File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 04:36:22

0001 #!/usr/bin/perl
0002 #---------------------------------------------------------
0003 #                      info2html
0004 #---------------------------------------------------------
0005 #
0006 # PURPOSE
0007 #  This perl script converts info nodes to HTML format.
0008 #  The node is specified on the command line using the
0009 #  syntax
0010 #           (<infofile>)<tag>
0011 #  If <infofile> and/or <tag> are missing, (dir)Top is assumed.
0012 #
0013 # AUTHOR
0014 #   Karl Guggisberg  <>
0015 #
0016 #   Changes for the KDE Help Center (c) 1999 Matthias ELter
0017 #                                           (
0018 #
0019 # LICENSE
0020 #         GPL
0021 #
0022 # HISTORY
0023 #   11.10.93  V 1.0
0024 #   14.10.93  V 1.0a  some comments added
0025 #   15.10.93  V 1.0b  file for configuration settings
0026 #   16.10.93  V 1.0c  multiple info path possible
0027 #                     some bugs in escaping references removed
0028 #   28.6.94   V 1.0d  some minor changes
0029 #   8.4.95    V 1.1   bug fixes by Tim Witham
0030 #                     <>
0031 #   March 1999        Changes for use in KDE Help Center
0032 #   February 2000     Changes for bzip2 format
0033 #   Sept. 4 2002      Updated to the KDE look
0034 #                     by Hisham Muhammad <>
0035 #   January 30 2003   Ported Hisham's work to HEAD
0036 #                     by David Pashley <>
0037 #   March 6 2003      Substitute use of absolute fixed file URLs to images with help:common URLs
0038 #                     for the images and style sheet. By Luis Pedro Coelho
0039 #   March 9 2003      Add support for browsing by file. by Luis Pedro Coelho
0040 #   June  11 2003     Update the layout of the sides to the new infopageslayout.
0041 #                     by Sven Leiber <>
0042 #   July  22 2008     Add support for lzma.
0043 #                     by Per Øyvind Karlsen <>
0044 #   January 8 2009    Update lzma support for new xz tool and format.
0045 #                     by Per Øyvind Karlsen <>
0046 #
0047 #-------------------------------------------------------
0049 use strict;
0051 # set here the full path of the info2html.conf
0052 push @INC, $1 if $0 =~ m{(.*/)[^/]+$}; # full path of config file is passed in ARGV[1] by caller but let's clean this anyway
0053 my $config_file = $ARGV[0];
0054 my $css_file = $ARGV[1];
0055 chomp $css_file;
0056 my $css_link = qq(<link rel="stylesheet" href="file://$css_file" type="text/css">) if $css_file;
0057 delete $ENV{CDPATH};
0058 delete $ENV{ENV};
0059 require $config_file;  #-- configuration settings
0060 my $DOCTYPE = qq(<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" >);
0063    qq(<link rel="stylesheet" href="help:/kdoctools5-common/kde-default.css" type="text/css">
0064       $css_link
0065       <style type="text/css"><!-- .chapter { padding-right: 1em } --></style>);
0067 # the use of a query should make sure it never conflicts with a "real" path
0068 my $BROWSE_BY_FILE_PATH = '/browse_by_file?special=yes';
0073 #-- patterns
0074 my $NODEBORDER    = '\037\014?';      #-- delimiter of an info node
0075 my $REDIRSEP      = '\177';           #-- delimiter in tag tables
0076 my $WS            = '[ \t]+';         #-- white space +
0077 my $WSS           = '[ \t]*';         #-- white space *
0078 my $TE            = '[\t\,\.]';     #-- end of a tag
0079 my $TAG           = '[^\t\,\.]+';   #-- pattern for a tag
0080 my $FTAG          = '[^\)]+';         #-- pattern for a file name in
0081                                    #-- a cross reference
0083 #---------------------------------------------------------
0084 #                     DieFileNotFound
0085 #---------------------------------------------------------
0086 # Replies and error message if the file '$FileName' is
0087 # not accessible.
0088 #---------------------------------------------------------
0089 sub DieFileNotFound {
0090   my ($FileName) = @_;
0091   $FileName =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
0092   $FileName =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
0093   $FileName =~ s/</&lt;/g;
0095   #-- TEXT : error message if a file could not be opened
0096   print <<EOF;
0098 <head>
0099 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
0101 <title>Info: (no page found)</title>
0102 </head>
0103 <body>
0104 <h1>KDE Info Pages Viewer Error</h1>
0105   No info page for topic <code>"$FileName"</code> found.<br>
0106   You may find what you are looking for at the <a href="man:$FileName">$FileName manpage</a>.
0107 </body>
0108 EOF
0109   die "\n";
0110 }
0112 #---------------------------------------------------------
0113 #                     Redirect
0114 #---------------------------------------------------------
0115 # Since we can't do a kioworker redirection from here, we resort to an HTML
0116 # redirection.
0117 #
0118 # It could be simpler to just output the correct page, but that would leave the
0119 # the browser URL indication a bit wrong and more importantly we might mess up relative links.
0120 # Therefore, I implemented it like this which is simpler if not as nice on the end user
0121 # who sees a flicker.
0122 #---------------------------------------------------------
0124 sub Redirect {
0125     my ($File,$Tag) = @_;
0126     print <<EOF;
0127     $DOCTYPE
0128     <html><head><title>Doing redirection</title>
0129     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
0130         $STYLESHEET_KDE
0131     <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=info:$File/$Tag">
0132         </head>
0133     <body>
0134     <h1>Redirecting .... </h1>
0135     <p>If you are not automatically taken to a new page, <a href="info:$File/$Tag">click here</a> to continue.
