </varlistentry>
2392 </variablelist>
2394 <variablelist>
2395 <title>File Manager Mode</title>
2397 <varlistentry>
2398 <term>Directory Filter</term>
2399 <listitem><para>This is controlled by
2400 <menuchoice><shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
2401 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guisubmenu>Show Filter Bar</guisubmenu></menuchoice> and allows you to choose which types of item
2402 are displayed in a folder.</para></listitem>
2403 </varlistentry>
2405 <varlistentry>
2406 <term>Image Gallery</term>
2407 <listitem><para>In File Manager mode, you can select
2408 <menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu><guisubmenu>Create Image
2409 Gallery</guisubmenu></menuchoice> or use <keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo> 
2410 to create an HTML page with thumbnails of all the images in the current folder. 
2411 By default the HTML page is called <filename>images.html</filename> and the thumbnails 
2412 are put into a new <filename>images</filename> folder.</para>
2413 <para>When you start the Image Gallery plugin a dialog opens allowing you to adjust the 
2414 way the gallery is created.</para>
2416 <variablelist id="page_look_dialog">
2417 <title>Page Look</title>
2418 <varlistentry>
2419 <term>The Look dialog is for adjusting the appearance of the gallery page.</term>
2420 <listitem>
2422 <screenshot>
2423 <screeninfo>Look Dialog Screenshot</screeninfo>
2424 <mediaobject>
2425 <imageobject>
2426 <imagedata fileref="look.png" format="PNG"/>
2427 </imageobject>
2428 <textobject>
2429 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase>
2430 </textobject>
2431 </mediaobject>
2432 </screenshot>
2434 <variablelist>
2436 <varlistentry>
2437 <term><guimenuitem>Page title</guimenuitem></term>
2438 <listitem><para>The Page title option has a text input box for changing the title of the image gallery page.</para></listitem>
2439 </varlistentry>
2441 <varlistentry>
2442 <term><guimenuitem>Images per row</guimenuitem></term>
2443 <listitem><para>The Images per row option has a slider and a spin box for adjusting the number of thumbnails that are in a single row in the gallery.</para></listitem>
2444 </varlistentry>
2446 <varlistentry>
2447 <term><guimenuitem>Show image file name</guimenuitem></term>
2448 <listitem><para>The Show image file name check box allows you to choose whether
2449 to display filenames below the gallery thumbnails.</para></listitem>
2450 </varlistentry>
2452 <varlistentry>
2453 <term><guimenuitem>Show image file size</guimenuitem></term>
2454 <listitem><para>The Show image filesize check box allows you to choose whether
2455 to display filesizes below the gallery thumbnails.</para></listitem>
2456 </varlistentry>
2458 <varlistentry>
2459 <term><guimenuitem>Show image dimensions</guimenuitem></term>
2460 <listitem><para>The Show image dimensions check box allows you to choose
2461 whether to display image dimensions in pixels below the gallery thumbnails.</para></listitem>
2462 </varlistentry>
2464 <varlistentry>
2465 <term><guimenuitem>Font name</guimenuitem></term>
2466 <listitem><para>The Font name combo box provides you with a choice of which font to use in creating the gallery.</para></listitem>
2467 </varlistentry>
2469 <varlistentry>
2470 <term><guimenuitem>Font size</guimenuitem></term>
2471 <listitem><para>The Font size spin box is for changing the size of the font you selected.</para></listitem>
2472 </varlistentry>
2474 <varlistentry>
2475 <term><guimenuitem>Foreground color</guimenuitem></term>
2476 <listitem><para>The Foreground color option has a selector for choosing the foreground color of the gallery, this includes the text areas.</para></listitem>
2477 </varlistentry>
2479 <varlistentry>
2480 <term><guimenuitem>Background color</guimenuitem></term>
2481 <listitem><para>The Background color option has a selector for choosing the background color of the gallery.</para></listitem>
2482 </varlistentry>
2484 </variablelist>
2486 <variablelist id="folders_dialog">
2487 <title>Folders</title>
2488 <varlistentry>
2489 <term>The Folders dialog is used for choosing where to save the gallery. 
2490 This dialog is also used to configure which folders are used.</term>
2491 <listitem>
2493 <screenshot>
2494 <screeninfo>Folders Dialog Screenshot</screeninfo>
2495 <mediaobject>
2496 <imageobject>
2497 <imagedata fileref="folders.png" format="PNG"/>
2498 </imageobject>
2499 <textobject>
2500 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase>
2501 </textobject>
2502 </mediaobject>
2503 </screenshot>
2505 <variablelist>
2507 <varlistentry>
2508 <term><guimenuitem>Save to HTML file</guimenuitem></term>
2509 <listitem><para>The Save to file selector allows you to decide where you want
2510 to save your image gallery html page.</para></listitem>
2511 </varlistentry>
2513 <varlistentry>
2514 <term><guimenuitem>Recurse subfolders</guimenuitem></term>
2515 <listitem><para>The Recurse subfolders check box enables recursing of subdirectories. If the check box is enabled, a slider and spin box are enabled to select the recursion depth.</para></listitem>
2516 </varlistentry>
2518 <varlistentry>
2519 <term><guimenuitem>Copy original files</guimenuitem></term>
2520 <listitem><para>The Copy original files check box creates an image folder storing copies of the original images used in the gallery.</para></listitem>
2521 </varlistentry>
2523 <varlistentry>
2524 <term><guimenuitem>Use comment file</guimenuitem></term>
2525 <listitem><para>The use comment file check box enables a file selector to choose a comments file to use with your gallery.
2526 The comment file contains the subtitles for the images.</para>
2527 <para>The format of this file is:</para>
2528 <programlisting># this is a comment, lines starting with '#' are ignored
2530 Description
2533 Description
2534 </programlisting>
2535 </listitem>
2536 </varlistentry>
2538 </variablelist>
2540 </listitem>
2541 </varlistentry>
2543 </variablelist>
2545 <variablelist id="thumbnails_dialog">
2546 <title>Thumbnails</title>
2547 <varlistentry>
2548 <term>The thumbnails dialog is used for adjusting the properties of the thumbnails in the gallery.</term>
2549 <listitem>
2551 <screenshot>
2552 <screeninfo>Thumbnails Dialog Screenshot</screeninfo>
2553 <mediaobject>
2554 <imageobject>
2555 <imagedata fileref="thumbnails.png" format="PNG"/>
2556 </imageobject>
2557 <textobject>
2558 <phrase>Screenshot</phrase>
2559 </textobject>
2560 </mediaobject>
2561 </screenshot>
2563 <variablelist>
2565 <varlistentry>
2566 <term><guimenuitem>Image format for the thumbnails</guimenuitem></term>
2567 <listitem><para>The image format combo box allows you to choose which format is
2568 used for the thumbnail images.</para></listitem>
2569 </varlistentry>
2571 <varlistentry>
2572 <term><guimenuitem>Thumbnail size</guimenuitem></term>
2573 <listitem><para>The thumbnail size option provides a slider and spin box for adjusting the size of the thumbnails used in the gallery.</para></listitem>
2574 </varlistentry>
2576 <varlistentry>
2577 <term><guimenuitem>Set different color depth</guimenuitem></term>
2578 <listitem><para>The set different color depth check box enables a combo box for changing the color depth of the thumbnails if you wish to use a different color depth to that used in the original image.</para></listitem>
2579 </varlistentry>
2581 </variablelist>
2582 </listitem>
2583 </varlistentry>
2585 </variablelist>
2588 </listitem>
2589 </varlistentry>
2591 </variablelist>
2593 </listitem>
2594 </varlistentry>
2596 <varlistentry>
2597 <term>Search Bar</term>
2598 <listitem><para>Provides a text box for easy access to search engines such as Google.
2599 Clicking on the icon on the left side of the search box opens a menu to select
2600 and enable different search engines and configure their <ulink
2601 url="help:/kcontrol/webshortcuts/index.html">Web Shortcuts</ulink>.
2602 </para>
2603 </listitem>
2604 </varlistentry>
2606 <varlistentry>
2607 <term>Shell Command Plugin</term>
2608 <listitem><para>This plugin enables you to execute a shell command in the current folder
2609 and view the output in a separate window.
