Warning, /network/kio-extras/doc/kioworker/man/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0005 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here -->
0006 ]>
0008 <article lang="&language;" id="man">
0009 <title>Man</title>
0010 <articleinfo>
0011 <authorgroup>
0012 <author>&Lauri.Watts; &Lauri.Watts.mail;</author>
0013 <author>
0014   <firstname>Nicolas</firstname>
0015   <surname>Goutte</surname>
0016   <email>goutte@kde.org</email>
0017 </author>
0019 </authorgroup>
0020 </articleinfo>
0022 <para>
0023 Using the man KIO worker you are able to read the man pages installed
0024 on your system. It is easy to use:
0025 </para>
0027 <variablelist>
0028 <varlistentry>
0029 <term><userinput><command>man:</command></userinput></term>
0030 <listitem>
0031 <para>See the sections of the manual, click to find the rest.
0032 </para>
0033 </listitem>
0034 </varlistentry>
0035 <varlistentry>
0036 <term><userinput><command>man:/</command><replaceable>fopen</replaceable></userinput></term>
0037 <listitem>
0038 <para>See the man page of <command>fopen</command>.
0039 </para>
0040 </listitem>
0041 </varlistentry>
0042 <varlistentry>
0043 <term><userinput><command>man:/</command><replaceable>fopen(3)</replaceable></userinput></term>
0044 <listitem>
0045 <para>See the man page of <command>fopen</command> in section 3.
0046 </para>
0047 </listitem>
0048 </varlistentry>
0049 <varlistentry>
0050 <term><userinput><command>man:/</command><replaceable>(3)</replaceable></userinput></term>
0051 <listitem>
0052 <para>See the index of section 3.
0053 </para>
0054 </listitem>
0055 </varlistentry>
0056 <varlistentry>
0057 <term><userinput><command>man:/</command>intro<replaceable>(3)</replaceable></userinput></term>
0058 <listitem>
0059 <para>See the introduction of section 3.
0060 </para>
0061 </listitem>
0062 </varlistentry>
0063 </variablelist>
0065 <note><para>If there are more than one man page of the name that you
0066 have entered, you will get a list where you can choose the man page
0067 that you want to see.</para></note>
0069 <para>
0070 There is also a shortcut: <userinput><command>#fopen</command></userinput>,
0071 which has the same effect as above.
0072 </para>
0074 <para>
0075 If you do not find all your man pages, adjust the configuration file
0076 <filename>/etc/manpath.config</filename>
0077 (or a file of a similar name depending on your distribution)
0078 or adjust the environment variables
0079 <envar>MANPATH</envar> and <envar>MANSECT</envar>.
0080 </para>
0082 <para>
0083 As with any other KIO worker, it is possible to enter a &URL;, like
0084 <userinput><command>man:/socket</command></userinput> in <emphasis>any</emphasis>
0085 &kde; application.  Try it in &kwrite; and you will see the man page in
0086 &HTML; format.
0087 </para>
0089 <para>
0090 Contact mailing list: <email>kde-devel@kde.org</email>
0091 </para>
0093 </article>