0136     </body>
0137     </html>
0138 EOF
0140     exit 0;
0141 }
0143 #---------------------------------------------------------
0144 #                     FileNotFound
0145 #---------------------------------------------------------
0146 # If the file is not found and the node is '', try to go through
0147 # dir entries.
0148 # This deals with cases like info:ls should open "coreutils/ls invocation"
0149 #---------------------------------------------------------
0150 sub FileNotFound {
0151     my ($FileName,$NodeName) = @_;
0152     DieFileNotFound($FileName) if $NodeName ne 'Top' || $FileName eq 'dir';
0153     # Try to find it in dir
0155     my $DirFileName = &FindFile('dir');
0156     if ($DirFileName =~ m/.info.bz2$/ ) {
0157         open DIR, "-|", "bzcat", $DirFileName;
0158     }
0159     elsif ($DirFileName =~ m/.info.(lzma|xz)$/ ) {
0160         open DIR, "-|", "xzcat", $DirFileName;
0161     }
0163     elsif ($DirFileName =~ m/.info.gz$/ ) {
0164         open DIR, "-|", "gzip", "-dc", $DirFileName;
0165     }
0166     else {
0167         open DIR, $DirFileName;
0168     }
0169     my $looking = 1;
0170     while (<DIR>) {
0171         next if $looking && !/\* Menu/;
0172         $looking = 0;
0173         my @item = &ParseMenuItem($_,'dir');
0174         if (!@item) { next }
0175             my ($MenuLinkTag, $MenuLinkFile, $MenuLinkRef, $MenuLinkText) = @item;
0176         if ($MenuLinkRef eq $FileName) {
0177             &Redirect($MenuLinkFile, $MenuLinkTag);
0178             exit 0;
0179         }
0180     }
0181     &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0182 }
0184 #---------------------------------------------------------
0185 #                      Escape
0186 #---------------------------------------------------------
0187 #  This procedures escapes some special characeters. The
0188 #  escape sequence follows the WWW guide for escaped
0189 #  characters in URLs
0190 #---------------------------------------------------------
0191 sub Escape {
0192   my ($Tag) = @_;
0193   #-- escaping is not needed anymore  KG/28.6.94
0194   #-- it is, for "?" %3f (info:/cvs/What is CVS?), kaper/23.7.02
0195   $Tag =~ s/ /%20/g;        #  space
0196   $Tag =~ s/\?$/%3f/g;      #  space
0197   $Tag =~ s/\"/%22/g;       #  space
0198   $Tag =~ s/\#/%23/g;
0199 #  $Tag =~ s/\+/%AB/g;      #  +
0200   $Tag;
0201 }
0203 #----------------------------------------------------------
0204 #                    DirnameCheck
0205 # TV: This is totally broken.
0206 #     I don't know what was the original attempt but that code
0207 #     cannot work ! we cannot match the info name (which has no full path)
0208 #     with the info path ...
0209 #     The only thing i can see (guessed from the || part of the caller)
0210 #     is that we try to reject files with "/" in their name, guessing
0211 #     we pass a man page full path instead of a info file name ...
0212 #     In *that* case, the flow logic is inverted and we should have used "&&"
0213 #     instead of "||"
0214 #
0215 #     Thus the commented out call...
0216 #----------------------------------------------------------
0217 #sub DirnameCheck {
0218 #  my ($Base) = @_;
0219 #  my $Dir = $Base;
0220 #
0221 #  $Base =~ s!.*/!!g;
0222 #  $Dir  =~ s!\Q$Base\E!!;
0223 #
0224 #  foreach (@info2html::config::INFODIR) {
0225 #      return 1 if $Dir =~ /^$_/;
0226 #  }
0227 #
0228 #  foreach my $i (split(/:/, $ENV{INFOPATH})) {
0229 #     return 1 if $Dir =~ /^$i/;
0230 #  }
0231 #
0232 #  return 0;
0233 #}
0235 #----------------------------------------------------------
0236 #                    DeEscape
0237 #----------------------------------------------------------
0238 #sub DeEscape {
0239 #  my ($Tag) = @_;
0240 #  #-- deescaping is not needed anymore. KG/28.6.94
0241 #  $Tag =~ s/%AB/+/g;
0242 #  $Tag =~ s/%20/ /g;
0243 #  $Tag =~ s/\.\.\///g;
0244 #  $Tag =~ s/\.\.//g;
0245 #  $Tag =~ s/\.\///g;
0246 #  $Tag;
0247 #}
0249 sub infocat {
0250 # Collect them all into an array that can be sorted
0252     my %InfoFile;
0253     my %LinkText;
0254     my @dirs;
0256         foreach my $dir (@info2html::config::INFODIR) {
0257         push @dirs, $dir;
0258     }
0259     if ($ENV{'INFOPATH'}) {
0260             foreach my $dir (split(/:/, $ENV{INFOPATH})) {
0261             push @dirs, $dir;
0262         }
0263     }
0265         foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
0266         opendir DIR, $dir;
0267         my ($infofile,$filedesc);
0268         while ($infofile = readdir(DIR)) {
0269             if ($infofile =~ m/.info.bz2$/ ) {
0270                 open INFOFILE, "-|", "bzcat", "$dir/$infofile";
0271             }
0272             elsif ($infofile =~ m/.info.(lzma|xz)$/ ) {
0273                 open INFOFILE, "-|", "xzcat", "$dir/$infofile";
0274             }
0275             elsif ($infofile =~ m/.info.gz$/ ) {
