File indexing completed on 2024-04-14 04:49:06

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2003 Koos Vriezen <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
0005 */
0007 #ifndef KMPLAYERVIEW_H
0008 #define KMPLAYERVIEW_H
0010 #include "config-kmplayer.h"
0011 #include <QWidget>
0012 #include <QTextEdit>
0013 #include <QImage>
0014 #include <QList>
0015 #include <QUrl>
0017 #include <KMediaPlayer/View>
0019 #include "inhibitinterface.h"
0020 #include "kmplayercommon_export.h"
0022 #define MOUSE_INVISIBLE_DELAY 2000
0024 class QSlider;
0025 class QStatusBar;
0026 class QMainWindow;
0027 class QDockWidget;
0028 class KActionCollection;
0030 namespace KMPlayer {
0032 class View;
0033 class ViewArea;
0034 class ControlPanel;
0035 class Console;
0036 class PlayListView;
0037 class PlayListView;
0038 class TopPlayItem;
0040 typedef QStatusBar StatusBar;
0042 /*
0043  * The console GUI
0044  */
0045 class TextEdit : public QTextEdit
0046 {
0047 public:
0048     TextEdit (QWidget * parent, View * view);
0049 protected:
0050     void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent * e) override;
0051 private:
0052     View * m_view;
0053 };
0055 /*
0056  * The infowindow GUI
0057  */
0058 class InfoWindow : public QTextEdit
0059 {
0060 public:
0061     InfoWindow (QWidget * parent, View * view);
0062     View * view () const { return m_view; }
0063 protected:
0064     void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent * e) override;
0065 private:
0066     View * m_view;
0067 };
0069 class PictureWidget : public QWidget
0070 {
0071     View * m_view;
0072 public:
0073     PictureWidget (QWidget * parent, View * view);
0074     ~PictureWidget () override {}
0075 protected:
0076     void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *) override;
0077     void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *) override;
0078 };
0080 /*
0081  * The view containing ViewArea and playlist
0082  */
0083 class KMPLAYERCOMMON_EXPORT View : public KMediaPlayer::View
0084 {
0085     Q_OBJECT
0086 public:
0087     enum ControlPanelMode {
0088         CP_Hide, CP_AutoHide, CP_Show, CP_Only /* no video widget */
0089     };
0090     enum StatusBarMode {
0091         SB_Hide, SB_Show, SB_Only /* no video widget */
0092     };
0094     View(QWidget* parent);
0095     ~View() override;
0097     void addText (const QString &, bool eol=false);
0098     void init(KActionCollection* ac, bool transparent) KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0099     void initDock (QWidget *central);
0100     void reset() KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0101     //void print(QPrinter *pPrinter);
0103     TextEdit * console () const { return m_multiedit; }
0104     PictureWidget *picture () const KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT { return m_picture; }
0105     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT ControlPanel * controlPanel () const {return m_control_panel;}
0106     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT StatusBar * statusBar () const {return m_status_bar;}
0107     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT PlayListView * playList () const { return m_playlist; }
0108     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT InfoWindow * infoPanel () const { return m_infopanel; }
0109     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT QMainWindow *dockArea () const { return m_dockarea; }
0110     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT QDockWidget *dockPlaylist () const { return m_dock_playlist; }
0111     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT ViewArea * viewArea () const { return m_view_area; }
0112     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT bool keepSizeRatio () const { return m_keepsizeratio; }
0113     void setKeepSizeRatio (bool b);
0114     void setControlPanelMode (ControlPanelMode m);
0115     void setStatusBarMode (StatusBarMode m);
0116     void setEraseColor(const QColor&) KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0117     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT ControlPanelMode controlPanelMode () const { return m_controlpanel_mode; }
0118     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT StatusBarMode statusBarMode () const { return m_statusbar_mode; }
0119     void delayedShowButtons(bool show) KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0120     bool isFullScreen () const;
0121     int statusBarHeight() const KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0122     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT bool editMode () const { return m_edit_mode; }
0124     bool setPicture (const QString & path);
0125 #endif
0126     void setNoInfoMessages (bool b) { m_no_info = b; }
0127     void setViewOnly ();
0128     void setEditMode (TopPlayItem *, bool enable=true);
0129     void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*) override KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0130     void dropEvent(QDropEvent*) override KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0131     KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT void emitPictureClicked () { Q_EMIT pictureClicked (); }
0132     /* raise video widget, might (auto) hides panel */
0133     void videoStart() KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0134     void playingStart() KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0135     /* shows panel */
0136     void playingStop() KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0137     void mouseMoved(int x, int y) KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0138 public Q_SLOTS:
0139     void fullScreen ();
0140     void updateLayout() KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0141     void toggleShowPlaylist ();
0142     void toggleVideoConsoleWindow ();
0143     void setInfoMessage (const QString & msg);
0144     void setStatusMessage (const QString & msg);
0146     void urlDropped (const QList<QUrl>& urls);
0147     void pictureClicked ();
0148     void fullScreenChanged ();
0149     void windowVideoConsoleToggled (bool show);
0150 protected:
0151     void leaveEvent (QEvent *) override KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0152     void timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) override KMPLAYERCOMMON_NO_EXPORT;
0153 private:
0154     QByteArray m_dock_state;
0155     // console output
0156     TextEdit * m_multiedit;
0157     PictureWidget *m_picture;
0158     // widget that layouts m_widgetstack for ratio setting and m_control_panel
0159     ViewArea * m_view_area;
0160     // playlist widget
0161     PlayListView * m_playlist;
0162     // infopanel widget
0163     InfoWindow * m_infopanel;
0164     QMainWindow *m_dockarea;
0165     QDockWidget *m_dock_playlist;
0166     QDockWidget *m_dock_infopanel;
0167     QString tmplog;
0168     QImage m_image;
0169     ControlPanel * m_control_panel;
0170     StatusBar * m_status_bar;
0171     ControlPanelMode m_controlpanel_mode;
0172     ControlPanelMode m_old_controlpanel_mode;
0173     StatusBarMode m_statusbar_mode;
0174     int controlbar_timer;
0175     int infopanel_timer;
0176     int m_restore_state_timer;
0177     int m_powerManagerStopSleep;
0178     OrgFreedesktopPowerManagementInhibitInterface m_inhibitIface;
0179     bool m_keepsizeratio;
0180     bool m_playing;
0181     bool m_sreensaver_disabled;
0182     bool m_tmplog_needs_eol;
0183     bool m_revert_fullscreen;
0184     bool m_no_info;
0185     bool m_edit_mode;
0186 };
0188 } // namespace
0190 #endif // KMPLAYERVIEW_H