Warning, /network/kio-extras/doc/kioworker/thumbnail/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

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0008 <article lang="&language;" id="thumbnail">
0009 <title>thumbnail</title>
0010 <articleinfo>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>&Carsten.Pfeiffer; &Carsten.Pfeiffer.mail;</author>
0014 </authorgroup>
0015 <date>2016-12-11</date>
0016 <releaseinfo>Applications 16.12</releaseinfo>
0017 </articleinfo>
0018 <para>The thumbnail KIO worker is used by &kde; for network transparent
0019 and persistent generation of thumbnails.</para>
0021 <para>The thumbnail KIO worker uses plugins to generate the actual
0022 thumbnails.  You can enable viewing of these thumbnails from the
0023 <menuchoice><guimenu>View</guimenu>
0024 <guisubmenu>Preview</guisubmenu></menuchoice> submenu, available in
0025 &dolphin; or in &konqueror; in file manager mode.</para>
0027 <para>The thumbnail KIO worker is not directly useful to a user, but if
0028 you are a developer, you can use it within your own applications to
0029 create file previews.</para>
0031 <para>See the documentation in the sources for more information.  You
0032 will find these in the source folder
0033 <ulink url="https://commits.kde.org/kio-extras?path=thumbnail">thumbnail</ulink>
0034 </para>
0036 </article>