0276                 open INFOFILE, "-|", "gzip", "-dc", "$dir/$infofile";
0277             }
0278             elsif ($infofile =~ m/.info$/) {
0279                 open INFOFILE, "-|", "$dir/$infofile";
0280             }
0281             else {
0282                 next;
0283             }
0284             $filedesc = '';
0285             my $collect = 0;
0286             my $empty = 1;
0287             while (<INFOFILE>) {
0288                 last if (m/END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/);
0289                 s/^\* //;
0290                 chomp;
0291                 next if /^\s*$/;
0292                 if ($collect) {
0293                     $filedesc .= "\n<br>" if ($collect < 16);
0294                     $filedesc .= $_;
0295                     --$collect;
0296                     $empty = 0;
0297                 } elsif (!$empty && !$collect) {
0298                     $filedesc .= "<br><b>...</b>\n";
0299                     last;
0300                 }
0301                 $collect=16 if (m/START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY/);
0302             }
0304                         # Avoid a noisy "Broken pipe" message from bzcat
0305             while (<INFOFILE>) {}
0306             close INFOFILE;
0308             if ($empty) { $filedesc .= 'no description available'; }
0309             $filedesc .= $infofile if ($filedesc eq "");
0310 # Add to the hash
0311             $LinkText{$filedesc} = "$dir/$infofile";
0312             $InfoFile{$filedesc} = "$infofile";
0313         }
0314     }
0316 # Now output the list
0317     my @sorted =  sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %InfoFile;
0319     print '<dl>';
0320     foreach my $description ( @sorted ) {
0321         print <<EOF;
0322         <dt> <a href="info:$InfoFile{$description}/Top">$LinkText{$description}</a>
0323             <dd>$description
0325 EOF
0326     }
0327     print '</dl>';
0328 }
0330 #----------------------------------------------------------
0331 #                   ParsHeaderToken
0332 #----------------------------------------------------------
0333 # Parses the header line of an info node for a specific
0334 # link directive (e.g. Up, Prev)
0335 #
0336 # Returns a link as (InfoFile,Tag).
0337 #----------------------------------------------------------
0338 sub ParsHeaderToken {
0339   my ($HeaderLine, $Token) = @_;
0340   return ("", "") if $HeaderLine !~ /$Token:/; #-- token not available
0341   my ($InfoFile, $node, $Temp);
0342   if ($HeaderLine =~ m!$Token:$WS(\(($FTAG)\))!) {
0343       $InfoFile = $2;
0344       $Temp     = $2 ne "" ? '\(' . $2 . '\)' : "";
0345   }
0346   $node = $1 if $HeaderLine =~ m!$Token:$WS$Temp$WSS([^\t,\n]+)?([\t,\.\n])!;
0347   $node ||= "Top";
0348   return $InfoFile, $node;
0349 }
0351 #---------------------------------------------------------
0352 #                         ParsHeaderLine
0353 #--------------------------------------------------------
0354 # Parses the header line on an info node for all link
0355 # directives allowed in a header line.
0356 # Sometimes the keyword 'Previous' is found in stead of
0357 # 'Prev'. Thats why the redirection line is checked
0358 # against both of these keywords.
0359 #-------------------------------------------------------
0360 sub ParsHeaderLine {
0361   my ($HL) = @_;
0362   my @LinkList;
0363   #-- Node
0364   push(@LinkList, &ParsHeaderToken($HL, "Node"));
0365   #-- Next
0366   push(@LinkList, &ParsHeaderToken($HL, "Next"));
0367   #-- Up
0368   push(@LinkList, &ParsHeaderToken($HL, "Up"));
0369   #-- Prev or Previous
0370   my @LinkInfo = &ParsHeaderToken($HL, "Prev");
0371   &ParsHeaderToken($HL, "Previous") if $LinkInfo[0] eq "" && $LinkInfo[1] eq "";
0372   push(@LinkList, @LinkInfo);
0373   return @LinkList;
0374 }
0376 ############################################################
0377 # turn tabs into correct number of spaces
0378 #
0379 sub Tab2Space {
0380     my ($line) = @_;
0381     $line =~ s/^\t/        /;   # 8 leading spaces if initial tab
0382     while ($line =~ s/^([^\t]+)(\t)/$1 . ' ' x (8 - length($1) % 8)/e) {
0383     }               # replace each tab with right num of spaces
0384     return $line;
0385 }
0387 #--------------------------------------------------------
0388 #                     ParseMenuItem
0389 #--------------------------------------------------------
0390 # Takes a line containing a Menu item and returns a list of
0391 # ($MenuLinkTag, $MenuLinkFile, $MenuLinkRef, $MenuLinkText)
0392 # or undef if the parsing fails
0393 #-------------------------------------------------------
0395 sub ParseMenuItem {
0396     my ($Line,$BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0397     my ($MenuLinkTag, $MenuLinkFile, $MenuLinkRef, $MenuLinkText);
0398     $Line = &Tab2Space($Line);  # make sure columns line up well
0400     if ($Line =~ /\* ([^:]+)::/) { # -- is a simple entry ending with :: ?