2610 </para></listitem>
2611 </varlistentry>
2613 <!--FIXME
2614 imagerotation context menu Actions -> Convert to -> JPEG,PNG,GIF,TIFF 
2615 (rotation disabled) always installed
2617 Additional Download Manager from KGet
2618 -->
2619 </variablelist>
2621 </sect1>
2623 </chapter>
2625 <chapter id="view-extensions">
2627 <title>View Mode Extensions</title>
2629 <!--filemanager mode:
2630 default Icons/Details/Compact (Dolphin), File Size View (konq-plugins)
2631 additional Terminal Emulator (Konsole), (File Replace View (kdewebdev), )Cervisia (kdesdk), SVN Client, Radial Map (Filelight-kdeutils) and more
2632 browser mode:
2633 default KHTML, Embedded Advanced Text Editor
2634 additional KImageMapEditor+KLinkStatusPart (kdewebdev), Okular and more
2635   -->
2636 <para>&konqueror; provides additional views in <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu>
2637 <guisubmenu>View Mode</guisubmenu></menuchoice> in file manager and browser mode, if 
2638 the corresponding applications and plugins are installed.</para>
2639 <para>The file manager mode has the additional views <guimenuitem>Radial Map</guimenuitem> 
2640 from the application <application>Filelight</application> and the &konqueror; plugin 
2641 <guimenuitem>File Size View</guimenuitem>.</para>
2643 <sect1 id="fsview">
2644 <sect1info>
2645 <authorgroup>
2646 <author>
2647 <personname><firstname>Josef</firstname>
2648 <surname>Weidendorfer</surname></personname>
2649 <address><email>Josef.Weidendorfer@gmx.de</email></address>
2650 </author>
2652 </authorgroup>
2654 </sect1info>
2656 <title>&fsview; - the File System View</title>
2657 <sect2>
2658 <title>Introduction</title>
2660 <para>The &fsview; Plugin for &konqueror; is another view mode for
2661 objects of mimetype <literal>inode/directory</literal> for local
2662 files. It can be viewed as an alternative to the various iconviews and
2663 listviews for browsing the content of your local file system.</para>
2665 <para>The unique property of &fsview; is its ability to show whole
2666 nested folder hierarchies using a so-called tree map for graphical
2667 visualization. Tree maps allow for displaying metrics of objects in
2668 nested structures: each object is represented by a rectangle whose
2669 area is proportional to its metric. The sum of the children's metrics must be
2670 equal to or smaller than the parent object's metric.</para>
2672 <para>For &fsview;, sizes of files and folders are chosen as the
2673 metric, where the size of a folder is defined to be the sum of the
2674 sizes of its subitems. This way, big files even deep down in the
2675 folder hierarchy can be spotted easily be looking for large
2676 rectangles. So &fsview; can be looked at as a graphical and interactive
2677 version of the &UNIX; <command>du</command> command.</para>
2679 <para>The integration of &fsview; as part of Konqueror allows it to
2680 use the standard features such as context file menus, and mime type
2681 sensitive actions. But it was chosen not to implement automatic
2682 update by watching file system changes: if you delete a file shown
2683 in &fsview; outside of &konqueror;, you have to update manually by
2684 &eg; pressing <keycap>F5</keycap> to see the change. The reason for this
2685 decision is the potentially huge number of files which would have to be watched
2686 for changes, and thus, could put an unreasonable pressure on system
2687 resources for a small feature.</para>
2689 </sect2>
2691 <sect2>
2692 <title>Visualization Features</title>
2694 <para>This section explains the graphical visualization of &fsview;
2695 in detail.</para>
2697 <sect3>
2698 <title>Item Drawing Options</title>
2700 <para>In &fsview;, an item of the tree map visualization is a rectangle
2701 representing a file or folder of your file system. For easier navigation,
2702 rectangles have meaningful coloring and labeling options.</para>
2704 <para>The color of a rectangle, switchable via menu item
2705 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guisubmenu>Color
2706 Mode</guisubmenu></menuchoice> can be either representative of
2707 <guimenuitem>Depth</guimenuitem>, for easy detection of nesting, or
2708 a color mapping of different file attributes such as name, owner, group,
2709 or mime type.</para>
2711 <para>A rectangle can be labeled with the various attributes
2712 of the corresponding file or folder. For each attribute, you can
2713 choose whether it should be shown at all, only if space is available,
2714 or if space should be taken from children (thus introducing
2715 errors to pure tree map drawing constraints). Additionally, you can choose
2716 the relative location of the label in the rectangle.</para>
2718 </sect3>
2720 <sect3>
2721 <title>TreeMap Drawing Algorithms</title>
2723 <para>For drawing algorithms in tree maps, the rule that the area
2724 is proportional to the metric of an item should hold true.
2725 With the tree map in &fsview;, this goal isn't always met: we draw borders
2726 to show the nesting of items, and this border takes space for an item
2727 which is possibly lost for the areas of child items. Note that
2728 less space is lost for the border if the rectangle is quadratic.</para>
2730 <para>Similarly, it is better for a good overview to let each rectangle
2731 at least have its name as a label. It is an option to
2732 always force space for labels, or only to draw labels when empty space
2733 is available. In the latter case, the tool tips appearing when the
2734 mouse is held over an item can help a lot. They show
2735 information for the item the mouse is currently over, together with
2736 its parent folders up to the root item of the tree map.</para>
2738 <para>How the space of an item is split into subareas for children is
2739 left to the implementation. It is always better to try to split areas
2740 in such a way that rectangles are as quadratic as possible, both for
2741 labeling and less space lost by borders. The best methods in this
2742 regard are <guilabel>Rows</guilabel>, <guilabel>Columns</guilabel>, or
2743 <guilabel>Recursive Bisection</guilabel>.</para>
2745 <para>You can choose the minimal area of items to be drawn via the
2746 menu item <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Stop at
2747 Area</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Instead, a hash pattern will be drawn
2748 over the parents area to signal that this space is in fact occupied by
2749 a child or children.</para>
2751 </sect3>
2753 </sect2>
2755 <sect2>
2756 <title>User Interface</title>
2758 <para>&fsview; supports multiple selection of items, similar to the
2759 iconview and listview. This allows for actions to be done
2760 simultaneously to a set of files. A simple mouse click always selects
2761 a single item below the mouse pointer. Use a mouse click in
2762 combination with pressing the &Shift; key for range selection or the
2763 &Ctrl; key for selection toggle. Note that by selecting an item, subitems can no
2764 longer be selected. Selecting an item will also clear the selection of all its
2765 parent items before.</para>
2767 <para>Keyboard navigation is available in tree maps: use
2768 <keycap>Left Arrow</keycap> and <keycap>Right Arrow</keycap> keys to
2769 move the current item between siblings, and the <keycap>Up
2770 Arrow</keycap> and <keycap>Down Arrow</keycap> keys to go up and down
2771 the nesting hierarchy. <keycap>Space</keycap> selects the item; in
2772 conjunction with &Shift; does range selection; and with the &Ctrl; key
2773 held down simultaneously, toggles selection of the current item. Press
2774 <keycap>Return</keycap> to run the open action on the current item.</para>
2776 </sect2>
2778 <sect2>
2779 <title>Credits and License</title>
2780 <para>Originally, &fsview; was meant as a small test application and
2781 usage tutorial for the TreeMap widget developed within
2782 <application>KCachegrind</application>.</para>
2783 <para>Copyright by Josef Weidendorfer, licensed using GPL V2.</para>
2784 </sect2>
2786 </sect1>
2787 </chapter>
2789 <chapter id="config">
2791 <chapterinfo>
2792 <authorgroup>
2793 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
2795 </authorgroup>
2797 </chapterinfo>
2800 <title>Configuring &konqueror;</title>
2802 <para>In common with the rest of &kde;, &konqueror; is highly configurable, so
2803 you can really get the look and feel that best fits your needs and
2804 wishes.</para>
2806 <para>When &kde; is newly installed, &konqueror;'s window contains a Menubar, 
2807 Main and Location Toolbars and possibly a Bookmark Toolbar.</para>
2809 <para>For detailed information how to modify toolbars and shortcuts please
2810 read the sections about <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/config.html#toolbars">Toolbars</ulink>
2811 and <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/config.html#shortcuts">Shortcuts</ulink> in the Fundamentals.
