Warning, /network/kget/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [
0003   <!-- Define an entity for your application if it is not part of KDE CVS -->
0004   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
0005   <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"> 
0006 ]>
0008 <book id="kget" lang="&language;">
0009 <bookinfo>
0010 <title>The &kget; Handbook</title>
0012 <authorgroup>
0013 <author>
0014 <personname>
0015 <firstname>Gaurav</firstname>
0016 <surname>Chaturvedi</surname>
0017 </personname>
0018 <email>gaurav.p.chaturvedi@gmail.com</email>
0019 </author>
0022 </authorgroup>
0024 <copyright>
0025 <year>2009</year>
0026 <holder>Gaurav Chaturvedi</holder>
0027 </copyright>
0028 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
0030 <date>2017-11-21</date>
0031 <releaseinfo>2.95.0 (Applications 17.12)</releaseinfo>
0033 <!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
0035 <abstract>
0036 <para>
0037 &kget; is an advanced download manager by &kde; 
0038 </para>
0039 </abstract>
0041 <keywordset>
0042 <keyword>KDE</keyword>
0043 <keyword>kdenetwork</keyword>
0044 <keyword>kget</keyword>
0045 <keyword>kppp</keyword>
0046 <keyword>download</keyword>
0047 </keywordset>
0049 </bookinfo>
0051 <chapter id="Introduction">
0052 <title>Introduction</title>
0054 <para>
0055   <orderedlist>
0056     <listitem><para>Start &kget; (you should see a Drop Target)</para></listitem>
0057     <listitem><para>Drag and drop the required &URL; in the &kget; window/Drop Target.</para></listitem>