0401     $MenuLinkTag  = $1;
0402     $MenuLinkRef  = $1;
0403     $MenuLinkText = $'; #' --just to help emacs perl-mode
0404     $MenuLinkFile = &Escape($BaseInfoFile);
0405     } elsif ($Line =~ /\* ([^:]+):(\s*\(($FTAG)\)($TAG)?$TE\.?)?(.*)$/) {
0406     $MenuLinkFile = $BaseInfoFile;
0407     $MenuLinkRef  = $1;
0408     $MenuLinkText = $5;
0409     if ($2) {
0410         $MenuLinkFile  = $3;
0411          $MenuLinkTag   = $4 || 'Top';
0412         $MenuLinkText = ($2 ? ' ' x (length($2)+1) : '') . "$5\n";
0413     } else {
0414         $Line = "$5\n";
0415         if ($Line =~ /( *($TAG)?$TE(.*))$/) {
0416         $MenuLinkTag  = $2;
0417         $MenuLinkText = $Line;
0418         }
0419     }
0420     } else {
0421     return undef;
0422     }
0423     $MenuLinkTag = &Escape($MenuLinkTag); # -- escape special chars
0424     $MenuLinkText =~ s/^ *//;
0425     return ($MenuLinkTag, $MenuLinkFile, $MenuLinkRef, $MenuLinkText);
0426 }
0428 #--------------------------------------------------------
0429 #                     MenuItem2HTML
0430 #--------------------------------------------------------
0431 # Transform an info menu item in HTML with references
0432 #-------------------------------------------------------
0433 sub MenuItem2HTML {
0434     my ($Line, $BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0435     my @parse_results = &ParseMenuItem($Line, $BaseInfoFile);
0436     if (!@parse_results) { return $Line; }
0437     my ($MenuLinkTag, $MenuLinkFile, $MenuLinkRef, $MenuLinkText) = @parse_results;
0438     #-- produce a HTML line
0439     return "<tr class=\"infomenutr\"><td class=\"infomenutd\" style=\"width:30%\"><ul><li><a href=\"info:/$MenuLinkFile/$MenuLinkTag\">$MenuLinkRef</a></ul></td><td class=\"infomenutd\">$MenuLinkText";
0440 }
0442 #-------------------------------------------------------------
0443 #                   ReadIndirectTable
0444 #------------------------------------------------------------
0445 # Scans an info file for the occurence of an 'Indirect:'
0446 # table. Scans the entrys and returns two lists with the
0447 # filenames and the global offsets.
0448 #---------------------------------------------------------
0449 sub ReadIndirectTable {
0450   my ($FileName, $FileNames, $Offsets) = @_;
0452   local *FH1;
0453   if ($FileName =~ /\.gz$/) {
0454     open FH1, "-|", "gunzip", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0455   } elsif ($FileName =~ /\.bz2$/) {
0456     open FH1, "-|", "bunzip2", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0457   } elsif ($FileName =~ /\.(lzma|xz)$/) {
0458     open FH1, "-|", "unxz", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0459   } else {
0460     open(FH1, $FileName) || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0461   }
0462   #-- scan for start of Indirect: Table
0463   local $_;
0464   while (<FH1>) {
0465     my $Next = <FH1> if /$NODEBORDER/;
0466     last if $Next =~ /^Indirect:/i;
0467   }
0468   #-- scan the entrys and setup the arrays
0469   local $_;
0470   while (<FH1>) {
0471       last if /$NODEBORDER/;
0472       if (/([^:]+):[ \t]+(\d+)/) {
0473           push(@$FileNames, $1);
0474           push(@$Offsets, $2);
0475       }
0476   }
0477   close(FH1);
0478 }
0480 #---------------------------------------------------------
0481 #               ReadTagTable
0482 #--------------------------------------------------------
0483 #  Reads in a tag table from an info file.
0484 #  Returns an assoziative array with the tags found.
0485 #  Tags are transformed to lower case (info is not
0486 #  case sensitive for tags).
0487 #  The entrys in the assoziative Array are of the
0488 #  form
0489 #            <file>#<offset>
0490 #  <file> may be empty if an indirect table is
0491 #  present or if the node is located in the
0492 #  main file.
0493 #  'Exists' indicates if a tag table has been found.
0494 #  'IsIndirect' indicates if the tag table is based
0495 #  on a indirect table.
0496 #--------------------------------------------------------
0497 sub ReadTagTable {
0498   my ($FileName, $TagList, $Exists, $IsIndirect) = @_;
0500   local *FH;
0501   if ($FileName =~ /\.gz$/) {
0502     open FH, "-|", "gunzip", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0503   } elsif ($FileName =~ /\.bz2$/) {
0504     open FH, "-|", "bunzip2", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0505   } elsif ($FileName =~ /\.(lzma|xz)$/) {
0506     open FH, "-|", "unxz", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0507   } else {
0508     open FH, $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0509   }
0510   ($$Exists, $$IsIndirect) = (0, 0);
0511   #-- scan for start of tag table
0512   local $_;
0513   while (<FH>) {
0514     if (/$NODEBORDER/) {
0515       if (<FH> =~ /^Tag table:/i) {
0516         $$Exists = 1;
0517         last;
0518       }
0519     }
0520   }
0521   #-- scan the entrys
0522   local $_;
0523   while (<FH>) {
0524     $$IsIndirect = 1 if /^\(Indirect\)/i;
0525     last if /$NODEBORDER/;
0526     if (/Node:[ \t]+([^$REDIRSEP]+)$REDIRSEP(\d+)/) {
0527         my ($Tag, $Offset) = (lc($1), $2);
0528         my $File = $1 if /File:[ \t]+([^\t,]+)/;
0529         $TagList->{$Tag} = $File."#".$Offset;
0530     }
0531   }
0532   close(FH);
0533 }
0535 #----------------------------------------------------------
0536 #                   ParsCrossRefs
0537 #----------------------------------------------------------
0538 #  scans a line for the existence of cross references and
0539 #  transforms them to HTML using a little icon
0540 #----------------------------------------------------------
0541 sub ParsCrossRefs {
0542   my ($prev, $Line, $BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0543   my ($NewLine, $Token);
0544   my ($CrossRef, $CrossRefFile, $CrossRefTag, $CrossRefRef, $CrossRefText);
0545   $Line = " " . $Line;
0546   if ($prev =~ /\*Note([^\t\,\.]*)$/mi) {
0547       $Line = "$prev-NEWLINE-$Line" if $Line =~ /^$TAG$TE/m;
0548   }
0549   my @Tokens = split(/(\*Note)/i, $Line);  # -- split the line
0550   while ($Token = shift @Tokens) {
0551     $CrossRefTag = $CrossRefRef = $CrossRefFile = $CrossRefText = '';
0552     if ($Token !~ /^\*Note/i) {   #-- this part is pure text
0553       $NewLine .= $Token;
0554       next;                     #-- ... take the next part
0555     }
0556     $CrossRef = shift(@Tokens);
0557     if ($CrossRef !~ /:/) {      #-- seems not to be a valid cross ref.