2812 </para>
2814 <sect1 id="othersettings">
2815 <title>Other Settings</title>
2816 <para>Selecting <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>
2817 Configure Konqueror...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> brings up a dialog box 
2818 which you can use to control most aspects of &konqueror;'s behavior.</para> 
2819 <para>It contains these sections which are selected by <mousebutton>left
2820 </mousebutton> clicking on one of the icons at the left of the dialog 
2821 box:</para>
2822 <itemizedlist>
2823 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/khtml-general/index.html">General</ulink>: 
2824 Configure general &konqueror; behavior</para></listitem>
2825 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/performance/index.html">Performance</ulink>: 
2826 Configure settings that can improve &konqueror;'s performance</para></listitem>
2827 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/bookmarks/index.html">Bookmarks</ulink>: 
2828 Configure the bookmarks home page</para></listitem>
2829 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/filemanager/index.html">File Management</ulink>: 
2830 You can configure how Konqueror behaves as a file manager here</para></listitem>
2831 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/dolphin/configuring-dolphin.html#preferences-dialog-viewmodes">View Modes</ulink>: 
2832 Configure file manager view modes</para></listitem>
2833 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/dolphin/configuring-dolphin.html#preferences-dialog-navigation">Navigation</ulink>: 
2834 Configure file manager navigation</para></listitem>
2835 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/dolphin/configuring-dolphin.html#preferences-dialog-services">Services</ulink>: 
2836 Configure file manager services</para></listitem>
2837 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/dolphin/configuring-dolphin.html#preferences-dialog-general">General</ulink>: 
2838 Configure general file manager settings</para></listitem>
2839 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/filetypes/index.html">File Associations</ulink>: 
2840 Configure file associations</para></listitem>
2841 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/trash/index.html">Trash</ulink>: 
2842 Configure trash settings</para></listitem>
2843 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/khtml-behavior/index.html">Web Browsing</ulink>: 
2844 Configure the browser behavior</para></listitem>
2845 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/proxy/index.html">Proxy</ulink>: 
2846 Configure the proxy servers used</para></listitem>
2847 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/kcmcss/index.html">Appearance</ulink>: 
2848 Configure how to display web pages</para></listitem>
2849 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/khtml-adblock/index.html">AdBlocK Filters</ulink>: 
2850 Configure &konqueror; AdBlocK filters</para></listitem>
2851 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/cache/index.html">Cache</ulink>:
2852 Configure web cache settings</para></listitem>
2853 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/history/index.html">History</ulink>: 
2854 Configure the history sidebar</para></listitem>
2855 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/cookies/index.html">Cookies</ulink>: 
2856 Configure the way cookies work</para></listitem>
2857 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/useragent/index.html">Browser Identification</ulink>: 
2858 Configure the way Konqueror reports itself</para></listitem>
2859 <listitem><para><ulink url="help:/kcontrol/khtml-java-js/index.html">Java &amp; JavaScript</ulink>: 
2860 Configure the behavior of Java and JavaScript</para></listitem>
2861 </itemizedlist>
2862 <para>Pressing the <guibutton>Help</guibutton> button will give you 
2863 detailed instructions about how to use each of these sections, or you can 
2864 use the <link linkend="bubble">What's This?</link> feature.</para>
2865 </sect1>
2867 </chapter>
2869 <chapter id="commands">
2871 <chapterinfo>
2872 <authorgroup>
2873 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
2875 </authorgroup>
2877 </chapterinfo>
2879 <title>Command Reference</title>
2881 <note><para>The shortcut key combinations shown in this chapter are the 
2882 default ones. They can of course be changed.
2883 </para></note>
2885 <sect1 id="specshort">
2886 <title>Special Shortcuts</title>
2887 <para>There are some useful shortcuts that are not shown in any of the menus:</para>
2888 <variablelist>
2890 <varlistentry>
2891 <term><keycap>F6</keycap></term>
2892 <listitem>
2893 <para>Sets the focus to the text entry box in the Location Toolbar.</para>
2894 </listitem>
2895 </varlistentry>
2897 <varlistentry>
2898 <term><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>.</keycap></keycombo></term>
2899 <listitem>
2900 <para>Activate the next tab page.</para>
2901 </listitem>
2902 </varlistentry>
2904 <varlistentry>
2905 <term><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>,</keycap></keycombo></term>
2906 <listitem>
2907 <para>Activate the previous tab page.</para>
2908 </listitem>
2909 </varlistentry>
2911 </variablelist>
2914 </sect1>
2916 <sect1 id="menubar">
2917 <title>The Menubar</title> <para>Note that some menu entries only appear when
2918 they are applicable to the file you currently have open in &konqueror;. For
2919 example, the
2920 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Find...</guimenuitem>
2921 </menuchoice>
2922 item will not appear when you are viewing the contents of a directory.</para>
2924 <para>&konqueror; has different menu items in file manager and browser mode. Only 
2925 the items for these two modes are described in this chapter.
2926 </para>
2928 <para>If <emphasis>&konqueror;</emphasis> is using embedded components (&kde; Parts) 
2929 such as &gwenview; for image viewing, &okular; for
2930 <acronym>PDF</acronym> and &PostScript; documents &etc; the menu items from these
2931 applications are merged into &konqueror;'s menu. Help for these additional menu items
2932 you find in the handbook of the embedded application.</para>
2934 <sect2 id="menu-location">
2935 <title>The File Menu</title>
2937 <variablelist>
2938 <varlistentry>
2939 <term><menuchoice>
2940 <shortcut>
2941 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
2942 </shortcut>
2943 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
2944 <guimenuitem>New Window</guimenuitem>
2945 </menuchoice></term>
2946 <listitem><para>Open another &konqueror;
2947 window.</para></listitem>
2948 </varlistentry>
2950 <varlistentry>
2951 <term><menuchoice>
2952 <shortcut>
2953 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>
2954 </shortcut>
2955 <guimenu>File</guimenu> <guimenuitem>New Tab</guimenuitem>
2956 </menuchoice></term> 
2957 <listitem><para>Open another &konqueror; tab, containing a
2958 blank page.</para></listitem>
2959 </varlistentry>
2961 <varlistentry>
2962 <term><menuchoice>
2963 <shortcut>
2964 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
2965 </shortcut>
2966 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
2967 <guimenuitem>Open Location...</guimenuitem>
2968 </menuchoice></term>
2969 <listitem><para>Sets the focus to the text entry box in the Location Toolbar.</para></listitem>
2970 </varlistentry>
2972 <varlistentry>
2973 <term><menuchoice>
2974 <shortcut>
2975 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>
2976 </shortcut>
2977 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
2978 <guimenuitem>Open File...</guimenuitem>
2979 </menuchoice></term>
2980 <listitem><para>Open a file using the &kde; file dialog.</para></listitem>
2981 </varlistentry>
2983 <varlistentry>
2984 <term><menuchoice>
2985 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
2986 <guimenuitem>Sessions</guimenuitem>
2987 </menuchoice></term>
2988 <listitem><para>Open a submenu to save the current session (open tabs and windows)
2989 for easy retrieval, manage sessions and switch to previously saved sessions.</para></listitem>
2990 </varlistentry>
2992 <varlistentry>
2993 <term><menuchoice>
2994 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
2995 <guimenuitem>Send Link Address...</guimenuitem>
2996 </menuchoice></term>
2997 <listitem><para>Send an email containing a link to the current
2998 location.</para></listitem>
2999 </varlistentry>
3001 <varlistentry>
3002 <term><menuchoice>
3003 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3004 <guimenuitem>Send File...</guimenuitem>
3005 </menuchoice></term>
3006 <listitem><para>Send an email containing the selected file as an
3007 attachment.</para></listitem>
3008 </varlistentry>
3011 <varlistentry>
3012 <term><menuchoice>
3013 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3014 <guimenuitem>Save Background Image As...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - KHTML view)</term>
3015 <listitem>
3016 <para>Only applies if you are viewing a web page with a background image. Opens
3017 the <guilabel>Save As</guilabel> dialog box to let you save the background
3018 image file to your own computer.</para>
3019 </listitem>
3020 </varlistentry>
3022 <varlistentry>
3023 <term><menuchoice>
3024 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3025 <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3026 <listitem><para>Only applies if you are viewing a document or web page, uses
3027 the <guilabel>Save As...</guilabel> dialog box to let you save a copy to your own
3028 computer.</para></listitem>
3029 </varlistentry>
3031 <varlistentry>
3032 <term><menuchoice>
3033 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3034 <guimenuitem>Save Frame As...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3035 <listitem><para>Similar to <guimenuitem>Save As...</guimenuitem> but for
3036 use with a web site that uses frames.</para></listitem>
3037 </varlistentry>
3039 <varlistentry>
3040 <term><menuchoice>
3041 <shortcut>
3042 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo>
3043 </shortcut>
3044 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3045 <guimenuitem>Print...</guimenuitem>
3046 </menuchoice></term>
3047 <listitem><para>Print.</para></listitem>
3048 </varlistentry>
3050 <varlistentry>
3051 <term><menuchoice>
3052 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3053 <guimenuitem>Print Frame</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3054 <listitem><para>Print selected frame of a Web
3055 page.</para></listitem>
3056 </varlistentry>
3058 <varlistentry>
3059 <term><menuchoice>
3060 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3061 <guimenuitem>Open With</guimenuitem>
3062 </menuchoice></term>
3063 <listitem><para>Displays a list of applications installed on the system associated
3064 with the mimetype of the current URL.</para></listitem>
3065 </varlistentry>
3067 <varlistentry>
3068 <term><menuchoice>
3069 <shortcut>
3070 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
3071 </shortcut>
3072 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
3073 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
3074 </menuchoice></term>
3075 <listitem><para>Close down this instance of
3076 &konqueror;.</para></listitem>
3077 </varlistentry>
3079 </variablelist>
3081 </sect2>
3083 <sect2 id="menu-edit">
3084 <title>The Edit Menu</title>
3086 <note><para>Some items in the Menubar <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu can also be
3087 found by &RMB; clicking on a free area of a view.</para></note>
3089 <variablelist>
3091 <varlistentry>
3092 <term><menuchoice>
3093 <shortcut>
3094 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Z</keycap></keycombo>
3095 </shortcut>
3096 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3097 <guimenuitem>Undo: <replaceable>Action</replaceable></guimenuitem>
3098 </menuchoice></term>
3099 <listitem><para>Sometimes lets you reverse a mistaken
3100 action.</para></listitem>
3101 </varlistentry>
3103 <varlistentry>
3104 <term><menuchoice>
3105 <shortcut>
3106 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>
3107 </shortcut>
3108 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3109 <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
3110 </menuchoice></term>
3111 <listitem><para>Puts selected item(s) into the clipboard.  If
3112 you then paste the items they will be moved
3113 from the original location to the new one.</para></listitem>
3114 </varlistentry>
3116 <varlistentry>
3117 <term><menuchoice>
3118 <shortcut>
3119 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
3120 </shortcut>
3121 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3122 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>
3123 </menuchoice></term>
3124 <listitem><para>Copy selected item(s) to the
3125 clipboard.</para></listitem>
3126 </varlistentry>
3128 <varlistentry>
3129 <term><menuchoice>
3130 <shortcut>
3131 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>
3132 </shortcut>
3133 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3134 <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3135 <listitem><para>Paste the clipboard content into the Location Bar, if the Location Bar has the focus.</para></listitem>
3136 </varlistentry>
3138 <varlistentry>
3139 <term><menuchoice>
3140 <shortcut>
3141 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>
3142 </shortcut>
3143 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3144 <guimenuitem>Paste Clipboard Contents...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or
3145 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Paste one File</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or
3146 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Paste one Folder</guimenuitem></menuchoice> or
3147 <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Paste x Items</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3148 <listitem><para>Paste the currently copied/cut item(s) to the current folder. If the
3149 clipboard does not contain files or folders, the clipboard contents (such as text 
3150 or image data) will be pasted into a new file.</para></listitem>
3151 </varlistentry>
3153 <varlistentry>
3154 <term><menuchoice>
3155 <shortcut>
3156 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
3157 </shortcut><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3158 <guimenuitem>Select All</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3159 <listitem><para>Selects all text in an &HTML; 
3160 page or in a text page being previewed, you can then 
3161 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> it and <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> it into 
3162 a text editor.</para></listitem> </varlistentry>
3164 <varlistentry>
3165 <term><menuchoice>
3166 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3167 <guisubmenu>Create New</guisubmenu></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3168 <listitem><para>Creates a new object (such as a folder or a text file) in 
3169 the current folder. See the <link linkend="making">Create
3170 New...</link> section for more details.</para></listitem>
3171 </varlistentry>
3173 <varlistentry>
3174 <term><menuchoice>
3175 <shortcut><keycap>F2</keycap>
3176 </shortcut><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3177 <guimenuitem>Rename</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3178 <listitem><para>Lets you rename a file or folder without 
3179 having to open the <guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem> dialog box.
