File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 09:00:33

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 David Faure <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005 */
0007 #include <KApplicationTrader>
0008 #include <browseropenorsavequestion.h>
0009 #include <qtest_widgets.h>
0011 #include <KConfigGroup>
0012 #include <KSharedConfig>
0013 #include <QDebug>
0015 #include <QDialog>
0016 #include <QMenu>
0017 #include <QPushButton>
0018 #include <QWidget>
0020 // SYNC - keep this in sync with browseropenorsavequestion.cpp
0021 static const QString Save = QStringLiteral("saveButton");
0022 static const QString OpenDefault = QStringLiteral("openDefaultButton");
0023 static const QString OpenWith = QStringLiteral("openWithButton");
0024 static const QString Cancel = QStringLiteral("cancelButton");
0026 class OpenOrSaveTest : public QObject
0027 {
0028     Q_OBJECT
0029 private Q_SLOTS:
0030     void testAutoEmbed()
0031     {
0032         // This one should get the fast path, no dialog should show up.
0033         BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion questionEmbedHtml(nullptr, QUrl(QStringLiteral("")), QString::fromLatin1("text/html"));
0034         QCOMPARE(questionEmbedHtml.askEmbedOrSave(), BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Embed);
0035     }
0036     void testDontAskAgain()
0037     {
0038         KSharedConfig::Ptr cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig(QStringLiteral("filetypesrc"), KConfig::NoGlobals);
0039         cfg->group("Notification Messages")
0040             .writeEntry(
0041                 "askSave"
0042                 "text/plain",
0043                 "false");
0044         BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion question(nullptr, QUrl(QStringLiteral("")), QString::fromLatin1("text/plain"));
0045         QCOMPARE((int)question.askOpenOrSave(), (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Open);
0046         cfg->group("Notification Messages")
0047             .writeEntry(
0048                 "askSave"
0049                 "text/plain",
0050                 "true");
0051         QCOMPARE((int)question.askOpenOrSave(), (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Save);
0052         cfg->group("Notification Messages")
0053             .deleteEntry(
0054                 "askSave"
0055                 "text/plain");
0056     }
0058     void testAllChoices_data()
0059     {
0060         qRegisterMetaType<QDialog *>("QDialog*");
0062         QTest::addColumn<QString>("mimetype");
0063         QTest::addColumn<QString>("buttonName");
0064         QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedResult");
0065         QTest::addColumn<bool>("expectedService");
0067         // For this test, we rely on the fact that:
0068         // 1. there is at least one app associated with application/zip,
0069         // 2. there is at least one app associated with text/plain, and
0070         // 3. there are no apps associated with application/x-zerosize.
0072         if (KApplicationTrader::queryByMimeType(QStringLiteral("application/zip")).count() > 0) {
0073             QTest::newRow("(zip) cancel") << "application/zip" << Cancel << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Cancel << false;
0074             QTest::newRow("(zip) open default app") << "application/zip" << OpenDefault << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Open << true;
0075             QTest::newRow("(zip) open with...") << "application/zip" << OpenWith << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Open << false;
0076             QTest::newRow("(zip) save") << "application/zip" << Save << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Save << false;
0077         } else {
0078             qWarning() << "This test relies on the fact that there is at least one app associated with appliation/zip.";
0079         }
0081         if (KApplicationTrader::queryByMimeType(QStringLiteral("text/plain")).count() > 0) {
0082             QTest::newRow("(text) cancel") << "text/plain" << Cancel << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Cancel << false;
0083             QTest::newRow("(text) open default app") << "text/plain" << OpenDefault << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Open << true;
0084             QTest::newRow("(text) open with...") << "text/plain" << OpenWith << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Open << false;
0085             QTest::newRow("(text) save") << "text/plain" << Save << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Save << false;
0086         } else {
0087             qWarning() << "This test relies on the fact that there is at least one app associated with text/plain.";
0088         }
0090         if (KApplicationTrader::queryByMimeType(QStringLiteral("application/x-zerosize")).count() == 0) {
0091             QTest::newRow("(zero) cancel") << "application/x-zerosize" << Cancel << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Cancel << false;
0092             QTest::newRow("(zero) open with...") << "application/x-zerosize" << OpenDefault /*Yes, not OpenWith*/ << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Open
0093                                                  << false;
0094             QTest::newRow("(zero) save") << "application/x-zerosize" << Save << (int)BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::Save << false;
0095         } else {
0096             qWarning() << "This test relies on the fact that there are no apps associated with application/x-zerosize.";
0097         }
0098     }
0100     void testAllChoices()
0101     {
0102         QFETCH(QString, mimetype);
0103         QFETCH(QString, buttonName);
0104         QFETCH(int, expectedResult);
0105         QFETCH(bool, expectedService);
0107         QWidget parent;
0108         BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion questionEmbedZip(&parent, QUrl(QStringLiteral("")), mimetype);
0109         questionEmbedZip.setFeatures(BrowserOpenOrSaveQuestion::ServiceSelection);
0110         QDialog *theDialog = parent.findChild<QDialog *>();
0111         QVERIFY(theDialog);
0112         // QMetaObject::invokeMethod(theDialog, "slotButtonClicked", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, button));
0113         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "clickButton", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QDialog *, theDialog), Q_ARG(QString, buttonName));
0114         QCOMPARE((int)questionEmbedZip.askOpenOrSave(), expectedResult);
0115         QCOMPARE((bool)questionEmbedZip.selectedService(), expectedService);
0116     }
0118 protected Q_SLOTS: // our own slots, not tests
0119     void clickButton(QDialog *dialog, const QString &buttonName)
0120     {
0121         QPushButton *button = dialog->findChild<QPushButton *>(buttonName);
0122         Q_ASSERT(button);
0123         Q_ASSERT(!button->isHidden());
0124         if (button->menu()) {
0125             Q_ASSERT(buttonName == OpenWith); // only this one has a menu
0126             button->menu()->actions().last()->trigger();
0127         } else {
0128             button->click();
0129         }
0130     }
0131 };
0133 QTEST_MAIN(OpenOrSaveTest)
0135 #include "openorsavequestion_unittest.moc"