0558       $NewLine .= $Token.$CrossRef;
0559       next;                     # -- ... take the next one
0560     }
0561     if ($CrossRef =~ /^([^:]+)::/) {  # -- a simple cross ref..
0562       $CrossRefTag = $1;
0563       $CrossRefText = $';
0564       $CrossRefRef = $CrossRefTag;
0565       $CrossRefTag =~ s/-NEWLINE-/ /g;
0566       $CrossRefTag =~ s/^\s+//;
0567       $CrossRefTag =~ s/\s+/ /g;
0568       $CrossRefRef =~ s/-NEWLINE-/\n/g;
0569       $CrossRefTag = &Escape($CrossRefTag);   # -- escape specials
0570       $BaseInfoFile = &Escape($BaseInfoFile);
0571       $NewLine .= "<a href=\"info:/$BaseInfoFile/$CrossRefTag\">";
0572       $NewLine .= "$CrossRefRef</a>$CrossRefText";
0573       next;                     # -- .. take the next one
0574     }
0575     if ($CrossRef !~ /$TE/) {   # never mind if tag doesn't end on this line
0576     $NewLine .= $Token.$CrossRef;
0577     next;
0578     }
0579 #print "--- Com. CR : $CrossRef --- \n";
0580     if ($CrossRef =~ /([^:]+):/) {  #-- A more complicated one ..
0581         $CrossRefRef = $1;
0582         $CrossRef  = $';
0583         $CrossRefText = $CrossRef;
0584     }
0585     if ($CrossRef =~ /^(\s|\n|-NEWLINE-)*\(($FTAG)\)/) {  #-- .. with another file ?
0586      $CrossRefFile = $2;
0587      $CrossRef = $';
0588     }
0589     $CrossRefTag = $2 if $CrossRef  =~ /^(\s|\n|-NEWLINE-)*($TAG)?($TE)/;     #-- ... and a tag ?
0590     if ($CrossRefTag eq "" && $CrossRefFile eq "") {
0591       $NewLine .= "*Note : $CrossRefText$3";
0592       next;
0593     }
0595     $CrossRefTag =~ s/-NEWLINE-/ /g;
0596     $CrossRefTag =~ s/^\s+//;
0597     $CrossRefTag =~ s/\s+/ /g;
0598     $CrossRefRef =~ s/-NEWLINE-/\n/g;
0599     $CrossRefText =~ s/-NEWLINE-/\n/g;
0600     $CrossRefFile = $BaseInfoFile if $CrossRefFile eq "";
0601     $CrossRefTag  = "Top" if $CrossRefTag eq "";
0602     $CrossRefRef = "($CrossRefFile)$CrossRefTag" if $CrossRefRef eq '';
0603     $CrossRefTag = &Escape($CrossRefTag);      #-- escape specials
0604     $CrossRefFile = &Escape($CrossRefFile);
0605     #-- append the HTML text
0606     $NewLine .= "<a href=\"info:/$CrossRefFile/$CrossRefTag\">";
0607     $NewLine .= "$CrossRefRef</a>$CrossRefText";
0608   }
0609   if ($NewLine =~ /\*Note([^\t\,\.]*)$/i) {
0610       return "$DONTPRINTYET$NewLine";
0611   } else {
0612       $NewLine;  #-- return the new line
0613   }
0614 }
0617 #-------------------------------------------------------------
0618 #                        PrintLinkInfo
0619 #-------------------------------------------------------------
0620 #  prints the HTML text for a link information in the
0621 #  header of an info node. Uses some icons URLs of icons
0622 #  are specified in 'info2html.conf'.