3180 </para></listitem>
3181 </varlistentry>
3183 <varlistentry>
3184 <term><menuchoice>
3185 <shortcut><keycap>Del</keycap></shortcut>
3186 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3187 <guimenuitem>Move to Trash</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3188 <listitem><para>Move selected item(s) to the Trash
3189 folder.</para></listitem>
3190 </varlistentry>
3192 <varlistentry>
3193 <term><menuchoice>
3194 <shortcut>
3195 <keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>Del</keycap></keycombo>
3196 </shortcut>
3197 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3198 <guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3199 <listitem><para>Delete the selected item(s).</para></listitem>
3200 </varlistentry>
3202 <varlistentry>
3203 <term><menuchoice>
3204 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3205 <guimenuitem>Edit File Type...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3206 <listitem><para>Open the <guilabel>Edit File Type</guilabel>
3207 dialog box</para></listitem>
3208 </varlistentry>
3210 <varlistentry>
3211 <term><menuchoice>
3212 <shortcut>
3213 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Return</keycap></keycombo>
3214 </shortcut>
3215 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3216 <guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3217 <listitem><para>Shows the properties dialog for the currently selected item(s).</para></listitem>
3218 </varlistentry>
3220 <varlistentry>
3221 <term><menuchoice>
3222 <shortcut>
3223 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
3224 </shortcut>
3225 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3226 <guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
3227 <guimenuitem>Select Items Matching...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3228 <listitem><para>Together with the <guimenuitem>Unselect Items Matching...</guimenuitem>,
3229 <guimenuitem>Unselect All</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>Invert Selection</guimenuitem> 
3230 commands, this provides an easy and powerful way of selecting
3231 multiple files.</para>
3232 <para>It brings up a simple dialog box where you can enter a file
3233 name using the wild card characters * and ?, for example entering
3234 <literal role="extension">*.html</literal> will select all files ending with
3235 <literal role="extension">.html</literal> while <filename>?a*</filename> will
3236 select all files which have the letter a as the second character in their
3237 filename.</para></listitem>
3238 </varlistentry>
3240 <varlistentry>
3241 <term><menuchoice>
3242 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3243 <guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
3244 <guimenuitem>Unselect Items Matching...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3245 <listitem><para>Unselect files or folders via a dialog similar to the one used
3246 by <guimenuitem>Select...</guimenuitem>.</para></listitem>
3247 </varlistentry>
3249 <varlistentry>
3250 <term><menuchoice>
3251 <shortcut>
3252 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
3253 </shortcut><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3254 <guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
3255 <guimenuitem>Select All</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3256 <listitem><para>Selects all items in a folder; you can then
3257 <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem> them and
3258 <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem> them into a different folder.</para></listitem>
3259 </varlistentry>
3261 <varlistentry>
3262 <term><menuchoice>
3263 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3264 <guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
3265 <guimenuitem>Unselect All</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3266 <listitem><para>Unselect all selected files or
3267 folders.</para></listitem>
3268 </varlistentry>
3270 <varlistentry>
3271 <term><menuchoice>
3272 <shortcut>
3273 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>A</keycap></keycombo>
3274 </shortcut><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3275 <guisubmenu>Selection</guisubmenu>
3276 <guimenuitem>Invert Selection</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3277 <listitem><para>Invert current selection.</para></listitem>
3278 </varlistentry>
3280 <varlistentry>
3281 <term><menuchoice>
3282 <shortcut>
3283 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo> 
3284   <!-- Alternate keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>/</keycap></keycombo--><!--FIXME not webkit-->
3285 </shortcut><guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3286 <guimenuitem>Find...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3287 <listitem><para>Displays the search bar at the bottom of the current window.
3288 Start typing to find a text string in a text page you are previewing or in an &HTML;
3289 page.</para></listitem>
3290 </varlistentry>
3292 <varlistentry>
3293 <term><menuchoice>
3294 <shortcut><keycap>F3</keycap></shortcut>
3295 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3296 <guimenuitem>Find Next</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - KHTML view)</term>
3297 <listitem><para>Find the next occurrence of the text string 
3298 in the text or &HTML; page.</para></listitem> 
3299 </varlistentry>
3301 <varlistentry>
3302 <term><menuchoice>
3303 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Shift;<keycap>F3</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3304 <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
3305 <guimenuitem>Find Previous</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - KHTML view)</term>
3306 <listitem><para>Find the previous occurrence of the text string 
3307 in the text or &HTML; page.</para></listitem> 
3308 </varlistentry>
3310 </variablelist>
3312 </sect2>
3314 <sect2 id="menu-view">
3316 <title>The View Menu</title>
3318 <variablelist>
3319 <varlistentry>
3320 <term><menuchoice>
3321 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3322 <guisubmenu>View Mode</guisubmenu>
3323 </menuchoice></term>
3324 <listitem><para>In browser mode this submenu holds items to select embedded
3325 views like <guimenuitem>KHTML</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>WebEngine</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Embedded Advanced 
3326 Text Editor</guimenuitem> and more embedded views.</para>
3327 <para>In file manager mode this submenu holds items to select <guimenuitem>Icon</guimenuitem>,
3328 <guimenuitem>Details</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Compact</guimenuitem>,
3329 <guimenuitem>Terminal Emulator</guimenuitem> and more view modes.</para></listitem>
3330 </varlistentry>
3332 <varlistentry>
3333 <term><menuchoice>
3334 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3335 <guimenuitem>Lock to Current Location</guimenuitem>
3336 </menuchoice></term>
3337 <listitem><para>A locked view cannot change folders. Use in combination 
3338 with <guimenuitem>Link View</guimenuitem> to explore many files from 
3339 one folder.</para></listitem>
3340 </varlistentry>
3342 <varlistentry>
3343 <term><menuchoice>
3344 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3345 <guimenuitem>Link View</guimenuitem>
3346 </menuchoice></term>
3347 <listitem><para>Link current view to others in a multiple view
3348 window. A linked view follows folder changes made in other linked views.