0058   </orderedlist>
0059 <screenshot>
0060   <screeninfo>Screenshot of &kget;</screeninfo>
0061         <mediaobject>
0062           <imageobject>
0063             <imagedata fileref="kget_group.png" format="PNG"/>
0064           </imageobject>
0065           <textobject>
0066             <phrase>Screenshot of &kget;</phrase>
0067           </textobject>
0068         </mediaobject>
0069 </screenshot>
0070 </para>
0071 </chapter>
0073 <chapter id="KGet_Drop_Target">
0074 <title> &kget; Drop Target </title>
0076 <para>
0077   The &kget; Drop Target has four options.
0078 </para>
0080 <screenshot>
0081 <screeninfo>Screenshot of &kget; drop target</screeninfo>
0082         <mediaobject>
0083           <imageobject>
0084             <imagedata fileref="kget_drop_target.png" format="PNG"/>
0085           </imageobject>
0086           <textobject>
0087             <phrase>Screenshot of &kget; drop target</phrase>
0088           </textobject>
0089         </mediaobject>
0090 </screenshot>
0092 <sect1 id="kget-features">
0093 <title> &kget; Drop Target options</title>
0094 <para>
0095 Right click on the drop target to see the options.
0096 </para>
0098   <variablelist>
0099     <varlistentry>
0100       <term>
0101         <menuchoice>
0102           <shortcut>
0103             <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo>
0104           </shortcut>
0105           <guimenuitem>Start / Resume All</guimenuitem>
0106         </menuchoice>
0107       </term>
0108       <listitem>
0109         <para>
0110           <action>To start a download or resume all the pending downloads. The shortcut for doing this is <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>R</keycap></keycombo></action>
0111         </para>
0112       </listitem>
0113     </varlistentry>
0115     <varlistentry>
0116       <term>
0117         <menuchoice>
0118           <guimenuitem>Show/Hide Main Window</guimenuitem>
0119         </menuchoice>
0120       </term>
0121     <listitem>
0122       <para>
0123         <action>This option shows or minimizes the main window to the system tray.</action>
0124       </para>
0125      </listitem>
0126     </varlistentry>
0127     <varlistentry>
0128       <term>
0129         <menuchoice>
0130           <guimenuitem>Sticky</guimenuitem>
0131         </menuchoice>
0132       </term>
0133     <listitem>
0134       <para>
0135         <action>Makes the &kget; drop target undraggable.</action>
0136       </para>
0137      </listitem>
0138     </varlistentry>
0140     <varlistentry>
0141       <term>
0142         <menuchoice>
0143           <guimenuitem>Quit &kget;</guimenuitem>
0144         </menuchoice>
0145       </term>
0146     <listitem>
0147       <para>
0148         <action>Quits &kget;</action>
0149       </para>
0150      </listitem>
0151     </varlistentry>
0152   </variablelist>
0153 </sect1>
0154 </chapter>
0156 <chapter id="Configuration">
0157 <title> &kget;'s Configuration window </title>
0158 <variablelist>
0159 <varlistentry>
0160 <term><menuchoice>
0161 <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
0162 <guimenuitem>Configure &kget;</guimenuitem>
0163 </menuchoice></term>
0164 <listitem><para><action>Opens the &kget; configuration window</action></para></listitem>
0165 </varlistentry>
0166 </variablelist>
0168 <sect1 id="Appearance">
0169 <title>Appearance</title>
0170 <para>
0171  <screenshot>
0172   <screeninfo>Appearance</screeninfo>
0173   <mediaobject>
0174     <imageobject>
0175       <imagedata fileref="kget_Appearance.png" format="PNG"/>
0176       </imageobject>
0177       <textobject>
0178         <phrase>Appearance</phrase>
0179       </textobject>
0180   </mediaobject>
0181  </screenshot>
0182 </para>
0183 <para>
0184   <variablelist>
0185     <varlistentry>
0186       <term>
0187         <menuchoice>
0188           <guimenuitem>Appearance</guimenuitem>
0189         </menuchoice>
0190       </term>
0191       <listitem>
0192         <para>
0193           <action>You can modify the various appearance related stuff here.</action>
0194         </para>
0195       </listitem>
0196     </varlistentry>
0197     <varlistentry>
0198       <term>
0199         <menuchoice>
0200           <guimenuitem>Use Drop Target</guimenuitem>
0201         </menuchoice>
0202       </term>
0203       <listitem>
0204         <para>
0205           <action>Uncheck this if you do not want the &kget; Drop Target.</action>
0206         </para>
0207       </listitem>
0208     </varlistentry>
0209     <varlistentry>
0210       <term>
0211         <menuchoice>
0212           <guimenuitem>Enable animations</guimenuitem>
0213         </menuchoice>
0214       </term>
0215       <listitem>
