Warning, file /multimedia/kdenlive/src/profiles/profileinfo.cpp was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /*
0002    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Nicolas Carion
0003    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0004    This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org.
0005 */
0007 #include "profileinfo.hpp"
0008 #include <KLocalizedString>
0009 #include <mlt++/MltProfile.h>
0011 bool ProfileInfo::operator==(const ProfileInfo &other) const
0012 {
0013     if (!description().isEmpty() && other.description() == description()) {
0014         return true;
0015     }
0016     int fps = frame_rate_num() * 100 / frame_rate_den();
0017     int sar = sample_aspect_num() * 100 / sample_aspect_den();
0018     int dar = display_aspect_num() * 100 / display_aspect_den();
0019     return other.frame_rate_num() * 100 / other.frame_rate_den() == fps && other.width() == width() && other.height() == height() &&
0020            other.progressive() == progressive() && (progressive() ? true : other.bottom_field_first() == bottom_field_first()) &&
0021            other.sample_aspect_num() * 100 / other.sample_aspect_den() == sar && other.display_aspect_num() * 100 / other.display_aspect_den() == dar &&
0022            other.colorspace() == colorspace();
0023 }
0025 bool ProfileInfo::isCompatible(std::unique_ptr<ProfileInfo> &other) const
0026 {
0027     return frame_rate_num() * 100 / frame_rate_den() == other->frame_rate_num() * 100 / other->frame_rate_den();
0028 }
0030 bool ProfileInfo::isCompatible(Mlt::Profile *other) const
0031 {
0032     return frame_rate_num() * 100 / frame_rate_den() == other->frame_rate_num() * 100 / other->frame_rate_den();
0033 }
0035 QString ProfileInfo::colorspaceDescription() const
0036 {
0037     // TODO: should the descriptions be translated?
0038     switch (colorspace()) {
0039     case 601:
0040         return QStringLiteral("ITU-R 601");
0041     case 709:
0042         return QStringLiteral("ITU-R 709");
0043     case 240:
0044         return QStringLiteral("SMPTE240M");
0045     default:
0046         return i18n("Unknown");
0047     }
0048 }
0050 const QString ProfileInfo::descriptiveString() const
0051 {
0052     QString data = description();
0053     if (!data.isEmpty()) {
0054         data.append(QLatin1Char(' '));
0055     }
0056     QString fps_str;
0057     if (frame_rate_num() % frame_rate_den() == 0) {
0058         fps_str = QString::number(frame_rate_num() / frame_rate_den());
0059     } else {
0060         fps_str = QString::number(double(frame_rate_num()) / frame_rate_den(), 'f', 2);
0061     }
0062     data.append(QStringLiteral("(%1x%2, %3fps)").arg(width()).arg(height()).arg(fps_str));
0063     return data;
0064 }
0066 const QString ProfileInfo::dialogDescriptiveString() const
0067 {
0068     QString text;
0069     if (frame_rate_num() % frame_rate_den() == 0) {
0070         text = QString::number(frame_rate_num() / frame_rate_den());
0071     } else {
0072         text = QString::number(frame_rate_num() / frame_rate_den(), 'f', 2);
0073     }
0074     text.append(i18nc("frames per second", "fps"));
0075     if (!progressive()) {
0076         text.append(i18n(" interlaced"));
0077     }
0078     return text;
0079 }