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0001 ## Subtitle Composer
0002 [![Linux Build](https://subtitlecomposer.smoothware.net/badge.php?p=job/kf5-qt5&os=suse&t=Linux+Build)](https://build.kde.org/job/Extragear/job/subtitlecomposer/)
0003 [![FreeBSD Build](https://subtitlecomposer.smoothware.net/badge.php?p=job/kf5-qt5&os=bsd&t=FreeBSD+Build)](https://build.kde.org/job/Extragear/job/subtitlecomposer/)
0004 [![TravisCI Build](https://img.shields.io/travis/com/maxrd2/subtitlecomposer/master.svg?label=Travis+Builds)](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/maxrd2/SubtitleComposer)
0005 [![Localization](https://d322cqt584bo4o.cloudfront.net/subtitlecomposer/localized.svg)](https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/po/subtitlecomposer.po/)
0007 An open source text-based subtitle editor that supports basic and advanced editing operations, aiming to become an improved version of Subtitle Workshop for every platform supported by Plasma Frameworks.
0009 [Homepage][homepage] - [Downloads][downloads]
0011 ### FEATURES
0012   - Open/Save **Text Subtitle Formats**
0013     - SubRip/SRT, MicroDVD, SSA/ASS, MPlayer, TMPlayer and YouTube captions
0014   - Open/OCR **Graphics Subtitle Formats**
0015     - VobSub (.idx/.sub/.rar), BluRay/PGS (*.sup), formats supported by ffmpeg (DVD/Vob, DVB, XSUB, HDMV-PGS)
0016   - **Demux Graphics/Text Subtitle Stream** from video file
0017     - SRT, SSA/ASS, MOV text, MicroDVD, Graphic formats supported by ffmpeg (DVD/Vob, DVB, XSUB, HDMV-PGS)
0018   - **Speech Recognition** from audio/video file using PocketSphinx
0019   - Smart **language/text encoding** detection
0020   - Live preview of subtitles in **integrated video player** (FFmpeg) w/ audio stream selection
0021   - Preview/editing of subtitles on **audio waveform** w/ audio stream selection
0022   - Quick and **easy subtitle sync**:
0023     - Dragging several anchors/graftpoints and stretching timeline
0024     - Time shifting and scaling, lines duration re-calculation, framerate conversion, etc.
0025     - Joining and splitting of subtitle files
0026   - Side by side subtitle **translations**
0027   - Text **styles** (italic, bold, underline, stroke, color)
0028   - **Spell** checking
0029   - Detection of timing errors in subtitles
0030   - **Scripting** (JavaScript, Python, Ruby and other languages supported by [Kross](http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Kross-Tutorial)).
0032 ![Main Window](https://cdn.kde.org/screenshots/subtitlecomposer/mainwindow.png)
0034 ### INSTALL
0035 Linux and Windows binaries downloadable from [downloads page][downloads]
0037 ### BUILD
0038 Instructions for building from sources can be found on [wiki page][build instructions]
0041 Join friendly Matrix chat room [#subtitlecomposer][matrix-chat] and say hello or ask for help.
0043 Feedback and ideas on how to make Subtitle Composer better are welcome and appreciated!
0044 Let us know in [#subtitlecomposer chat][matrix-chat].
0046 Submit bug reports or feature requests to the [official issue tracker][bugs].
0048 Pull requests and patches are welcome. Please follow the [coding style][coding style].
0050 ### LICENSE
0052 Subtitle Composer is released under [GNU General Public License v2.0](LICENSE)
0054 [homepage]: https://subtitlecomposer.kde.org/
0055 [matrix-chat]: https://webchat.kde.org/#/room/#subtitlecomposer:kde.org
0056 [bugs]: https://invent.kde.org/kde/subtitlecomposer/issues "Issue Tracker"
0057 [milestones]: https://invent.kde.org/kde/subtitlecomposer/-/milestones "Milestones"
0058 [coding style]: https://invent.kde.org/kde/subtitlecomposer/blob/master/README.CodingStyle.md "Coding Style"
0059 [build instructions]: https://invent.kde.org/kde/subtitlecomposer/wikis/Building-from-sources "Build Instructions"
0060 [downloads]: https://subtitlecomposer.kde.org/download.html