0216         <para>
0217           <action>Enables few fancy animations.</action>
0218         </para>
0219       </listitem>
0220     </varlistentry>
0221   </variablelist>
0222 </para>
0223 </sect1>
0225 <sect1 id="Groups">
0226 <title>Groups</title>
0227   <para>You can group downloads.</para>
0228   <screenshot>
0229   <screeninfo>&kget; Groups</screeninfo>
0230         <mediaobject>
0231           <imageobject>
0232             <imagedata fileref="kget_groups.png" format="PNG"/>
0233           </imageobject>
0234           <textobject>
0235             <phrase>&kget; Groups</phrase>
0236           </textobject>
0237         </mediaobject>
0238   </screenshot>
0239 <para>
0240   <variablelist>
0241     <varlistentry>
0242       <term>
0243         <menuchoice>
0244           <guimenuitem>Use default folders for groups as suggestion</guimenuitem>
0245         </menuchoice>
0246       </term>
0247       <listitem>
0248         <para>
0249           <action>Tick this box if you want &kget; to use default folders for your downloads.</action>
0250         </para>
0251       </listitem>
0252     </varlistentry>
0253  </variablelist>
0254 </para>
0255 </sect1>
0257 <sect1 id="Network">
0258 <title>Network</title>
0259   <para>You can modify your network related settings here.</para>
0260   <screenshot>
0261   <screeninfo>&kget; Network</screeninfo>
0262         <mediaobject>
0263           <imageobject>
0264             <imagedata fileref="kget_Network.png" format="PNG"/>
0265           </imageobject>
0266           <textobject>
0267             <phrase>&kget; Network</phrase>
0268           </textobject>
0269         </mediaobject>
0270   </screenshot>
0271 <para>
0272   <variablelist>
0273     <varlistentry>
0274       <term>
0275         <menuchoice>
0276           <guimenuitem>Limit Maximum Downloads Per Group</guimenuitem>
0277         </menuchoice>
0278       </term>
0279       <listitem>
0280         <para>
0281           <action>Check this box if you want Download limits to be implemented.</action>
0282         </para>
0283       </listitem>
0284     </varlistentry>
0285     <varlistentry>
0286       <term>
0287         <menuchoice>
0288           <guimenuitem>Speed Limit</guimenuitem>
0289         </menuchoice>
0290       </term>
0291       <listitem>
0292         <para>
0293           <action>Check this box if you want the Global speed limits to be used.</action>
0294         </para>
0295       </listitem>
0296     </varlistentry>
0298     <varlistentry>
0299       <term>
0300         <menuchoice>
0301           <guimenuitem>Global download limit</guimenuitem>
0302         </menuchoice>
0303       </term>
0304       <listitem>
0305         <para>
0306           <action>Set the maximum global download limit.</action>
0307         </para>
0308       </listitem>
0309     </varlistentry>
0311     <varlistentry>
0312       <term>
0313         <menuchoice>
0314           <guimenuitem>Global upload limit</guimenuitem>
0315         </menuchoice>
0316       </term>
0317       <listitem>
0318         <para>
0319           <action>Set the maximum upload limit.</action>
0320         </para>
0321       </listitem>
0322     </varlistentry>
0324     <varlistentry>
0325       <term>
0326         <menuchoice>
0327           <guimenuitem>Reconnect on Broken Connection</guimenuitem>
0328         </menuchoice>
0329       </term>
0330       <listitem>
0331         <para>
0332           <action>Check this box if you want &kget; to reconnect after an error or a broken connection.</action>
0333         </para>
0334       </listitem>
0335     </varlistentry>
0337     <varlistentry>
0338       <term>
0339         <menuchoice>
0340           <guimenuitem>Number of retries</guimenuitem>
0341         </menuchoice>
0342       </term>
0343       <listitem>
0344         <para>
0345           <action>Set the maximum number of time &kget; will try to reconnect.</action>
0346         </para>
0347       </listitem>
0348     </varlistentry>
0350     <varlistentry>
0351       <term>
0352         <menuchoice>
0353           <guimenuitem>Retry after</guimenuitem>
0354         </menuchoice>
0355       </term>
0356       <listitem>
0357         <para>
0358           <action>Set the retrying interval here (in seconds)</action>
0359         </para>
0360       </listitem>
0361     </varlistentry>
0363   </variablelist>
0364   </para>
0365 </sect1>
0367 <sect1 id='Web_Interface'>
0368 <title>Web Interface</title>
0369 <para>
0370 To enable the web interface, check <guilabel>Enable Web Interface</guilabel>; 
0371 default port is 8080, and you configure any port higher than 1024. Then set
0372 <guilabel>User</guilabel> and <guilabel>Password</guilabel>.
