Warning, /network/kdeconnect-kde/doc/index.docbook is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" ?> 0002 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.5-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 0003 "dtd/kdedbx45.dtd" [ 0004 <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> 0005 <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here --> 0006 ]> 0007 0008 <article id="kdeconnect" lang="&language;"> 0009 <articleinfo> 0010 <title>KDE Connect</title> 0011 <authorgroup> 0012 <author>&Aleix.Pol;</author> 0013 <!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> 0014 </authorgroup> 0015 0016 <date>2015-10-19</date> 0017 <releaseinfo>0.9</releaseinfo> 0018 0019 <keywordset> 0020 <keyword>KDE</keyword> 0021 <keyword>Connect</keyword> 0022 <keyword>phone</keyword> 0023 <keyword>remote</keyword> 0024 <keyword>device</keyword> 0025 <keyword>pair</keyword> 0026 </keywordset> 0027 </articleinfo> 0028 0029 <sect1 id="kdeconnect-kcm"> 0030 0031 <title>KDE Connect</title> 0032 0033 <para>You can use this dialog to configure which devices we're paired to and what we're sharing. The UI is divided in 2 main parts:</para> 0034 0035 <sect2> 0036 <title>Devices List</title> 0037 0038 <para>It contains a list of devices separated between paired and unpaired. Select one to pair it and when it's paired, configure it.</para> 0039 </sect2> 0040 0041 <sect2> 0042 <title>Device Configuration</title> 0043 0044 <para>It offers a list of the available plugins related to the device. These plugins will correspond to the different features available for the device. This is useful mainly for knowing what plugins are available and, in case there's some information that should not be shared with a device, explicitly disable it.</para> 0045 </sect2> 0046 0047 <sect2> 0048 <title>General interaction with the devices</title> 0049 0050 <para>KDE Connect doesn't offer a central place to interact with your devices. It's designed to integrate properly with your operating system, making it possible to share files from the different applications or integrating with the notification system to display information.</para> 0051 </sect2> 0052 0053 </sect1> 0054 0055 </article>