Warning, /network/konqueror/doc/kcontrol/performance/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0005 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here --> 0006 ]> 0007 0008 <article id="performance" lang="&language;"> 0009 <articleinfo> 0010 <title>Performance</title> 0011 <authorgroup> 0012 <author>&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</author> 0013 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0014 </authorgroup> 0015 0016 <date>2016-11-08</date> 0017 <releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo> 0018 0019 <keywordset> 0020 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0021 <keyword>Systemsettings</keyword> 0022 <keyword>performance</keyword> 0023 <keyword>preload</keyword> 0024 </keywordset> 0025 </articleinfo> 0026 0027 <sect1 id="sys-performance"> 0028 <title>Performance Settings</title> 0029 0030 <para>&konqueror;, is used on a wide variety of computers by a wide variety of users. Under the category of 0031 performance, this dialog allows each user to adjust options which may make the computer that &konqueror; is 0032 installed on feel more responsive. </para> 0033 0034 <sect2><title>Preloading</title> 0035 <para>The subsection labeled <guilabel>Preloading</guilabel> makes a tradeoff between memory and performance.</para> 0036 0037 <para><emphasis>Preloading</emphasis> refers to loading an instance of &konqueror; into memory before a user asks to start &konqueror;. The positive effect of this is that when a user asks to load &konqueror; the window appears instantly 0038 because most of the application has been preloaded. The negative effect is that this instance of &konqueror; uses memory that 0039 could be used by other programs. By default, when a user closes &konqueror;, the instance is not closed. 0040 This means that the next time a user wants &konqueror; loaded, it is nearly instantaneous again.</para> 0041 0042 <para>The final check box labeled <guilabel>Always try to have at least one preloaded instance</guilabel> signals that you always want to have one preloaded, but not used, instance of &konqueror; available. This option will actually decrease performance on some machines (especially those with limited physical memory).</para> 0043 </sect2> 0044 </sect1> 0045 0046 </article>