Warning, /network/konqueror/doc/kcontrol/khtml-behavior/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0008 <article id="khtml-behavior" lang="&language;">
0009 <articleinfo>
0010 <title>Web Browsing</title>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>&Krishna.Tateneni; &Krishna.Tateneni.mail;</author>
0014 </authorgroup>
0016 <date>2019-11-04</date>
0017 <releaseinfo>Applications 19.12</releaseinfo>
0019 <keywordset>
0020 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0021 <keyword>Systemsettings</keyword>
0022 <keyword>konqueror</keyword>
0023 <keyword>browsing</keyword>
0024 </keywordset>
0026 </articleinfo>
0027 <sect1 id="konq-browsing">
0028 <title>Web Browsing</title>
0030 <para>The &konqueror; Browser module of &systemsettings; allows you to select
0031 various options for the behavior of &konqueror;, the
0032 integrated web browser of &kde;.</para>
0034 <para>If <guilabel>Ask for name and folder when adding bookmarks</guilabel> 
0035 is checked, &konqueror; will allow you to change the title of the 
0036 bookmark and choose a folder in which to store it when you add a new 
0037 bookmark.</para>
0039 <para>Enable <guilabel>Show only marked bookmarks in bookmark toolbar</guilabel>
0040 and &konqueror; will show only those bookmarks in the 
0041 bookmark toolbar which you have marked to do so in the bookmark editor.</para>
0043 <para>The next option you can enable on this page is <guilabel>Form 
0044 Completion</guilabel>.  If you check this box, &konqueror; will
0045 try to remember what you answer to form questions, and will try to fill
0046 in forms for you with the answers you previously used.</para>
0048 <para>You can configure the number of form items &konqueror; remembers
0049 with the spin box labelled <guilabel>Maximum
0050 completions</guilabel></para>
0052 <note><para>Of course, anything &konqueror; fills in a form with, you
0053 can still edit before submitting the form!</para></note>
0055 <para>The next option is <guilabel>Change cursor over
0056 links</guilabel>. If this option is selected, the shape of the cursor
0057 will change (usually to a hand) whenever it moves over a
0058 hyperlink. This makes it easy to identify links, especially when they
0059 are in the form of images.</para>
0061 <para>If <guilabel>Middle click opens URL in selection</guilabel>
0062 is checked, you can open the &URL; in the selection by middle 
0063 clicking on a &konqueror; view.</para>
0065 <para>As a convenience feature, if you enable <guilabel>Right click
0066 goes back in history</guilabel>, then clicking an empty area (&ie; not
0067 a link) in the &konqueror; window will act as if you pressed the
0068 <guiicon>Back</guiicon> button on the toolbar.</para>
0070 <para>Enabling <guilabel>Allow automatic delayed
0071 reloading/redirecting</guilabel> allows websites to send you to
0072 another page without your interaction.  In many cases, this is a
0073 convenience.  For example, the website has moved to a new
0074 &URL;.  Many webmasters in this situation will put up
0075 a page on the old site, telling you that it has moved and you may like
0076 to change your bookmark, and then automatically move you along to the
0077 new website.  However, such features can be confusing, or annoying,
0078 when misused, and so you may wish to disable it.</para>
0080 <para><guilabel>Enable Access Key activation with &Ctrl; key</guilabel>: 
0081 Pressing the &Ctrl; key when viewing web pages activates Access Keys. 
0082 Unchecking this box will disable this accessibility feature. &konqueror; 
0083 needs to be restarted for this change to take effect.</para>
0085 <para><guilabel>Send the DNT header to tell web sites you do not want
0086 to be tracked</guilabel>. Check this box if you want to inform a web site 
0087 that you do not want to your web browsing habits tracked.
0088 </para>
0090 <para><guilabel>Offer to save website passwords</guilabel>.
0091 Uncheck this box from being prompted to save website passwords
0092 </para>
0094 <para><guilabel>Display online &PDF; files using WebEngine</guilabel>.
0095 Uncheck this box to display online &PDF; files as configured in the <guilabel>File Associations</guilabel> module of &systemsettings;.
0096 </para>
0098 </sect1>
0100 </article>