3349 This is especially useful with different types of views, such as a folder tree 
3350 with an icon view or detailed view, and possibly a terminal emulator window.</para></listitem>
3351 </varlistentry>
3353 <varlistentry>
3354 <term><menuchoice>
3355 <shortcut><keycap>F5</keycap></shortcut>
3356 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3357 <guimenuitem>Reload</guimenuitem>
3358 </menuchoice></term>
3359 <listitem><para>Reload.</para></listitem>
3360 </varlistentry>
3362 <varlistentry>
3363 <term><menuchoice>
3364 <shortcut>&Esc;</shortcut>
3365 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3366 <guimenuitem>Stop</guimenuitem>
3367 </menuchoice></term>
3368 <listitem><para>Stop load (particularly useful when web
3369 browsing).</para></listitem>
3370 </varlistentry>
3372 <varlistentry>
3373 <term><menuchoice>
3374 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3375 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3376 <guimenuitem>Enlarge Font</guimenuitem></menuchoice> / 
3377 <menuchoice>
3378 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3379 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3380 <guimenuitem>Shrink Font</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - KHTML view)</term>
3381 <listitem><para>Use these to adjust the size of the text in the
3382 page if you find it difficult to read. How well this works will
3383 depend on how the web page has been constructed.</para></listitem> 
3384 </varlistentry>
3386 <varlistentry>
3387 <term><menuchoice>
3388 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>U</keycap>
3389 </keycombo>
3390 </shortcut>
3391 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3392 <guimenuitem>View Document Source</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - KHTML view)</term>
3393 <listitem><para>View document source text.</para>
3394 <para>Only available if you are viewing a document or &HTML;
3395 page.</para>
3396 </listitem>
3397 </varlistentry>
3399 <varlistentry>
3400 <term><menuchoice>
3401 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3402 <guimenuitem>View Frame Source</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3403 <listitem><para>View frame source text</para>
3404 <para>Only applies if you are viewing a web site that uses frames. Similar to 
3405 <guimenuitem>View Document Source</guimenuitem>. </para>
3406 </listitem>
3407 </varlistentry>
3409 <varlistentry>
3410 <term><menuchoice>
3411 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3412 <guimenuitem>Zoom In</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Zoom Out</guimenuitem>
3413 <guimenuitem>Actual Size</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Zoom Text Only</guimenuitem>
3414 <guimenuitem>Zoom To DPI</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - WebEngine view)</term>
3415 <listitem><para>These menuitems offer different actions to modify the size of the items
3416 in the page.</para>
3417 </listitem>
3418 </varlistentry>
3420 <varlistentry>
3421 <term><menuchoice>
3422 <shortcut><keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>I</keycap>
3423 </keycombo>
3424 </shortcut>
3425 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3426 <guimenuitem>View Document Information</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode - KHTML view)</term>
3427 <listitem><para>View document information, such as title, &URL;, and &HTTP;
3428 headers used in retrieving the document.</para>
3429 <para>Only available if you are viewing an &HTML;
3430 page.</para>
3431 </listitem>
3432 </varlistentry>
3434 <varlistentry>
3435 <term><menuchoice>
3436 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3437 <guimenuitem>Set Encoding</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3438 <listitem><para>Allows you to choose the character encoding used to display
3439 &HTML; pages. <guimenuitem>Default</guimenuitem> is usually the best
3440 choice.</para></listitem>
3441 </varlistentry>
3442 <!-- what is this?
3443 <varlistentry>
3444 <term><menuchoice>
3445 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3446 <guimenuitem>Use Stylesheet</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3447 <listitem><para>???Automatic Detection Basic Page Style KDE Stylesheet</para></listitem>
3448 </varlistentry>
3449 http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=269436
3450 -->
3451 <!--FIXME synced with Dolphin 16.04-->
3452 <varlistentry>
3453 <term><menuchoice>
3454 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3455 <guisubmenu>Sort By</guisubmenu></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3456 <listitem><para><action>Changes whether items are sorted</action> by <guimenuitem>Name</guimenuitem>
3457 or other criteria described in <link linkend="dolphin-view-information">Information in the View</link>.</para>
3458 <para><guimenuitem>Descending</guimenuitem> reverses the sort order.
3459 <guimenuitem>Folders First</guimenuitem> sorts folders before files.
3460 </para></listitem>
3461 </varlistentry>
3463 <varlistentry>
3464 <term><menuchoice>
3465 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3466 <guisubmenu>Additional Information</guisubmenu></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3467 <listitem><para><action>Displays additional information</action> 
3468 described in <link linkend="dolphin-view-information">Information in the View</link>.
3469 </para></listitem>
3470 </varlistentry>
3472 <varlistentry>
3473 <term><menuchoice>
3474 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3475 <guimenuitem>Preview</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3476 <listitem><para><action>Displays a symbolic preview of the file contents </action> in the different
3477 view modes.</para></listitem>
3478 </varlistentry>
3480 <varlistentry>
3481 <term><menuchoice>
3482 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3483 <guimenuitem>Show in Groups</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3484 <listitem><para><action>Displays</action> the content of the
3485 current folder grouped by the option selected in <guimenuitem>Sort By</guimenuitem> 
3486 (only available in the Icons view mode).</para></listitem>
3487 </varlistentry>
3489 <varlistentry>
3490 <term><menuchoice>
3491 <shortcut>
3492 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>.</keycap></keycombo>
3493 </shortcut>
3494 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3495 <guimenuitem>Show Hidden Files</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3496 <listitem><para><action>Shows all the hidden files and sub-folders within the current
3497 folder.</action></para></listitem>
3498 </varlistentry>
3500 <varlistentry>
3501 <term><menuchoice>
3502 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
3503 <guimenuitem>Adjust View Properties...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3504 <listitem><para><action>Opens the <link linkend="view-properties-dialog">View Properties
3505 Dialog</link>.</action></para></listitem>
3506 </varlistentry>
3507 </variablelist>
3509 </sect2>
3511 <sect2 id="menu-go">
3512 <title>The Go Menu</title>
3514 <variablelist>
3516 <varlistentry>
3517 <term><menuchoice>
3518 <shortcut>
3519 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Up</keysym></keycombo>
3520 </shortcut><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3521 <guimenuitem>Up</guimenuitem>
3522 </menuchoice></term>
3523 <listitem><para>Go up a level in the folder
3524 hierarchy or select a folder in the hierarchy from the submenu.</para></listitem>
3525 </varlistentry>
3527 <varlistentry>
3528 <term><menuchoice>
3529 <shortcut>
3530 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Left</keysym></keycombo>
3531 </shortcut><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3532 <guimenuitem>Back</guimenuitem>
3533 </menuchoice></term>
3534 <listitem><para>Go back to the previous
3535 view or select a previously visited item from the submenu.</para></listitem>
3536 </varlistentry>
3538 <varlistentry>
3539 <term><menuchoice>
3540 <shortcut>
3541 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keysym>Right</keysym></keycombo>
3542 </shortcut><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3543 <guimenuitem>Forward</guimenuitem>
3544 </menuchoice></term>
3545 <listitem><para>You can only go forward if you've previously gone
3546 back.</para></listitem>
3547 </varlistentry>
3549 <varlistentry>
3550 <term><menuchoice>
3551 <shortcut>
3552 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Home</keycap></keycombo>
3553 </shortcut><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3554 <guimenuitem>Home Page</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (Browser mode)</term>
3555 <listitem><para>Go to your home page as defined on the <guilabel>General</guilabel> 
3556 page of the settings dialog.</para></listitem>
3557 </varlistentry>
3559 <varlistentry>
3560 <term><menuchoice>
3561 <shortcut>
3562 <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>Home</keycap></keycombo>
3563 </shortcut><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3564 <guimenuitem>Home Folder</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3565 <listitem><para><action>Changes</action> to the users home folder, &eg;,
3566 /home/Peter/.</para></listitem>
3567 </varlistentry>
3569 <varlistentry>
3570 <term><menuchoice>
3571 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3572 <guimenuitem>Applications</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3573 <listitem><para>Open the folder holding your
3574 applications.</para></listitem>
3575 </varlistentry>
3577 <varlistentry>
3578 <term><menuchoice>
3579 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3580 <guimenuitem>Network Folders</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3581 <listitem><para>Network folders show up in a special location of &konqueror; and 
3582 &dolphin; called a virtual folder. You can find more information on how to use this folder
3583 in the <ulink url="help:/knetattach/index.html">KNetAttach Handbook</ulink>.</para></listitem>
3584 </varlistentry>
3586 <varlistentry>
3587 <term><menuchoice>
3588 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3589 <guimenuitem>Settings</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3590 <listitem><para>Open a virtual folder with all &systemsettings; modules in 
3591 <guimenuitem>Icons</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Details</guimenuitem> or 
3592 <guimenuitem>Columns</guimenuitem> view. Select an item to display the 
3593 settings module in a separate dialog window.</para></listitem>
3594 </varlistentry>
3596 <varlistentry>
3597 <term><menuchoice>
3598 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3599 <guimenuitem>Trash</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3600 <listitem><para>Open your <filename class="directory">Trash</filename>
3601 folder.</para></listitem>
3602 </varlistentry>
3604 <varlistentry>
3605 <term><menuchoice>
3606 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3607 <guimenuitem>Autostart</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3608 <listitem><para>Open your <filename class="directory">Autostart</filename> 
3609 folder.</para></listitem>
3610 </varlistentry>
3612 <varlistentry>
3613 <term><menuchoice>
3614 <shortcut>
3615 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo>
3616 </shortcut><guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3617 <guimenuitem>Show History</guimenuitem>
3618 </menuchoice></term>
3619 <listitem><para>Shows a tree view of your browsing history in a separate window. 
