File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 04:51:53

0001 /**
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Simon Redman <>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0005  */
0007 #ifndef SMSHELPER_H
0008 #define SMSHELPER_H
0010 #include <QIcon>
0011 #include <QJSEngine>
0012 #include <QQmlEngine>
0013 #include <QSharedPointer>
0015 #include <KPeople/PersonData>
0017 #include "interfaces/conversationmessage.h"
0019 #include "smsapp/smscharcount.h"
0021 class PersonsCache;
0023 class SmsHelper : public QObject
0024 {
0025     Q_OBJECT
0026 public:
0027     static QObject *singletonProvider(QQmlEngine *engine, QJSEngine *scriptEngine);
0029     enum CountryCode {
0030         Australia,
0031         CzechRepublic,
0032         Other, // I only care about a few country codes
0033     };
0035     /**
0036      * Return true to indicate the two phone numbers should be considered the same, false otherwise
0037      */
0038     Q_INVOKABLE static bool isPhoneNumberMatch(const QString &phone1, const QString &phone2);
0040     /**
0041      * Return true to indicate the two phone numbers should be considered the same, false otherwise
0042      * Requires canonicalized phone numbers as inputs
0043      */
0044     Q_INVOKABLE static bool isPhoneNumberMatchCanonicalized(const QString &canonicalPhone1, const QString &canonicalPhone2);
0046     /**
0047      * See inline comments for how short codes are determined
0048      * All information from
0049      */
0050     Q_INVOKABLE static bool isShortCode(const QString &canonicalNumber, const CountryCode &country);
0052     /**
0053      * Try to guess the country code from the passed number
0054      */
0055     static CountryCode determineCountryCode(const QString &canonicalNumber);
0057     /**
0058      * Simplify a phone number to a known form
0059      */
0060     Q_INVOKABLE static QString canonicalizePhoneNumber(const QString &phoneNumber);
0062     /**
0063      * Get the data for a particular person given their contact address
0064      */
0065     Q_INVOKABLE static QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData> lookupPersonByAddress(const QString &address);
0067     /**
0068      * Make an icon which combines the many icons
0069      *
0070      * This mimics what Android does:
0071      * If there is only one icon, use that one
0072      * If there are two icons, put one in the top-left corner and one in the bottom right
0073      * If there are three, put one in the middle of the top and the remaining two in the bottom
0074      * If there are four or more, put one in each corner (If more than four, some will be left out)
0075      */
0076     Q_INVOKABLE static QIcon combineIcons(const QList<QPixmap> &icons);
0078     /**
0079      * Get a combination of all the addresses as a comma-separated list of:
0080      *  - The KPeople contact's name (if known)
0081      *  - The address (if the contact is not known)
0082      */
0083     Q_INVOKABLE static QString getTitleForAddresses(const QList<ConversationAddress> &addresses);
0085     /**
0086      * Get a combined icon for all contacts by finding:
0087      *  - The KPeople contact's icon (if known)
0088      *  - A generic icon
0089      * and then using SmsHelper::combineIcons
0090      */
0091     Q_INVOKABLE static QIcon getIconForAddresses(const QList<ConversationAddress> &addresses);
0093     /**
0094      * Put the specified text into the system clipboard
0095      */
0096     Q_INVOKABLE static void copyToClipboard(const QString &text);
0098     /**
0099      * Get the data for all persons currently stored on device
0100      */
0101     static QList<QSharedPointer<KPeople::PersonData>> getAllPersons();
0103     /**
0104      * Get SMS character count status of SMS. It contains number of remaining characters
0105      * in current SMS (automatically selects 7-bit, 8-bit or 16-bit mode), octet count and
0106      * number of messages in concatenated SMS.
0107      */
0108     Q_INVOKABLE static SmsCharCount getCharCount(const QString &message);
0110     /**
0111      * Used to validate arbitrary phone number entered by the user
0112      */
0113     Q_INVOKABLE static bool isAddressValid(const QString &address);
0115     /**
0116      * Return the total size of the message
0117      */
0118     Q_INVOKABLE static quint64 totalMessageSize(const QList<QUrl> &urls, const QString &text);
0120     /**
0121      * Gets a thumbnail for the given attachment
0122      */
0123     Q_INVOKABLE static QIcon getThumbnailForAttachment(const Attachment &attachment);
0125 private:
0126     static bool isInGsmAlphabet(const QChar &ch);
0127     static bool isInGsmAlphabetExtension(const QChar &ch);
0128 };
0130 #endif // SMSHELPER_H