File indexing completed on 2024-04-21 04:52:23

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Nicolas Carion
0003     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0004 */
0006 #pragma once
0008 #include <QMutex>
0009 #include <QTabWidget>
0010 #include <memory>
0012 class TimelineWidget;
0013 class TimelineItemModel;
0014 class AssetParameterModel;
0015 class EffectStackModel;
0016 class MonitorProxy;
0017 class QMenu;
0019 /** @class TimelineContainer
0020     @brief This is a class that extends QTabWidget to provide additional functionality related to timeline tabs
0021  */
0022 class TimelineContainer : public QWidget
0023 {
0025 public:
0026     TimelineContainer(QWidget *parent);
0028 protected:
0029     QSize sizeHint() const override;
0030 };
0032 class TimelineTabs : public QTabWidget
0033 {
0034     Q_OBJECT
0036 public:
0037     /** @brief Construct the tabs as well as the widget for the main timeline */
0038     TimelineTabs(QWidget *parent);
0039     ~TimelineTabs() override;
0041     /** @brief Returns a pointer to the current timeline */
0042     TimelineWidget *getCurrentTimeline() const;
0043     /** @brief Activate a timeline tab by uuid */
0044     bool raiseTimeline(const QUuid &uuid);
0045     void disconnectTimeline(TimelineWidget *timeline);
0046     /** @brief Do some closing stuff on timelinewidgets */
0047     void closeTimelines();
0048     /** @brief Store timeline menus */
0049     void setTimelineMenu(QMenu *compositionMenu, QMenu *timelineMenu, QMenu *guideMenu, QMenu *timelineRulerMenu, QAction *editGuideAction, QMenu *headerMenu,
0050                          QMenu *thumbsMenu, QMenu *subtitleClipMenu);
0051     /** @brief Mark a tab as modified */
0052     void setModified(const QUuid &uuid, bool modified);
0053     /** @brief Returns the uuid list for opened timeline tabs. */
0054     const QStringList openedSequences();
0055     /** @brief Get a timeline tab by uuid. */
0056     TimelineWidget *getTimeline(const QUuid uuid) const;
0057     /** @brief We display the current tab's name in window title if the tab bar is hidden
0058      */
0059     void updateWindowTitle();
0060     /** @brief Build the timeline clip menu with dynamic actions. */
0061     void buildClipMenu();
0063 protected:
0064     /** @brief Helper function to connect a timeline's signals/slots*/
0065     void connectTimeline(TimelineWidget *timeline);
0068     /** @brief Request repaint of audio thumbs
0069         This is an input signal, forwarded to the timelines
0070      */
0071     void audioThumbFormatChanged();
0073     /** @brief The parameter controlling whether we show video thumbnails has changed
0074         This is an input signal, forwarded to the timelines
0075     */
0076     void showThumbnailsChanged();
0078     /** @brief The parameter controlling whether we show audio thumbnails has changed
0079         This is an input signal, forwarded to the timelines
0080     */
0081     void showAudioThumbnailsChanged();
0083     /** @brief Change the level of zoom
0084         This is an input signal, forwarded to the timelines
0085      */
0086     void changeZoom(int value, bool zoomOnMouse);
0087     void fitZoom();
0088     /** @brief Requests that a given parameter model is displayed in the asset panel */
0089     void showTransitionModel(int tid, std::shared_ptr<AssetParameterModel>);
0090     /** @brief Requests that a given mix is displayed in the asset panel */
0091     void showMixModel(int cid, std::shared_ptr<AssetParameterModel>, bool refreshOnly);
0092     /** @brief Requests that a given effectstack model is displayed in the asset panel */
0093     void showItemEffectStack(const QString &clipName, std::shared_ptr<EffectStackModel>, QSize size, bool showKeyframes);
0094     void showSubtitle(int itemId);
0095     void updateAssetPosition(int itemId, const QUuid uuid);
0096     /** @brief Zoom level changed in timeline, update slider
0097      */
0098     void updateZoom(int);
0100 public Q_SLOTS:
0101     TimelineWidget *addTimeline(const QUuid uuid, const QString &tabName, std::shared_ptr<TimelineItemModel> timelineModel, MonitorProxy *proxy);
0102     void connectCurrent(int ix);
0103     void closeTimelineByIndex(int ix);
0104     void closeTimelineTab(const QUuid uuid);
0105     void renameTab(const QUuid &uuid, const QString &name);
0106     void slotNextSequence();
0107     void slotPreviousSequence();
0109 private Q_SLOTS:
0110     void onTabBarDoubleClicked(int index);
0112 private:
0113     TimelineWidget *m_activeTimeline;
0114     QMenu *m_timelineClipMenu{nullptr};
0115     QMenu *m_timelineCompositionMenu;
0116     QMenu *m_timelineMenu;
0117     QMenu *m_timelineRulerMenu;
0118     QMenu *m_guideMenu;
0119     QMenu *m_headerMenu;
0120     QMenu *m_thumbsMenu;
0121     QAction *m_editGuideAction;
0122     QMenu *m_timelineSubtitleClipMenu;
0123     QMutex m_lock;
0124 };