3620         <!--See <link linkend="sidebar">Sidebar</link>.--></para></listitem>
3621 </varlistentry>
3623 <varlistentry>
3624 <term><menuchoice>
3625 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3626 <guisubmenu>Most Often Visited</guisubmenu>
3627 </menuchoice></term>
3628 <listitem>
3629 <para>Displays a submenu showing the &URL;s you visit most often. Selecting one
3630 of these will make &konqueror; open that &URL;.</para>
3631 </listitem>
3632 </varlistentry>
3634 <varlistentry>
3635 <term><menuchoice>
3636 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3637 <guisubmenu>Recently Visited</guisubmenu>
3638 </menuchoice></term>
3639 <listitem>
3640 <para>Displays a submenu showing the &URL;s you recently visited. Selecting one
3641 of these will make &konqueror; open that &URL;.</para>
3642 </listitem>
3643 </varlistentry>
3645 <varlistentry>
3646 <term><menuchoice>
3647 <guimenu>Go</guimenu>
3648 <guisubmenu>Closed Items</guisubmenu>
3649 </menuchoice></term>
3650 <listitem>
3651 <para>Displays a submenu showing the closed &URL;s you visit. Selecting one
3652 of these will make &konqueror; open that &URL;. Use <guimenuitem>Empty Closed Items 
3653 History</guimenuitem> to clear the submenu.</para>
3654 </listitem>
3655 </varlistentry>
3657 </variablelist>
3659 </sect2>
3661 <sect2 id="menu-bookmarks">
3662 <title>The Bookmarks Menu</title>
3664 <note><para>See the section <link linkend="bookmarks">Using Bookmarks</link>
3665 in this manual for a fuller description of these menu items.
3666 </para></note>
3667 <variablelist>
3669 <varlistentry>
3670 <term><menuchoice>
3671 <shortcut>
3672 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>B</keycap></keycombo>
3673 </shortcut>
3674 <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu>
3675 <guimenuitem>Add Bookmark</guimenuitem>
3676 </menuchoice></term>
3677 <listitem><para>Add current selection to your
3678 bookmarks.</para></listitem>
3679 </varlistentry>
3681 <varlistentry>
3682 <term><menuchoice>
3683 <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu>
3684 <guimenuitem>Bookmark Tabs as Folder...</guimenuitem>
3685 </menuchoice></term>
3686 <listitem>
3687 <para>Create a bookmark folder containing links to all of the &URL;s currently
3688 open in &konqueror; tabs. </para>
3689 </listitem>
3690 </varlistentry>
3692 <varlistentry>
3693 <term><menuchoice>
3694 <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu>
3695 <guimenuitem>New Bookmark Folder...</guimenuitem>
3696 </menuchoice></term>
3697 <listitem><para>Create a new folder in your Bookmarks
3698 folder.</para></listitem>
3699 </varlistentry>
3701 <varlistentry>
3702 <term><menuchoice>
3703 <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu>
3704 <guimenuitem>Edit Bookmarks...</guimenuitem>
3705 </menuchoice></term>
3706 <listitem><para>Open the <link linkend="bookmarks">Bookmark Editor</link>.
3707 </para></listitem>
3708 </varlistentry>
3709 </variablelist>
3711 </sect2>
3713 <sect2 id="menu-tools">
3714 <title>The Tools Menu</title>
3716 <variablelist>
3718 <varlistentry>
3719 <term><menuchoice>
3720 <shortcut><keycap>F4</keycap></shortcut>
3721 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
3722 <guimenuitem>Open Terminal</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3723 <listitem><para>Open a &konsole; terminal
3724  window.</para></listitem>
3725 </varlistentry>
3727 <varlistentry>
3728 <term><menuchoice>
3729 <shortcut>
3730 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>F</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3731 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
3732 <guimenuitem>Find File...</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3733 <listitem><para>Open the &kfind; application.</para></listitem>
3734 </varlistentry>
3736 <varlistentry>
3737 <term><menuchoice>
3738 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu>
3739 <guisubmenu>Select Remote Charset</guisubmenu></menuchoice> (File Manager mode)</term>
3740 <listitem><para><action>Offers to choose the charset used by a remote
3741 connection manually.</action></para></listitem>
3742 </varlistentry>
3744 </variablelist>
3746 <para>If you have &konqueror; plugins installed there will be additional
3747 entries in the <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu. See the <link
3748 linkend="konq-plugin">&konqueror; Plugins</link> chapter for further
3749 details.</para>
3750 </sect2>
3752 <sect2 id="menu-settings">
3753 <title>The Settings Menu</title>
3755 <para>Apart from the common &kde; Settings menu items described in the
3756 <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-settings">Settings Menu</ulink>
3757 chapter of the &kde; Fundamentals &konqueror; has these application specific menu entries:
3758 </para>
3759 <variablelist>
3761 <varlistentry>
3762 <term><menuchoice>
3763 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
3764 <guimenuitem>Show Terminal Emulator</guimenuitem>
3765 </menuchoice></term>
3766 <listitem><para>Open a small text terminal view at the bottom of the
3767 main window.</para></listitem>
3768 </varlistentry>
3769 <!--
3770 <varlistentry>
3771 <term><menuchoice>
3772 <shortcut>
3773 <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>F9</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3774 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
3775 <guimenuitem>Show Sidebar</guimenuitem>
3776 </menuchoice></term>
3777 <listitem><para>Toggles the display of the &konqueror; sidebar. See
3778 <xref linkend="sidebar"/>.</para></listitem>
3779 </varlistentry>
3780 -->
3781 <varlistentry>
3782 <term><menuchoice>
3783 <shortcut>
3784 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;
3785 <keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>
3786 </shortcut>
3787 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
3788 <guimenuitem>Full Screen Mode</guimenuitem>
3789 </menuchoice></term>
3790 <listitem>
3791 <para>Changes &konqueror; to full screen mode, in which the &konqueror; window
3792 takes up the whole screen, and does not have the usual window decorations. To
3793 exit full screen mode, click on the <guiicon>Exit Full Screen Mode</guiicon>
3794 icon on the toolbar, or press <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;
3795 <keycap>F</keycap></keycombo>.</para>
3796 </listitem>
3797 </varlistentry>
3799 <varlistentry>
3800 <term><menuchoice>
3801 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
3802 <guimenuitem>Configure Extensions...</guimenuitem>
3803 </menuchoice></term>
3804 <listitem><para>Opens a dialog with all installed plugins (&eg; from the KDE module extragear)
3805 and allows you to select the ones you need. All plugins are accessible in the
3806 <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu.</para></listitem>
3807 </varlistentry>
3809 <varlistentry>
3810 <term><menuchoice> <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
3811 <guimenuitem>Configure Spell Checking...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice></term>
3812 <listitem>
3813 <para>Displays the spell checking configuration dialog box, in which you can
3814 change settings associated with spell checking in &konqueror;.</para>
3815 </listitem>
3816 </varlistentry>
3818 </variablelist>
3820 </sect2>
3822 <sect2 id="menu-window">
3823 <title>The Window Menu</title>
3825 <variablelist>
3827 <varlistentry>
3828 <term><menuchoice>
3829 <shortcut>
3830 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3831 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3832 <guimenuitem>Split View Left/Right</guimenuitem>
3833 </menuchoice></term>
3834 <listitem><para>Split View Left/Right.</para></listitem>
3835 </varlistentry>
3837 <varlistentry>
3838 <term><menuchoice>
3839 <shortcut>
3840 <keycombo
3841 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3842 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3843 <guimenuitem>Split View Top/Bottom</guimenuitem>
3844 </menuchoice></term>
3845 <listitem><para>Split View Top/Bottom.</para></listitem>
3846 </varlistentry>
3848 <varlistentry>
3849 <term><menuchoice>
3850 <shortcut>
3851 <keycombo