0623 #------------------------------------------------------------
0624 sub PrintLinkInfo {
0625   my ($LinkType, $LinkFile, $LinkTag, $BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0626   my ($LinkFileEsc, $LinkTypeText);
0627   return if $LinkFile eq "" && $LinkTag eq "";
0629   #-- If no auxiliary file specified use the current info file
0630   $LinkFile ||= $BaseInfoFile;
0631   my $LinkRef  = $LinkTag;
0632   $LinkTag  = &Escape($LinkTag);
0633   $LinkFileEsc = &Escape($LinkFile);
0634   #-- print the HTML Text
0635   print <<EOF;
0636 <a href="info:/$LinkFileEsc/$LinkTag">
0637    $LinkTypeText
0638   <strong>$LinkRef</strong>
0639 </a>
0640 EOF
0641 }
0643 #-------------------------------------------------------------
0644 #                       PrintHeader
0645 #-------------------------------------------------------------
0646 #  Prints the header for an info node in HTML format
0647 #------------------------------------------------------------
0648 sub PrintHeader {
0649   my ($LinkList, $BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0650   my @LinkList = @{$LinkList};
0652   my $UpcaseInfoFile = $BaseInfoFile;
0653   $UpcaseInfoFile =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
0654   #-- TEXT for the header of an info node
0655   print <<EOF;
0657 <html>
0658    <head>
0659       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
0660       <title>Info: ($BaseInfoFile) $LinkList[1]</title>
0661       $STYLESHEET_KDE
0662       <!-- These can't be in the .css file due to the help KIO worker not being
0663            followed. -->
0664       <style type="text/css">
0665       #header_top { background-image: url("help:/kdoctools5-common/top.jpg"); }
0666       #header_top div { background-image: url("help:/kdoctools5-common/top-left.jpg"); }
0667       #header_top div div { background-image: url("help:/kdoctools5-common/top-right.jpg"); }
0669       /* Newer updates to, looks good */
0670       #header_bottom {
0671           margin: 0 auto;
0672           padding: 0.1em 0em 0.3em 0;
0673           vertical-align: middle;
0674           text-align: center;
0675           background: #eeeeee;
0676       }
0677       </style>
0678    </head>
0679    <body>
0680 <!--header start-->
0681    <div id="header"><div id="header_top">
0682        <div><div>
0683        <img src="help:/kdoctools5-common/top-kde.jpg" alt="[KDE Help]"> $UpcaseInfoFile: $LinkList[1]</div></div>
0684    </div>
0685 <div class="header_bottom" style="border: none">
0686 EOF
0687     common_headers($LinkList, $BaseInfoFile);
0688 print <<EOF;
0689 </div></div>
0690       <div id="contents">
0691       <div class="chapter">
0692 EOF
0693 }
0695 sub common_headers {
0696   my ($LinkList, $BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0697   my @LinkList = @{$LinkList};
0698   print <<EOF;
0699       <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
0700       <tr><td style="width:33%" align="left">
0701 EOF
0702   &PrintLinkInfo("Prev", $LinkList[6], $LinkList[7], $BaseInfoFile);
0703   print <<EOF;
0704         </td><td style="width:34%" align="center">
0705 EOF
0706   &PrintLinkInfo("Up",   $LinkList[4], $LinkList[5], $BaseInfoFile);
0707   print <<EOF;
0708         </td><td style="width:33%" align="right">
0709 EOF
0710   &PrintLinkInfo("Next", $LinkList[2], $LinkList[3], $BaseInfoFile);
0711   print <<EOF;
0712         </td></tr></table>
0713 EOF
0714 }
0716 #---------------------------------------------------------
0717 #                       PrintFooter
0718 #---------------------------------------------------------
0719 #  prints the footer for an info node in HTML format
0720 #---------------------------------------------------------
0721 sub PrintFooter {
0722   my ($LinkList, $BaseInfoFile, $LinkFile) = @_;
0724   $LinkFile ||= $BaseInfoFile;
0726   #-- TEXT for the footer of an info node
0727   print <<EOF;
0728     </div>
0729     </div>
0730     <div id="footer">
0731 EOF
0732   common_headers($LinkList, $BaseInfoFile);
0733   print <<EOF;
0734     <div id="footer_text">
0735       <em>Automatically generated by a version of
0736       <a href="$info2html::config::DOC_URL">
0737          <b>info2html</b>
0738       </a> modified for <a href="">KDE</a></em>.
0739     </div></div>
0740    </body>
0741 </html>
0742 EOF
0743 }
0745 #----------------------------------------------------------
0746 #                 ReplyNotFoundMessage
0747 #----------------------------------------------------------
0748 sub ReplyNotFoundMessage {
0749   my ($FileName, $Tag) = @_;
0750   print <<EOF;
0752 <head>
0753 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >
0754 <title>Info Files  -  Error Message</title>
0756 </head>
0757 <h1>Error</h1>
0758 <body>
0759 The Info node <em>$Tag</em> in Info file <em>$FileName</em>
0760 does not exist.
0761 </body>
0762 EOF
0763 }
0765 sub PrintByFileLink {
0766     print <<EOF
0768     <hr width="80%"/>
0769     <p>If you did not find what you were looking for try <a href="info:$BROWSE_BY_FILE_PATH">browsing by file</a> to
0770     see info files from packages which may not have updated the directory.
0771 EOF
0772 }
0774 #-----------------------------------------------------------
0775 #                   BrowseByFile
0776 #-----------------------------------------------------------
0777 # Shows a list of available files in the system with a short
0778 # description of them.
0779 #------------------------------------------------------------
0781 sub BrowseByFile {
0782     my @LinkList = ('', '', '', '',
0783             'dir', 'Top', '','',''); # set LinkList[4] & LinkList[5], of course ;)
0784     my $BaseInfoFile = 'Available Files';
0785     &PrintHeader(\@LinkList, $BaseInfoFile);
0786     print <<EOF;
0787 <h2>Available Files</h2>
0788 EOF
0789     &infocat;
0790     &PrintFooter(\@LinkList, $BaseInfoFile);
0791 }
0793 #-----------------------------------------------------------
0794 #                   InfoNode2HTML
0795 #-----------------------------------------------------------
0796 # scans an info file for the node with the name '$Tag'
0797 # starting at the postion '$Offset'.
0798 # If found the node is tranlated to HTML and printed.
0799 #------------------------------------------------------------
0800 sub InfoNode2HTML {
0801   my ($FileName, $Offset, $Tag, $BaseInfoFile) = @_;
0803   local *FH2;
0804   if ($FileName =~ /\.gz$/) {
0805     open FH2, "-|", "gunzip", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0806   } elsif ($FileName =~ /\.bz2$/) {
0807     open FH2, "-|", "bunzip2", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0808   } elsif ($FileName =~ /\.(lzma|xz)$/) {
0809     open FH2, "-|", "unxz", "-q", "-d", "-c", $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0810   } else {
0811     open FH2, $FileName || &DieFileNotFound($FileName);
0812   }
0813   seek(FH2, $Offset, 0);
0814   $Tag =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;    # -- to lowercase
0815   #-- scan for the node start
0816   my ($Found, @LinkList);
0817   local $_;
0818   while (<FH2>) {
0819     if (/$NODEBORDER/) {
0820       my $line = <FH2>;
0821       @LinkList = &ParsHeaderLine($line);
0822       my $CompareTag = $Tag;
0823       $CompareTag =~ s/([^0-9A-Za-z])/\\$1/g;  #-- escape special chars !