0373 You can access your web interface at;port&gt;.
0374 You will need to enter the username and password to get access.
0375 </para>
0376   <screenshot>
0377     <screeninfo>&kget; Web Interface</screeninfo>
0378         <mediaobject>
0379           <imageobject>
0380             <imagedata fileref="kget_Web_Interface.png" format="PNG"/>
0381           </imageobject>
0382           <textobject>
0383             <phrase>&kget; Web Interface</phrase>
0384           </textobject>
0385         </mediaobject>
0386   </screenshot>
0387 </sect1>
0389 <sect1 id='Verification'>
0391 <title>Verification</title>
0392   <para>Verify your downloads.</para>
0393   <screenshot>
0394     <screeninfo>&kget; Verification</screeninfo>
0395         <mediaobject>
0396           <imageobject>
0397             <imagedata fileref="kget_verification.png" format="PNG"/>
0398           </imageobject>
0399           <textobject>
0400             <phrase>&kget; Verification</phrase>
0401           </textobject>
0402         </mediaobject>
0403   </screenshot>
0405 <para>Using the two methods <guilabel>Automatic checksums verification</guilabel> and <guilabel>Signature</guilabel> 
0406 you can verify your downloads. You just have to tick the <guilabel>Automatic verification</guilabel> check box.</para>
0407 </sect1>
0409 <sect1 id="Integration">
0410 <title>Integration</title>
0411   <variablelist>
0412     <varlistentry>
0413       <term>
0414         <menuchoice>
0415           <guimenuitem>Use as download manager for Konqueror</guimenuitem>
0416         </menuchoice>
0417       </term>
0418       <listitem>
0419         <para>
0420           <action>You can set &kget; as your download manager for &konqueror;.</action>
0421         </para>
0422       </listitem>
0423     </varlistentry>
0425     <varlistentry>
0426       <term>
0427         <menuchoice>
0428           <guimenuitem>Monitor clipboard for files to download</guimenuitem>
0429         </menuchoice>
0430       </term>
0431       <listitem>
0432         <para>
0433           You can turn on this feature that asks if you want to download &URL;s copied into the clipboard.
0434         </para>
0435       </listitem>
0436     </varlistentry>
0437   </variablelist>
0438 </sect1>
0440 <sect1 id="Advanced">
0441 <title>Advanced</title>
0442   <para>Modify Advanced Options.</para>
0443   <screenshot>
0444     <screeninfo>&kget; Advanced Options</screeninfo>
0445         <mediaobject>
0446           <imageobject>
0447             <imagedata fileref="kget_Advanced.png" format="PNG"/>
0448           </imageobject>
0449           <textobject>
0450             <phrase>&kget; Advanced Options</phrase>
0451           </textobject>
0452         </mediaobject>
0453   </screenshot>
0455   <variablelist>
0456     <varlistentry>
0457       <term>
0458         <menuchoice>
0459           <guimenuitem>Enable system tray icon</guimenuitem>
0460         </menuchoice>
0461       </term>
0462       <listitem>
0463         <para>
0464           <action>This check box enables the &kget; system tray icon.</action>
0465         </para>
0466       </listitem>
0467     </varlistentry>
0469     <varlistentry>
0470       <term>
0471         <menuchoice>
0472           <guimenuitem>Execute action after all downloads have been finished</guimenuitem>
0473         </menuchoice>
0474       </term>
0475       <listitem>
0476         <para>
0477           <action>  Check this box to enable Quitting &kget; after all downloads have finished.