3852 action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3853 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3854 <guimenuitem>Close Active View</guimenuitem>
3855 </menuchoice></term>
3856 <listitem><para>Remove Active View.</para></listitem>
3857 </varlistentry>
3859 <varlistentry>
3860 <term><menuchoice>
3861 <shortcut>
3862 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3863 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3864 <guimenuitem>New Window</guimenuitem>
3865 </menuchoice></term>
3866 <listitem><para>Open another &konqueror; window.</para></listitem>
3867 </varlistentry>
3869 <varlistentry>
3870 <term><menuchoice>
3871 <shortcut>
3872 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3873 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3874 <guimenuitem>Duplicate Window</guimenuitem>
3875 </menuchoice></term>
3876 <listitem><para>Open another &konqueror; window, duplicating the
3877 current one.</para></listitem>
3878 </varlistentry>
3880 <varlistentry>
3881 <term><menuchoice>
3882 <shortcut>
3883 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>T</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3884 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3885 <guimenuitem>New Tab</guimenuitem>
3886 </menuchoice></term>
3887 <listitem><para>Open a new, empty, tab page.</para></listitem>
3888 </varlistentry>
3890 <varlistentry>
3891 <term><menuchoice>
3892 <shortcut>
3893 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>D</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3894 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3895 <guimenuitem>Duplicate Current Tab</guimenuitem>
3896 </menuchoice></term>
3897 <listitem><para>Open a duplicate tab page.</para></listitem>
3898 </varlistentry>
3900 <varlistentry>
3901 <term><menuchoice>
3902 <shortcut>
3903 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>B</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3904 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3905 <guimenuitem>Detach Current Tab</guimenuitem>
3906 </menuchoice></term>
3907 <listitem><para>Show the current tab page in a new instance of 
3908 &konqueror;.</para></listitem>
3909 </varlistentry>
3911 <varlistentry>
3912 <term><menuchoice>
3913 <shortcut>
3914 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>W</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3915 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3916 <guimenuitem>Close Current Tab</guimenuitem>
3917 </menuchoice></term>
3918 <listitem><para>Close the current tab page.</para></listitem>
3919 </varlistentry>
3921 <varlistentry>
3922 <term><menuchoice>
3923 <shortcut>
3924 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Left</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3925 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3926 <guimenuitem>Move Tab Left</guimenuitem>
3927 </menuchoice></term>
3928 <listitem><para>Move the current tab one place left in the list of tabs.</para></listitem>
3929 </varlistentry>
3931 <varlistentry>
3932 <term><menuchoice>
3933 <shortcut>
3934 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Right</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
3935 <guimenu>Window</guimenu>
3936 <guimenuitem>Move Tab Right</guimenuitem>
3937 </menuchoice></term>
3938 <listitem><para>Move the current tab one place right in the list of tabs.</para></listitem>
3939 </varlistentry>
3941 </variablelist>
3943 </sect2>
3945 <sect2 id="menu-help">
3946 <title>The Help Menu</title>
3947 <para>Apart from standard &kde; <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu items
3948 described in the section <ulink url="help:/fundamentals/menus.html#menus-help">Help Menu</ulink>
3949 of the &kde; Fundamentals you will have the menu entry <guimenuitem>&konqueror; Introduction</guimenuitem>
3950 to revisit the introductory pages that you got when
3951 &konqueror; was first started.</para>
3953 </sect2>
3954 </sect1>
3956 </chapter>
3958 <chapter id="faq">
3959 <chapterinfo>
3960 <authorgroup>
3961 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
3963 </authorgroup>
3965 </chapterinfo>
3967 <title>Questions and Answers</title>
3969 <qandaset>
3971 <qandaentry>
3972 <question><para>Can I run &konqueror; from another window
3973 manager?</para></question>
3975 <answer><para>Just install &Qt;, &kde-frameworks; and &konqueror;, and from your favorite
3976 window manager, launch &konqueror;. It should work just fine, but if it
3977 doesn't (&kde; developers don't test that case often), report it to <ulink
3978 url="https://bugs.kde.org">https://bugs.kde.org</ulink> and try running
3979 <application>kdeinit</application> before running &konqueror;; it usually
3980 helps.</para></answer>
3981 </qandaentry>
3983 <qandaentry>
3984 <question><para>Where does &konqueror; keep all its configuration
3985 data?</para></question>
3986 <answer><para>Generally in the <filename class="directory">qtpaths --paths GenericDataLocation</filename> folder (this may
3987 be <filename>~/.local/share</filename> on your system, depending on how &konqueror;
3988 was installed). Don't alter these files unless you really know what you are
3989 doing.</para>
3991 <itemizedlist>
3993 <listitem><para>Your bookmarks are held in <filename
3994 class="directory">konqueror/bookmarks.xml</filename></para></listitem>
3995 <listitem><para>Cookies are held in <filename
3996 class="directory">kcookiejar/cookies</filename></para></listitem>
3998 <listitem><para>Your history, as used for the auto-completion feature,  is in
3999 <filename>konq_history</filename> in the folder
4000 <filename class="directory">qtpaths --paths GenericConfigLocation</filename>.</para></listitem>
4002 <listitem><para>In the folder <filename
4003 class="directory">qtpaths --paths GenericConfigLocation</filename> the file
4004 <filename>konquerorrc</filename> holds a whole lot of general configuration
4005 settings.</para></listitem>
4007 <listitem><para>The folder <filename class="directory">kio_http/</filename> in
4008 <filename class="directory">qtpaths --paths GenericCacheLocation</filename>
4009 contains the browser cache.</para></listitem>
4010 <!--
4011 <listitem><para>The Sidebar uses the files and subfolders in <filename>konqsidebartng</filename>
4012 in the folder <filename class="directory">qtpaths - -paths GenericConfigLocation</filename></para></listitem>
4013 -->
4014 </itemizedlist>
4015 <para>Any folder specific view settings are put into <literal
4016 role="extension">.directory</literal> files in the individual
4017 folders.</para></answer>
4018 </qandaentry>
4020 <qandaentry>
4021 <question><para>How do I clear out the history file?</para></question>
4022 <answer><para>There are two <quote>histories</quote>:</para>
4023 <itemizedlist>
4024 <listitem><para>One is used for text completion in the Location Toolbar text entry
4025 box. To clear this <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on the text entry
4026 box and select <guimenuitem>Clear History
4027 </guimenuitem>.</para>
4028 </listitem>
4029 <listitem><para>The other is the log of visited locations. Select <guimenuitem>Show History</guimenuitem>
4030 in the menu <guimenu>Go</guimenu> and <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on an entry and choose
4031 <guimenuitem>Remove Entry</guimenuitem> (&Del;) to remove just that entry or
4032 <guimenuitem>Clear History</guimenuitem> to delete all
4033 entries.</para></listitem>
4034 </itemizedlist>
4035 <note><para>You can also use the application &sweeper; from
4036 the kdeutils module which allows you to clean up cookies, favicons, web history and cache, 
4037 form completion entries and cache policies of visited websites.</para></note>
4038 </answer>
4039 </qandaentry>
4041 <qandaentry>
4042 <question><para>How do I enable, disable or clear the browser
4043 cache?</para></question> <answer>
4044 <para>If you select <menuchoice><guimenu>Web Browsing</guimenu><guimenuitem>Cache</guimenuitem>
4045 </menuchoice> in the dialog launched by selecting  
4046 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure Konqueror...
