File indexing completed on 2024-06-16 04:38:06

0001 /***************************************************************************
0002  *   Copyright (C) 2005-2013 by Linuxstopmotion contributors;              *
0003  *   see the AUTHORS file for details.                                     *
0004  *                                                                         *
0005  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
0006  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
0007  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
0008  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
0009  *                                                                         *
0010  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
0011  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
0013  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
0014  *                                                                         *
0015  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
0016  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
0017  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
0018  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
0019  ***************************************************************************/
0020 #ifndef FRAMEBAR_H
0021 #define FRAMEBAR_H
0023 #include "src/presentation/observer.h"
0024 #include "src/presentation/frontends/selection.h"
0026 #include <QScrollArea>
0028 #include <vector>
0030 class ThumbView;
0031 class FramePreferencesMenu;
0033 class QWidget;
0034 class QDragEnterEvent;
0035 class QDragMoveEvent;
0036 class QDropEvent;
0037 class QObject;
0038 class QResizeEvent;
0039 class QTimer;
0041 /**
0042  * The framebar widget for viewing the animation model.
0043  *
0044  * @author Bjoern Erik Nilsen & Fredrik Berg Kjoelstad
0045  */
0046 class FrameBar : public QScrollArea, public Observer, public Selection {
0047     Q_OBJECT
0048 public:
0049     /**
0050      * Creates and sets up the framebar.
0051      * @param parent the parent widget
0052      */
0053     FrameBar(QWidget *parent = 0);
0055     /**
0056      * Cleans up after the framebar.
0057      */
0058     ~FrameBar();
0060     /**
0061      * Receives notification when a frame is added.
0062      */
0063     void updateAdd(int scene, int index, int numFrames);
0065     /**
0066      * Function to receive notification when one or more frames are deleted.
0067      * @param fromFrame the first frame in the selection
0068      * @param toFrame the last frame in the selection
0069      */
0070     void updateRemove(int scene, int fromFrame, int toFrame);
0072     /**
0073      *Function to receive notification when one or more frames are moved.
0074      */
0075     void updateMove(int fromScene, int fromFrame, int count,
0076             int toScene, int toFrame);
0078     /**
0079      * Function to receive notification when the model is erased.
0080      */
0081     void updateClear();
0083     /**
0084      * Function to receive notification when a new scene is added to the
0085      * model.
0086      * @param index the index of the new scene.
0087      */
0088     void updateNewScene(int index);
0090     /**
0091      * Function to receive notification when a scene is removed from
0092      * the model.
0093      * @param sceneNumber the scene which has been removed from the model.
0094      */
0095     void updateRemoveScene(int sceneNumber);
0097     /**
0098      * Function which receives notification when a scene in the animation
0099      * has been moved and moves the icons in the framebar accordingly.
0100      * @param sceneNumber the scene which have been moved.
0101      * @param movePosition the position the scene has been moved to.
0102      */
0103     void updateMoveScene(int sceneNumber, int movePosition);
0105     /**
0106      * Function which receives notification when a scene is selected as the
0107      * active scene in the animationmodel.
0108      * @param sceneNumber the new scene to be set as the active scene in the
0109      * framebar.
0110      * @param framePaths paths to the pictures in the scene.
0111      * @param frontend the frontend for getting a progressbar when adding
0112      * opening the new active scene.
0113      */
0114     void updateNewActiveScene(int sceneNumber);
0116     /**
0117      * Updates the framebar when an external program has altered the disk files.
0118      * @param sceneNumber The scene containing the changed frame.
0119      * @param frameNumber the frame whose disk representation has been changed.
0120      */
0121     void updateAnimationChanged(int sceneNumber, int frameNumber);
0123     /**
0124      * Updates the framebar when the sounds attached to the specified frame
0125      * change.
0126      * @param sceneNumber The scene to which the changed frame belongs.
0127      * @param frameNumber The frame number within the scene
0128      */
0129     void updateSoundChanged(int sceneNumber, int frameNumber);
0131     /**
0132      * Set whether the user is engaged selecting several frames or not (pressing
0133      * shift).
0134      * @param selecting true if the user is currently selecting multiple pictures
0135      */
0136     void setSelecting(bool selecting);
0138     /**
0139      * Returns true if the user is currently selecting several thumbviews.
0140      * @return true if the user is currently selecting several thumbviews.
0141      */
0142     bool isSelecting() const;
0144     /**
0145      * Sets a selection of frames between (including) this frame and the activeFrame.
0146      * @todo change name to setSelectionFrame
0147      * @param selectionFrame the other border frame of the selection in addition to activeFrame
0148      */
0149     void setSelection(int selectionFrame);
0151     /**
0152      * Returns The frame number of the anchor of the selection.