0478                     At startup you can choose to Restore Download state. Such as Stop All downloads/ Start All downloads.</action>
0479         </para>
0480       </listitem>
0481     </varlistentry>
0483     <varlistentry>
0484       <term>
0485         <menuchoice>
0486           <guimenuitem>History backend</guimenuitem>
0487         </menuchoice>
0488       </term>
0489       <listitem>
0490         <para>
0491           <action>You can choose your history backend as Sqlite or Xml.</action>
0492         </para>
0493       </listitem>
0494     </varlistentry>
0496     <varlistentry>
0497       <term>
0498         <menuchoice>
0499           <guimenuitem>Enable &kde; global progress tracking</guimenuitem>
0500         </menuchoice>
0501       </term>
0502       <listitem>
0503         <para>
0504           <action>You can set &kget; to show every single download or show overall progress.</action>
0505         </para>
0506       </listitem>
0507     </varlistentry>
0508   </variablelist>
0509 </sect1>
0511 <sect1 id="Plugins">
0512 <title>Plugins</title>
0513   <screenshot>
0514     <screeninfo>&kget; Plugins Options</screeninfo>
0515         <mediaobject>
0516           <imageobject>
0517             <imagedata fileref="kget_plugins.png" format="PNG"/>
0518           </imageobject>
0519           <textobject>
0520             <phrase>&kget; Plugins Options</phrase>
0521           </textobject>
0522         </mediaobject>
0523   </screenshot>
0524   <para>On this page you can select the transfer plugins to be used. Use the <inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="pluginsettings.png" format="PNG"/>
0525 </imageobject></inlinemediaobject> button to change the default settings for a plugin.</para>
0527  </sect1>
0529 </chapter>
0531 <chapter id="Main_Window">
0532 <title>Main Window</title>
0533 <para>Overview of &kget;'s Main Window</para>
0534 <screenshot>
0535   <screeninfo>Screenshot of &kget;</screeninfo>
0536         <mediaobject>
0537           <imageobject>
0538             <imagedata fileref="file.png" format="PNG"/>
0539           </imageobject>
0540           <textobject>
0541             <phrase>Screenshot of &kget;</phrase>
0542           </textobject>
0543         </mediaobject>
0544 </screenshot>
0546 <sect1 id='File_Options'>
0547 <title>The File Menu</title>
0548 <variablelist>
0549 <varlistentry>
0550 <term><menuchoice>
0551 <shortcut>
0552 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo>
0553 </shortcut>
0554 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0555 <guimenuitem>New Download...</guimenuitem>
0556 </menuchoice></term>
0557 <listitem><para><action>Add a new file to download</action></para></listitem>
0558 </varlistentry>
0560 <varlistentry>
0561 <term><menuchoice>
0562 <shortcut>
0563 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>L</keycap></keycombo>
0564 </shortcut>
0565 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0566 <guimenuitem>Import Links...</guimenuitem>
0567 </menuchoice></term>
0568 <listitem>
0569 <screenshot>
0570   <screeninfo>Import Links</screeninfo>
0571         <mediaobject>
0572           <imageobject>
0573             <imagedata fileref="import_link.png" format="PNG"/>
0574           </imageobject>
0575           <textobject>
0576             <phrase>Import Links</phrase>
0577           </textobject>
0578         </mediaobject>
0579 </screenshot>
0580 <para><action>This action brings up another window, where you can see and manipulate which file to download. Also you can make a selection based on <guilabel>Videos</guilabel>, <guilabel>Images</guilabel>, <guilabel>Audio</guilabel> and <guilabel>Archives</guilabel>.
0581 There is also a text box to filter out results.</action></para></listitem>
0582 </varlistentry>
0584 <varlistentry>
0585 <term><menuchoice>
0586 <shortcut>
0587 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>I</keycap></keycombo>
0588 </shortcut>
0589 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0590 <guimenuitem>Import Transfers...</guimenuitem>
0591 </menuchoice></term>
0592 <listitem><para><action>Loads a <filename class="extension">*.kgt</filename>, <filename class="extension">*.metalink</filename>, <filename class="extension">*.meta4</filename> or <filename class="extension">*.torrent</filename> file.</action></para></listitem>
0593 </varlistentry>
0595 <varlistentry>
0596 <term><menuchoice>
0597 <shortcut>
0598 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo>
0599 </shortcut>
0600 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0601 <guimenuitem>Export Transfers List...</guimenuitem>
0602 </menuchoice></term>