0824       my $Temp = $LinkList[1];
0825       $Temp =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;    #-- to lower case
0826       if ($Temp =~ /^\s*$CompareTag\s*$/) {          #-- node start found ?
0827         $Found = 1;
0828         last;
0829       }
0830     }
0831   }
0833   return &ReplyNotFoundMessage($FileName, $Tag) unless $Found; # -- break if not found;
0835   &PrintHeader(\@LinkList, $BaseInfoFile);
0836   my $InMenu = 0;
0837   my $prev;
0838   my $LineCount = 0;
0839   my $Entries = 0;
0840   my $Par = 0;
0841   my @ParLines = ();
0842   my $ParLine=0;
0843   my $MayBeText=0;
0844   my $MayBeTitle=0;
0845   my $Line;
0846   my $PrevMenu;
0847   local $_;
0848   while (<FH2>) {
0849     $LineCount++;
0850     last if /$NODEBORDER/;
0851     #-- replace meta characters
0852     #s/"`"([^"'"]*)"'"/"<span class=\"option\">"$1"</span>"/g;
0853     s/&/&amp;/g;
0854     s/>/&gt;/g;
0855     s/</&lt;/g;
0857     my $Length = length($_);
0858     if ($LineCount == 3 && $InMenu == 0 && length($_) == $Length && $Length > 1){ #-- an underline ?
0859       if (/^\**$/) {
0860         print "<h2>$prev</h2>\n";
0861         $prev = "";
0862         next;
0863       }
0864       elsif (/^=*$/) {
0865         print "<h3>$prev</h3>\n";
0866         $prev = "";
0867         next;
0868       }
0869       else {
0870         print "<h4>$prev</h4>\n";
0871         $prev = "";
0872         next;
0873       }
0874     }
0876     if (/^\* Menu/ && $InMenu == 0) {       # -- start of menu section ?
0877       $InMenu = 1;
0878       print "<h3>Menu</h3>\n";
0879     }
0880     elsif ($InMenu == 1) {
0881         # This is pretty crappy code.
0882         # A lot of logic (like the ParsCrossRefs and tranforming Variable: etc) is repeated below.
0883         # There have been a few bugs which were fixed in one branch of the code and left in the other.
0884         # This should be refactored.
0885         # LPC (16 March 2003)
0886       if (/^\* /) {  #-- a menu entry ?
0887         if ($Entries == 0) {
0888           $Entries = 1;
0889           print "<table class=\"infomenutable\">";
0890         }
0891         print &MenuItem2HTML($_,$BaseInfoFile);
0892       }
0893       elsif (/^$/) {  #-- empty line
0894         if ($Entries == 1) {
0895           print "</td></tr></table>";
0896           $Entries = 0;
0897         }
0898         print "<br>";
0899       }
0900       else {
0901         $Line = &ParsCrossRefs($prev,$_,$BaseInfoFile);
0902         if ($Line =~ /^$DONTPRINTYET/) {
0903           $prev = $Line;
0904       $prev =~ s/^$DONTPRINTYET//;
0905       chomp $prev;
0906         }
0907         elsif ($LineCount == 2) {
0908           $prev = $Line;
0909         } else {
0910       $prev = $Line;
0911           $Line =~ s{- (Variable|Function|Macro|Command|Special Form|User Option|Data Type):.*$}{<em><strong>$&</strong></em>};
0912           $Line =~ s/^[ \t]*//;
0913           print $Line;
0914         }
0915       }
0916     }
0917     else {
0918       if (/^ *$/) {
0919          if ($MayBeText == 1) {
0920             print "<p>$Par</p>"
0921          } else {
0922             print "<pre>";
0923             foreach (@ParLines) {
0924                print $_;
0925             }
0926             print "\n";
0927             print "</pre>";
0928          }
0929          @ParLines = ();
0930          $ParLine = 1;
0931          $MayBeText = 1;
0932          $MayBeTitle = 1;
0933          $Par = "";
0934       } else {
0935          if ($ParLine == 1) {
0936             if (!/^ {1,4}[^ ]/ || /[^ ]   [^ ]/) {
0937                $MayBeText = 0;
0938             }
0939          } else {
0940             if (!/^ ?[^ ]/ || /[^ ]   [^ ]/) {
0941                $MayBeText = 0;
0942             }
0943          }
0944          $Line = &ParsCrossRefs($prev,$_,$BaseInfoFile);
0945          if ($Line =~ /^$DONTPRINTYET/) {
0946            $prev = $Line;
0947        $prev =~ s/^$DONTPRINTYET//;
0948        chomp $prev;
0949          } elsif ($LineCount == 2) {
0950            $prev = $Line;
0951          } else {
0952            $prev = $Line;
0953        $Line =~ s{- (Variable|Function|Macro|Command|Special Form|User Option):.*$}{<strong>$&</strong>};
0954            $Line =~ s/`([^']*)'/`<span class="option">$1<\/span>'/g;  #'
0955            $Line =~ s/((news|ftp|http):\/\/[A-Za-z0-9\.\/\#\-_\~\?\=\%]*)/<a href="$1">$1<\/a>/g;
0956            $Line =~ s/([A-Za-z0-9\.\/\#\-_\~]*\@[A-Za-z0-9\.\/\#\-_\~]*\.[A-Za-z]{2,3})/<a href="mailto:$1">$1<\/a>/g;
0957            $Par = $Par . $Line;
0958            $ParLines[$ParLine] = $Line;
0959            $ParLine++;
0960          }
0961        }
0962     }
0963   }
0964   if ($Entries == 1) {
0965     print "</table>"
0966   }
0967   if ($PrevMenu =~ "") {
0968     print &MenuItem2HTML($PrevMenu,$BaseInfoFile);
0969   }
0971   close(FH2);
0973   if ($BaseInfoFile =~ m/dir/i
0974       && $Tag =~ m/Top/i) {
0975       &PrintByFileLink;
0976   }
0978   &PrintFooter(\@LinkList, $BaseInfoFile);
0979 }
0981 #-------------------------------------------------------------
0982 #                           max
0983 #------------------------------------------------------------
0984 sub max {
0985   my ($a, $b) = @_;
0986   return  $a >= $b ? $a : $b;
0987 }
0989 #-----------------------------------------------------------
0990 #                   GetFileAndOffset
0991 #------------------------------------------------------------
0992 # This procedure locates a specific node in a info file
0993 # The location is based on the tag and indirect table in
0994 # basic info file if such tables are available.