0153      * @return The anchor of the current selection, or returns the same value
0154      * as {@ref getActiveFrame} if there is no selection.
0155      */
0156     int getSelectionAnchor() const;
0158     /**
0159      * Returns the current active frame.
0160      */
0161     int getActiveFrame() const;
0163     /**
0164      * Returns the current active scene.
0165      */
0166     int getActiveScene() const;
0168     /**
0169      * Registers the frame preferences menu in the framebar.
0170      * @param preferencesMenu the frame preferences menu.
0171      */
0172     void setPreferencesMenu(FramePreferencesMenu *preferencesMenu);
0174     /**
0175      * Displays the frame preferences for the active frame.
0176      */
0177     void showPreferencesMenu();
0179     /**
0180      * Retrieves the value of the movingScene property specifying which scene
0181      * is currently being moved in the framebar.
0182      * @return the value of the movingScene property.
0183      */
0184     int getMovingScene() const;
0186     /**
0187      * Sets the value of the movingScene property specifying which scene
0188      * is currently being moved in the framebar.
0189      * @param movingScene the new value of the movingScene property.
0190      */
0191     void setMovingScene(int movingScene);
0193     int getFrameWidth() const;
0194     int getFrameHeight() const;
0195     int getSpace() const;
0197 protected:
0198     /**
0199      * Overloaded event function for when a drag enter occurs in the framebar
0200      * @param event information about the dragEnterEvent
0201      */
0202     void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
0204     /**
0205      * Overloaded event function for when a drop event occurs in the framebar.
0206      * @param event information about the dropEvent
0207      */
0208     void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
0210     void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event);
0212     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event);
0214 public slots:
0215     void updateNewActiveFrame(int scene, int frame);
0216     /**
0217      * Move the active frame and selection to the selection before the current
0218      * anchor. Make the selection just this single frame.
0219      */
0220     void selectPreviousFrame();
0221     void selectNextFrame();
0222     /**
0223      * Move the selection, not the active frame, thus extending/diminishing the
0224      * selection.
0225      */
0226     void moveSelectionToPreviousFrame();
0227     void moveSelectionToNextFrame();
0228     void selectPreviousScene();
0229     void selectNextScene();
0230     void fileChanged(const QString &path);
0231     void setThumbImage(ThumbView* thumb, const char* imagePath);
0232     void setSelection(int scene, int selectionFrame, int activeFrame);
0234 signals:
0235     //The signals in the framebar is used for signaling small widget,
0236     //who are deemed to insignificant to be observers, of changes in
0237     //the framebar/model. A bit hacky and should be in it's own widget.
0238     void newActiveFrame( const QString & );
0239     void newActiveFrame(int scene, int frame);
0240     void modelSizeChanged( int modelSize );
0241     void newMaximumValue(int value);
0243 private slots:
0244     void scroll();
0246 private:
0247     static const int FRAME_HEIGHT = 88;
0248     static const int FRAME_WIDTH = 117;
0249     static const int SPACE = 2;
0251     /** Vector of thumbviews to keep track of the pictures in the framebar*/
0252     vector<ThumbView*>thumbViews;
0254     /** The active frame in the framebar*/
0255     int activeFrame;
0257     /** The active scene in the framebar */
0258     int activeScene;
0260     /**
0261      * The number of thumbnails we are showing for frames in the active scene.
0262      * If this is different to the number of frames in the actual scene, we
0263      * need to resynchronize.
0264      */
0265     int activeSceneSize;
0267     /** The scene which are being moved when dragging a scene */
0268     int movingScene;
0270     /**
0271      * The anchor in a selection.
0272      *   If only one frame is selected selectionFrame == activeFrame
0273      */
0274     int selectionFrame;
0276     /** Direction to scroll when dragging.
0277      * -1 = scroll negative, 0 = no scroll, 1 = scroll positive */
0278     int scrollDirection;
0280     int lowerScrollAreaX;
0281     int upperScrollAreaX;
0283     int lowerAccelScrollAreaX;
0284     int upperAccelScrollAreaX;
0286     int minScrollAreaX;
0287     int maxScrollAreaX;
0289     int minScrollAreaY;
0290     int maxScrollAreaY;
0292     /** True if the user is currently holding down shift to select multiple frames */
0293     bool selecting;
0295     bool openingScene;
0297     QTimer *scrollTimer;
0298     QScrollBar *scrollBar;
0300     QWidget *mainWidget;
0302     /** Pointer to the frame preferencesMenu */
0303     FramePreferencesMenu *preferencesMenu;
0305     /** Returns how many scene thumbnails there are */
0306     int sceneThumbCount() const;
0308     /**
0309      * Adds the frames in the framesvector to the framebar.
