File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 15:38:10

0001 /**
0002  * Copyright (C) 2005 by Koos Vriezen <>
0003  *
0004  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0005  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
0006  * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
0007  *
0008  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0009  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0011  * Library General Public License for more details.
0012  *
0013  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
0014  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
0015  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor,
0016  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0017  **/
0019 #include "config-kmplayer.h"
0020 #include <kdebug.h>
0021 #include "kmplayer_rss.h"
0022 #include "kmplayer_atom.h"
0024 using namespace KMPlayer;
0026 KDE_NO_EXPORT Node *RSS::Rss::childFromTag (const QString & tag) {
0027     if (!strcmp (tag.toLatin1 ().constData (), "channel"))
0028         return new RSS::Channel (m_doc);
0029     return 0L;
0030 }
0032 void *RSS::Rss::role (RoleType msg, void *content)
0033 {
0034     if (RolePlaylist == msg)
0035         return NULL;
0036     return Element::role (msg, content);
0037 }
0039 KDE_NO_EXPORT Node *RSS::Channel::childFromTag (const QString & tag) {
0040     QByteArray ba = tag.toLatin1 ();
0041     const char *ctag = ba.constData ();
0042     if (!strcmp (ctag, "item"))
0043         return new RSS::Item (m_doc);
0044     else if (!strcmp (ctag, "title"))
0045         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_title);
0046     else if (!strncmp (ctag, "itunes", 6) ||
0047             !strncmp (ctag, "media", 5))
0048         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_ignored);
0049     return 0L;
0050 }
0052 KDE_NO_EXPORT void RSS::Channel::closed () {
0053     for (Node *c = firstChild (); c; c = c->nextSibling ())
0054         if (c->id == id_node_title) {
0055             title = c->innerText ().simplified ();
0056             break;
0057         }
0058     Element::closed ();
0059 }
0061 void *RSS::Channel::role (RoleType msg, void *content)
0062 {
0063     if (RolePlaylist == msg)
0064         return !title.isEmpty () || //return false if no title and only one
0065             previousSibling () || nextSibling () ? (PlaylistRole *) this : NULL;
0066     return Element::role (msg, content);
0067 }
0069 KDE_NO_EXPORT Node *RSS::Item::childFromTag (const QString & tag) {
0070     QByteArray ba = tag.toLatin1 ();
0071     const char *ctag = ba.constData ();
0072     if (!strcmp (ctag, "enclosure"))
0073         return new RSS::Enclosure (m_doc);
0074     else if (!strcmp (ctag, "title"))
0075         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_title);
0076     else if (!strcmp (ctag, "description"))
0077         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_description);
0078     else if (!strcmp (ctag, "category"))
0079         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_category);
0080     else if (!strcmp (ctag, "media:group"))
0081         return new ATOM::MediaGroup (m_doc);
0082     else if (!strcmp (ctag, "media:thumbnail"))
0083         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_thumbnail);
0084     else if (!strncmp (ctag, "itunes", 6) ||
0085             !strncmp (ctag, "feedburner", 10) ||
0086             !strcmp (ctag, "link") ||
0087             !strcmp (ctag, "pubDate") ||
0088             !strcmp (ctag, "guid") ||
0089             !strncmp (ctag, "media", 5))
0090         return new DarkNode (m_doc, ctag, id_node_ignored);
0091     return 0L;
0092 }
0094 KDE_NO_EXPORT void RSS::Item::closed () {
0095     if (!summary_added) {
0096         ATOM::MediaGroup *group = NULL;
0097         Enclosure *enclosure = NULL;
0098         QString description;
0099         QString thumbnail;
0100         int width = 0, height = 0;
0101         for (Node *c = firstChild (); c; c = c->nextSibling ()) {
0102             switch (c->id) {
0103                 case id_node_title:
0104                     title = c->innerText ().simplified ();
0105                     break;
0106                 case id_node_enclosure:
0107                     enclosure = static_cast <Enclosure *> (c);
0108                     break;
0109                 case id_node_description:
0110                     description = c->innerText ();
0111                     break;
0112                 case ATOM::id_node_media_group:
0113                     group = static_cast <ATOM::MediaGroup *> (c);
0114                     break;
0115                 case id_node_thumbnail:
0116                     thumbnail = static_cast<Element*>(c)->getAttribute(Ids::attr_url);
0117                     width = static_cast<Element*>(c)->getAttribute(Ids::attr_width).toInt();
0118                     height = static_cast<Element*>(c)->getAttribute(Ids::attr_height).toInt();
0119                     break;
0120             }
0121         }
0122         if (group)
0123             group->addSummary (this, NULL, title, description, thumbnail, width, height);
0124         if (enclosure) {
0125             enclosure->setCaption (title);
0126             enclosure->description = description;
0127         }
0128         summary_added = true;
0129     }
0130     Element::closed ();
0131 }
0133 KDE_NO_EXPORT void RSS::Enclosure::activate () {
0134     document ()->message (MsgInfoString, &description);
0135     Mrl::activate ();
0136 }
0138 KDE_NO_EXPORT void RSS::Enclosure::deactivate () {
0139     document ()->message (MsgInfoString, NULL);
0140     Mrl::deactivate ();
0141 }
0143 KDE_NO_EXPORT void RSS::Enclosure::closed () {
0144     src = getAttribute (Ids::attr_url);
0145     Mrl::closed ();
0146 }