Warning, /multimedia/kmplayer/tests/smil_text.smil is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <smil>
0002   <head>
0003     <layout>
0004       <root-layout width="400" height="400" background-color="SlateGray"/>
0005       <region left="10" top="10" right="10" bottom="10" background-color="black">
0006         <region id="r1" left="1" top="1" right="1" bottom="1" background-color="#475360"/>
0007       </region>
0008     </layout>
0009   </head>
0010   <body>
0011     <smilText dur="2" region="r1" textFontSize="24px" textAlign="left"  textColor="white">
0012       Left align<br/>Second line of text
0013       <p>Paragraph</p>
0014     </smilText>
0015     <smilText dur="2" region="r1" textFontSize="24px" textAlign="center"  textColor="white">
0016       Center align
0017       <br/>
0018       Second line of <span textFontWeight="bold">bold text</span>
0019     </smilText>
0020     <smilText dur="2" region="r1" textFontSize="24px" textAlign="right"  textColor="white">
0021       Right align
0022       <div textFontSize="12" textFontStyle="italic">
0023       Second line of text 12px italic</div>
0024     </smilText>
0025     <smilText textBackgroundColor="green" dur="10" region="r1" textFontSize="24px" textColor="white">
0026       First line
0027       <tev begin="1"/>
0028       of text
0029       <tev begin="2"/>
0030       and <br/>Second line of text
0031       <tev begin="3"/>
0032       <br/>Third line of text<br/>
0033       <tev begin="4"/>
0034       Fourth line of text
0035       <clear begin="6"/>
0036       Round2 First line of text
0037       <tev begin="7"/>
0038       <br/>Round2 Second line of text
0039       <tev begin="8"/>
0040       <br/>Round2 Third line of text
0041     </smilText>
0042     <par>
0043       <smilText id="text1" top="10" width="100" region="r1"
0044                 textFontSize="12px" textColor="black" textFontFamily="serif">
0045         <clear begin="0"/>
0046         Spline move to 150, change background color to white and then grow font size from 12 to 20
0047       </smilText>
0048       <animateMotion target="text1" dur="2" by="150,0"
0049                      calcMode="spline" keySplines=".5 0 .5 1" fill="freeze"/>
0050       <animate target="text1" begin="3" dur="4" attributeName="textFontSize"
0051                calcMode="discrete" values="12;14;16;18;20"/>
0052       <animateColor target="text1" begin="2" dur="1" to="white" fill="freeze"/>
0053     </par>
0054     <par>
0055       <smilText begin="1.5s" region="r1" textFontSize="24px" textColor="white">
0056         Verify the intrinsic timing is 2s
0057         <clear begin="1"/>
0058         One second to go
0059         <clear begin="2"/>
0060         Should not be visible
0061       </smilText>
0062     </par>
0063     <par dur="4">
0064       <smilText id="text2" region="r1" textFontSize="24px" textColor="white">
0065         Verify activate, in and out of bounds events
0066       </smilText>
0067       <brush region="r1" width="200" height="20" bottom="0" color="green"
0068              begin="text2.inBoundsEvent" end="text2.outOfBoundsEvent"/>
0069       <brush region="r1" right="0" width="200" height="20" bottom="0" color="red"
0070              begin="text2.activateEvent" dur="1"/>
0071     </par>
0072   </body>
0073 </smil>