0995 # Because the offsets specified in the tag and in the
0996 # indirect table are more or less inacurate the computet
0997 # offset is set back 100 bytes. From this position
0998 # the specified node will looked for sequentially
0999 #------------------------------------------------------------
1000 sub GetFileAndOffset {
1001   my ($BaseInfoFile, $NodeName) = @_;
1002   my ($Exists, $IsIndirect, $File, $Offset, $FileOffset, %TagList, @FileNames, @Offsets);
1003   $NodeName =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
1004   &ReadIndirectTable($BaseInfoFile, \@FileNames, \@Offsets);
1007 # This looks wastefull:
1008 # We build a whole TagList hash and then use it to lookup the tag info.
1009 # Why not pass $NodeName to ReadTagTable and let it return just the desired info?
1010 # lpc (16 March 2003)
1011   &ReadTagTable($BaseInfoFile, \%TagList, \$Exists, \$IsIndirect);
1012   return "", 0 unless $Exists;                      #-- no tag table available
1013   return "", 0 unless defined $TagList{$NodeName};  #-- tag is not in the tag table
1014   ($File, $Offset) = split(/#/, $TagList{$NodeName});
1015   return $File, &max($Offset - 100, 0) if $File; #-- there is an explicite
1016                                                #-- not in the tag table
1018   if ($IsIndirect == 1) {
1019       foreach my $i (0..$#Offsets) {
1020           $FileOffset = $Offsets[$i] if $Offsets[$i] <= $Offset;
1021           $File = $FileNames[$i] if $Offsets[$i] <= $Offset;
1022       }
1023       return $File, &max($Offset - $FileOffset - 100,0); #-- be safe (-100!)
1024   } else {
1025     return "", &max($Offset - 100, 0);
1026   }
1027 }
1029 # FindFile: find the given file on the infopath, return full name or "".
1030 # Let filenames optionally have .info suffix.  Try named version first.
1031 # Handle gzipped file too.
1032 sub FindFile {
1033     my ($File) = @_;
1034     return "" if ($File =~ /\.\./);
1035     my $Alt = $File =~ /^(.+)\.info$/ ? $1 : $File . '.info';
1036     foreach my $Name ($File, $Alt) {
1037         my $gzName  = $Name . '.gz';
1038         my $bz2Name = $Name . '.bz2';
1039         my $lzmaName = $Name . '.lzma';
1040         my $xzName = $Name . '.xz';
1042         foreach (@info2html::config::INFODIR) {
1043             return "$_/$Name"    if -e "$_/$Name";
1044             return "$_/$gzName"  if -e "$_/$gzName";
1045             return "$_/$bz2Name" if -e "$_/$bz2Name";
1046             return "$_/$lzmaName" if -e "$_/$lzmaName";
1047             return "$_/$xzName" if -e "$_/$xzName";
1048         }
1049         next unless $ENV{INFOPATH};
1050         foreach my $i (split(/:/, $ENV{INFOPATH})) {
1051             return "$i/$Name"    if -e "$i/$Name";
1052             return "$i/$gzName"  if -e "$i/$gzName";
1053             return "$i/$bz2Name" if -e "$i/$bz2Name";
1054             return "$i/$lzmaName" if -e "$i/$lzmaName";
1055             return "$i/$xzName" if -e "$i/$xzName";
1056         }
1057     }
1058     return "";
1059 }
1061 #-------------------------------------------------------
1062 #
1063 #-------------------  MAIN -----------------------------
1064 #
1065 # called as
1066 # perl /path/kde-info2html config_file image_base_path BaseInfoFile NodeName
1067 #
1068 # BaseInfoFile eq '#special#' to pass special args through NodeName (yes, it is a hack).
1069 #
1071 my $PROGRAM = $0;           # determine our basename and version
1072 $PROGRAM =~ s!.*/!!;
1073 my ($BaseInfoFile, $NodeName) = ($ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]);
1074 #&DirnameCheck($BaseInfoFile) || &DieFileNotFound($BaseInfoFile);
1076 if ($BaseInfoFile eq '#special#' && $NodeName eq 'browse_by_file') {
1077     &BrowseByFile;
1078     exit 0;
1079 }
1081 $BaseInfoFile = "dir" if $BaseInfoFile =~ /^dir$/i;
1082 my $FileNameFull = &FindFile($BaseInfoFile) || &FileNotFound($BaseInfoFile,$NodeName);
1083 my ($File, $Offset) = &GetFileAndOffset($FileNameFull, $NodeName);
1084 $File ||= $BaseInfoFile;
1085 $FileNameFull = &FindFile($File);
1086 &InfoNode2HTML($FileNameFull, $Offset, $NodeName, $BaseInfoFile);
1088 exit 0;