0603 <listitem><para><action>Export the highlighted links to a <filename class="extension">.kgt</filename> file, to be loaded later.</action></para></listitem>
0604 </varlistentry>
0606 <varlistentry>
0607 <term><menuchoice>
0608 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0609 <guimenuitem>Create a Metalink</guimenuitem>
0610 </menuchoice></term>
0611 <listitem>
0612 <screenshot>
0613   <screeninfo>Creating a metalink0</screeninfo>
0614         <mediaobject>
0615           <imageobject>
0616             <imagedata fileref="metalink0.png" format="PNG"/>
0617           </imageobject>
0618           <textobject>
0619             <phrase>Creating a Metalink0</phrase>
0620           </textobject>
0621         </mediaobject>
0622 </screenshot>
0623 <para>Select between creating a new Metalink and loading an existing Metalink. Click the <guilabel>Next</guilabel> button to proceed.</para>
0625 <screenshot>
0626   <screeninfo>Creating a metalink1</screeninfo>
0627         <mediaobject>
0628           <imageobject>
0629             <imagedata fileref="metalink1.png" format="PNG"/>
0630           </imageobject>
0631           <textobject>
0632             <phrase>Creating a Metalink1</phrase>
0633           </textobject>
0634         </mediaobject>
0635 </screenshot>
0636 <para>Here you can choose to enter some general optional information. Such as where can this metalink be obtained from (Enter the &URL; in the text box next to <guilabel>Origin</guilabel>).</para>
0638 <screenshot>
0639   <screeninfo>Creating a metalink2</screeninfo>
0640         <mediaobject>
0641           <imageobject>
0642             <imagedata fileref="metalink2.png" format="PNG"/>
0643           </imageobject>
0644           <textobject>
0645             <phrase>Creating a Metalink2</phrase>
0646           </textobject>
0647         </mediaobject>
0648 </screenshot>
0649 <para>Here you have to enter the &URL; from where you are trying to download the file. Also you can enter some optional information such as Preference (Priority) for a particular mirror if you are adding more then one mirrors, for the file you want to download.</para>
0651 <screenshot>
0652   <screeninfo>Creating a metalink 3</screeninfo>
0653         <mediaobject>
0654           <imageobject>
0655             <imagedata fileref="metalink3.png" format="PNG"/>
0656           </imageobject>
0657           <textobject>
0658             <phrase>Creating a Metalink 3</phrase>
0659           </textobject>
0660         </mediaobject>
0661 </screenshot>
0662 <para>You should be able to see a new window where all your files which will be imported will be shown.</para>
0663 </listitem>
0664 </varlistentry>
0666 <varlistentry>
0667 <term><menuchoice>
0668 <shortcut>
0669 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>H</keycap></keycombo>
0670 </shortcut>
0671 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0672 <guimenuitem>Transfer History</guimenuitem>
0673 </menuchoice></term>
0674 <listitem>
0675 <screenshot>
0676   <screeninfo>Transfer History</screeninfo>
0677         <mediaobject>
0678           <imageobject>
0679             <imagedata fileref="kget_transfer_hostory.png" format="PNG"/>
0680           </imageobject>
0681           <textobject>
0682             <phrase>Transfer History</phrase>
0683           </textobject>
0684         </mediaobject>
0685 </screenshot>
0686 <para><action>Opens a new window where you can see all the files downloaded using &kget;.
0687 You can manage your history here, including filter and clear the history. </action></para></listitem>
0688 </varlistentry>
0690 <varlistentry>
0691 <term><menuchoice>
0692 <shortcut>
0693 <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
0694 </shortcut>
0695 <guimenu>File</guimenu>
0696 <guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem>
0697 </menuchoice></term>
0698 <listitem><para><action>Quits &kget;</action></para></listitem>
0699 </varlistentry>
0700 </variablelist>
0702 </sect1>
0704 </chapter>
0706 <chapter id="credits">
0707 <title>Credits and License</title>
0709 <para>
0710 &kget;
0711 </para>
0713 <para>Documentation copyright &copy; 2009 Gaurav Chaturvedi <email>gaurav.p.chaturvedi@gmail.com </email> </para>
0714 <para>Thanks to:</para>
0716 <para>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail; (for helping me with DocBook related stuff)</para>
0717 <para>&Jonathan.Drews; &Jonathan.Drews.mail; (copy and pasted a lot of things from his old &kget; documentation) </para>
0721 &underFDL;
0722 &underGPL;
0724 </chapter>
0726 &documentation.index;
0727 </book>
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