File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 15:38:18

0001 /**
0002  * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Koos Vriezen <>
0003  *
0004  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0006  *  License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
0007  *
0008  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0009  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0011  *  Library General Public License for more details.
0012  *
0013  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0014  *  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0015  *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
0016  *  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0017  **/
0022 #include "config-kmplayer.h"
0024 #include "kmplayer_def.h"
0026 #include <qobject.h>
0027 #include <QList>
0028 #include <QPointer>
0029 #include <QUrl>
0030 #include <qstringlist.h>
0031 #include <qmap.h>
0032 #include <QModelIndex>
0034 #include <kmediaplayer/player.h>
0035 #include <kurl.h>
0036 #include <ksharedconfig.h>
0037 #include <kconfiggroup.h>
0039 #include "kmplayerview.h"
0040 #include "kmplayerplaylist.h"
0042 class QMenu;
0044 class KAboutData;
0045 class KActionCollection;
0046 class KBookmarkMenu;
0047 class KBookmarkManager;
0050 namespace KMPlayer {
0052 class PartBase;
0053 class Process;
0054 class MPlayer;
0055 class BookmarkOwner;
0056 class PlayModel;
0057 class Settings;
0058 class MediaManager;
0061 /**
0062  * Class for a certain media, like URL, DVD, TV etc
0063  */
0064 class KMPLAYER_EXPORT Source : public QObject, public PlayListNotify {
0065     Q_OBJECT
0066 public:
0067     struct LangInfo {
0068         LangInfo (int i, const QString & n) : id (i), name (n) {}
0069         int id; QString name; SharedPtr <LangInfo> next;
0070     };
0071     typedef SharedPtr <LangInfo> LangInfoPtr;
0073     Source (const QString & name, PartBase * player, const char * src);
0074     virtual ~Source ();
0075     virtual void init ();
0076     virtual bool processOutput (const QString & line);
0078     bool identified () const { return m_identified; }
0079     virtual bool hasLength ();
0080     virtual bool isSeekable ();
0082     KDE_NO_EXPORT int width () const { return m_width; }
0083     KDE_NO_EXPORT int height () const { return m_height; }
0084     virtual void dimensions (int & w, int & h) { w = m_width; h = m_height; }
0085     /* length () returns length in deci-seconds */
0086     KDE_NO_EXPORT int length () const { return m_length; }
0087     /* position () returns position in deci-seconds */
0088     KDE_NO_EXPORT int position () const { return m_position; }
0089     KDE_NO_EXPORT float aspect () const { return m_aspect; }
0090     KDE_NO_EXPORT const KUrl & url () const { return m_url; }
0091     KDE_NO_EXPORT const KUrl & subUrl () const { return m_sub_url; }
0092     PartBase * player () { return m_player; }
0093     virtual void reset ();
0094     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & audioDevice () const { return m_audiodevice; }
0095     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & videoDevice () const { return m_videodevice; }
0096     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & videoNorm () const { return m_videonorm; }
0097     /* frequency() if set, returns frequency in kHz */
0098     KDE_NO_EXPORT int frequency () const { return m_frequency; }
0099     KDE_NO_EXPORT int xvPort () const { return m_xvport; }
0100     KDE_NO_EXPORT int xvEncoding () const { return m_xvencoding; }
0101     KDE_NO_EXPORT int audioLangId () const { return m_audio_id; }
0102     KDE_NO_EXPORT int subTitleId () const { return m_subtitle_id; }
0103     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & pipeCmd () const { return m_pipecmd; }
0104     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & options () const { return m_options; }
0105     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & recordCmd () const { return m_recordcmd; }
0106     KDE_NO_EXPORT const QString & tuner () const { return m_tuner; }
0107     KDE_NO_EXPORT const char* name() const { return m_name; }
0108     KDE_NO_EXPORT Mrl *current() { return m_current ? m_current->mrl() : NULL;}
0109     virtual void setCurrent (Mrl *mrl);
0110     QString plugin (const QString &mime) const;
0111     virtual NodePtr document ();
0112     void setDocument (KMPlayer::NodePtr doc, KMPlayer::NodePtr cur);
0113     virtual NodePtr root ();
0114     virtual QString filterOptions ();
0115     virtual bool authoriseUrl (const QString &url);
0117     virtual void setUrl (const QString &url);
0118     void insertURL (NodePtr mrl, const QString & url, const QString & title=QString());
0119     KDE_NO_EXPORT void setSubURL (const KUrl & url) { m_sub_url = url; }
0120     void setLanguages (LangInfoPtr alang, LangInfoPtr slang) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0121     KDE_NO_EXPORT void setWidth (int w) { m_width = w; }
0122     KDE_NO_EXPORT void setHeight (int h) { m_height = h; }
0123     virtual void setDimensions (NodePtr, int w, int h);
0124     virtual void setAspect (NodePtr, float a);
0125     /* setLength (len) set length in deci-seconds */
0126     void setLength (NodePtr, int len);
0127     /* setPosition (pos) set position in deci-seconds */
0128     void setPosition (int pos) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0129     virtual void setIdentified (bool b = true);
0130     KDE_NO_EXPORT void setAutoPlay (bool b) { m_auto_play = b; }
0131     KDE_NO_EXPORT bool autoPlay () const { return m_auto_play; }