4047 </guimenuitem></menuchoice>, you will be presented with a dialog box that lets 
4048 you disable the cache, clear it or set its size, and change the caching 
4049 policy.</para>
4050 </answer>
4051 </qandaentry>
4053 <qandaentry>
4054 <question><para>How can I change the timeout values used by &konqueror; 
4055 when web browsing?</para></question> <answer>
4056 <para>In the &systemsettings; category <guilabel>Network</guilabel>
4057 on the <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
4058 <guimenuitem>Connection Preferences</guimenuitem></menuchoice> page.</para>
4059 </answer>
4060 </qandaentry>
4062 <qandaentry>
4063 <question><para>How do I set my <quote>home</quote> page - the page loaded
4064 on startup?</para></question>
4065 <answer><para>&konqueror; has a <guilabel>Home Folder</guilabel> used in file manager mode
4066 and a <guilabel>Home Page</guilabel> used in browser mode.</para>
4068 <para>To change these settings launch 
4069 <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
4070 Konqueror</guimenuitem><guilabel>General</guilabel></menuchoice>.</para>
4072 <para>To set the &konqueror; startup page in filemanager mode select 
4073 <guilabel>Show Introduction Page</guilabel>, <guilabel>Show My Home 
4074 Page</guilabel>, <guilabel>Show Blank Page</guilabel> or <guilabel>Show 
4075 My Bookmarks</guilabel> from the drop down box labeled <guilabel>When 
4076 Konqueror starts</guilabel>.</para>
4078 <para>In browser mode &konqueror; starts with the <guilabel>Home 
4079 page</guilabel> entry.</para>
4081 </answer>
4082 </qandaentry>
4084 <qandaentry>
4085 <question><para>I can't find the answer to my question here.</para></question> 
4086 <answer>
4087 <para>Take a look at <ulink url="https://konqueror.org/faq/">
4088 https://konqueror.org/faq/</ulink> or 
4089 <ulink url="https://konqueror.org/contact/">
4090 https://konqueror.org/contact/</ulink>.</para>
4091 <para>You may find further information in the <ulink url="http://forum.kde.org/">
4092 KDE Community Forums</ulink> or on <ulink url="http://userbase.kde.org/Konqueror">
4093 Konqueror's KDE Userbase page</ulink>.</para>
4094 </answer>
4095 </qandaentry>
4097 </qandaset>
4099 </chapter>
4101 <chapter id="credits"> <!-- 4.11-->
4103 <chapterinfo>
4104 <authorgroup>
4105 <author>&Pamela.Roberts;</author>
4107 </authorgroup>
4109 </chapterinfo>
4112 <title>Credits and License</title>
4114 <para>&konqueror;. Program copyright 1999-2003, the &konqueror;
4115  developers:</para>
4117 <variablelist>
4119 <varlistentry>
4120 <term>&David.Faure; &David.Faure.mail;</term>
4121 <listitem><para>developer (parts, JavaScript, I/O lib) and maintainer</para></listitem>
4122 </varlistentry>
4124 <varlistentry>
4125 <term>&Simon.Hausmann; &Simon.Hausmann.mail;</term>
4126 <listitem><para>developer (framework, parts)</para></listitem>
4127 </varlistentry>
4129 <varlistentry>
4130 <term>&Michael.Reiher; &Michael.Reiher.mail;</term>
4131 <listitem><para>developer (framework)</para></listitem>
4132 </varlistentry>
4134 <varlistentry>
4135 <term>&Mattias.Welk; &Mattias.Welk.mail;</term>
4136 <listitem><para>developer</para></listitem>
4137 </varlistentry>
4139 <varlistentry>
4140 <term>&Alexander.Neundorf; &Alexander.Neundorf.mail;</term>
4141 <listitem><para>developer (list views)</para></listitem>
4142 </varlistentry>
4144 <varlistentry>
4145 <term>&Michael.Brade; &Michael.Brade.mail;</term>
4146 <listitem><para>developer (list views, I/O lib)</para></listitem>
4147 </varlistentry>
4149 <varlistentry>
4150 <term>&Lars.Knoll; &Lars.Knoll.mail;</term>
4151 <listitem><para>developer (<acronym>HTML</acronym> rendering
4152 engine)</para></listitem>
4153 </varlistentry>
4155 <varlistentry>
4156 <term>&Antti.Koivisto; &Antti.Koivisto.mail;</term>
4157 <listitem><para>developer (<acronym>HTML</acronym> rendering
4158 engine)</para></listitem>
4159 </varlistentry>
4161 <varlistentry>
4162 <term>&Dirk.Mueller; &Dirk.Mueller.mail;</term>
4163 <listitem><para>developer (<acronym>HTML</acronym> rendering
4164 engine)</para></listitem>
4165 </varlistentry>
4167 <varlistentry>
4168 <term>&Peter.Kelly; &Peter.Kelly.mail;</term>
4169 <listitem><para>developer (<acronym>HTML</acronym> rendering engine,
4170 JavaScript)</para></listitem>
4171 </varlistentry>
4173 <varlistentry>
4174 <term>&Waldo.Bastian; &Waldo.Bastian.mail;</term>
4175 <listitem><para>developer (<acronym>HTML</acronym> rendering engine, I/O
4176 lib)</para></listitem>
4177 </varlistentry>
4179 <varlistentry>
4180 <term>&Matt.Koss; &Matt.Koss.mail;</term>
4181 <listitem><para>developer (I/O lib)</para></listitem>
4182 </varlistentry>
4184 <varlistentry>
4185 <term>&Alex.Zepeda; &Alex.Zepeda.mail;</term>
4186 <listitem><para>developer (I/O lib)</para></listitem>
4187 </varlistentry>
4189 <varlistentry>
4190 <term>&Stephan.Kulow; &Stephan.Kulow.mail;</term>
4191 <listitem><para>developer (<acronym>HTML</acronym> rendering engine, I/O lib, regression test framework)</para></listitem>
4192 </varlistentry>
4194 <varlistentry>
4195 <term>&Richard.J.Moore; &Richard.J.Moore.mail;</term>
4196 <listitem><para>developer (&Java; applet support)</para></listitem>
4197 </varlistentry>
4199 <varlistentry>
4200 <term>Dima Rogozin <email>dima@mercury.co.il</email></term>
4201 <listitem><para>developer (&Java; applet support)</para></listitem>
4202 </varlistentry>
4204 <varlistentry>
4205 <term>Wynn Wilkes <email>wynnw@calderasystems.com</email></term>
4206 <listitem><para>developer (&Java;2 manager support and other major improvements
4207 to applet support)</para></listitem>
4208 </varlistentry>
4210 <varlistentry>
4211 <term>&Harri.Porten; &Harri.Porten.mail;</term>
4212 <listitem><para>developer (JavaScript)</para></listitem>
4213 </varlistentry>
4215 <varlistentry>
4216 <term>Stefan Schimanski <email>schimmi@kde.org</email></term>
4217 <listitem><para>developer (&Netscape; plugin support)</para></listitem>
4218 </varlistentry>
4220 <varlistentry>
4221 <term>&Carsten.Pfeiffer; &Carsten.Pfeiffer.mail;</term>
4222 <listitem><para>developer (framework)</para></listitem>
4223 </varlistentry>
4225 <varlistentry>
4226 <term>&George.Staikos; &George.Staikos.mail;</term>
4227 <listitem><para>developer (SSL support, Netscape plugins)</para></listitem>
4228 </varlistentry>
4230 <varlistentry>
4231 <term>Dawit Alemayehu <email>adawit@kde.org</email></term>
4232 <listitem><para>developer (I/O lib, Authentication support)</para></listitem>
4233 </varlistentry>
4235 <varlistentry>
4236 <term>&Torsten.Rahn; &Torsten.Rahn.mail;</term>
4237 <listitem><para>Graphics / icons</para></listitem>
4238 </varlistentry>
4240 <varlistentry>
4241 <term>Torben Weis <email>weis@kde.org</email></term>
4242 <listitem><para>kfm author</para></listitem>
4243 </varlistentry>
4245 <varlistentry>
4246 <term>&Joseph.Wenninger; &Joseph.Wenninger.mail;</term>
4247 <listitem><para>developer (navigation panel framework)</para></listitem>
4248 </varlistentry>
4250 <varlistentry>
4251 <term>&Stephan.Binner; &Stephan.Binner.mail;</term>
4252 <listitem><para>developer (misc stuff)</para></listitem>
4253 </varlistentry>
4255 <varlistentry>
4256 <term>Leo Savernik <email>l.savernik@aon.at</email></term>
4257 <listitem><para>JavaScript access controls, per-domain policies extensions, HTML rendering engine</para></listitem>
4258 </varlistentry>
4260 <varlistentry>
4261 <term>Germain Garand <email>germain@ebooksfrance.org</email></term>
4262 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine)</para></listitem>
4263 </varlistentry>
4265 <varlistentry>
4266 <term>Zack Rusin <email>zack@kde.org</email></term>
4267 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine)</para></listitem>
4268 </varlistentry>
4270 <varlistentry>
4271 <term>Tobias Anton <email>anton@stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de</email></term>
4272 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine)</para></listitem>
4273 </varlistentry>
4275 <varlistentry>
4276 <term>Lubos Lunak <email>l.lunak@kde.org</email></term>
4277 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine)</para></listitem>
4278 </varlistentry>
4280 <varlistentry>
4281 <term>Maks Orlovich <email>maksim@kde.org</email></term>
4282 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine, JavaScript)</para></listitem>
4283 </varlistentry>
4285 <varlistentry>
4286 <term>Allan Sandfeld Jensen <email>kde@carewolf.com</email></term>
4287 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine)</para></listitem>
4288 </varlistentry>
4290 <varlistentry>
4291 <term>Apple Safari Developers </term>
4292 <listitem><para>Developer (HTML rendering engine, JavaScript)</para></listitem>
4293 </varlistentry>
4295 <varlistentry>
4296 <term>Koos Vriezen <email>koos.vriezen@xs4all.nl</email></term>
4297 <listitem><para>Developer (Java applets and other embedded objects)</para></listitem>
4298 </varlistentry>
4300 <varlistentry>
4301 <term>Ivor Hewitt <email>ivor@ivor.org</email></term>
4302 <listitem><para>Developer (AdBlock filter)</para></listitem>
4303 </varlistentry>
4305 <varlistentry>
4306 <term>Eduardo Robles Elvira <email>edulix@gmail.com</email></term>
4307 <listitem><para>Developer (framework)</para></listitem>
4308 </varlistentry>
4310 </variablelist>
4312 <para>Documentation copyright 2000-2003</para>
4314 <itemizedlist>
4315 <listitem><para>&Erwan.Loisant; &Erwan.Loisant.mail;</para></listitem>
4316 <listitem><para>&Pamela.Roberts; &Pamela.Roberts.mail;</para></listitem>
4317 </itemizedlist>
4319 <para>Documentation updated for &kde; 3.2 by &Philip.Rodrigues; &Philip.Rodrigues.mail;.</para>
4321 <para>Documentation proofreading for &kde; 4.11 by David Palser <email>davidpalser179@btinternet.com</email>.</para>
4325 &underFDL;
4326 &underGPL;
4328 </chapter>
4330 &documentation.index; 
4331 </book>
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