0310      * @param index The location to add the frames to.
0311      * @param numFrames The number of frames to be added.
0312      */
0313     void addFrames(int index, int numFrames);
0315     /**
0316      * Removes a selection of thumbviews from the framebar.
0317      * @param fromFrame the first thumbview to remove.
0318      * @param toFrame the last thumbview to remove.
0319      */
0320     void removeFrames(int fromFrame, int toFrame);
0322     /**
0323      * Move the frames from fromFrame (inclusive) to toFrame to movePosition.
0324      * @param fromFrame the first frame to move.
0325      * @param toFrame the last frame to move.
0326      * @param movePosition the position to move the frames to.
0327      */
0328     void moveFrames(int fromFrame, int toFrame, int movePosition);
0330     /**
0331      *Sets the thumbview frameNumber in the framebar to be the active frame.
0332      *@param frameNumber the number of the new active frame
0333      */
0334     void setActiveFrame(int frameNumber);
0336     /**
0337      * Creates a new scene and adds it to the framebar.
0338      * @param index the location the new scene should be added at.
0339      */
0340     void newScene(int index);
0342     /**
0343      * Removes the scene with index sceneNumber from the framebar.
0344      * @param sceneNumber the scene to be removed from the framebar.
0345      */
0346     void removeScene(int sceneNumber);
0348     /**
0349      * Moves a scene in the framebar.
0350      * @param sceneNumber the scene that are moved.
0351      * @param movePosition the position the scene are moved to.
0352      */
0353     void moveScene(int sceneNumber, int movePosition);
0355     /**
0356      * Sets a new scene as the active scene in the framebar and opens it.
0357      * @param sceneNumber the scene to set as the active scene.
0358      * @param framePaths the paths to the frames in the scene.
0359      * @param frontend the frontend for getting a progressbar when adding the
0360      * frames to the scene.
0361      */
0362     void setActiveScene(int sceneNumber);
0364     /**
0365      * Gets the thumbnail of the specified frame in the active scene, creating
0366      * it if necessary.
0367      * @param index The index of the frame within the active scene.
0368      * @param fix True to correct the position, number and sound indicator.
0369      */
0370     ThumbView* getFrameThumb(int index, bool fix = false);
0372     /**
0373      * Gets the thumbnail of the specified scene, creating it if necessary.
0374      * @param index The scene number.
0375      * @param fix True to correct the position and number.
0376      */
0377     ThumbView* getSceneThumb(int index, bool fix = false);
0379     /** Sets the size of the frame bar to accommodate all the thumbnails. */
0380     void fixSize();
0381     /** Deletes all the thumbnails. */
0382     void clear();
0383     /**
0384      * Resynchronizes the thumbnails with the domain facade, and puts the
0385      * active frame, active scene and selection frame within bounds.
0386      */
0387     void resync();
0388     /**
0389      * Deletes the specified frames from the active scene.
0390      */
0391     void deleteFrames(int fromFrame, int frameCount);
0392     /**
0393      * Sets {@ref activeScene} to -1, deleting all the frame thumbnails in the
0394      * previously-set active scene and closing the scene thumbnail.
0395      */
0396     void closeActiveScene();
0397     /**
0398      * Inserts frames into the active scene.
0399      */
0400     void insertFrames(int index, int numFrames);
0401     /**
0402      * Sets the current selection.
0403      */
0404     void setActiveFrameAndSelection(int af, int sf);
0405     /**
0406      * Scrolls the framebar to include the currently active frame.
0407      */
0408     void doScroll();
0409     void doActiveFrameNotifications();
0410     void fixPreferencesMenu();
0411     /**
0412      * Changes the selection highlight without fixing any damaged frames.
0413      * Set both {@ af} and {@sf} to {@c -1} to remove the selection.
0414      */
0415     void changeSelectionHighlight(int af, int sf);
0416     int getFrameThumbIndex(int index);
0417     /**
0418      * Sets the frames in the current scene from index {@a start} to index
0419      * {@a end} (not including the one at {@end}) to be highlighted or not,
0420      * depending on the value of {@set}.
0421      * @param start The first index to have its highlight set.
0422      * @param end The first index not to have its highlight set.
0423      * @param set {@c true} to set the highlight on, {@c false} to set it off.
0424      * @pre {@a start} must be no greater than {@a end}.
0425      */
0426     void highlight(int start,  int end, bool set);
0427 };
0429 #endif