0132     KDE_NO_EXPORT void setAvoidRedirects (bool b) { m_avoid_redirects = b; }
0133     KDE_NO_EXPORT bool avoidRedirects () const { return m_avoid_redirects; }
0134     void setTitle (const QString & title);
0135     void setLoading (int percentage) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0137     virtual QString prettyName ();
0138     virtual void activate () = 0;
0139     virtual void deactivate () = 0;
0140     virtual void forward ();
0141     virtual void backward ();
0142     /**
0143      * Play at node position
0144      */
0145     virtual void play (Mrl *);
0146 signals:
0147     void startPlaying ();
0148     void stopPlaying ();
0149     /**
0150      * Signal for notifying this source is at the end of play items
0151      */
0152     void endOfPlayItems ();
0153     void dimensionsChanged ();
0154     void titleChanged (const QString & title);
0155 public slots:
0156     void slotActivate ();
0157     void setAudioLang (int) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0158     void setSubtitle (int) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0159 protected:
0160     void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *);
0161     /**
0162      * PlayListNotify implementation
0163      */
0164     void stateElementChanged (Node * element, Node::State os, Node::State ns);
0165     void bitRates (int & preferred, int & maximal);
0166     void setTimeout (int ms);
0167     void openUrl (const KUrl &url, const QString &target, const QString &srv);
0168     void enableRepaintUpdaters (bool enable, unsigned int off_time);
0170     NodePtr m_document;
0171     NodePtrW m_current;
0172     const char* m_name;
0173     PartBase * m_player;
0174     QString m_recordcmd;
0175     bool m_identified;
0176     bool m_auto_play;
0177     bool m_avoid_redirects;
0178     KUrl m_url;
0179     KUrl m_sub_url;
0180     QString m_audiodevice;
0181     QString m_videodevice;
0182     QString m_videonorm;
0183     QString m_tuner;
0184     int m_frequency;
0185     int m_xvport;
0186     int m_xvencoding;
0187     int m_audio_id;
0188     int m_subtitle_id;
0189     QString m_pipecmd;
0190     QString m_options;
0191     QString m_plugin;
0192     LangInfoPtr m_audio_infos;
0193     LangInfoPtr m_subtitle_infos;
0194 private:
0195     int m_width;
0196     int m_height;
0197     float m_aspect;
0198     int m_length;
0199     int m_position;
0200     int m_doc_timer;
0201 private slots:
0202     void changedUrl();
0203 };
0205 class KMPLAYER_EXPORT SourceDocument : public Document {
0206 public:
0207     SourceDocument (Source *s, const QString &url);
0209     void message (MessageType msg, void *data=NULL);
0210     void *role (RoleType msg, void *data=NULL);
0211 protected:
0212     Source *m_source;
0213     ConnectionList m_KeyListeners;
0214 };
0215 /*
0216  * Source from URLs
0217  */
0218 class KMPLAYER_EXPORT URLSource : public Source {
0219     Q_OBJECT
0220 public:
0221     URLSource (PartBase * player, const KUrl & url = KUrl ());
0222     virtual ~URLSource ();
0224     virtual void dimensions (int & w, int & h);
0225     virtual bool hasLength ();
0226     virtual QString prettyName ();
0227     virtual void reset ();
0228     virtual void setUrl (const QString &url);
0229     virtual bool authoriseUrl (const QString &url);
0230     virtual void init ();
0231     virtual void activate () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0232     virtual void deactivate ();
0233     virtual void forward ();
0234     virtual void backward ();
0235     virtual void play (Mrl *);
0236 protected:
0237     bool activated; // 'solve' an singleShot race w/ cmdline url's
0238 };
0240 /*
0241  * KDE's KMediaPlayer::Player implementation and base for KMPlayerPart
0242  */
0243 class KMPLAYER_EXPORT PartBase : public KMediaPlayer::Player {
0244     Q_OBJECT
0245 public:
0246     PartBase (QWidget *parent, QObject *objParent, KSharedConfigPtr);
0247     ~PartBase ();
0248     void init (KActionCollection *ac, const QString &objname, bool transparent);
0249     virtual KMediaPlayer::View* view ();
0250     View* viewWidget () const { return m_view; }
0251     static KAboutData* createAboutData ();
0253     Settings * settings () const { return m_settings; }
0254     void keepMovieAspect (bool);
0255     KUrl url () const { return m_sources ["urlsource"]->url (); }
0256     void setUrl (const QString &url) { m_sources ["urlsource"]->setUrl (url); }
0257     KUrl docBase () const { return m_docbase; }
0259     /* Changes the backend process */
0260     QString processName (Mrl *mrl);
0262     /* Changes the source,
0263      * calls init() and reschedules an activate() on the source
0264      * */
0265     void setSource (Source * source);
0266     void createBookmarkMenu(QMenu *owner, KActionCollection *ac);
0267     void connectPanel (ControlPanel * panel);
0268     void connectPlaylist (PlayListView * playlist);
0269     void connectInfoPanel (InfoWindow * infopanel);
0270     void connectSource (Source * old_source, Source * source);
0271     MediaManager *mediaManager () const { return m_media_manager; }
0272     PlayModel *playModel () const { return m_play_model; }
0273     Source * source () const { return m_source; }
0274     QMap <QString, Source *> & sources () { return m_sources; }
0275     KSharedConfigPtr config () const { return m_config; }
0276     bool mayResize () const { return !m_noresize; }
0277     void updatePlayerMenu (ControlPanel *, const QString &backend=QString ());
