Warning, /network/konqueror/doc/kcontrol/khtml-java-js/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
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0008 <article id="khtml-java-js" lang="&language;">
0009 <articleinfo>
0010 <title>Java and JavaScript</title>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>&Krishna.Tateneni; &Krishna.Tateneni.mail;</author>
0014 </authorgroup>
0016 <date>2016-11-08</date>
0017 <releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo>
0019 <keywordset>
0020 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0021 <keyword>Systemsettings</keyword>
0022 <keyword>konqueror</keyword>
0023 <keyword>browsing</keyword>
0024 <keyword>Java</keyword>
0025 <keyword>JavaScript</keyword>
0026 </keywordset>
0028 </articleinfo>
0029 <sect1 id="konq-browsing">
0030 <title>&Java; and JavaScript</title>
0032 <sect2 id="kbrowse-java">
0033 <title>&Java;</title>
0035 <para>&Java; allows applications to be downloaded and run by a web
0036 browser, provided you have the necessary software installed on your
0037 machine. Many web sites make use of &Java; (for example, online
0038 banking services or interactive gaming sites). You should be aware
0039 that running programs from unknown sources could pose a threat to the
0040 security of your computer, even if the potential extent of the damage
0041 is not great.</para>
0043 <para>The check box <guilabel>Enable Java globally</guilabel> allows
0044 you to turn &Java; support on for all web sites by default. You can
0045 also select to turn &Java; on or off for specific hosts. To add a
0046 policy for a specific host, click the <guibutton>New...</guibutton>
0047 button to bring up a dialog in which you can type the host name and
0048 then choose to accept or reject &Java; code from that particular host,
0049 which will add the domain to the list on the left of the page.</para>
0051 <para>You can select a host in the list, and click the
0052 <guibutton>Change...</guibutton> button to choose a different policy for
0053 that host. Clicking the <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button removes the
0054 policy for the selected host; after deletion, the global settings will
0055 then apply to that host.</para>
0057 <para>Finally, the group of controls labeled <guilabel>Java Runtime
0058 Settings</guilabel> allows you to set some options for the way in
0059 which &Java; should run.</para>
0061 <para><guilabel>Use security
0062 manager</guilabel> is normally enabled by default.  This setting will
0063 cause the <acronym>JVM</acronym> to run with a Security Manager in place. This will keep
0064 applets from being able to read and write to your file system, creating
0065 arbitrary sockets, and other actions which could be used to compromise
0066 your system. Disable this option at your own risk. You can modify your 
0067 <filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.java.policy</filename> file with the
0068 &Java; policytool utility to give code downloaded from certain sites
0069 more permissions.</para>
0071 <para><guilabel>Use KIO</guilabel> will cause the
0072 <acronym>JVM</acronym>to use &kde;'s own <acronym>KIO</acronym>
0073 transports for network connections.</para>
0075 <para>The <guilabel>Shutdown applet server when inactive for more than</guilabel>
0076 check box allows you to save resources by closing the &Java; Applet
0077 Server when it is not in use, rather than leaving it running in the
0078 background.  Leaving this disabled may make &Java; applets start up
0079 faster, but it will use system resources when you are not using a
0080 &Java; applet.  If you enable this, you can set a timeout.</para>
0082 <para>You can either opt to have &konqueror; automatically detect the
0083 &Java; installation on your system, or specify the path to the
0084 installation yourself by selecting <guilabel>Path to Java
0085 executable or 'java'</guilabel>. You may want to choose the latter method, for
0086 instance, if you have multiple &Java; installations on your system,
0087 and want to specify which one to use. If the &Java; Virtual Machine
0088 you are using requires any special startup options, you can type them
0089 in the text box labeled <guilabel>Additional Java
0090 arguments</guilabel>.</para>
0092 </sect2>
0094 <sect2 id="kbrowse-javascript">
0095 <title>JavaScript</title>
0097 <para>Despite the name, JavaScript is not related at all to
0098 &Java;.</para>
0100 <para>The first part of this tab works the same as the &Java; settings.</para>
0102 <para>The checkbox <guilabel>Enable JavaScript globally</guilabel> allows
0103 you to turn JavaScript support on for all web sites by default. You
0104 can also select to turn JavaScript on or off for specific hosts. To
0105 add a policy for a specific host, click the
0106 <guibutton>New...</guibutton> button to bring up a dialog in which you
0107 can type the host name and then choose to accept or reject JavaScript
0108 code from that particular host, which will add the domain to the list
0109 on the left of the page.</para>
0111 <para>You can select a host in the list, and click the
0112 <guibutton>Change...</guibutton> button to choose a different policy for
0113 that host. Clicking the <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button removes the
0114 policy for the selected host; after deletion, the global settings will
0115 then apply to that host.</para>
0116 <!-- missing section Debugging
0117 Enable debugger Enables builtin JavaScript debugger.
0118 Report errors Enables the reporting of errors that occur when JavaScript code is executed.
0119 How are errors reported? popup window? icon in status bar?
0120 -->
0121 <para>The final set of options in the section <guilabel>Global JavaScript 
0122 Policies</guilabel> determine what happens
0123 when a page uses JavaScript for specific actions.</para>
0125 <para>You can individually enable or disable the ability of JavaScript
0126 to manipulate your windows by moving, resizing or changing focus.  You
0127 can also disable JavaScript from changing the status bar text, so that
0128 for instance, you can always see where links will take you when
0129 clicked. The choices for these options are <guilabel>Allow</guilabel> and
0130 <guilabel>Ignore</guilabel>.</para>
0132 <para>For opening a new window, there is even more control.  You can
0133 set &konqueror; to <guilabel>Allow</guilabel> all such requests,
0134 <guilabel>Ask</guilabel> each time a request is made, or
0135 <guilabel>Deny</guilabel> all popup requests.</para>
0137 <para>The <guilabel>Smart</guilabel> setting will only allow
0138 JavaScript popup windows when you have explicitly chosen a link that
0139 creates one.</para>
0140 </sect2>
0142 </sect1>
0144 </article>