Warning, /network/choqok/plugins/shorteners/is_gd/choqok_is_gd.json is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 {
0002     "KPlugin": {
0003         "Authors": [
0004             {
0005                 "Email": "fxrh@gmx.de",
0006                 "Name": "Felix Rohrbach",
0007                 "Name[ca@valencia]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0008                 "Name[ca]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0009                 "Name[cs]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0010                 "Name[de]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0011                 "Name[en_GB]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0012                 "Name[eo]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0013                 "Name[es]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0014                 "Name[fi]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0015                 "Name[fr]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0016                 "Name[gl]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0017                 "Name[it]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0018                 "Name[ka]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0019                 "Name[ko]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0020                 "Name[nl]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0021                 "Name[pl]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0022                 "Name[pt]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0023                 "Name[pt_BR]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0024                 "Name[sl]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0025                 "Name[sv]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0026                 "Name[tr]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0027                 "Name[uk]": "Felix Rohrbach",
0028                 "Name[x-test]": "xxFelix Rohrbachxx",
0029                 "Name[zh_TW]": "Felix Rohrbach"
0030             }
0031         ],
0032         "Category": "Shorteners",
0033         "Description": "A plugin to shorten URLs via the is.gd service.",
0034         "Description[ca@valencia]": "Un connector per a escurçar l'URL a través del servei is.gd.",
0035         "Description[ca]": "Un connector per a escurçar l'URL a través del servei is.gd.",
0036         "Description[cs]": "Zásuvný modul pro zkracování URL s použitím služby is.gd.",
0037         "Description[de]": "Ein Modul, um Adressen (URLs) mit Hilfe des is.gd-Dienstes zu kürzen.",
0038         "Description[en_GB]": "A plugin to shorten URLs via the is.gd service.",
0039         "Description[eo]": "Kromaĵo por mallongigi URL-ojn per la servo is.gd.",
0040         "Description[es]": "Un complemento para acortar URLs a través del servicio is.gd.",
0041         "Description[fi]": "Liitännäinen verkko-osoitteiden lyhentämiseksi is.gd-palvelulla.",
0042         "Description[fr]": "Un module externe pour raccourcir les URL grâce au service « is.gd ».",
0043         "Description[gl]": "Un complemento para abreviar URL mediante o servizo is.gd.",
0044         "Description[it]": "Un'estensione per abbreviare gli URL con il servizio is.gd.",
0045         "Description[ka]": "დამატება URL-ის is.gd-ის სერვისით შემოკლებისთვის.",
0046         "Description[ko]": "is.gd 서비스로 URL을 단축하는 플러그인입니다.",
0047         "Description[nl]": "Een plugin voor het inkorten van URL's via de is.gd-service.",
0048         "Description[pl]": "Wtyczka do skracania adresów URL przy pomocy serwisu is.gd.",
0049         "Description[pt]": "Um 'plugin' para reduzir os URL's com o serviço is.gd.",
0050         "Description[pt_BR]": "Plugin para encurtar URLs com o serviço is.gd.",
0051         "Description[sl]": "Vtičnik za skrajševanje URL-jev prek storitve is.gd.",
0052         "Description[sv]": "Ett insticksprogram för att avkorta webbadresser via tjänsten is.gd.",
0053         "Description[tr]": "is.gd hizmetini kullanarak URL'leri kısaltmak için bir eklenti.",
0054         "Description[uk]": "Додаток для скорочення адрес за допомогою служб is.gd.",
0055         "Description[x-test]": "xxA plugin to shorten URLs via the is.gd service.xx",
0056         "Description[zh_TW]": "用 is.gd 服務來縮短網址的外掛程式。",
0057         "EnabledByDefault": false,
0058         "Icon": "choqok",
0059         "Id": "choqok_is_gd",
0060         "License": "GPL",
0061         "Name": "is.gd",
0062         "Name[ca@valencia]": "is.gd",
0063         "Name[ca]": "is.gd",
0064         "Name[cs]": "is.gd",
0065         "Name[de]": "is.gd",
0066         "Name[en_GB]": "is.gd",
0067         "Name[eo]": "is.gd",
0068         "Name[es]": "is.gd",
0069         "Name[fi]": "is.gd",
0070         "Name[fr]": "is.gd",
0071         "Name[gl]": "is.gd",
0072         "Name[ia]": "is.gd",
0073         "Name[it]": "is.gd",
0074         "Name[ka]": "is.gd",
0075         "Name[ko]": "is.gd",
0076         "Name[nl]": "is.gd",
0077         "Name[pl]": "is.gd",
0078         "Name[pt]": "is.gd",
0079         "Name[pt_BR]": "is.gd",
0080         "Name[sl]": "is.gd",
0081         "Name[sv]": "is.gd",
0082         "Name[tr]": "is.gd",
0083         "Name[uk]": "is.gd",
0084         "Name[x-test]": "xxis.gdxx",
0085         "Name[zh_TW]": "is.gd",
0086         "Version": "0.1",
0087         "Website": "https://choqok.kde.org"
0088     },
0089     "X-KDE-ConfigModule": "choqok_plugins/kcms/kcm_choqok_is_gd"
0090 }