0278     void updateInfo (const QString & msg);
0279     void updateStatus (const QString & msg);
0281     // these are called from Process
0282     void changeURL (const QString & url) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0283     void updateTree (bool full=true, bool force=false);
0284     void setLanguages (const QStringList & alang, const QStringList & slang);
0285     void recorderPlaying ();
0286     void recorderStopped ();
0287     void stopRecording ();
0288     bool isRecording ();
0289 public slots:
0290     virtual bool openUrl (const QUrl & url);
0291     virtual bool openUrl (const KUrl & url);
0292     virtual void openUrl (const KUrl &, const QString &t, const QString &srv);
0293     virtual bool openUrl(const QList<QUrl>& urls);
0294     virtual bool closeUrl ();
0295     virtual void pause (void);
0296     virtual void play (void);
0297     virtual void stop (void);
0298     void record ();
0299     void record (const QString &src, const QString &file,
0300                  const QString &recorder, int auto_start);
0301     void adjustVolume (int incdec);
0302     bool playing () const;
0303     void showConfigDialog ();
0304     void showPlayListWindow () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0305     void slotPlayerMenu (QAction*) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0306     void back ();
0307     void forward ();
0308     void addBookMark (const QString & title, const QString & url) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0309     void volumeChanged (int) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0310     void increaseVolume ();
0311     void decreaseVolume ();
0312     void setPosition (int position, int length) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0313     virtual void setLoaded (int percentage);
0314     virtual void processCreated (Process *);
0315 public:
0316     virtual bool isSeekable (void) const;
0317     virtual qlonglong position (void) const;
0318     virtual bool hasLength (void) const;
0319     virtual qlonglong length (void) const;
0320     virtual void seek (qlonglong);
0321     void toggleFullScreen () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0322     bool isPlaying () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0324     virtual QString doEvaluate (const QString &script);
0325     void showControls (bool show) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0326     QString getStatus ();
0327 signals:
0328     void sourceChanged (KMPlayer::Source * old, KMPlayer::Source * nw);
0329     void sourceDimensionChanged ();
0330     void loading (int percentage);
0331     void urlAdded (const QString & url);
0332     void urlChanged (const QString & url);
0333     void processChanged (const char *);
0334     void treeChanged (int id, NodePtr root, NodePtr, bool select, bool open);
0335     void infoUpdated (const QString & msg);
0336     void statusUpdated (const QString & msg);
0337     void languagesUpdated(const QStringList & alang, const QStringList & slang);
0338     void audioIsSelected (int id);
0339     void subtitleIsSelected (int id);
0340     void positioned (int pos, int length);
0341     void panelActionToggled(QAction*);
0342     void recording (bool);
0343 protected:
0344     bool openFile();
0345     virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent *);
0346     virtual void playingStarted ();
0347     virtual void playingStopped ();
0348 protected slots:
0349     void posSliderPressed () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0350     void posSliderReleased () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0351     void positionValueChanged (int val) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0352     void contrastValueChanged (int val) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0353     void brightnessValueChanged (int val) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0354     void hueValueChanged (int val) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0355     void saturationValueChanged (int val) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0356     void sourceHasChangedAspects () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0357     void fullScreen () KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0358     void playListItemClicked (const QModelIndex &) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0359     void playListItemActivated (const QModelIndex &) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0360     void slotPlayingStarted ();
0361     void slotPlayingStopped ();
0362     void settingsChanged ();
0363     void audioSelected (QAction*) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0364     void subtitleSelected (QAction*) KDE_NO_EXPORT;
0365 protected:
0366     KUrl m_docbase;
0367     NodePtr m_record_doc;
0368     KSharedConfigPtr m_config;
0369     QPointer <View> m_view;
0370     QMap <QString, QString> temp_backends;
0371     Settings *m_settings;
0372     MediaManager *m_media_manager;
0373     PlayModel *m_play_model;
0374     Source * m_source;
0375     QMap <QString, Source *> m_sources;
0376     KBookmarkManager * m_bookmark_manager;
0377     BookmarkOwner * m_bookmark_owner;
0378     KBookmarkMenu * m_bookmark_menu;
0379     int m_update_tree_timer;
0380     int m_rec_timer;
0381     bool m_noresize : 1;
0382     bool m_auto_controls : 1;
0383     bool m_use_slave : 1;
0384     bool m_bPosSliderPressed : 1;
0385     bool m_in_update_tree : 1;
0386     bool m_update_tree_full : 1;
0387 };
0389 } // namespace
0391 #endif